Written in the Sky* Rise of the Wadjet Witch (16 page)

BOOK: Written in the Sky* Rise of the Wadjet Witch
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Was there anything in it? Did they take it?”
She pulled out the sheaf of papers and her necklace, and then realized that she had the strange purple rock with her. She sighed with relief. “No, no. They didn’t take anything. I mean, there were things in the box, but something told me to take them with me to meet Virgil. I was hoping he would tell me about them.”

You have the necklace, too?”

He looked though the papers. “And you have the book, but yours isn’t bound.”

I don’t understand the writings on them, or what this rock is made of.”

The papers hold secrets—your family’s history and anything they wished to pass on to you. Do you know anything about witchcraft?”

A little, from television and movies.” She was a scientist, for Christ’s sake.

Well, it’s comparable to a witch’s Book of Secrets, but it’s called a Sphinx Text and its knowledge is arcane. It’s a book of knowledge from higher beings who inspired the building of the pyramids and other architectural anomalies. In it is everything you need to know about your family’s history, and your powers. Ours was damaged, so we only have a few pages, but maybe yours will fill in the gaps.”

Can you read the symbols?”

No, but the stone can. Let me show you.”
This was so strange. This morning she never would have thought that she and Lawrence—er, Luri—would even grab a cup of coffee; now they were planning to use a magical stone to read a secret language.

Wait, can we go somewhere safer? What if whoever did this comes back? I think I should call the police. I also have to call my roommate and tell her what happened.”

You’re right. Let me call my sister; she’s a cop, and she might be able lend a hand.”
While he spoke with his sister, Memphis called the police in her area and then attempted to call Gemma but was directed to her voicemail. She left a message and marked it urgent.
It paid to have family on the force; the police were there in less than twenty minutes. Memphis went to answer the door.
She was surprised when she saw that it was the same woman who had been with Luri at Jill’s party. She recognized her long dark hair and skin. She had startling blue eyes like Luri’s—and now that she thought of it, they resembled her own.

Hello, I’m detective Gabriella
Tiresias , Lawrence’s sister. He said there was a burglary?” she said, breaking the ice.
Memphis was confused. “I thought you were twins.” Gabriella was black, no doubt about it.

We are.”
Lawrence came into the living room. “Hey, Gab! Thanks for coming. You’ve met Memphis before.”

I have?”

Yes, at my boss’s party.”

Oh, yes. She’s the one, huh?”

I’m the one what?”
Lawrence quickly changed the subject. “So, we need to file a report about the break-in, and then we need to take her home. She’ll be staying with us.”

She will?”

I will?”

Yup, she will. Hope you don’t mind Queens, ‘cause that’s where we’re going.”






After the other officers arrived and Memphis recounted what happened, they took Gabriella’s police car over the bridge to Queens. On the way there, Memphis received a detailed explanation of why Luri looked white and Gabriella looked black.

We just do,” they both said in response, expressing their lack patience for a question that they’ve been asked their entire lives
Aside from skin color, she could see their resemblance; they both had blue eyes and upturned noses, and Gabriella’s dimples also enjoyed a good game of peek-a-boo.
They arrived in front of a row of houses. Gabriella parked and they all got out and went into the last house. Upon entering through the side door, they walked down the hall directly into the kitchen. They found an older woman cooking in the kitchen. Whatever she was cooking smelled amazing; Memphis didn’t realize how hungry she was.

Just in time,” the woman said without turning around. There were already four place settings on the table.

How did you know we were coming, Aunt C?” Luri asked sitting down.

Of course she knew, dummy. She knows everything.” Gabriella sat across from him.
Claudia brought over bowls of pasta and sauce to the table. She placed them next to a basket of bread and then looked Memphis directly in the eyes. She smiled in recognition, and Memphis realized she’d seen her before. She was the Gypsy who approached her about Jonathan!

You tried to take my wallet!” Memphis blurted out. Lawrence and Gabriella exchanged a look of embarrassment.
Claudia simply laughed. She was a round woman with button eyes. She sat down next to Gabriella, leaving the seat next to Lawrence available.

Well my dear, will you be joining us?” They all looked up at her. “I made your favorite, pasta and vodka sauce.”
Memphis sat down, her hunger taking over.
Dinner was not filled with small talk. Claudia explained that she was just trying to get close to her by reading her fortune. She didn’t work as a fortune-teller—she sold jewelry at a little stand in Soho—but she was drawn to Memphis when she saw her walk by, though they never met. “You have the same energy as my two angels here.” She smiled and Memphis instantly warmed up to her. She was a loving aunt; she only played the crooked Gypsy role to hide the fact she had been following Memphis.She suddenly felt the urge to tell them everything, including why she freaked out when she saw the mug shot of the murdered woman.

It’s not your fault. The people who are committing these crimes are sick,” Gabriella comforted her.

Yeah, we actually know who’s doing this. Well, we sort of know who is.” Lawrence told her.

What do you mean?”

It’s a cult; they’re called The Seventy-Two. Are you familiar with the story of the Egyptian gods Osiris and Seth?

Yes, actually, I am.” She thought about Virgil. She would have to tell them about him—maybe set up a meeting.

Great.” Gabriella looked impressed. “Well, when Seth planned to kill Osiris, he had seventy-two evil accomplices. They were witches who helped Seth keep watch over his enemies—those who wished to bring peace. They would have them killed before they could succeed. They had the gift of foresight and would cast spells or create poisonous potions. It was a constant battle. These people claim to be the descendants of the Seventy-Two. We’re not sure about that, but they are definitely followers.”

That is insane.”

Yes, cults will do that to you.”

So these people are here killing?”

We don’t believe the entire sect is present in New York. Lawrence has only been able to picture one man; he reflected the image here and we used the crystal ball to produce a police sketch.”

Wow, you actually use the crystal ball?” She looked at Lawrence. He winked at her, causing her to blush. She caught Claudia giving them a knowing look.

Yes,” Gabriella continued. “We’ve scoured the mug shots and have been canvassing.”

Gabriella received word from her precinct that a suspect matching his description was spotted in the Upper West Side the night of Jill’s party; that’s why we had to leave.” He looked directly into her eyes, willing her to know that he didn’t leave by choice.
Memphis broke eye contact and instead turned to Claudia. “Did you know my parents? The Quasars?”

No, my dear; I’m sorry, but I did not. My sister would tell me only so much.” She gave her a sad smile. She paused and looked as if she made an internal decision to tell her more. “But you know there were others. You’re not alone. You have—”

Someone has activated your nodes,” Gabriella suddenly blurted out, interrupting Claudia and distracting Memphis.

I’m sorry?” Memphis frowned.

Your eyes are turning blue.”

Yes, I’ve noticed that. I didn’t know why. My eyes have always been hazel.” Or the color of dog poo, her green-eyed foster sister Stephanie used to tease her.

Mine were brown,” Gabriella said.

Mine were brown, too,” Luri informed her, standing up. “I think it’s time we used the amenti.”

She has an amenti rock?” Gabriella also got up from the table.

Yes, she does,” Claudia answered.

Well, let’s get to it.”
While Luri and Gabriella went to get supplies, Claudia explained what Gabriella meant when she referred to her nodes. “As I’ve stated before, I only know what my sister told me, but there are more like you.”

Is that what you meant when you said that I wasn’t alone?”
Claudia hesitated before nodding. For some reason Memphis didn’t believe her, and Claudia began to feed her information as if to distract her. Memphis was so hungry for any knowledge of her past that she allowed her.

You children are special, created with the Gods in mind. You are filled with their essence—Star Essence. The universe is literally inside of you. Fourteen star children were born in 1977 and fourteen more in 1988. I don’t know the significance of those years, but when you reach the age of fourteen, a ceremony is performed. My sister was a gifted seer and she knew that she wouldn’t be here to initiate her children, so she showed me how.

During the ceremony, which is called The Fourteen at Fourteen, the lunar nodes are activated. They are the equivalent of the Chakras to which most yogis or other spiritual workers refer. They are repositories of psychic energies, and they govern the whole condition of your being.”

I’m familiar with Chakras. Every human has them.”

True, but your nodes are more complicated; they are activated by your Star Essence. As the Star Essence reaches each lunar node, its energies are molded into the essence. This ascent through the nodes can be viewed as an upward journey through the self, which refines and subtilizes the energy of the Star Essence until it reaches the Wadjet Eye. A qualitative change has taken place.”

Wadjet Eye—it’s a symbol of protection.”

Yes, you children were born to protect us. Your family members were divine leaders of the section.”

My family was divine?”

Well, yes, they were chosen, and they lived on different plane of existence than we do.”

What do you mean? Wait—is that why Luri hasn’t been able to find our home?”

Yes, it is. There are seven planes of existence, the lowest being the physical plane. This is the plane of the material-superficial world in which most of us find ourselves trapped and unable to transcend carnal desires. The seven planes are associated with the seven nodes located in the body, from the torso to the top of the dome, or the head. These are vital centers, where electromagnetic waves resonate throughout the upper portions of the body. The sixth node is the Wadjet Eye, like the human Third Eye, which is located between the eyebrows.”
Gabriella and Lawrence walked into the room as she was speaking. “This is why The Seventy-Two has been killing women,” Gabriella explained. “They believe that these women have the gift and they wish to absorb it. They perform a ceremony; the blood of the Third Eye is drawn and mixed with pomegranate, acacia, and shavings from the amenti stone in order to create magical ink for a Patuag—a magical tattoo. It’s almost like a nicotine patch for Wadjet magick.”

That is taking getting inked to a whole new level.”

I know. It’s sad, really. Those girls who died—they may not have even had the Sight, but were killed because of the Seventy-Two’s evil beliefs.”

Well, now that we have Memphis on our side, we will definitely be able to stop them,” Lawrence chimed in. “You wouldn’t believe her powers. She nearly tore off my arm with her mental strength. She would kill it in an arm wrestling match.”

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