You and I Alone (17 page)

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Authors: Melissa Toppen

Tags: #Romance, #dancer, #playboy, #Erotica

BOOK: You and I Alone
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              “Not cool Lo.” I shake my head at her. “It's bad enough that he owns the place. Now I have to deal with him interfering with my dances? Throwing people out because they touch my leg? Certainly not.” I say, realizing how stupid it sounds saying it out loud. “That's a jealous act and men like Bentley Reed don't get jealous over girls like me.”

              “Girls like you?” She questions, cocking her head to the side. “Think what you want girl but I am telling you, that man is under your spell and what's worse, you don't even see it.” She says, her gaze turning serious.

              I won't deny the rush that floods through my veins at the thought of Bentley being bothered by another man touching me. While it baffles me, it also sends a thrill rushing through my blood stream. To think that I would hold any type of power over a man like him is ridiculous and yet, I am quickly learning that Bentley Reed can surprise me in more ways than one.

              “All the more reason why I need to return the ticket and the dress as soon as possible.” I say, looking from Lo to the box sitting next to my door and then back to Lo.

              “Are you sure you want to do that? I mean, aren't you even a little curious as to what would happen?” She asks, voicing the very thing that had ran through my head on constant repeat while I tossed and turned in bed last night.

              “No. I need to return the items and then get the hell away from here for a few days.” I say, pushing myself into a stand and crossing the room to retrieve my jeans from the floor. Visiting Andrea in Vermont could not have come at a better time. A few days away will be just what I need to clear my head.

              “Okay. If you're sure.” She says, pouting out her lower lip.

              “Don't give me that look. Now are you coming with me or not?” I ask, throwing on my fitted t-shirt and retrieving my shoes from the corner.

              “Why not just give it to him now?” She asks, raising her eyebrows at me.

              “Because he left.” I say, sighing loudly. “Now. Are you coming?” I ask again, turning to face her head on.

              “Um. Duh.” She laughs, pushing herself out of her chair and quickly exiting my room to go get changed.



















Chapter Seventeen






“This can't be it.” I sigh, looking at the GPS on my phone and then back up to the old style townhouse sitting to my right.

              “5215. See.” Lo says, pointing to the house numbers displayed just above the front entrance. I look at the number and then back down at my phone, still convinced that somehow there has been a mistake.

              “This just doesn't seem like a place Bentley would live.” I say, taking in the worn down strip of town homes that line the street just on the edge of the city. It's not that there is anything wrong with the place, it seems pretty nice for the most part. It just doesn't seem like a place a man like Bentley Reed would inhabit.

              “Well this is the address. Are you coming?” She asks, pushing open the passenger side door of my car, an awful squeak echoing through the night air as she does. Grabbing the box from the back seat, she pushes the door closed with her hip and then waits for me to join her on the sidewalk.

              “What if he's here? If he really does own this place, and we know he's in Chicago....” I trail off, following her hesitantly up the five step stone walkway to the dark wood front door that has a large window covered by some type of curtain, eliminating the ability to see inside.

              “That's why I am here. Just tell him you can't go, give him the package and then we will leave.” I don't respond to her words but I am having a hard time believing it would be that easy. “Or we could just leave it here instead.” She suggests, gesturing to the top step we are currently standing on.

              “It's far too expensive to just leave out here. It would probably be stolen.” I say, turning to face her, mentally kicking myself for not thinking this all the way through.

              “Then it's settled.” She says, reaching up and tapping lightly on the front door before I have a chance to stop her.

              “Lo.” I hiss. “It's three o'clock in the morning. What if someone other than Bentley lives here?”

              “And.” She says, like three o'clock is a perfectly acceptable time to knock on someone's door. Seconds tick by at a snails pace and yet, we continue to stand outside of the home in darkness.  Lo knocks again, this time even harder and still, nothing.

              “Okay, well this was stupid.” I say, turning around, fully prepared to walk away and figure out another avenue of returning the items. I make it about half way down the stone staircase when the porch light kicks on shrouding us in a dim yellow light. My breath catches in my throat as I turn back just in time to see the curtain covering the window in the door move slightly.

              Before I have a chance to really react, the door creaks open and a woman, maybe in her late fifties, appears in the doorway, wrapped in a cream colored robe. Her sandy blonde hair hangs to her shoulders and shows signs that she was most definitely in bed. Of course she was in bed. Who in the hell waits up expecting house guests in the middle of the night?

              “Can I help you?” She asks, looking to Lo and then to me and then back to Lo.

              “We are so sorry to bother you so late.” Lo speaks, her voice even and friendly. Thank goodness she is with me. Lord knows I would be a blabbering mess trying to explain the situation to the lady. “We are looking for Bentley Reed. Does he live here?” She asks.

              “I'm sorry but he's not here.” She says, not the least bit surprised by the name which is an immediate indication that she knows exactly who Bentley is. Turning the rest of the way to face her, I climb the two steps and take my spot next to Lo, finally getting a really good view of the woman in front of us. There is something so familiar about her and yet, I can't quite put my finger on it. Her features are soft and even though the wrinkle of her skin shows her age, she is still incredibly beautiful.

              “Is there something I can do for you?” She asks, not seeming the least bit annoyed by our intrusion.

              “He sent my friend this gift and unfortunately she is unable to accept it. We were hoping to return it to him. Do you expect to see him anytime soon?” Lo asks, making me feel like a small child at her side. I should be the one talking, not standing at her side in complete silence like I am incapable of speaking for myself.

              “I do actually.” She says, a warm smile pulling up the corners of her mouth, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes crinkling as she does. “I would be happy to give it to him if that's what you need.” She says, holding her hands out to Lo who immediately sets the box in her hands. Turning slightly, the woman sets the box just inside the door and then turns to face us again.

              “Is there anything else I can do for you ladies?” She asks, for the first time meeting my eyes. Like a punch to the gut, all the wind leaves my lungs when the crisp blue of her eyes settles on mine, matching Bentley's eyes perfectly. Like a light bulb flipping on, I immediately realize she must be family. But who? His mom? An aunt maybe?

              “No. Thank you so much.” I finally find my words. “We are so sorry again for disturbing you.” I say, backing away from the door.

              “That's quite all right dear.” She says, nodding at both of us before stepping back and closing the door, the sound of the lock clicking in place immediately following.

              “Well she was super sweet.” Lo says, turning from the door and following me down the stairs as I practically run to my car and peel open the drivers side door, ducking inside as quickly as possible.

              Lo takes her time getting in and then hits me with a confused look when she realizes my panicked reaction. “What is with you?”

              “Do you have any idea who that was?” I ask, looking at her like she has to be blind not to see it.

              “Should I?” She asks, shaking her head at me in confusion.

              “Jesus Lo, I think she was related to him.” I exhale loudly, dropping my head back on the head rest.

              “Seriously?” She turns towards me. “How could you tell?”

              “The eyes.” I say, looking out of the front windshield. “I knew the moment we made eye contact. Fucking perfect. Not only did I return the gift he sent me. But I returned it to a woman who is probably his mother, at three o'clock in the morning!” I exclaim, covering my hands with my face.

              “I thought she was a housekeeper.” Lo immediately begins laughing.

              “Why is this funny to you. We just disturbed her
in the middle of the night like teenage hooligans. We will be lucky if he doesn't fire us both.”

              “Relax.” Lo says, reaching across the console to squeeze my hand that is currently gripping the steering wheel. “I don't know why you are so worked up about this. We returned it. It's done. She was super sweet about it. I doubt she will even mention what time we were here.”

              “You don't think it is totally invasive of his personal life that we came here?” I ask, gaping at her in disbelief.

              “I think you are way closer to the situation than me and maybe thinking a little too much into the repercussions of a harmless act. You wanted to return the dress, you did. Tomorrow you will be on your way to Vermont and this whole situation will have blown over by the time you return.”

              “You're right.” I take a deep breath, realizing just how much I am overreacting to the situation. “It's not like I plan to ever see the woman again, so if she thinks I am crazy, I guess that's okay.” I laugh to myself.

              “I can't believe his mother would live there anyways.” She says, looking back to the townhouse. “You would think with as much money as that man has, she would live in a mansion somewhere.”

              “Maybe she doesn't want his money or hell, maybe that's not even her.” I say on a shrug. Lo laughs, turning back towards me.

              “Come on, let's get out of here. I will buy you a milkshake.” She smiles widely at me and I can't help but immediately laugh.

              “Deal.” I say, pulling out into the street and heading in the direction of our favorite twenty-four hour diner.




              By the time my flight lands in Vermont, I have done my best to push last night's little incident to the back of my mind. I need to use my four days away to cleanse myself of the entire situation and hopefully find some peace within my chaotic mind.

              “Anna!” I hear a familiar voice squeal as I exit the terminal into the crowded airport. “Anna.” I hear again before I finally spot Andrea practically running towards me. “Oh my God, I am so glad you are here.” She sings, pulling me into a tight squeeze.

              “Me too.” I say, stepping out of her embrace to get a good look at her. It's only been a month since she left and yet, it feels like it's been years since I have seen her. Her dark hair seems longer, if that's possible. And her olive skin has the perfect bronze from days of laying in the sun no doubt. Add on the white sundress and matching sandals and Andrea looks every bit of a man's wet dream. “You look incredible.” I say, slinging my carry on bag over my shoulder as Andrea leads me away from the terminal to collect my suitcase.

              “Are you kidding? I have eaten more junk in the last four weeks then I think I did our entire Junior year. I am fairly certain that by the time I return to school I will have to buy a whole new wardrobe.” She groans.

              “Life is just so hard for you.” I shake my head at her. “You poor thing. Whatever am I going to do with you?”

              “Well, I could really use a wing man. Well, wing woman.” She laughs, giving me her best pretty please smile.

              “As if you actually need my help.” I roll my eyes at her, grabbing my suitcase from the belt. “But for once, I'll bite.” I say, following her through the airport, weaving in and out of the various people coming and going.

              “Just wait. There are so many hot guys everywhere, you will barely be able to contain yourself. It's far too much of a selection for just one person. I need help narrowing down my prospects.” She says, smiling widely when I burst into laughter.

              “You drug me all the way to Vermont so that I could help you pick out a summer fling?” I ask, laughing through my disbelief.

              “I classify that as a much needed reason for my best friend to be here, yes.” She says, faking offense. “Besides, maybe you can have a little fun while you're here. From the look of those bags under your eyes, you need it.” She says, giving me a wink as we step out into the warm Vermont sun.

              Climbing into the back of Andrea's parent's town car, I power on my phone for the first time since leaving Chicago, honestly a bit surprised that I have no messages and no missed calls. I don't know why but I thought for sure Bentley would have called by now.

              “What's wrong?” Andrea asks from the seat next to me, watching my face as I stare at my phone.

              “Nothing.” I say, giving her smile as I lock my phone and drop it into my bag. “I am just ready to spend the next four days pool side with my bestie.” I say, throwing her a smile.

              The ride is spent listening to Andrea go on and on about her parents and how horrible her summer has been up to this point. While I love this girl more than anything, she has a knack for the dramatics. Luckily, living with her for three years has given me a clear insight into how to handle this. Nod my head and pretend like I agree with every word she says. I laugh at the appropriate parts, gasp when necessary and then reassure her that life could be much worse than having rich parents that you think are crazy.

              I am fairly certain most people probably think their parents are bonkers but then again, I wouldn't know that for sure. My grandma passed away before I had a chance to think she was anything other than the perfect sweet old woman I remember. And Patty, well I was just so thankful when she took me in, I could never feel anything but gratitude towards her.

              By the time we arrive at the private beach resort just off of Lake Champlain, I have all but forgotten about my life in Chicago. Andrea has a way of pulling me out of my own mind and distracting me with all her nonsense. I think that's one of the reasons I love her so much.

              “Here we are.” She sings, just as the driver puts the car in park. Peering out of the tinted window, I immediately gasp at the beautiful scenery in front of me. Stone paths lined with beautiful tree lights lead to various private homes scattered throughout the amazing green space. Fountains, flowers and beautifully kept trees fill in the area and give it the perfect elegant feel without being too overdone.

              Climbing out of the backseat, I immediately see a club house directly to our right overseeing the lake and mountains which I bet is breathtaking at night. Behind the club house is a large underground pool surrounded by lounge chairs and from where I am standing, I can see at least three separate hot tubs and an outdoor bar.

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