You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This (5 page)

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She gave him a watery smile. His warmth, so close to her, spread through her. Touch. Comfort.


She turned to him and touched her lips to his with just the tiniest flick of her tongue. His eyes filled with surprise and confusion, until she stood and took his hand. “I changed my mind. Love me, Stefan. Give me something good to feel.”








You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This
Chapter Seven


He kissed her softly, then in one movement rose from the couch and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he smiled up at her, lust and love in his gaze. Without a word, he carried her to the bedroom and set her gently on the bed. She sat up and pulled off her shirt, which she tossed onto the pillow so she’d be able to find it when the time came to go home.

If she wanted to leave. That had been her plan. Now the thought of waking beside him appealed more than sleeping alone in her own bed.

She reached behind her back to unfasten her bra. Stefan got there first and unhooked it, then slowly slid the straps down her arms. His lips brushed the side of her neck, and she shuddered as arousal rushed through her, tightening her pussy. She wanted him inside her. More than that, she wanted his body against her, his warmth, his caring.

He tossed the bra to join her shirt and rubbed his thumb over her hard nipple. Jolts shot from her breast to her clit, and she moaned softly. Cupping the back of her head with his free hand, Stefan lowered her to her back and lay beside her, fingers and lips touching wherever he could reach. With each small contact, her desire grew, focused in her core, where the pressure of impending release grew stronger each second.

He nipped her earlobe. She jumped and tapped her palm against his face. “Bad boy.”

“I think that was pretty good.” He closed his lips around her nipple and sucked.

Her clit throbbed and she grabbed a fistful of his hair to pry him off before she exploded. Women can’t come from just having their nipples sucked.

The sensations centered between her legs threatened to make that statement a lie.

Reaching down, he fumbled with the button on her pants. She tried to help him, only to have him push her hand away. “Let me,” he murmured without releasing her nipple, and the vibrations of his lips and voice pushed her closer to the edge.

Eyes closed and breathing heavily, she lay still and allowed him to undo her pants. He slipped his hand inside to touch her wetness. She swallowed hard to keep from crying out, until his fingers brushed her swollen clit. That brief touch added to the flame inside her, and she knew it would take little more to make her come. “Please, Stefan!” she begged.

Smiling triumphantly, he slid off the bed and tugged at her pants until he managed to slip them off, followed by her panties. Still fully clothed, he stood with his hands on his hips and stared down at her nude body. “You’re beautiful, Erin. So beautiful.”

“Then touch me.” She caressed her pussy, hoping he’d take the hint. “Make me come. Please. Fuck me.”

“You want a lot, don’t you?” He took off his shirt, then shimmied out of his pants and underwear. At the sight of his hard cock her mouth watered, and she held out her arms to him.

“No,” he said. He kissed her ankle. “You don’t do anything to me this time. I want to make you feel good, just like you asked. I want you coming so hard you can’t move.” He slid his mouth up her leg to her inner thigh, just below the point she so desperately wanted him to touch. With his lips barely touching her skin, he murmured, “I’m going to do everything to you, Erin, and when neither of us can stand any more I’m going to ram my cock into you and fuck you so hard we won’t be able to move for days.”

She gasped and couldn’t resist a joke. “That might make it hard to dance.”

“Next class isn’t until Tuesday. And we can take a day or two off from practicing for the competition. We’ll have time to recover.” He flicked the hard nub between her legs with the tip of his tongue. She shuddered and cried out. “Ah, I know what you want.”

He didn’t give it to her. Instead of allowing her the release she craved, he moved up her body, his bare skin brushing hers. Sparks shot through her, and she murmured pleas for him to touch her, to go down on her. To let her come. She couldn’t stand the torture, and at the same time she wanted it to continue. Pleasure overwhelmed her. She shuddered and forgot how to speak coherent words as his fingertips lightly touched her, first her lips, then her neck, then her shoulder. Small noises escaped her, and she gave herself over to the sensations of his fingers and lips.

He kissed her arm, her belly. Her temple. Not once did his hands or mouth touch anywhere sexual, and yet the light contact, even in the most innocent of places, brought her to the boiling point. Every touch added to her fire.

She needed to come. Needed that release before she went insane from being denied. She reached between her legs and Stefan grabbed her wrist. “I told you to let me,” he growled. “Don’t touch yourself. I want to do it for you.”

“Then do it!” she pleaded.

He pressed his finger almost painfully hard against her clit. She bucked and cried out. Watching her face intently, he stroked her, slipping his finger down to thrust inside her, then returning to her clit again and again. Anticipation and arousal built in her, and her pussy clenched.

After only seconds, the climax bore down on her. She raised her hips to make him touch her more firmly, and he obliged with a grin. He rubbed small circles around her swollen nub until the pleasure took over completely and she flew apart into tiny, shimmering pieces, shouting his name again and again until she had no words left. Then she just shouted.

She bucked against his hand. Still sensitive from her orgasm, her clit almost hurt at his touch. At the same time, his fingers kept the intense waves of pleasure going, jolting her body. She panted and gasped for breath, clutching his arms to hold herself on the bed because she felt like she would spiral upward and be lost if she didn’t hold onto something. Gripping his arms was as much movement as she could manage just then. She seemed to have no control over the rest of herself. The orgasm had taken control.

Finally, she relaxed against the bed, limp and still shaken from aftershocks. She let go of him and saw finger marks on his arms. “I’m sorry,” she murmured between breaths. “Did I hurt you?”

He glanced at his arms and seemed surprised at the marks. “I didn’t even feel it.” A smug smile quirked the corners of his mouth. “I think I should be pretty damn proud of myself right now for making you come that hard.”

“Fuck.” No other words came to her mind.

“Yeah, we’ll do that.” He stretched out on his side next to her and rested his arm across her chest. “I thought about sliding into you during your orgasm, but you bucked so hard I was afraid you’d knee me.”

 She laughed. “If you’d done that, I might have completely combusted. Besides, you’re missing something.” She pointed at his bare cock. “No glove, no love, buster.”

“That too.” He laughed and kissed her cheek, then rolled over to take a condom out of his nightstand drawer. He put it on, and then lay on his back, arms out to his sides. “Rest for a minute, and when you can breathe again, I want you to ride me.”

The mental image of herself on him, lowering herself onto his cock, sped up her recovery immensely. After a few seconds of slowing her breathing and heart rate to nearly normal, she slowly rose onto her knees and straddled him. The tip of his cock brushed against her and she shivered as pleasure rose in her again.

She braced her hands on his chest and grinned down at him. “Now who’s running the show here? I could have killed you for not letting me come, you know.”

“I think that orgasm was worth the wait, don’t you?” He ran his fingers through her hair. “You have me where you want me. What are you going to do?”

“This.” She slid down onto his cock, sighing as he filled her. Her pussy grasped at him, setting off another small aftershock that made her gasp.

He gasped. “Damn, that felt good! Do it again.”

“I didn’t do it on purpose.” She rose slowly, and then lowered herself again.

His cock inside her felt too good for her to fuck him that slowly. She picked up her pace and he helped, holding her hips while he thrust up into her downward movements. Their bodies joined perfectly in rhythm, speeding up without missing a beat.

Her pussy tightened again, and the heaviness in her abdomen foretold a climax as strong if not stronger than the one she’d just had. She didn’t know if she’d be able to handle another orgasm that intense, yet she reached for it, fucking him faster until the bed’s headboard banged against the wall.

The explosion hit like a tidal wave. She rode him through it, even though her limbs barely wanted to obey her. Her clit pulsed and her walls clenched around him until he cried out and spasmed beneath her as he came.

His hands held her still as their hips bucked. Moaning and panting, they stared into each other’s eyes, and some spark passed between them. The warmth of afterglow spread through Erin and she gasped as something deeper than climax struck her. What she saw in Stefan’s eyes she knew was mirrored in her own, and she didn’t know whether to rejoice in it or fear it.

Gradually the bucks and spasms of orgasm and aftershocks slowed. Still inside her, Stefan pulled her down to lie on him. He stroked her hair, and warm chills ran through her. “Thank you,” he murmured.

“Yeah.” She lifted up enough to look him in the eye. “That was something.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, definitely. Off, please. Too sensitive.”

She carefully moved off him and curled against him. He wrapped protective arms around her and they lay in silence for a while. Currents of warmth swirled around them, and Erin relaxed to the point of nearly sleeping.

The lovemaking had been exactly what she’d needed. Being with Stefan, thinking about nothing except each other.

Stefan’s breathing slowed, and by the time Erin managed to move enough to look at his face, his eyes had closed. She thought he’d fallen asleep until he murmured, “I could use a whole lot more times like this.”

“It was nice,” she said softly.

“Very nice.” He opened his eyes and smiled at her. “You make a man feel pretty damn good about his skills, you know.”

She laughed. “You should. Your skills made me feel pretty damn good.”

“Can I ask you something?”

At a note in his voice, she hesitated. Some longing, something she didn’t know if she was ready to hear. If she didn’t let him ask, though, her curiosity would never let her rest. “Sure.”

“Will you stay tonight?” he asked quietly.

Her chest tightened. She felt so safe in his arms, and she wanted to be close to him. At the same time, the thought of staying there all night, of not knowing whether to leave in the morning without saying goodbye, of the awkwardness of morning breath and who got the first shower, left her feeling trapped.

“Do you need to think about it?” he asked.

“Yeah.” She inhaled and closed her eyes, then blew the breath out slowly. “I do want to stay. I just…” She trailed off, trying to decide the best way to phrase what she meant. “This is all new. We’re new.”

“I understand.” He kissed her forehead. “For the past six months we’ve pretended we didn’t have any feelings for each other, and now in just a couple days we’ve gone from only interacting in class to being lovers. Maybe I’m taking things a little too fast by trying to talk you into spending the night. I just know what I want when I find it, and now that I’ve found you, I want this to work.”

“So do I.” She snuggled against him. “I care a lot about you, Stefan. Some things just need to be slow, and I’m not sure I’m ready for the whole spending the night together thing yet. I’m not saying no, just not making a snap decision.”

“Okay.” He kissed her again and released her. “I want to shower. Worked up a sweat there. Do you want to wash up first?”

She opened and closed her mouth a couple times, not sure how to answer. In his home, he should have the first shower. On the other hand, she was his guest, and hosts should give way to guests. Awkward. This is why I shouldn’t spend the night.
I should just go home and shower there. Instead of saying that to Stefan, she replied, “Go ahead. I’ll wait.”

He went to the bureau and took out an oversized T-shirt, which he handed to her. “Put this on if you get cold.”

With a smile, she pulled on the T-shirt and stood. The shirt reached her upper thighs, covering everything that needed to be covered. His eyes lit up. “You look really hot in my shirt. If I had any strength left, I’d do something about that.”

“I thought you had plenty of stamina,” she teased.

“Watch how you challenge me, or I’ll show you how much I have.” He swatted her ass, then hugged her. “Be here when I’m finished my shower, please? I want to talk to you about something. Nothing too serious, just a question I had.”

Her gut clenched. She hated any type of “we need to talk” discussions. “I’ll be here.”

“Thank you.”

He left the room and she wandered out to the living room, where Gorilla greeted her. Scratching the dog behind his ears, Erin stood in front of Stefan’s award wall. Some of the photographs, she saw now, included a young girl who looked slightly like Stefan. His sister, no doubt. Over the course of the pictures, she looked thinner, and some of them showed her with a colorful bandanna over her head, a different one in each photo. In every single picture in which she appeared, she stood by Stefan’s side, smiling proudly at him.

Erin hadn’t saved any pictures from her competitions with Scott. Some of them had ended up in his apartment, and she didn’t know what had happened to them after his death. His mother had offered her a photo from their most recent event, and Erin had refused it. She hadn’t wanted his face staring down at her every day.

Some of their awards had wound up in her possession. She hadn’t known where to display them, and after she lost Scott, in the initial overwhelming rush of grief, she’d tried to rid herself of everything that reminded her of him. Merit had salvaged the awards and certificates before she’d thrown them away. She didn’t know where he’d put them.

The shower shut off, and after a moment Stefan entered the room wearing only a towel. She eyed his bare chest and forced a smile, grateful for the distraction from her thoughts of Scott. “Is that your wardrobe for the evening?”

“I’m going to put on clothes,” he replied. “Just wanted to let you know the shower’s yours. Take your time.” He grinned. “And feel free to put that T-shirt back on afterward instead of your clothes. I think it looks much better on you.”

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