Read You Needed Me A Love Story Online

Authors: Shvonne Latrice

You Needed Me A Love Story (7 page)

BOOK: You Needed Me A Love Story
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“You look so sexy,” he whispered and sucked on my neck from behind.

I couldn’t talk because I was cumming too hard to do anything else. He wrapped his strong arm around my midsection, and then humped upward until he came inside of me.

“Are you on birth control?” he panted while cupping my breasts and sucking my shoulders.

“I will get some.”

“Cool.” Moving me off of his dick, he then gripped my neck to kiss me nastily. “Get dressed, Kimberlyn.”

“You’re taking me home already?”

“Relax shorty, I’m gonna take you out for the day. You’re my girl, ain’t you?” he raised a brow. I just nodded with a wide ass smile.

Four: Matikah

I hadn’t seen my cousin in almost two days, and I was hoping her ass was okay. She slipped out of the house to go on her date with TQ, and the bitch hadn’t been back since. She wasn’t answering her phone either, and I was starting to worry. Kimberlyn never ignored me, and I just prayed that she was enjoying herself and not thrown into a ditch somewhere. TQ wasn’t exactly a church boy.

“You ain’t seen Kimberlyn?” Goldie quizzed as we walked down her street, headed to the liquor store.

She’d been pressing me about finding out where Kimberlyn was, because she didn’t want my cousin hanging with TQ. And with the way shit was right now, I didn’t want her with him either.

“I told your ass I hadn’t seen her.” I shook my head and turned my lip up.

“You think she’s still with TQ?”

“Where else would she be? If she wasn’t with him she would be home.”

“I told her not to go with him. I bet you he fucked her and threw her out on the road somewhere,” Goldie burst into laughter so I pushed her ass. Her foot slid out the side of her sandal, and she wobbled a bit to catch herself.

“Stop saying shit like that, damn.”

“Calm your ass down, Matikah. You push me like that again we’re gonna be fighting in this bitch!” She dusted herself off as if she needed to, while subtly looking around to make sure no one saw.

“Whatever.” I waved her off while laughing.

As we were about to enter the liquor store, a navy blue Porsche Panamera with super dark tint slowed down beside us. Goldie and I looked at one another, and then back at the car. It seemed as if I stopped breathing as I waited for the driver or passenger to reveal themselves. The window slowly rolled down, building our anticipation, and finally Lendsey Quinton’s beautiful mug came into view.

He was grinning widely, right before hopping out of his car to jog onto the sidewalk. His car was still running, with the music playing loudly from his sound system. His smooth brown complexion was glistening, right along with his jewelry and bottom grill. He was rocking a white and gray crew neck, black jeans, and some white and gray Adidas.

Turning his baseball cap to the back, he said, “Matikah, why the fuck you ain’t been answering my texts, ma?”

“I, umm, I’ve just been busy,” I lied.

I unfortunately let Goldie get into my head, and I didn’t want to entertain Lendsey at all. I knew he was no good, and I refused to let myself get caught up in that. But seeing him right now, and being in his presence again had me feeling the opposite of what I’d been feeling these past few days.

“Well you ain’t busy now, so come on.” He waved me over and then walked to get into his car as if I was supposed to just come.


“Get yo’ ass in the car, ma.”

“Bitch, you better not go. I told you he ain’t shit,” Goldie gritted under her breath, gripping my bicep into her hand.

“I’m just gonna chill with him, aight?”

“Matikah!” Lendsey barked from inside of his car. He’d turned his music down and was staring at me, stroking his beard. This nigga was gorgeous.

“Talk to you later, G.”

I rushed to Lendsey’s car, and then held my dress at my thighs while sliding in so that it wouldn’t rise up. I low-key checked my appearance in his side mirror to make sure my low curly ponytail was still slicked down and intact.

“You good shorty, chill out,” Lendsey chuckled before peeling down the street. I guess I wasn’t too low-key.

His windows were all the way down, and he was driving so damn fast that the wind was stopping me from breathing. He dipped through the streets of Mattapan, until we were out of the neighborhood. I glanced over at him every now and then, admiring how fine he was. Because we weren’t talking, I pulled my phone out and began to scroll on Instagram, hoping I would see a post from Kimberlyn. Nothing.

Finally, we pulled up to a condo on Colborne Street in Brighton. It was pretty nice, but not what I expected from someone like Lendsey. I thought he would have some huge mansion with naked hoes walking all around it and carrying silver trays.

“This is your home? Or is this just where you’re taking me?” I looked over at him as he pulled into his parking space.

“Both,” he replied before slipping out.

He came around to open my door, and then we went inside his condo. Now the inside was more of what I expected. Everything was furnished beautifully, and looked just like those houses in the
magazines. The air was even fresher and much cooler than it was outside. Boston was usually windy, but this summer it was scorching, so feeling this air against my skin was a blessing right now.

“Sit down, ma, you hungry or thirsty?”

“What, you were gonna cook me some food?” I raised a brow before sitting down on his L-shaped gray couch. It was so soft that I thought I was gonna sink into it.

“No, have you ever heard of take out? Or are you too busy in the library studying?” he grinned as we both laughed.

“Fuck you, what, you trying to call me a square, nigga?”

“Nah, I’m not, actually. I can tell you’re a good girl though, am I right?”

“Maybe, but I will take some water please, I’m dehydrated from it being so hot outside.”

“Got you.”

He went into his kitchen and returned a few moments later with some water. I cracked it open and then downed it for longer than I’d intended. He stared at me for a couple moments, and then set his water on the coffee table in front of us before speaking.

“So tell me why my texts went ignored?”

“Do you want me to be honest?”

“That’s preferred.”

“Because I know what you’re like and I want no parts of it.” I gulped some more water, trying to calm my unexpected nervousness.

“Word? I don’t know you, so I’m not sure how you know me. But please, inform me, Matikah.” He draped one of his arms across the back of the couch, hitting me with a whiff of his cologne.

“Well, you’re a player and you have no idea what fidelity is,” I said and looked into his eyes. I could tell by how big his perfect smile was that I was right. His bluish gray eyes were like pretty pools of water as he searched my face with them, trying to think of something clever to sway me. “See, I knew I was right.” We chuckled in unison.

“I mean, so what. Yeah, I get around, but I’m newly twenty-four and I don’t have a girl. Why should I not enjoy myself with the many beautiful women who throw themselves at me?”

“Because it’s disgusting. I hope you wear condoms.”

“Aye, I like to fuck, but I ain’t no nasty nigga. Bitches are just as promiscuous as niggas, and I would never slide up in them easies with no cap.”

“I’m glad you’re smart about it,” I smiled.

“So what’s your story? Are you some man-eater or what? You look like you fuck with niggas heads, I think that’s what made me like your ass.”

“I’m no man eater. I’ve had a couple almost boyfriends, but it just didn’t work out. I ain’t really looking for anyone.”

“What if someone is looking for you?” He tilted his head to the side, as his eyes took in my body. His bottom lip was tucked into his mouth, and by the way his eyes were glazed over, I could tell he had all kinds of lustful thoughts floating around in his dome.

“Someone like you?”

“Yeah someone like me, girl, why the fuck you think I got you up in my crib? I like your ass, and despite what you have heard, I’m really not that bad,” he palmed his chest.

“Oh, you’re not?”

“Nah, I’m not.”

As if it were a coincidence, his cellphone rang and the name Dania flashed across the screen. Jealousy overcame me, even though I didn’t know him at all and had no right to be jealous.

“Can you take me home please, I forgot I promised my grandmother I would help her cook tonight’s dinner.” I rose to my feet.

“Matikah, that’s just a friend th—”

“No, I promise it’s not that, I really need to help my grandmother. Could you just give me a ride home? Thank you.” I started towards his door, but not before hearing him sigh.

I wasn’t about to fuck with Lendsey’s ass at all.


Chapter Four: Lendsey Quinton

The whole ride to Matikah’s grandmother’s house, she didn’t say shit to me. I knew she was mad about seeing Dania’s name, and to me that was perplexing. I mean, I just met her ass and she really had no right to be mad about shit. I’d just explained to her ass that I was no saint, so she shouldn’t have expected me to have zero bitches hittin’ my damn phone.

“So are we ever gonna chill again? Or did big daddy scare you off?” I asked as I pulled up to her grandma’s house that she’d directed me to.

“Nigga please, I told you I had to help my grandma so calm down.”

“What kind of fool do you take me for, ma? You saw a bitch calling my line and got pissed. The shit is all in your pretty ass face.”

She looked away from me, and then back into my eyes. I knew I was right. I knew women like the back of my hand. They stayed getting mad about shit that they shouldn’t have been getting mad about, and then they wanted you to fix it even though you didn’t even know why they were mad. Besides the fact that I loved to get my dick wet, that was a reason why I stayed on my bachelor shit.

“We can be friends, Lendsey, but don’t be trying to flirt and shit because it won’t go there. I like guys who can be with one girl, and that’s not you, so don’t waste my time.”

“Aye, don’t be acting like you know me, shorty. Go help your grandma before a nigga spring that good shit on you and make you fall in love.”

“Right,” she giggled and then grabbed the lever to open the door.

I watched her walk up the steps as the words she’d just spoken circled my mind. She was right about everything she said, but something in me wouldn’t let her go that easily. If only a nigga lived in Africa or some shit where I could have fifteen wives. Then again, I would never marry any of these hoes, except Matikah.

I pulled off, and headed towards the hair salon that Dania was at. I knew she was calling me because she was ready, and it made me wish I’d never promised to pick her ass up. But being a man of my word, I had to do what I’d said.

“Damn, Len! What the fuck took you so long!” she spat, throwing her Louis Vuitton bag into my back seat.

As soon as she got in, the smell of hairspray and shit hit me in the face. I swear I loved the way she looked with her hair like that, but I hated that burnt chip smell it came with on the first few days.

“My bad, I was busy.”

“Busy doing what, Lendsey? Because Rosie told me she saw you dipping through Mattapan with some bitch!”

“Aye! Quit all that muthafuckin’ yelling in my fuckin’ car, Dania! Firstly, Rosie is a hoe that wants to suck my dick, and secondly, you ain’t my damn girl so I do what the fuck I want!” I barked as I sped down the street.

Dania was like my super unofficial ass girlfriend. We spent time together, but she was not my girl in any way, shape or form, in my eyes that is. On her end, we were in love and building, but over here, she was just some constant pussy. Dania was sexy, could fuck and suck, and she was smart. She wasn’t like the normal gold digging bitches who wanted me to break them off all the time. Dania had a job. She worked as an insurance agent selling policies and shit, and she made a nice amount of money.

My problem with Dania was her mouth, and the fact that she was sneaky. She was always trying to check me, knowing that she and I weren’t even like that. She’d fought plenty of girls that I’d dealt with, and once fought my cousin because she thought she was a bitch I was fuckin’ with. I’d cut her off plenty of times, but every time she would threaten to kill herself, and the pussy was hella good so I would find myself backpedalling.

On top of her acting like a wild banshee on occasions, she would try and do little sneaky shit. She would attempt to get drunk together so that I would hit raw, or one time she lied to me and said she was on birth control so that I would. When I asked the bitch to show me the pills, she couldn’t come through. I could never, and would never wife a bitch like Dania. I planned to be single my whole life, but Matikah had me wondering. I knew if I messed with her, however, she wouldn’t allow me to continue on with my lifestyle. Maybe she was worth it, who knows.

“Hello, nigga!” Dania snapped in my face, causing me to come up out of my head.

“What the fuck I tell you about snapping at me, Dania? You know what, I’m taking yo’ ass home, I ain’t got time for this shit.”

“Who was the bitch, Len?”

I stayed silent as I raced through Boston to get her ass to her home in Jamaica Plain. I couldn’t get this hoe out of my car fast enough. She and Matikah were so damn different, and I enjoyed that. I loved that Matikah was so calm and not all loud and boisterous like Dania’s ass.

“Get out,” I pulled up to her condo.

“Babe, I’m sorry, you know how I am,” she stated in a calmer tone, and then ran her soft hand across my dick.

“Get the fuck out, shorty. I’m a millisecond away from knocking your teeth of ya mouth, now get out.” I stared straight ahead, waiting for her ass to exit stage left.

“I swear I didn’t mean it. Call me later, baby, and I will make it up to you. I love you.” She leaned over and kissed my cheek before getting out.

Once the door closed, I looked in her direction and cringed at the tattoo of my name on her left breast. Dania was like that single strand of hair that took the most just to get off of you.


BOOK: You Needed Me A Love Story
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