Written in the Sky* Rise of the Wadjet Witch (22 page)

BOOK: Written in the Sky* Rise of the Wadjet Witch
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She felt herself going through the orange energy, and it remained with her as she entered Venus’s green light. She felt magnetic and heavy; she almost thought she wouldn’t make it to Mars. Finally at Mars, she felt stimulated and primal. This time she was certain that she would not only reach her center, but she would Rise.
She rushed toward the purple haze of Jupiter; its peaceful vibe calmed her. She fell through Jupiter to Saturn and then arose in the bright blue stream from Uranus; she had entered the outer realm. The planets Uranus and Neptune , they were the true managers of her psychic powers,.
She bowed down to them and then jumped into Pluto’s realm. She felt so light. She looked at her hands; they were no longer solid. She was disintegrating. She was no longer Memphis. She was a star child; her parents were the planets, and she was home. She became nothing.
When she awoke, she saw everyone standing above her. She smiled at them. Her Rise was amazing, and she finally knew her purpose on Earth.
They didn’t smile back.
What was wrong? Did she actually grow a third eye?
She sat up. “What happened?” She self-consciously touched her forehead.

Cairo is gone. He returned but dematerialized before you awoke. We jumped on you to ground you and keep it from happening to you,” Virgil explained.

Dematerialized?” Where could he have gone? She suddenly felt him reach out to her. “The Seventy-Two—they took him. They will use him to find the Secret Text and bring forth The Eye of Ra,” she relayed to them.
Sarai shook her head. “I was afraid of that. We have to go home and prepare. We have to save him and find the Text before they do.”

All right. So, we’re going back to your loft?” Memphis had to get out of the itchy robe and find her twin.

No, I said
,” Sarai corrected her, taking her by the shoulders. She then turned to Virgil, Lawrence, and Gabriella. “We have to return to Zarzora. We’ll leave tonight.”


About the Author


Juliet C. Obodo is an author of inspirational travel guides and fantasy fiction. This is her first novel and the first book in the
Written in the Sky
Writer’s Retreat
inspirational travel series for New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago are available electronically and in print.
For more information on her travels and upcoming projects follow her blog Traveling*Indie*Writer*Chick at


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