You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This (10 page)

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Chapter One


Sweat glistened on Kyla’s skin as she lay on her side, panting from the sexual workout Alec had just given her. Nearly an hour of activity, starting with his tongue in her mouth and ending with his cock driving into her so hard her bed had banged against the wall. She’d sleep like a baby tonight.


Alec lay behind her, arms wrapped tightly around her. Their bodies fit together perfectly. The warmth and security of his love surrounded her.


I want your ass.” Alec growled the words, his breath a hot caress against her ear.


The man had just fucked her so hard she could barely move, and he wanted more. He’s nuts! Kyla glanced at him over her shoulder. “Yeah, give me a few minutes so I can move.”


His eyes widened. “Seriously?” he asked incredulously.


“If you are.” She pressed her butt against him, and his cock twitched in response. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have something fill that hole.” Of course she wasn’t serious. Not tonight, anyway. She didn’t want to do anything but lie there and savor the afterglow.


Besides, she couldn’t decide something like that on the spur of the moment. The idea of anal sex had always turned her on, especially in the stories she’d read, but it would make her feel so vulnerable. She trusted Alec, but she just didn’t know if she trusted him enough for that.


She’d play along with him, though. He seemed to like the idea, judging by the response from his erection. A rush of arousal ran through her. Evidently she liked the idea too.


“Intriguing,” he murmured. He rubbed her butt cheek. “So you like the idea of feeling my cock in your tight little ass, huh?”


If he kept it up, she’d make him fuck her again. “Hell, yeah.”


His finger found her hole and traced the rim of it. “Right in here?”


“Oh God, Alec!” Until now, she’d never believed what she’d read about the nerve endings back there, but Alec’s touch sent shockwaves through her.


“I’ll take that as a yes,” he said smugly.


He worked the tip of his finger into her. Fuck, it felt good! She’d never trusted anyone enough to actually try anal, but the idea fascinated her. Ass play… butt plugs… she got wet when she read about it. If Alec was up for it—and something was definitely up—she’d go for it.


His finger withdrew. “You’re really into this, aren’t you?”


“Yeah.” She sighed in disappointment and pressed closer against him, loving the way his chest brushed against her back. “Why did you stop?”


“Because if we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it right,” he said firmly. He draped one arm over her waist and pulled her tightly against him. “First of all, we don’t have any lube.”


“Lube’s important.” Everything she’d read or heard about anal pretty much boiled down


to “there’s no such thing as too much lube.”


“Very. And I can’t just stick my dick in you, or it’ll hurt like hell.” He rubbed her ass. “We’ll have to practice.”


“Practice?” Now that sounded exciting. She wriggled until he loosened his grasp on her, and turned over to face him, resting her hand lightly on his hip. “We get to practice?”


“Definitely practice.” Alec leered and kissed her nose. “My finger in your ass or maybe even butt plugs.” His expression changed to one of concern. “I’ve never done anal before either, and I want to be sure I don’t hurt you.”


Hesitantly, she asked, “So do you think maybe we should use butt plugs? I mean, I know fingers can loosen things up, but I’ve read…” Heat rose through her to turn her face red. “I’ve read that butt plugs are better because they, like, open you up more.” And the thought of having him put a plug in her ass sent moisture straight to her pussy. The idea sounded hot as hell, as long as she didn’t chicken out.


“Sure, we can use them if you want.” His tone reassured her. “I’m sure we can find them somewhere. The leer returned. “God, Kyla, your ass looks so good, just thinking about fucking it makes me hard as hell.”


And thinking about him getting hard as hell made her pussy tingle. She squirmed, trying to relieve the horniness. She yawned. Damn it, she couldn’t fuck him again tonight. She had to work in the morning. “Okay, so we’ll talk about it more another time.”


He slipped a hand between them and pressed against her mound. “Getting a little turned on?” he teased.


“Um, yeah, I wonder why?” she replied in the same tone.


His gentle hand brushed her cheek, and then he kissed her shoulder and stood. “I’m going to go shower.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “You want to join me?”


She yawned. Nope, she wouldn’t be able to stay awake long enough for a shower. “Not tonight. Can I get into the bathroom first, though?”


“Sure.” He wrapped himself in the towel he kept hung on the bedroom door and then sat on the edge of the bed.


Kyla hurried to the bathroom and cleaned up quickly, before returning to the bedroom so Alec could shower. She dressed in the satin gown she’d bought for special occasions, meaning pretty much every time Alec visited, then lay down and pulled the comforter over herself. He wanted her ass. She’d spent days trying to figure out how to ask him if he’d consider anal sex, and he’d brought it up in one short sentence. One hot short sentence.


She should have asked sooner. He would have gone for it. He went for pretty much everything she suggested, when she managed to scrounge up the confidence to ask.


After what her ex had put her through, it amazed her that she had any confidence. And the guys she’d dated since her divorce hadn’t helped... Mostly they’d been decent people, except for the one jackass she’d dumped after about a week, but they hadn’t exactly done wonders for her self‐esteem. Besides, she’d learned from her ex that she couldn’t totally trust anyone.


She cringed at the memory of what he’d done to her and shrank into a ball as she so often




had back then to protect herself. Fuck no! She’d been away from him for two years, and she refused to let herself be afraid of him now. She straightened out on the bed and forced her mind to something more pleasant. Alec was so different from her ex, and their conversation tonight had proved it.


Anal sex. Much better thought. God, it sounded hot as hell. But she had a strong reason she’d never tried it before. To allow someone to penetrate her “final frontier,” she needed to trust him completely.


Like she did Alec. Something about him had struck her the moment they’d met, some déjà vu thing that had made her feel like they’d known each other forever. Her gut had told her she could put her faith in him. Recognizing that he could be trusted hadn’t immediately made her able to trust him fully, but in the months since their meeting, she’d learned. And now, she trusted him more than she ever had anyone.


And if she had anal with him, it would show him how deep her trust ran.


They just needed butt plugs, if she could figure out where the hell to get them. Her area had a few adult stores, but from the outside they all looked pretty skeevy. She could always try to talk Alec into going to one with her, but she didn’t think she really wanted to go to a toy store with him. She would be far too embarrassed by his presence, not to mention worrying about his opinion of the place. Buying online would be easier. Online stores were abundant, like the one where she’d bought one of her vibrators. Will Alec really sit down to look at sex toys with me? Will I dare to ask?


He returned from his shower wrapped in his favorite oversized towel, which he removed as soon as he closed the bedroom door. “Are you asleep?” he asked in a voice just above a whisper.


“Not quite.” She looked at him over her shoulder and smiled. “I was thinking.”


He pulled on boxers and a T‐shirt and lay beside her. “Thinking about what?” He sounded genuinely interested.


She turned toward him and rested her head on his chest. He put his arms around her, pulling her close, and she snuggled against him, enjoying the protection of his embrace. “Thinking about what you said. About anal.”


“Having second thoughts?” A note of disappointment colored his tone.


Yes, but I won’t admit them
. “No. I want to try it with you.”


“I’m glad you trust me enough to let me try.” Warmth filled his brown eyes, and he looked at her as if she were the most precious thing in his universe. “Thank you.”


“You’re welcome,” she said softly.


He grinned. “What has you concerned?”


Nervous giggles bubbled inside her, and her face turned fifty shades of red at the thought of telling him her thoughts. According to Alec, though, love was all about communication. She had to give telling him a shot. “That we need a butt plug, and I don’t know where to buy one. I know we said we’d talk about it later, but my brain won’t shut up.”


“That could be a problem,” he said in a mock‐thoughtful tone. “I would say we’d buy it the same place we buy lube, but they sell lube in drug stores and I doubt they’d have butt



plugs there.” His expression became more serious. “They sell those things online, right?”


“Right, but you’re usually busy with other stuff when you’re on your computer.” She tried to keep her tone light so he wouldn’t know how his computer time bugged her.


I am, but this is important,” he assured her. “So tomorrow before you pick up the kids, we can take a look online and see what we find. Or next weekend when I come back.” He lived two hours away and came to visit Kyla and her kids on his days off.


“Sounds like a plan.” She couldn’t wait. Except the scared shitless part of her.


“Good.” He smiled and his eyes filled with lust. “I’m looking forward to trying this with you, you know.” He tilted her head so he could kiss her lips. “Good night, honey.”


“Good night,” she yawned.


She turned away from him and closed her eyes. So the idea really did appeal to him. As long as he stuck to his word to sit down with her at the computer, instead of getting stuck in his virtual world as he sometimes did.


That wasn’t fair of her. Of course he’d keep his word. Unlike most of the other guys she knew, if Alec said he’d do something, he did it.


~* * *~


With a yawn, Kyla sat up and looked at the clock radio on her bureau. Six o’clock. Bizarre dreams, with monsters and bad guy car chases and vampires, had filled her mind all night, and had awakened her several times. Every time she’d woken up, she’d looked at the clock and closed her eyes again. But every time she’d dozed off, the damn dreams had come back.


Lying there tossing and turning hadn’t helped. She’d been so convinced she wouldn’t be able to get any more sleep that it had become a self‐fulfilling prophecy. Other than the brief spells of dozing, she’d been awake since two a.m. But she’d forced herself to stay in bed. No one got up early on Sundays.


Alec sure didn’t. A ripping snore filled the room. If he hadn’t been so gorgeous, that snoring would have made her kick him out of bed.


Six o’clock seemed a reasonable time to get out of bed, though. She got up and picked up the clothes she’d set out the night before, and then went into the bathroom for a quick shower. After dressing in her T‐shirt and jeans, she headed downstairs. Ah, sweet silence. Time to just be still and let herself relax.


The old copper kettle she’d inherited from her grandmother rattled musically as Kyla filled it with water for her instant coffee. She needed all the caffeine she could get. Once she set the kettle on the open flame of the gas stove, she went to the living room and turned on the computer. Alec hadn’t awakened yet. She could look for… those items without giggling and blushing in front of him.


After a few minutes, the kettle hissed. Thank goodness. Caffeine time. Kyla went back to the kitchen, where she poured water into the mug and topped it off with some chocolate soy milk. The hot aroma tickled her nose and brought her to full consciousness as she carried the cup back to her computer.


She browsed to her favorite search engine and typed in “butt plug.” Immediately, way too many results appeared. Her heart and breathing sped up as she stared in shock at the screen.




Porn movies, explanations of butt plugs and how to use them, and of course sites which sold the things. Lots of sites. Lots of brands.


Too much to think about. She had no clue where to even start. Frustrated, she closed the browser window. Maybe she should wait for Alec after all.


One of the urban fantasy novels Alec always brought with him lay on the coffee table. Kyla took her mug to the couch and opened the book. Vampires and homicidal werewolves. It sounded good to her. Monsters were a lot easier on her nerves than butt plugs.


The story drew her in. For a few hours, she lost herself in a world of shape‐shifters and undead beings, until footsteps on the stairs made her jump. The book had taken so much of her attention, she hadn’t noticed the time.

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