Young, Allyson - The Promise [Siren Publishing Ménage Amour] (10 page)

BOOK: Young, Allyson - The Promise [Siren Publishing Ménage Amour]
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Peter squeezed her. “I know, honey, but I’ve waited a long time to get this close to you, and I guess I’ve been thinking ahead when you are just getting used to things. You can trust us, Jillian. Now and later.”

Sean interrupted them. “Come and watch the movie, Jillian. It might shed some light on the R-word.”

Jillian cuddled between the two men and watched for the opening credits to see if it was an action or comedy flick. Probably action, she decided. Cheesy music blared from the speakers, and then a bed came into view. A bed with a red satin sheet and her on it, naked and spread. Jillian lunged for the remote, but Sean held it out of reach and Peter wrapped her up in his arms.

“So that’s what you were doing in the den, you pervs,” she spat. “Editing and putting that filth to music. Did you put it on YouTube, too?”

Peter rocked her in his arms and kissed the top of her head. “We would never do that to you, Jilly. We share, but only with one another. I had to jerk off twice when I viewed the DVD Sean burned from recording us, and probably Sean did, too.”

“Three times,” Sean growled, staring at her.

“Anyway, we’re going to show you how beautiful you are, how passionate, and how you complete us. You’ll watch with us, and if you close your eyes, we’ll arouse you but won’t let you come until you agree to watch it again. The pause button is a great invention. We can do this forever.”

Jillian huffed and gave them both her best death glare, then caved to the inevitable. If it became too much, humiliating or gross, she’d puke her nice salmon lunch up all over them both.

Sean pressed
, and against her will, Jillian watched in fascination as her special bits were clamped and the chain shimmered against her flesh. The graphic pussy shots she dreaded were muted somehow and actually quite beautiful. She could witness how aroused the men made her and could now see the details of what her men saw. Moreover, she could see how her sexuality affected them, something she wasn’t always able to do because they distracted her with sensation. Jillian marveled at how her skin pinked under the paddle, although she thought the butt plug wasn’t attractive, peeking out between her buttocks. The sight of Sean taking her ass and losing himself in her had her wishing for instant replay, and Jillian thought having her pussy spanked might rank quite high on her list of pleasures.

Jillian saw the deep feeling on Peter’s face on the screen that lust couldn’t mask, and Sean’s fleeting wistfulness when Peter touched her with love and she responded in kind. The crappy porn music track aside, any editing done had been to smooth out the rough edges and not allow her to be presented in a humiliating manner. They let her see them, for real, and she could only begin to appreciate the risk that Sean, in particular, took by doing so. Jillian’s eyes filled with tears, and they spilled soundlessly down her face, splashing on her breasts.

Sean pulled her away from Peter and into his arms, hushing her against his chest and pressing kisses on her hair. When she settled, he stood with her still clutched to his chest and made his way down the hall, Peter following and looking anxious. Sean laid her on the bed and shucked his clothes, then followed her down. Peter climbed up on her other side, already naked. They kissed, stroked, and caressed her, touching every inch they could reach, and Jillian went from tears to shudders of arousal. Neither man paid any particular attention to any specific body part, nor did they concentrate on her erogenous zones, but moisture built between her legs, and her nipples hardened into points. She heard the crinkle of foil, and then she was pulled to face Sean and his sheathed erection pushed against her opening, inching inexorably inside. He pushed in until she could feel his silky balls bump against her. Peter then began to lubricate her anus, first circling the rosebud with his fingertips then pushing one, then two inside, wiggling and scissoring the digits. Jillian relaxed and let him stretch her as Sean held still and breathed slowly against the top of her head, fitting her face into the hollow of his throat. Peter’s lubricated cock pushed past her muscle and fairly glided deep into her. The fullness of being stretched and filled by two big cocks stole Jilly’s breath and created flashes of red behind her eyelids.

“Okay, babe?” Sean asked.

“Do something,” she gasped. “Move or something. I feel like I’m going to explode.”

Sean pulled back and then thrust forward. Peter retreated as he did so. They built the same rhythm, over and over, but with increasing intensity and force. Jillian grabbed onto Sean and keened into his shoulder as her world began to spin and splinter apart. Sean and Peter paused then surged to penetrate her deeply at the same time. She clenched so hard she could feel the shape and circumference of both cockheads even through Sean’s condom, separated as they were by such a thin membrane. The heat from Peter’s ejaculate followed by Sean’s roar of release, coupled with the intense fullness and stretching, pushed her up and up, flying apart as she went. Then she fell back down and slipped into the welcoming dark.

* * * *

Sean looked at Peter over their woman’s unconscious form, surreptitiously touching her throat for a pulse.
Just in case
. “Another first, Peter. We fucked a woman, our woman, into oblivion. God, she is so special. Do you think she knows what we want?”

Peter nodded back at Sean. “She knows. At least her heart does. Her brain is what we need to keep from being front and center. Our Jilly is smart, and she’s relied on her brain a long time and forgotten that it’s not the most important thing. We can’t let her think too much, but we are earning her trust. Oh, and Sean, she’s still breathing. I can feel it around my cock.”

Sean smiled. “We’ll let her sleep tonight, but tomorrow morning will start off with a bang. Or two.”

Peter pulled out of Jilly and went toward the bathroom. Sean smiled to himself. Peter was positively tottering. But then, he was pretty whipped himself. Peter came back with a warm cloth to cleanse Jilly, and Sean again smiled to himself when she didn’t stir. Sean disposed of the condom and thought hard.

“What?” asked Peter.

“What if we knock her up, Peter?” Sean suggested.

“Holy fuck, Sean. Don’t get ahead of ourselves here.”

“Just a thought,” Sean grumbled.

Peter flipped off the light and slid in beside Jilly, wrestling with Sean to hold a part of her close. Sean hauled a light cover over them all, and Peter dropped off, beginning to snore lightly. Sean lay awake for a while. Sean had it bad but needed to show it and tell Jilly, over and over. He was so bad with words in these situations, especially considering the fact that he was a lawyer! But she was still going to question how having two men in her life would work, so she had to be totally convinced that it would. If the relationship had its foundation in love, Jilly would be hard-pressed to refuse.

Chapter Ten

Jillian awoke to an insistent tongue on her naked pussy. She lay still for a few moments, just enjoying the sensation and trying to decide if it was Sean or Peter between her thighs. The tongue stabbed into her vagina clear up to her cervix, and Jillian smiled. Sean. She spread her legs wider to give him better access, amazed to find that she wasn’t restrained, so reached down to stroke his soft pate. He didn’t stop his attentions, and the familiar coil of desire built, her clit beginning to throb, her vagina clenching around his stabbing, swirling tongue. She came in a rush, and Sean sucked her clit into his mouth, pushing her higher and then over again. God, it was too much. She begged and pleaded with him to stop, yet held him to her. Finally, he withdrew his face and rose up to loom over her, his chin and cheeks wet with her. She couldn’t read his eyes, as dark and deep as they were, but the emotion scared her a little as he settled his lips over hers and pushed his cock up inside her at the same time, like her opening had a homing beacon in it. Sean tasted like her, mingled with his own hot taste, and she reveled in his kiss, sucking his tongue into her mouth, wrapping her arms and legs around him tightly. This was what she craved, the closeness, the sense of being one. The other stuff, the kink, was amazing, and she wanted to try everything they could come up with and maybe some things she might think of, but this felt so good, so right.

Sean rocked in and out, back and forth, and Jillian’s hips met his rhythm. She briefly wondered where Peter was and then concentrated on this time with Sean. This side of him, the slow, gentle, caring lover. No, that wasn’t right. Sean was always caring. No matter how demanding he was, he took care with her.
was making love, not fucking. It should have bothered her, especially because Peter wasn’t part of this, but it didn’t. Sean began to thrust more insistently, and Jillian angled her vagina and used her muscles to give him the best pleasure she knew how to provide. He came with a low, painful groan, and she clenched harder, holding him as close as she could.

* * * *

Sean didn’t dare let Jillian see his face. He actually had tears in his eyes. She hadn’t come. Sure, he’d made certain she got hers before he fucked her, but still, well, she just let him take his release and wrapped him up. Not fucking, no, this was different, and he knew she was feeling it, too. Before, he and Peter had given, although they took back, but Jillian seemed quite okay with just giving. He rolled off of her and pulled her on top of him, ceding his alpha position without a qualm. She held his face between her hands and pressed a kiss on his nose, then nipped it.

“Eeow!” he yelped. “What was that for?”

“Because I wanted to.” Jillian smiled as she slithered off and onto the floor. “Gotta pee.”

Sean lay there and listened to her slam the bathroom door. He was smiling so wide his cheeks actually hurt.

“So?” asked Peter from the doorway.

Sean sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. “Didn’t I say she’s a keeper?’

“Uh-huh,” Peter answered. “And does Jilly understand that for sure?”

Sean looked away.

“Aww buddy,” moaned Peter. “Didn’t you tell her how you felt and reiterate what we want?”

Sean stood and went to the trash can to dispose of the condom, his back to Peter. “I showed her. She knows.”

“For fuck’s sake,” Peter muttered and headed into the bathroom.

The door slammed again, and Sean looked at it longingly. He scraped his hands over his face. Peter could tell Jillian. He personally was a showing kind of guy. He would make breakfast for them all and feed Jillian. Peter had stocked up with many kinds of canned and frozen food in anticipation of having Jillian over, but not so much fresh stuff. Sean would head out to the market down the street and pick up some goodies. He didn’t care if he looked domesticated. His woman had needs other than her carnal ones.

* * * *

Jillian faced Peter with her hands on her hips. “Sheesh, Peter, I thought a closed bathroom door indicated a need for privacy. I was about to shower.”

“I’ll help,” offered Peter.

Jillian sighed. She would get clean only to have to shower again.
Oh, the price she had to pay. Poor her.

Peter adjusted the water temperature and helped her step inside, then pulled off his boxers and followed her in. He tenderly soaped and washed her all over, taking only a little extra time on her tasty bits, and then washed and conditioned her hair. Jillian reached for the safety razor beside the bar of soap, and he plucked it from her hand, raising her arms one at a time to shave the fuzz in her armpits, then knelt at her feet to glide the razor over her legs. He grinned up at her, the water running over his face and beading in his eyelashes.

“Spread your legs a little, honey,” he suggested.

Jillian complied, and Peter made a show of inspecting her labia and mound for any hair growth that might have sprouted overnight, running the razor suggestively over her, then poking the plastic end just up inside her. Jillian went to her tippy-toes and shrieked. The water began to run cool, and Peter quickly stood to shut it off and wrap her up in a big towel, effectively cocooning her. He swept her up and fumbled with the door handle but managed to carry her to the bed without incident, rolling her out of the towel and onto the sheet still rumpled from the sex with Sean. Peter followed her down, synching his body with hers, pressing his forehead against hers, peering down into her eyes. They stared at one another for what seemed like an eternity until Jillian tried to look away.

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