Young, Allyson - The Promise [Siren Publishing Ménage Amour] (6 page)

BOOK: Young, Allyson - The Promise [Siren Publishing Ménage Amour]
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Jillian growled at him, “Payback’s a bitch, lawyer boy.”

Sean laughed, and Peter bounced up off the bed to take the vibrator in hand.

Jillian fought against the stimulation of the vibrator, doing multiplication tables in her head, thinking of cold winter days, and counting backward from sixty, in French. She somehow made it through the first minute, her body covered in perspiration, her heart pounding. She heard the men confer above her but couldn’t concentrate on the words. Two minutes to gather her defenses. A warm touch of some kind of substance was applied to her clit and opening. What the hell? It warmed some more and tingled. Maybe it was some kind of stimulating gel.

“That’s cheating!” she accused.

“And we have to use spell-check, honey,” was Peter’s only response, unless she counted the slap on her ass.

The vibrator returned, and her orgasm rolled over her. No contest. The plug inflated and prolonged the sensations. She was going to die from pleasure. There was no way she could endure five more. Time to negotiate.


“Not yet, babe,” crooned Sean. “Trust us to know that you can come more than once.”

“I can’t, please,” she begged.


Peter inserted the vibrator this time and used it skillfully high inside her for a prolonged minute. Just as she felt the tremors of a vaginal orgasm, he pulled it out to hold it directly on her clit. Jillian screamed with release and wound her fingers around the restraints just to stay connected to the earth. This time Sean waited to inflate the butt plug, and she rocked as best she could to accommodate it, knowing that the next orgasm would follow swiftly on the fullness. And it did, with the vibrator turned up high and left pushed up into her. Jillian thought her clit would swell and burst. Her vagina seized, and her eyes popped as the plug surged to press on the vibrator.

“No more, please, no more,” she gasped. “I give. I can’t. Anymore.”

“So what’s the negotiation, babe?” Sean asked, his voice deep and aroused. “One offer only.”

“I’ll take the full six pumps, I will,” Jillian babbled.

“Oh, I don’t know,” he answered. “Peter, how about five pumps and one more orgasm. A really big one this time?”

“I’m going to fucking well kill you both,” she moaned, then immediately wished she hadn’t said that.

The plug inflated once, and then she felt the slender vibrator push inside its center.

“Please,” she begged. “Please, Sean, please, Peter.”

The vibrator hummed and totally woke up her ass. She continued to beg, but now she was begging for another orgasm. A finger slid over her clit and teased it as two more digits pushed up her vagina. The pump inflated, and the vibrator picked up speed. Jillian’s heart pumped in her temples, and she gasped for breath. The soles of her feet tingled, and the feeling raced up her calves, her thighs, and between her legs. Someone slipped a hand under a breast and unerringly found a nipple, then pinched, hard. She went up like a firecracker, sparkles, sparks, crackles and all, and then knew nothing as every muscle went slack.

Jillian came out of her trance balanced on Peter’s lap, his arms tight around her. Sean had her feet on his thighs and was massaging the arches. Her ass throbbed, although not with any real pain, just fullness, and she realized the plug was still inside of her. That was why Peter had placed her just so. He didn’t want to put any more pressure on the end of the plug. He was so thoughtful, although that wouldn’t cut any ice when it was her turn to torment him. She idly wondered how it would feel for him to have the vibe up his ass while she fucked him or blew him.
So many possibilities

Sean caught her thinking and smiled. “Recovered, Jillian?” he asked. “You looked like you were having a good time.”

Jillian smiled back and saw him flinch the tiniest bit at the set of her lips. Payback was indeed a bitch.

Sean would be the one to get to know the vibrator more intimately, Jillian decided in that moment. Peter might like to have a close and personal encounter with a butt plug. She stretched a little and reached up to place a kiss on Peter’s cheek, noting the darkening in Sean’s face. They might share, but it didn’t seem to be totally without jealousy. It was something to file away for later.

Peter turned her to face him, his eyes serious.

“Jilly, sweetheart, I want you to listen carefully. If you try to play Sean or I against one another, there will be consequences, I promise. No, let me rephrase that. A punishment. One you will absolutely not like. This thing between us all is new because it’s committed, and we’re learning as we go along, but that’s a game you will not play. Understand?”

Jillian was shocked at how well Peter had read her. She felt a moment of shame and guilt. He was right. It wasn’t okay to mess with a friendship just because she could.


“Fine,” Peter said. “Then up you get. We’ll put our really late lunch together while you have a soak. We have big plans for later.”

“Can I take the plug out?” Jillian asked.

“I’ll do that for you, babe,” Sean advised, his tone brooking no argument.

“What is it with you and asses?” she asked.

“I can see I’ll have to pay more attention to your other orifices, Jillian. Just know that your anus isn’t exactly a place most people consider a cock will fit, and I’m not going to cause you any problems there. You need to be properly prepared. So don’t argue with me.”

Jillian almost laughed. He was going to fuck her ass, just as Peter was, but didn’t want to cause her any harm. Talk about convoluted. Although, truth to be told, she wasn’t nearly as anxious about it now. The anal play had overcome most of her concerns. And that last orgasm, well, if getting ass fucked was going to match that one, she thought she’d like a sample or three. Sean removed the plug with little fuss, although his intake of breath when he observed how her opening must have stretched said volumes. The soak in the tub relieved most of her aches and pains. She thought she might take up yoga, just to be able to stretch easier, then quickly shut the thought down. This experience might end in a week, and she didn’t want to look past that at possible heartache.

Chapter Six

Lunch consisted of Chinese takeout. Jillian couldn’t complain because Peter had ordered all of her favorites. She was starved and delved into the containers. She wore a bath sheet in direct defiance of Sean’s earlier order, and he gave her what she had come to recognize as “the look.” It didn’t matter. She wasn’t going to spill sticky, hot food on herself, and he could just suck it up.

“Looks like you want me to start making a list, babe,” he said around a mouthful of almond chicken.

“List?” Jillian replied. “What are you talking about?”

Peter laughed. “We make a list of infractions, Jilly, and think up the consequences. It’s fun.”

“Hmmm. Maybe I should start making my own list,” she mused. “I already know whose name I’m putting down first.”

“Doesn’t work that way, babe,” said Sean. “You don’t get to keep a list. I’m
giving you a pencil.”

“We’ll see,” Jilly answered demurely. “Anyway, I have a really good memory.”

The three of them were lost in their thoughts as they satisfied their hunger. Peter and Sean drank beer while Jillian just sipped at her wine. She hadn’t forgotten the margaritas and wasn’t going to let alcohol impair her judgment with these men or take away from the experience.

“So, what are we going to do after this magnificent feast you pulled together, Peter?” she asked, smiling at his expression. “I am tired, so nothing too strenuous.”

Peter shrugged. “I’m good to rest up for later.”

Sean also signaled his willingness to hold off on further sexual gymnastics for the time being.

Peter suggested, “Let’s watch a movie.”

Jillian shook her head. “I’d rather play another game, if you aren’t too chickenshit,” she announced. “You have a pool table in the other bedroom, and this building must have recreational facilities.”

“Uh-uh, babe. We aren’t leaving this condo until the end of the week. Nice try, though.” Sean stretched and gave her another look. “Pool it is. But you aren’t wearing that towel.”

Jillian shivered and tried a melting look. “But I’ll get cold,” she whined.

Sean pulled her to her feet. “We’ll turn the heat up. C’mon.”

Jillian allowed him to tug her down the hallway without protest and didn’t say anything when he whirled her out of the towel, enjoying his blatant scrutiny of her naked form. She didn’t feel so pudgy in that moment. He bent to kiss her, and she gave it her all. He was such a good kisser, although Peter didn’t lose any points in that regard. She couldn’t decide whom she preferred out of the two of them. It was bothersome because she couldn’t have them both. Could she? If they were even still interested at the end of the promised week.

Peter entered the room, having put away the lunch items. “Thinking again, honey?”

Jillian backed out of Sean’s arms and got nose-to-chest with Peter. “You think you are so smart. You think you know me so well. We’ll see. Snooker rules, no deviation. Winner plays the next person, and that winner decides the festivities. Okay? Oh, and the first loser gets a double penalty.”


* * * *

Sean rolled his eyes at Peter. Jillian had said “snooker.”
Christ, would they ever tire of this incredible woman and her continual surprises?
Peter might know her moods and habits, working alongside her so intensely as he had done, but he sure as shit didn’t know everything. Sean began to plot ways to distract her from the game, or either he or Peter was going to be on the other end of the sex play. Again.

Sean and Jillian played first. Sean played a little grab ass and managed to slide a finger up her pussy a time or two when she spread over the table for a shot. He so wanted to tie her down on the green felt and play with her. His cock felt like it could pound nails, and Peter had a glazed look as he watched her make shot after shot, her breasts flattened against the rails, her ass in the air doing a little shimmy. Flashes of her pink folds tantalized, but it was her air of total concentration and the nibbling on her full bottom lip as she weighed each shot that did it for him. She had sucked them both off with skill and fervor with those beautiful lips and hot mouth. Peter had shared Jilly’s shy assertion the night of the margaritas about not really liking fellatio, especially the never swallowing part until she had met him. Sean figured he was included in her change of heart because she had swallowed him down with undisguised relish. Twice. She was meant for them both. He blamed losing his game on an inability to get close enough to the table for the long shots because his cock kept getting in the way. It was hard to bend over a hard-on. Now he had to hope that Peter would win, but he always beat Peter. He wondered what Jillian had in store for them.

Peter didn’t go down without a good showing. Sean helped a little by distracting Jillian. At one point she forfeited the immediate win because he knelt behind her and lapped at her pussy while Peter held her arms on the table. Her orgasm slowed her down a little, and Peter began to catch up. However, Jillian rallied, and Peter lost. The glazed look was back, and for a moment Sean thought he might just fuck the rules and go for the playtime on the felt. Instead, he felt his mouth open and words spill out before he could choke them back.

“Double or nothing.”

Jillian’s head snapped around. “What does that mean?” she asked.

“I’ll play you again. If I win, then the other results are moot and I get to play director.”

“Director?” she asked, puzzled. “You mean…”

“I mean I tell you what to do and you do it without question. Same for Peter.”

Peter kept his poker face on and said nothing, although his eyes were shrieking something at Sean. If Jillian lost, it was going to be a long night to remember. If Sean lost, well, it would suck to be them.

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