Your Red Always (16 page)

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Authors: Leeann Whitaker

BOOK: Your Red Always
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Adrien pulls a sheet of paper across to his waist. He takes out his own personal silver pen, and squiggles his initials. I quickly dip my head to the side to try and see. But he knows what I’m up to, and slides it toward Shaun, sharply. I stamp my foot. It’s something I’ve never noticed myself do before now. 

He turns, placing his fingers on my cheeks, then presses his lips on mine for a brisk kiss. “You’re going to love this. Rented the whole place for us.”

Right that’s it. I’ve had just about enough of all this mysterious crap. “Will you tell me what the hell I am going to love?”

“You’ll soon see,” he winks.

“Would you both like to follow me,” Shaun says as I reluctantly stand back with my jaw hanging in confusion.

“Elizabeth.” Adrien pulls on my arm.

We go through a door at the back of the gift shop. Through a small corridor. And out into a room with shelving units full of mountaineering equipment. There’s a woman laying out straps and carabineer clips. Hell. She’s pulling thick cords from the shelf, asking Shaun about tandem weights and drops. Drop the fuck where? I freeze up. I’ve gone ice-cold, and feel all peculiar.

“Elizabeth, come on,” Adrien pulls me out of my trance, as Shaun takes an array of equipment through another door.

I linger behind. We walk out into the still cold night, along a terrifying metal bridge I can see right through. My legs weaken with each step. This is not my idea of a date.

“Miss Lovell, please could you slip your legs through this,” the woman asks, as I grip onto a side rail, shaking my head in refusal.

Adrien lets go of my hand and begins to get buckled up. He seems to know what he’s doing, and helps Shaun secure clips, and pull straps tight. He waves me over, but hell no. Anything that involves this amount of safety equipment, on a god damn crisscross bridge that comes to an abrupt end, of course is making me stay put. Is this a joke? Am I having some bizarre dream right now?

“Guys, would you mind leaving us for a few minutes?” Adrien says. “I guess I need to come clean.”
You don’t need to Adrien. I’ve kind of gathered what you want me to do. 

I hold my body over with my arms folded across my belly, breathing in and out, deep. Shaun follows the woman back into the shop. I stay very still. If I move any closer to that edge, my legs will give-way.  

“Elizabeth, give me your hand,” he sweet-talks. “Come on, I’ve done this a thousand times,” he gestures in a persuading way.

Jeez. How does he do it; makes me do as I’m told? Puts me at ease with a few pacifying words. I hold out my hand with trembling cold fingers. He takes my arm, and gently guides me closer to a solid platform. Its pitch-black, bar spotlights shining in the snow coated trees over the ravine. It resembles a scene from a fantasy. A stunning forest of shadow across the way. But how can appreciate a thing when my heart is pounding so violently, and I think I might just blackout. I’m now one step from the edge, and I can’t look. 

Adrien presses his hands firmly on my shoulders. If his aim here is to try and talk me around, it’s not going to work. I focus on his chest with a quivering breath

“Look at me.” He lifts my chin so I see a golden glimmer cast within his dark limbal ring. “Look down, there’s nothing to be afraid of, it’s to be embraced.”

“What?” I snap. 

He’s confusing me. He’s not making any logical sense at all. Jumping to your death has to be embraced?

“Fear. You embrace it… it doesn’t affect you anymore.”

“So, you want me to jump off this ledge, and embrace my impending death?” I try to look down again, but only manage a one second glance.

“Elizabeth, when you look into the darkness you have two choices,” he says, with his hand on my cheek, gazing affectionately. “You either fall into it, so you’ll never fear the unknown again. Or you stay on the ledge, always wondering what’s there. Torturing yourself over it.” 

He’s making me all squidgy inside again.
Damn your slick words Adrien

“Elizabeth, I live in the abyss, and would like you to leap into the unknown with me.” He compresses his jaw. “Will you join me?”

I sigh out the fear. He’s done it. My heart’s summersaulting and I’m queasy with dread. But he’s right. Now I’m here, if I don’t do it, I’ll always remember the time I didn’t, and think what would it have been like if I did.

“Well, a nice country pub would have been more suitable,” I say, forcing out a petrified smile.

“You’ll be with me all the way sexy,” he says with a sly beam.

“Okay… can’t believe I’m agreeing to this.”

“Would you have agreed if I told you?”

“Hell no.” 

He kisses me, pleased, and calls out the instructors.


The toe of my boot is only inches from the edge. I’m harnessed and secured to Adrien, with my head on his chest and eyelids squeezed tight. I clutch the straps on his back, and feel the bungee cord. The woman instructor tugs on the bottom of my harness and I wobble. Oh fuck, I’m going to fall before I jump if I carry on convulsing like this.

“Open your eyes,” Adrien sniggers.

“Shit… what the hell have you got me into?”

His chest vibrates with amusement as his arms clasp around my waist. “Open your eyes… look at me.”

I grit my teeth so hard my gums hurt. I peel one eye open with my head facing the gangway. Shaun smiles at me, and I feel like telling him to piss-off. I peer up at Adrien, terrified.

“You keep them open all the way,” he says. “And don’t breathe in the water.”

“Water!” This just keeps getting better and better.

Shaun positions Adrien and I, so we’re sideways and in position to fall. “You’re ready to go,” he states, running his hand high up the cord.

“I’m going to die tonight aren’t I?” I squeak.

“Not tonight,” he grins. “Elizabeth… I’m going to lean with you.”

Oh my god. Breathe Liz, breathe.

I grip onto Adrien so hard my fingers throb. He leans, and holy crap, we’re falling. I’m silent. Winded in utter terror. Then strangely, my body becomes ignited. Alight with an intense high of exhilaration. 

The adrenalin rushes through my blood and into my inverted head. Adrien yowls out as I hang onto him for dear life. Our heads suddenly submerge in the chill of the unseen river for a millisecond. Then the kickback springs us soaring high. I can see the floodlit snaking branches all around us. This is actually incredible. I let out quick panicky gasps as Adrien continues to howl in enjoyment.

“You kept your eyes open.” He holds me in his arms as we swing with air whooshing all around us.

I was brave. I did. And wow, I’m glad. It’s as though I’ve just cheated death. Yes, I’m attached to Adrien and the gangway. But if it were my time, then this cord would have failed, and it didn’t, so yay me.

We’re slowly hoisted upward. My chest is still puffing out air. I’m as pliable as play-dough. And the blood gathered in my upside-down head heats my face.

“That was pretty amazing,” I exhale, looking down through the hair stuck to my face.

“I’m glad you enjoyed.” He sweeps the hair from my eyes with a chuckle. “How do you feel about skydiving?” I gasp loudly in alarm. “I’m messing with you.” He cranks up his head to kiss my temple. 

We’re unclipped, unstrapped, and let loose. I can’t walk without a weird weak wobble, and I have to hold onto Adrien’s arm for support as we make our way back into the warm shop. 

My hair is a mess, so I tuck it behind my ears as Adrien thanks the staff. I’m still buzzing from head to foot. It’s so strange, how energised I feel after doing something so dangerous. If he asked me, I would most definitely do that again. 

Adrien holds my hand as we make our way back to the car. He frequently glances to me, as though he’s very proud I leapt. He pulls out his keys, and I snatch them playfully. I’ve not finished tonight. I’m in need of something to give me that thrill again.

“Let me drive.” I wave the keys.

He scowls. “After that… you feel good to drive?”

He thinks I can’t handle this car. I’ve been dying to drive it since we got here. It’s a four-by-four, and we’re in the countryside. What better way end to the night, than participating in a little off-roading.

“Well,” I flirt. “You have just made me jump off a bridge, so really you should let me do what I want.”

He laughs with an eye roll. “Fine.” He walks to the passenger side. “It’s insured.”  

I climb into the driver’s seat. It’s so high and snug compared to my Beryl. I pull over the belt, start the bad boy up, and take a few seconds to familiarise myself with the dashboard. It can’t be that difficult to drive with it being an automatic. I flick on the headlights, press the handbrake button, and we begin to roll. I have a pretty good idea how to get back. One long quiet road, then a right turn. I switch on the full beam, and accelerate faster. 

Hell yeah! It’s so much fun not having to change gear. Fifty, sixty, seventy. I bounce in the seat. I’m excited. Too excited.
Okay Liz, we want even faster don’t we.

“Slow down, Elizabeth,” Adrien barks.

Ha. This is payback for the jump Adrien. I smile and keep my foot down, ignoring his request.

“I thought you were a thrill-seeker, Mr Knight,” I toy. “To fast for you… afraid you might die?”

This car is amazing. I don’t know what’s got into me. I need another kick, and speeding through these country lanes is working. 

“I can’t die, and you’re turning me on driving like this. You’re dangerous… so slow the fuck down.”

He glares with his angry fuck me eyes. Shit, I love that look. I want to pull over and rip his pants off right now.

“Road Elizabeth!”

Lights hit my vision and I’m blinded temporarily. I swerve, and miss an oncoming car by an inch. 

“Shit,” I gasp, quickly regaining control.

“Slow down, or I drive,” he snaps.

I spring in the seat. I’m horny and it’s his fault. I bite my lip. I have the power in my hands and there’s something I’ve wanted since we got here. I will get my way. I put my foot to the floor again. Tonight I’m freaking too randy to think straight. 

“You want me to slow down?” I purr. “Then show me what you’ve got in that room.” I really want to see, so much so, I’m willing to crash this nice car for it.

His torso inflates furiously. He grabs my thigh and runs his hand up to my crotch. Jesus. I’m all over the road. I wheeze, gritting my teeth, as his hand and fingers massage me with unyielding strokes, harder and harder. Oh shit!

“Slow down or I’ll carry on.” He glides his digits against me, slow and firm, up and down my damp pants. “I won’t die, but you might.” His tone is husky.

I don’t want him to stop. But god. I’m going total this car in a minute. I could actually kill myself over sex here. I grumble, and ease my foot off the accelerator. 

“You win,” I growl as he removes his touch. “Can I please pull over,” I say in need. “Here will do won’t it?” My voice is as frustrated as my body.

I glance across, waiting for his yes. “No,” he say definitely. “I’m in no mood.”

Great work there Liz. You want to get laid, then you don’t piss-off your means to get it.

I turn right through the open the gates. I’m on the brink of sexual starvation, so speed a little to get to the house as fast as possible. I turn off the engine and angle over the wheel, frustrated.

“That was a stupid stunt, Elizabeth.” He gets out and slams the car door.

I take off my jacket as he lingers at the bottom of the stairs with a sly, but disapproving expression. He strides to me with gluttonous eyes, and aggressively pulls me into his body.

“I thought I was the one bad for you. It’s proving to be the other way around.”

“I’m sorry.” I swallow.

“Don’t be.” His eyes move down my body.

“Show me,” I say quietly. “Please.” I tug his hand to the staircase.


Chapter 13: The Red’s Room


I concentrate on the door as I tow Adrien’s hand behind me. He’s reluctant, always two paces behind. I turn to him. His whole body is despondent and unwilling. God, this is his house, he shouldn’t be ashamed of a thing.

“Where’s the key?” I ask softly.

He sighs, and rears his view to the top of the doorframe. Okay, not a very original hiding place, so it can’t be that bad. 

I finger the wood from left to right, and a small silver key falls into my palm. I release Adrien from my control, and place the key inside the doorknob. I twist until it clicks open, and look back with a shrewd smile because I feel so wicked for making him do this. Almost immediately, the apprehension surfacing on his face has me halt my childish mission.

“What’s in there that’s bothering you so much?” 

“It’s a room… intended for you,” he murmurs. “A room designed for my needs.”

I frown with a stumped grin. “For me… for your needs?”

“It’s kind of a custom for those in the Order.” I find his incoherent mumbling very hard to hear, and have to tilt my head nearer to him. “All Executives who have a Red, have a distinctive room. But we’re not going to use it?” He says. “I don’t need to, Elizabeth.”

“Fuck… I knew it. There’s kinky stuff in there isn’t there?” 

His eyes spin, annoyed. “Take a look.”

I inhale and open the door, to find a set of stained wooden stairs. I’m so eager. There’s an irrepressible impishness in me, that can’t be shaken off. 

I climb halfway, but don’t hear him follow. I glance over my shoulder. He’s stood there still at the bottom, anxiously glaring up.

“Elizabeth, I can’t go up there.”

“Come on… this your house, and it’s not like you’ve killed anyone.” I huff. “Or have you?” I chuckle.

“Fuck it.” He jogs up behind me.

I place my foot onto a solid redwood floor. I raise my head to see a vast round beamed roof, which has six heavy duty black hooks spaced out at different location on the main beam. There are no straight walls. It’s just a huge round space with deep maroon and gold wall coverings, and a tall fancy mahogany cabinet. My eyes search this evocative room further. I see three elegant wall lights that produce a hot sexy atmosphere against the rich red. Crap, I’m tingling all over.

I’m supposed to be shocked. I’m supposed to be against this kind of fetish stuff. My mum’s midlife crisis created that dislike in me. But now I feel I know Adrien enough to be curious about his needs. To be interested. 

I’ve been trying not to look. But now I have to. Perhaps I want to. I hum out. 

The bed is stood dead centre. A modern chunky solid four poster, made from stripped and waxed railway sleepers. It’s not as bad as my mind made out to be a second ago. It has hooks on each post, one in the bedhead, and one in the foot-base. There are drapes of cream lace that swag over the posts, giving it a softer look. And the sheets are taupe silk. But no chains, leather straps, or intimidating handcuffs are on show, which is a bizarre relief.  The longer I look at this erotic bed, the more my imagination fills with dirty thoughts.

I pace coolly. I feel so audacious and keen. It’s like he told me, I may get fucked up like that curious cat. Because right now, my body is liking the idea of using this room with him, very much.

I run my hand over a brown leather chair, the kind I dream will be in my office one day, and stop before the tall cabinet. I move my hand to the door and bite my cheek, observing Adrien’s cagey eyes. I pull, but it’s locked.

“The key,” he says, sheepishly.

I use the same door key to open the gold lined lock, taking a big breath.

This is it Liz. This will tell you what kind of guy you’re involved with. If there’s whips and spanking sticks in here. Or anything that’s the size of a forearm, and runs on batteries. You’re going to have to seriously get you head checked out, if you’re still stood here in the next five minutes.

I swallow and open. I can’t see, so pull ajar the other door. I note fabric; red silk and rope on the top shelf. The one below houses a box made of solid silver, with lettering engraved on each surface. It’s the size of an average shoe box, and looks antique. I take it out and look to him. It’s weighty and the lid is locked, like everything else in this room.

“That’s personal,” he says, still too fearful to venture near me.

I slide the box back, and look at the clothes rail. Garments hang, seven of them. Silks, laces, and satins, in white, cream, and black. I take out one of the beige suede coat hangers. It’s beautiful. A white silk and lace mini nightdress, with a ribbon corset back. 

Wow. This room. It’s sending sultry shivers up my legs, into my darkest areas. In fact, it’s making me want him more than ever. I never in a million years thought I’d want to use such a room. But now, my skin’s on fire thinking of him seeing me dressed in this silk and his arousal. I cough and purr.

“So” I pull out one of the long red pieces of silk. “What’s this for?” 

His avid gaze is intense and fraught. “For your eyes.”

“So I don’t see you.” I run the silk through the palm of my hand. “Why?”

He finally takes a step closer, but it’s still too far away. “It’s believed that with one sense covered, the others heighten.” He wets his bottom lip.

Please continue Adrien.

“When I kiss your skin, you will feel it three fold.” His eyes are now activating that scenario directly on me. “When I stroke your hair, face, lips, your body will,” he exhales. “Move and experience an unearthly journey while in darkness.” He steps nearer. “Your hands will be bound, so all your roused responses will stimulate your hips. And you must trust me to read you, and have no influence over the experience at all.” 

Oh my-my-my
. I want that journey. He needs to take me there.

“And.” I try not to moan out in premature arousal. “You don’t want this?”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he says, agitated. “Tying you up… is well… not necessary.” 

“You won’t hurt me.” I hold out the blindfold nervously.

I’m most definitely convinced I want this. It is an absolute necessity he does all those things to me. He’s stirred my insides. He’s kindled a neurotic need for it. 

He breathes heavy, coursing his fingers through his hair, sexually stressed by my unyielding will. He charges to me, and his lips meet mine ardently. He sighs, shifting his mouth over my ear to inhale me. I pant, gripping the blindfold tight.

“You want this… you want me to tie your hands to that bed?” He murmurs moist words. “You want me to do things to your body, without you having the ability to see?” I can’t speak to answer. “Elizabeth,” he whispers. “Say no… please.”

That’s never going to happen. Not now he’s turned me on like this. He’s going to do all those things to me, he has to. I stare up at him with my top lip pleated over my bottom.

“I want this,” I gulp.

I stand back and lust into his eyes. I bend over and unzip my boots to remove them. He watches every move I make, immobile. I undo my zipper and bow over with straight legs, teasing down my jeans, bit by bit. Still his view is glued on my striptease. I feel inspired by this room, no anxiety or shame. I breathe deep, peering down at my blouse. I flick open my buttons, to see my breasts rising needy beneath my white lace bra. My throat has narrowed in the most sensory way, a feeling that will stay until I’ve been satisfied. Deliberately, I lift my head to shake down my hair so it tickles my back. I wait for him.

He launches to me with hunger and plays with my bottom lip. He stops with an instinctive want, and casts his eyes down my body. His respiration is extreme and cool on my skin. I pull up his shirt as his raging gasps flicker through my hair. I slip my hands beneath onto his firm chest, and gently scour my nails down his abdomen. He twitches at my touch, then tears it over his head. He reaches into the cupboard and takes out the rope, bracing his strong jaw. His hand gently tugs on mine, and he leads me to the bed. He pushes on my shoulders so I sit. 

This is the raciest act I’ve ever been a part of, and I will comply. I’m on the dangerous threshold of falling for this man. I can’t imagine not being with him like this again. Pleasing each other, over and over.

“Hold out your arms… cross them like this.” With the rope in his hand he demonstrates, one wrist over the other. 

I do as he asks, so the tips of my fingers brush over his soft pubic hair. He wraps the rope around my wrists in a figure of eight movement, as I watch his concrete focus. I draw in my dry lips to dampen them because I feel so hot. 

“Is that too tight?” He tenderly asks. 

I nod, sexually afflicted and unable to reply.

He kneels on the bed and moves to my back. I shudder as the red blindfold comes down over my face, and across my eyes. He pulls it over my ears, making sure it’s flat. It’s begun already. His chest and arms brushing against my skin, it makes my pores tingle and my groin throb for him. He ties the silk. I can’t see him now. All I see is red.

He leaves the bed and stands before me. I know he’s there, not just by sound, but the powerful static that is bombarding between us.

“Elizabeth,” he says lightly as I bite my cheek. “I’m going to lift you up into my arms and move you, okay?”

His arm threads beneath my knees, and he places the other around my waist. I’m airborne, with my head in the crevice of his cool chest. I’m going to savour every single moment of this.

He gently lays me down on the mattress, and bends across my fluttering belly. He hoists my arms high, coursing his hands up to my roped wrists to hook them onto the bed. I have goose-pimples all over my skin, and my ribs are elevating up and down briskly. I’m not scared, no. Being bound by him has made me wet with suspense.  

“Elizabeth,” he breathes. “Calm yourself.” 

His hand sweeps from my chin, down my breast, to the top of my lace panties. I sigh heavily, as my hips float up of their own accord. He scales the lace down my legs, while coating me with slight kisses and lashes with the tip of his tongue. The wetness of his mouth stains me and lingers. He grabs my calf and lifts, so my left knee bends. I feel a faint scratch at the back of my thigh as he uses his hand to caress my wet opening circularly. I wriggle and purr out. I can’t help it. It’s true what he said. This really is something else. As I lay in red, his touch is all over me.

“You taste so damn sweet,” he hums. “Mine… all mine.”

Jeez. I’m trying to hang on here. Let’s keep dirty talk to a minimum please.

He laps and licks my quivering body. I’m so weak and ready for him. I call his name, as he continues to tongue my thigh like a mad man.

“Elizabeth… you need to stop yelling at me.”

I chomp hard on my cheek. It’s hard to be quiet when he’s turning me inside out with this damning, but perfect sex act. Shit. I never thought it would be this difficult. 

He places my leg on the bed, and my hips drift up. I feel his teeth as he seductively kisses my permeable opening. After each kiss, his tongue flicks, causing me to convulse irrepressibly as though I’m being hit by a thousand vaults.

“God Adrien,” I wail. “I need you.”

He journeys up my skin, drawing down my bra to uncover my nipple. He toys with it then moves up. His flawless velvet skin weighs down carefully over me. My pulse drops beat after beat as I try to catch a breath. He nips and sucks my clammy neck riotously. I feel him, how hard he is as he presses upon me. Hell, he’s so ready. I exhale loud with a needy moan.

“Please unhook me.” I need to touch his face; I’m losing my mind here.

“Only if you keep the blindfold on.” He nuzzles my nose as I agree to his demand.

He unhooks me and I wiggle my fingertips urgently until he sweeps his lips across them. His head goes through my open constraint arms, and I rest them on his strong bare shoulders. 

He goes back to my neck, tasting and kissing. His erection is rubbing against my pounding slit, and I’m now desperate. I position my hips so he moves into me, rotating my waist for easy entry. He growls and dives deep inside.

“Oh god!”

My whole being ruptures into chaos as hot juice floods out of me. He’s giving me everything, and doing it hard. He pounds and pounds in me as I howl to the heavens above. My legs coil further up his body as he takes me even higher.
Holy shit

He thrusts into my stream, and we come both come together. I dig my toes into the mattress, pulling his hair as I let everything go. He flags on my shoulder as I breathe wildly.

“Adrien… I’m falling for you,” I sigh.

He stops breathing. There’s no sense, no sound, or movement. Suddenly, he draws away, shuffling from my arms and down my body. 

Shit. I told him how I feel and he doesn’t like it. I’m not going to get emotional here. Please don’t cry. Please, do not cry.

“Adrien?” He’s leaving me. I can hear him running down the damn stairs.

I sit up and use my thumbs to remove the blindfold. How fucking ignorant. I wasn’t asking him to marry me. I thought what we did just now, was some kind of epic memory we’d both share forever. He’s made me feel this way. God, I’m such an idiot. 

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