You & Me Make Three: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Three (14 page)

BOOK: You & Me Make Three: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Three
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“There you are.”

Shaun’s husky voice startled her. As she tried to sit back up, she lost her balance. The harder she tried to regain it, the farther she slipped toward the water. With a not so subtle splash, she found herself fully submerged. She tried to stand, but found it was not as shallow as she’d first thought. Normally she’d enjoy a late night swim, but not clothed in her vintage white dress.

When she surfaced she had lost her bearings.
Damn. I’m at the other edge. Shit. Swim away. Don’t think about it. It’s not going to break. You’re not going to fall over the edge of a thirty story building.

Until then she never realized she had a fear of heights.
Maybe just a fear of falling from them.
As she tried to calm her nerves, there was another splash and Shaun was right by her side still in his suit as well.
Does he think that I can’t swim? I was on the swim team at BU.
When he pulled her to him, she lifted her arms to wrap them around his neck.
But you don’t need to know about that yet because I like this much better.

His arm pulled her close while he brought them both back to the edge of the pool. There she could tell his feet made contact with the bottom. Morgan could reach for the side and pull herself up, but no way was she releasing him. It had been too long since she’d felt his arms around her.

“Are you okay?” Shaun brushed the wet strands of hair from her face.

She nodded. “Thank you for jumping in after me. I hope you didn’t ruin your suit.”

“I don’t care about the suit or your dress. You never mentioned if you could swim and all I could think was—”

“Saving me?”

“I’d never let anything or anyone hurt you, Morgan.”

His voice was softer than she’d ever heard it before. He wasn’t flirting with her. It was a proclamation of what? His feelings? A commitment of some kind? Whatever it was, it touched her heart. She’d never before felt as safe as she did now in his arms.

“I know.” There wasn’t anything more to say.

“Come on. Let’s get out of here before these clothes weigh us down.”

He put his hands around her waist and in one motion lifted her out of the water and back onto the edge of the pool. Then he pulled himself out as well. Shaun swung his legs around to stand back on the ground. The water was running off his suit, and she heard his shoes slosh with each step. She chuckled at the sight.

“Find this funny, do you?”

“A bit, yes.” Morgan loved teasing him. When she did his eyes sparkled and his jaw relaxed.

“Then you will love to know your pretty white dress is totally see-through when it’s wet. Love your polka-dot bra and panties.”

Morgan looked down to find it was true.

“I suggest we get out of these wet clothes and warm up by the fire.”

There was enough heat flowing through her already; she didn’t need a fire to warm her. All she needed was his touch. She reached behind her and unzipped her dress letting it fall at her bare feet.
I had shoes when I went into the pool. Hmm.

Standing clothed only in her bra and thong, she met his smoldering gaze. “I believe you said

She’d never in her life been so bold or suggestive. But with Shaun, she found herself taking chances she thought impossible. He brought out a flirtatious, carefree side she never knew she had.

He took off his jacket and tossed it on the ground—then his tie. He unbuttoned his shirt, and she so badly wanted to help him. He was taking too damn long and, by his expression, it was on purpose. Once his shirt was removed, he acted as though he was struggling with the belt buckle.

That’s it!
She stepped forward and her hands brushed his away. That buckle was coming off if she needed to bite through the leather. He said nothing as he watched her trembling hands finally free it. The button on his pants popped off as she tugged with a bit more force than she realized.
Oh, God. What’s wrong with me?

“I’m sorry.”

His voice was deep and filled with need. “I don’t care if you shred them. You’re so damn beautiful, and if I don’t touch you soon, I’m going to lose my mind.”

Her pulse raced. She felt the same way. Never before had she wanted or needed anyone so much. “Please.” It was the only word she could say.

Shaun finished undressing and stood naked in front of her. He was perfect. Every inch of him toned and solid. Reaching out, she ran her tiny hand up his chest. He brushed it away.

“I want to see all of you, Morgan.” He slipped a finger under one bra strap and slid it off her shoulder, then the other. He pulled her close to him and reached behind her, finding the clasp and releasing it, letting it drop. Then he hooked each of his thumbs on the strings of the thong on her hips, and as he dropped to one knee, he slid it off her.

“Tell me what you want.”

Morgan looked down at him as he knelt only inches away from her most private area. She felt no shame as she replied, “You, now.”

Shaun groaned, rose, and swept her into his strong arms. Being near him broke down all her inhibitions. All she felt was an overwhelming need to touch and be touched.

She’d never felt fragile, but as he carried her into the house he made her feel like fine porcelain. Nothing he was doing was rushed, even though she could feel his pulse race and his obvious need press against her.

Shaun kicked open a door to what appeared to be his bedroom. It was exactly how she pictured it, solid like him. He laid her gently on the center of the king-sized bed yet didn’t release her. His eyes swept over her hungrily as though he was trying to decide where to start.
I know a good place. I’m aching for your touch. I need you inside of me.

His warm hand gently ran up the length of her leg, over her hip, finally resting on her collarbone. She leaned into his touch with more yearning than she’d thought possible.

She reached out, wanting to run her hands all over his rock-hard body, but he brushed her hand away. “I want to take this slow and enjoy every inch of you, but if you touch me, it will be over before it even starts.”

Morgan looked him over hungrily and felt his manhood move against her as though she’d physically touched him. Knowing how strongly he wanted her heightened her nearly out-of-control desire. She bit her lip and closed her eyes, trying to maintain even the slightest control.

He kissed her forehead, then trailed kisses down her cheekbone, over her, and to her neck. Raw need exploded within her. She heard the words
take it slow,
but the fire building within her center was screaming otherwise.

Shaun cupped one breast and plucked at her taut nipple. A shiver ran through her body, and she arched against him. His kisses continued to trail up her body until his fingers were replaced by his mouth. Once his lips came in contact with her nipple, her body began to twitch in unison with his. “Shaun.” Her voice trembled with need. He ignored her pleas and continued to flick with his tongue, or nip with his teeth, and it only increased her desire. “Shaun,” she pleaded, her voice barely a whisper now.
Oh, God, I can’t wait. I need him now.

“Patience, baby,” Shaun said, his words muffled by her flesh.

Her moans grew deeper as he rolled one nipple between his fingers and continued sucking the other. The need between her legs was almost unbearable. Her plea didn’t fall on deaf ears as she opened her legs. “Please, Shaun, I need . . .”

He didn’t deny her. He moved one hand from her breast and reached between her legs, finding her swollen clit with this thumb. Her back arched, and she opened more for him.

Slowly, he circled it, bringing her higher. As her body trembled, he repositioned himself so his mouth was now only inches away from her center, spreading her farther until he had full access. Her hands gripped the blanket as he slipped one finger inside her and pulled it back out. Then again and again.

Breathlessly, Morgan begged, “I want you. I can’t . . .”

“You’ll have me, but first I want to watch you come undone as you lose yourself, surrendering to my touches,” he said as his finger entered her again, and he continued to circle her clit. She cried out in pleasure. It was more than she’d ever experienced. He was giving, not taking.

Faster and deeper he made love to her with his finger until her body jerked violently, and she lost herself in a powerful release.

“Yes! God, Shaun. Oh, yes!”

Before her body settled, he left her for a moment. She heard him open the foil packet before returning to her. She needed more than his finger. She needed him deep inside her. She wanted to wrap herself around him and give him the pleasure he’d just given her.

He didn’t enter her right away. Instead, he stroked her with the head of his shaft until she trembled. He slowly guided himself through her folds, then back to her clit. Her body, still so sensitive from the first climax, reignited for a second, quivering under his. “Shaun!”

As she released, Shaun plunged deep within her. Her body clenched tightly around him. He lay upon her as her body continued to rock.

Once she quieted, he began to move in her.

She looked up at him and saw desire burning deep within him. He couldn’t wait any longer, and she knew it.

“Shaun, give me what I want. I want all of you.” Her breathing was coming in short gasps.

“God, baby. You feel amazing,” Shaun said, never taking his eyes off hers. Again and again, he buried himself deep inside. She pulled him down to her, and he captured her lips with his as their moans of pleasure blended together. They were not slow any longer. She could feel the raw need as he was losing control. Fast and furious, he entered again and again.

“Morgan. I can’t—”

“Yes, Shaun. Give it to me. Let go.”

It was as though the heavens opened up; a feeling like nothing before rocked them both. Her cries met with his deep growl as he released. He gripped her hips for one last deep thrust before collapsing into her waiting arms.

A single tear trickled down her cheek, and she brushed it away.

He lifted himself up to look at her. “Fuck. Did I hurt you?”

She shook her head. “Shaun, you could never hurt me.”

What they shared was so much more than she’d ever imagined. She knew she was safe with him. And for the first time since becoming a mother, she knew her son was safe with someone besides her and her parents.
You’ve given me more tonight than you’ll ever know. More than I can ever say.

Chapter Thirteen

hat was quick.”

“Bennett, I told you, when the chain of events starts, people are going to notice quickly.” At least people who give a shit about what happened with the Sapp family. He, on the other hand, never would’ve given them a second look. They had a very successful, growing business. But they would learn, compared to his family’s company, their business was small and could be easily squashed.

Bennett took another gulp of coffee. “I have someone watching the house at all times. Did you want someone on the inside at Poly-Shyn as well?”

Shaun hadn’t thought about that. His only concern had been for Morgan and Tyler. For as long as he could remember he’d only thought of his family’s protection.
When did that change? Why did it?

“It won’t affect Poly-Shyn. If they look for a culprit, I’ll make sure it’s me they see.”

Bennett arched his brow. “You’re making yourself the target. What am I missing?”

If I wanted you to know my plan, then I’d inform you. No one knows it all and no one will.

“Shaun, I respect what you’re doing for Morgan and Tyler, but I’ll put a stop to it if you go too far.” Bennett’s face had no hint of backing down.

“And you think you can stop me?”

“Any day. You do your job well. But so do I. Don’t forget that.”

“You’re not threatening me are you, Bennett?” It’d been a long time since anyone had the balls to speak to him like that. Shaun wanted to hate the guy, but the more he got to know him, the more he respected him.

“I don’t deal with threats.” Bennett’s phone beeped.

Shaun watched as he checked the message. Whatever it was, it didn’t make him happy. “Problems I should know about?”

“Zoey is at lunch with Morgan. I didn’t realize they were friends.”

Damn it, Zoey. This is no time to become buddies with Morgan. All it will mean is another person for Bennett to cover.
“She’s a very—”

“Beautiful woman.”

“Don’t even think it, Bennett. My sister is off limits. If I even think that you’re—”

“I don’t mix business with pleasure. And trust me, she would be a pleasure.” Bennett laughed.

You’re just fucking with me. It’s a dangerous game, but I know you’re not stupid enough to actually go after my sister. Hell no. Not that dumb.

“Is there anything else that concerns you at this time?”

“Tomorrow’s bike ride is going to be tough without being noticed. It’s a very tight neighborhood. My men are good but, there’s no way they won’t be noticed. If not by her, then one of her neighbors. Damn, every neighborhood should have a crime watch program like theirs.”

If it were only that simple; they were used to the quiet, peaceful life. They watched each other, mainly for the sake of gossiping, but that is because no trouble had come to them. What would they do if it did? It would be too late.
No matter what, he wanted to make sure there was someone close by at all times. If it couldn’t be Bennett’s team, then there was just one who could be there.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll be there with them for the ride and possibly most of the weekend. I’ll let you know if plans change.”

He was the one who’d decided to push the issue with Walter, to make him crumble and fall. No harm should be sent Morgan’s way, but he knew all too well not to trust a wounded animal, and that is what the Sapp family was going to feel like when he was done with them.

Even if there was no potential threat, Shaun wanted to be with them anyway. He truly enjoyed Morgan’s company. He didn’t want her to leave last night. Holding her in his arms, his bed felt like nothing he’d ever had before. The connection they shared scared him more than any threat from Walter. There were all these thoughts running through his head, and for once in his life, he couldn’t organize them rationally. Even now his mind continued to wander back to her. He could understand if it was just her beautiful olive skin, but it wasn’t. He was lost in her eyes, her smile, and her bubbly personality. She was the type of woman who made a man want to go home at night.
Too bad I’m not the type of man to appreciate such a gem.

“You seem to be getting close to them. First rule of protection, don’t ever let your feelings get in the way of your gut.”

“I don’t need you to tell me how to protect my—”

Bennett only smiled. “Exactly.” He downed the remainder of his coffee and got up from the table. “I’m off to accidentally bump into your sister and Morgan for lunch. Wish me luck.”

Shaun wanted to pop the guy in the face, but the truth was he knew Morgan and Zoey couldn’t be in better hands. Bennett would never let anything happen to either of those ladies.
For now, I can stop worrying about her and concentrate on some sliding stocks.
He laughed slightly.
This is like shooting fish in a pail of water. I just can’t miss.

“This is crazy. I’m just being paranoid. There is no one watching me. Why would there be?”

“Why don’t you talk to Shaun about it? I’m sure he’d want to know. I know your father would want me to talk to him about something troubling me,” Elisabeth said as she and Morgan cleared the table after dinner.

“What would you tell me?” Loras asked as he came back into the kitchen and grabbed a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie from the jar.

Morgan shot her mother a warning look, but it didn’t stop her.

“Our daughter is worried that she is being watched.”

Loras stopped mid-bite and looked at Morgan. “Are you serious?”

She shrugged. “I haven’t seen anyone. It’s just a feeling I’ve had for a few days. I’ve looked over my shoulder a million times and have seen no one. So it has to be my imagination.”

“I don’t like this.”

“Dad, really. Mom is making this out to be more than it needs to be. You know Dora and her sister on the corner would be the first to notice anyone strange. I mean they practically sit on their porch with binoculars. Heck, maybe they’re the ones watching me.” Morgan laughed, trying to make the conversation light and normal even though she still wasn’t convinced herself.

“I’m going to take a walk; I’ll be back.”

Her father was a stubborn man. There was no way to stop him once he had decided to do something. Offering to go with him would only mean getting a lecture on how she needs to be more careful.
I live such a boring life, any safer and I’ll vanish into the background.

But that was her life a few weeks ago. Now things had changed. Her days, which she could have predicted months in advance, now spun wildly at times. Maybe that was what she was feeling, all the changes.
Especially after last night with Shaun.

Her body tingled all day from his loving touch. She’d had a few lovers before, but what she shared with Shaun last night didn’t seem like sex. It was more intimate than anything she’d ever known. She’d told herself to enjoy it because she didn’t know how long they were going to be together. But it went beyond enjoying herself. It was a connection she hadn’t thought she would feel. Yes, she was flirting and bolder than she’d ever thought she could be, but there was an emotional part that overwhelmed her. Because of that she knew it was best not to spend the entire night at his home. Waking up in his bed was only going to make it more difficult to say goodbye later. She never was a casual affair type of woman. What made her think she was capable of it now?
And with a man like Shaun.

“Earth to Morgan. Are you even listening to me anymore?”

Morgan blushed. “Sorry, Mom. I was thinking about . . .”

“Yeah, I know, Shaun.”


Elisabeth laughed. “Honey, you let out a long sigh and said his name breathlessly.”

Morgan slumped into the seat near her. “Oh, God. What have I done to myself?”

“I think you know. And it’s a good thing. About time. You can’t live your life for Tyler only. You have to remember you’re not just a mother; you’re also a woman.”

“You make it sound so simple, but what if he’s not the type of man that can—?”

“Love someone like you? Or love someone like Tyler?” Her mother’s voice was sharp for the first time in a long time.

She wanted to tell her mother she was wrong with those questions, but in fact, she’d nailed it. Those were the exact doubts she had. Shaun, even though he was here now, wasn’t going to be here for the long haul. It’s easy to go for a bike ride, but it was the day in and day out that made a difference. She wasn’t going to ask her mother to watch Tyler so she could run off at night and play with Shaun. It wasn’t fair to any of them. No matter how or what she felt last night, she wasn’t going to let it become a habit with her.

I may be falling in love with Shaun, but that doesn’t mean he feels anything close to that for me. I have to keep tight reins on my emotions, or I’m going to self-destruct when it comes to an end. And it will, eventually.

“You’re right. I have to stop this before it gets out of hand.”

“Or you can let the man in. He wants in, but you’re either too stubborn or blind to see. Don’t jump to conclusions. Shaun is making an effort, and you need to as well.”

Morgan didn’t want to open those lines of communication with him. It was only going to put him on the spot and make her uncomfortable.
Why do I need to hear it? I already know what the answer is going to be.

Her phone vibrated. She pulled it out of her pocket.
Hmm. Were your ears burning, Shaun?


“I was hoping to see you at work today, but I was tied up all day.”

“I was as well. Was there something you needed?”

“Yes. You.”

Morgan blushed, and her heart skipped a beat.
Don’t make me want you more than I already do.
She couldn’t answer him with her mother sitting there, staring at her.

“Anything besides that?”

“Yes, I just wanted to remind you I’ll be there tomorrow for your ride. Ten a.m.”

Reminder? I never knew you were coming again.
“Okay. I’ll see you in the morning then.”

“Are you going to dream of me tonight?” Shaun’s voice was soft and teasing, sending a warm feeling through her.

Why wouldn’t I? I’ve been dreaming of you since the day I met you. Only now I know what I’m missing, and it’s even more than I dreamt about.
“We’ll see.”

She ended the call and turned to face her mother again. She was grinning from ear to ear.
Really. Nothing better to do than torture me?

“I’ve got to get Tyler ready for bed. Good night, Mom.”

Elisabeth laughter echoed through the room as she said, “Sweet dreams, Morgan.”

Oh, God. She heard. Thanks Shaun for feeding into her hopes. She’s not going to let me forget this one. But there is something so much bigger I know I’ll never forget, and that is you.

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