Wrong Kind of Love (17 page)

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Authors: Nichol-Louise Andrews

BOOK: Wrong Kind of Love
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I know I

m sorry father.”

Sorry aint good enough. Now you

ve got yourself and your girl in a right predicament. You need to stay together and stay inside if you have to go out go very local and be vigilant, keep your eye on everything and keep that fucking gun at your side as if it were a second skin. Do you hear what I

m saying?”

Yeah father I hear what your saying.”


ll be there the morning after next” his fathers voice was flat no emotion that

s were Lucas got his personality from his father it was not right for a mafia man to show emotion to anyone, friends, lovers and especially family, emotions made you weak and vulnerable, an easy target. Valentino hung up on his son. Lucas stood there he felt as if he had let his father down by showing his feeling for Amelia and letting them ruin his job. He peered into the living room, Amelia was sat hunched up on the sofa rocking back and forth, today

s antics must of frightened her half to death. He walked over to her and sat next to her she was shaking and crying uncontrollably, she was scratching at her skin making it raw and bleed, Lucas grabbed her hands so she wasn

t able to do more harm on her body.

Amelia stop. What are you doing this is not going to make you feel better. Look at what your doing to yourself, your hurting yourself. This is my fault hurt me” she looked up at him.


d you have to tell me Lucas why couldn

t you of left it alone?”

I love you I thought you needed to know who I was the real me faults n all”

Faults n all? Faults are like leaving the toilet seat up, changing the channel on the TV every few mins not fucking killing people for a living you

re a murderer how can you try and justify that?”

I do what I do. I was brought up like this, this is my way of life and those people you say I murdered they were scum Amelia they were all plotting to kill me to hurt my family ruin our business.”

What do you mean they were all trying to kill you, who

s all? There

s more” she pulled her hands away from him and starting scratching at her skin again.

You know what Amelia you

re a big girl now if you want to pretend that life is all fucking roses and clouds then go ahead, if the only way you can block out that your family fucking had you raped is by causing yourself harm then fine. I love you and I don

t want you to hurt yourself but it seems you

ve stopped loving me so carry on.” he got up off the sofa and walked away from Amelia he left the room and went into the bedroom, pulled off his shirt and sat on the bed, head in his hands. Amelia had followed him in, she sat behind him on the bed and placed her hands on his shoulders, she kissed his neck.


m sorry” she whispered “It

s a lot to take in in just one day. Can I see it?” she asked. He pulled her round so she was sat on his lap, her legs wrapped around his waist.

See what?”

Your gun?” she smiled, he kissed her softly. Amelia was starting to relax around him, she seemed to adapt well considering.

Really?” he asked cautiously, she nodded, he reached over to his bedside drawer and pulled the gun out emptying it of ammo. He held it in his hand as she reached to touch it, her hand hovered over the gun for a second. “Its ok, it

s not loaded” she placed her hand on the gun and put her finger on the trigger.


s heavier then I thought it would be.”

You like it?”

I dunno I guess. Would I be wrong to say it was kind of I dunno sexy?” Lucas cocked his head and smiled “You think I

m crazy now right. Thinking a gun was sexy. I do. I

ve never really seen one before, holding it makes me feel..” she paused, kissing Lucas

s neck “Powerful. I

m strangely turned on by it” she kissed his neck again, he stood up her legs still wrapped around his waist and he turned round and laid her on the bed. Lucas slowly unbuttoned her shirt revealing a black lace bra, he kissed every inch of her chest, he shrugged out of his jeans slid her panties to one side and entered her, they made love, the gun still in Amelia

s hand.


Chapter Twenty

I love you” Amelia smiled, her face looking at his, lying on the pillow next to her.

I love you too. Your kinda unique Amelia, getting all turned on by a gun. Hey I aint complaining I love making love to you, I was just surprised that

s all”

Me too. So whats with the pit bull” she asked looking at the gun which she still had hold of, she ran her fingers over the pit bull drawing, ran her fingers across his tattoo and looked up at Lucas.


s my nickname my father calls me his pit bull, it was hand made for me so he thought it would be even more personalised by having my own unique picture I guess.”

Tell me what it was like, growing up as mafia. I want to understand why someone so young is brought up in a world of crime and violence.”

Mafia is really no big deal, its something your born into like an inheritance. All it is really is a close-knit or influential group of people who work together and protect each another's interests or the interests of one person which in this case is my father its mainly a secret organization. It started in Sicily, that

s where my Great Grandfather came from he came over to the States to avoid the Sicilian Mafia he was exiled from Scilly kind of like being banished, really he was part of a huge up roar throughout the Sicilian Mafia and so came to the States to start up his own commission. He died shortly after moving here but his son my Grandfather was old enough to carry on the family business it grew and grew and every Mafia family knew the Valentino name especially when my father took over he would not stand for anything, he made the family name, he made it a strong name and people knew not to mess with the Valentino


Whats a commission?”

A commission, it

s a Sicilian word, it means a body of leading mafia members who get together to discuss topics at hand and to decide on a members actions and how to settle disputes”

Oh right, like in The Godfather” Lucas laughed.

Yeah kind of”

So why does your father refer to you as his pit bull?”

You ask a lot of questions, that

s not always a good thing you know” he laughed.

I know sorry, I was just curious sorry.”


t apologise it

s fine I don

t mind answering them”

You sure?”

Ah ha yeah no problem just as long as you know that you cant tell anyone I mean don

t go telling a soul that your in love with a mafia boy that will just cause a whole load of trouble you know.” she nodded. ”From such an early age I was brought up how to stand my own ground, not to take shit from anyone. I was trained to use a gun from five years old”

Five years old is that even legal” Lucas just looked at her “Ok yeah scrap that none of it is legal I know.”

Yeah exactly. So I was trained to use a gun from five and along the years i was trained to be a top notch marksman trained not to miss a shot or at least try n make each bullet count you know cause as much damage as I could. I was home schooled by New York

s best that

s why I don

t take an interest in school I

m too advanced for it all. My father, he

s a great man powerful and feared by all me included. The reason he calls me his pit bull is because I was trained like one if I did good I was rewarded if I did wrong I had the shit beaten out of me, I

ve had so many broken bones I

ve lost count. We had pit bulls too, two of them mean fuckers they were they

d bite you soon as look at you they were called Vito and Zancoon they liked me they would really I was treated like them” he laughed.

Jesus it sounds like you had it rough babe” she stroked his face with her hand, they were still laid in bed facing each other. “So what about your mother or brothers and sisters? They didn

t beat on you too did they?”

No, mafia women don

t fight. They cook and look pretty and make babies. I have two sisters they were in boarding schools while I was growing up both are now married and have popped out a couple of kids. My mother was a doll she cared for me, nursed me when I was ill, came to my need when ever I needed her but there was no bond you know what I mean she loved me and I of course loved her but the bond was never proper. She wasn

t my real mother, my real mother was a just some skirt that my dad had an affair with. My mother couldn

t carry boys and of course every mafia man wants a boy to take over the business but coz she couldn

t have boys my father strayed not unusual men do its expected, he only ever loved my mother though.”

And what about your biological mother do you see her?”

No she died in labour, complications at birth”

Is that the real reason?”

Yeah not all deaths in mafia are sinister you know” he laughed.

Ok no need to mock me.” she laughed back.

Sorry like I say you are easy to mock” he shuffled forward in the bed and kissed Amelia “You know if we ever got married I would treat you like an angel, a princess.”

You think we

ll get married?”

Maybe some day if you wanted to do so?” he smiled.

Maybe yeah I would. I think I

d be honoured too I think.”

You think?”

Well yeah I

m not swayed yet on the idea of your infidelity and maybe my unexplained death”


t be silly I would never cheat on you I love you why would I need another woman when your all I want and all I ever want I promise and you would never have an unexplained death, nobody would touch you except me and that would only be a touch of love, I could never hurt you. Ever.”

Well good I

m glad” she smiled kissing him “Your quite protective over me aren

t you.”

Well yeah you

re my angel I

d rather die then anything happen to you. So tell me how did you come to live with the O


s?” Amelia rolled her eyes and laid on her back, she pulled the covers around her and frowned.

How did I come to live with the O


s well that would be my mothers fault. My mother had a thing with this dead beat guy he used to knock her around a lot, steal from her shit like that anyway one day he takes off and leave my mother alone with me I was only young. She worked in this dinner waitressing it didn

t pay big but it was enough for us to get by on then one day these men came and started leaving good tips well nothing huge like twenty, thirty dollars which was a hell of a lot for her. She used to tell me how this one guy out of the five men that came in was real nice, used to bring her flowers after a few weeks flirting he asked her out, he wined her and dined her made her feel like a real lady. They fell in love yada yada yada, got married and that

s it really, that

s how I came to live there. Of course Vinnie was never big on me, he wanted to send me to a boarding school he wasn

t really a kid guy always said I was in the way. I wasn

t bothered I wasn

t really fond of him he creeped me out guess now I know why.”

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