Your Red Always (17 page)

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Authors: Leeann Whitaker

BOOK: Your Red Always
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I shift to the end of the mattress and pull the end of the rope with my teeth to untie myself. I pick my panties up from the floor, and see a drop of blood.
Oh, you have got to be kidding me.
I bet that’s why he ran. I’m not due for another two week. Thank you mother nature for completely screwing up my night.

On route to the stairs, I retrieve my shirt from the floor. I make quick-time, hoping I don’t make a mess everywhere. I enter his room cautiously, just in-case he’s there. He’s not, so I hurry and shut myself in the bathroom. 

I don’t get it. No sign of blood. Nothing. I button up my shirt and look at my reflection, hunched over the sink. It’s no good, I can’t hold them in. Tears begin to fall from my eyes.

What was it I did that was so bad? Not perform in the way he fantasised. Tell him my feelings. Be too damn open with him. He must not have the same idea about this as me. Clearly he wants this to be some amicable, easy fuck thing. Cate did warn me. 

I sniff the flow of fluid running from my nose, and rip off some toilet tissue. While dabbing my face, I level out my tousled hair, then apprehensively make my way to the stairs.

It’s so dark down here. Not one light on. I feel my way to the light switch by the front door, flicking them all on. 

He’s arched over the kitchen island with his shirt open. He knows I’m here, there’s a spotlight shining directly above his head, but he won’t look at me. It’s impossible right now not to be overemotional. But I have to be direct with him. I need to know where I stand. 

I nervously move closer, pulling down the bottom of my shirt because I now feel so exposed near him. I vigilantly place my hand on his back. 

“Do you… well, will you say something?”

He turns sharp. I’ve never seen this look before. Angry streaks around his eyes. His pupils almost black, bottomless, and full of scorn. And his face, its sheet white with a dark rouge over his cheekbones only. I quickly take my hand away and step back.

“Do you feel okay?” He’s still glaring, and now panting vigorously. “Adrien!”

His head drops down as his torso expands and deflates great lungful’s of air. Then strangely he calms to a dead silence.

“Adrien, did I do something wrong up there?” I remain still, keeping a safe distance between us.

“No Elizabeth,” his voice is deep and intimidating.

“Sure doesn’t feel that way to me,” I utter. 

He slants his head. I see he’s cooled off a little. He stares, and it flares a lump to form in my neck. I will not cry. I won’t do it, be weak in front of him. I inhale, swallow, and take a step nearer, but he holds out his hand to stop me. He doesn’t want me anywhere near him. 

“Please… don’t.” His eyes pain.

“Is this because of the room?” I gulp, plucking up the courage to get him to open up to me. “Are you embarrassed… was it something I didn’t do right… what?” My voice strains with upset. “I’m open-minded; are you forgetting what I told you about my mum?”

“The tonic… you took it?” 

Okay, what sort of a question is that? I didn’t fall asleep on him. In fact, the whole experience woke me inside and out.

“Well?” He snaps at me.

I drank it before we left the house. I didn’t want to, but did it because he was being so insistent. 

My mouth opens and I silence, watching his fingertips grasp the granite worktop. He’s not making any sense to me. Is the tonic some kind of viagra, and the orgasm I had with him just wasn’t as powerful as he anticipated?

“Why is that relevant… what’s in that stuff?”

“Did you take it?” He voices in an irritable manner.

“Shit… yes I drank it! You need to talk to me, Adrien.”

He growls and walks to the narrow edge of the island, creating more distance between us. He hesitates, while I linger in wounded confusion.

“You did everything right, Elizabeth.” His features soften. “I have the problem.” He smirks with self-loathing. “You’re intoxicating, and I’m a dangerous addict.”

“Please, explain it to me?” I say quietly.

“Going into that room was a mistake. Shit, maybe all this is. You’re doing something to me, something that’s fucking with my head.” 

I snap my teeth together, tight. My eyes sting and vision blurs. Why is he being such a dick with me?

“You’re too good, for me,” he exhales, hanging his head. “To good for that room… I can’t give you what you want.”

I feel so hot. My heart is booming hard against my ribs, and I can’t stop flexing my knees. This isn’t like the reaction he usually causes within me. This is fury like I’ve never felt before.

“Bullshit… you’re giving me the excuse all guys do when they freak-out because a woman has displayed a bit of emotion.” I begin to shake; I’m such a frigging mess. “I don’t want to marry you, live with you, or picture a future of us with kids. I never wanted to take you away from your bachelor businessman status. I enjoy the sex if you must know.” I catch my breath, watching his face harden in shock.

“Elizabeth,” he murmurs.

“It’s Liz!” 

A tear escapes down my cheek. I turn my back to him so he doesn’t see it, and hear his bare feet approach. He gently holds my bicep, but I yank it back. He can’t sweet-talk his way out of this. He’s really hurt me.

“Liz.” I close my eyes because his voice sounds almost pleading. “Sorry. I’m not myself. I’m sick and need to rest.”

I peer up into his slight eyes. “Fine.” 

I leave him alone, hoping that when I wake tomorrow, he’s in better sorts and we can talk this out.



Chapter 14: Depart


Daylight beams through a small gap in the thick lined curtains. I haven’t slept, and I’ve spent the entire night alone. I didn’t sob over him, I waited, but he never came. The fallout has made me question my own self-respect. Did I throw it away, just for amazing sex with a hot rich man? A man who can wrap me around his little finger, because he can make my body feel divine? He told me to jump, and I literally did, one hundred and forty meters into a black gorge to be precise.

I take a shower. I don’t linger. Quick wash, brush, and out. There are memories in there that are supposed to be pleasurable, but now plague me with uncertainties. 

I heave up my skinny jeans, pull on my boots, and sit on the bed. I’m dreading the thought of leaving this room to face him. Even though I’ve not seen hide nor hair of him, the mood in this house is so tense.

After putting it off. I’ve mustered up the courage, and now I’m walking by the front door. It’s really dark down here to say it’s just turned noon. All curtains are drawn, and the dimming tint is still over the window panels at the back of the house. 

I pop my head around the corner to look into the kitchen. Perhaps his mood has changed, and he’s doing what he did for me yesterday. Making breakfast, all smiles and carefree. But he’s not there. No delicious odours or naked flesh to be seen. Just the mess he made remains.

I stroll by the island and open the fridge. There’s only a small drop of milk left. It’s a day out of date, so I sniff it. Smells fine. Good enough to take the bitterness from a black coffee. I pop it next to the kettle, and hear a husky out-breath from the couch. With a quiver in my gut, I turn to see the back of Adrien’s head. He’s sat in the dark, holding his IPad. 

Okay, so he’s clearly pretending I don’t exist. That’s it. I’m going to act fine with this. I’m not going to let him drive me crazy, and I’m not going to let him play stupid mind games with me. I’m in a strange town, hundreds of miles from home, and unable to just storm out. So this is how I see it; I have to keep it together and not fall apart.

I approach his back. Still he doesn’t move. Just as I’m about to speak, his phone starts to ring. He grumbles, tosses his IPad on the cushion, and stands up. He peers at the screen of his phone. My nose crinkles. Not only has he been sat here in the dark, but he’s also wearing his shades again. 

I clam up, feeling unwelcome, unwanted, and inapt. He drops his head and stares at me over the frame of his glasses. He answers his phone, turning away with a bitter flash in his eyes.

“Sara,” he almost yells. “That bad batch came from Manchester, every single one gets the once over, so someone has fucked with it at the preservation centre.” He paces and points. “I want names of all who had access. Anyone who used their key card to get into that facility will be on record.” He listens to the receiver, fleeting a glance at me as I stand like some stupid spare part. “Sara, I don’t give a shit about the Sange Pentru, or the Vigore, I’ll deal with this before any of them find out.” He disconnects the call in a temper. 

Oh crap. Is he going to turn on me now? I wait like a kid in the headmaster’s office, afraid to say a word in-case my head gets chewed off. He groans out annoyed air, and drops back onto the sofa with his head in his hands.

“Elizabeth, will you sort out your things, we have to leave.”

“Err… is everything okay?” I cringe.

“I’m in no mood for fuss. I have a migraine, and our plane leaves in one hour,” he grumbles. “So please get your things in order.”

Well, I was right, I did throw away my self-respect. I’ll do as he asks. I need to get home, the sooner the better.


I wait by the car with my case. Adrien stomps through the fine drizzle wearing shades with his black hood over his head. He opens the driver’s side. So I swiftly dash to the boot and plonk my case inside. Now, where do I sit? I don’t particularly want to sit next to him, or in the back. I hover a moment, telling myself to just pick a damn seat. 

I open the back and hop in, slamming the door hard. He observes me through the rear-view mirror as I pull over my belt. All I get is a dip of his head and a huff of irritation before he sets off.

Never in my life have I felt so redundant and used. It’s taking all my energy to hold back the tears. Not one word he’s spoken to me. He’s simply not bothered about what’s happened between us at all. He’s had his way with me, and is done. I wish I could be more like Cate, grow some balls and tell him what a complete tosser he is. If it were her in this fucked up situation, she would have smashed up this car real good back in Killiecrankie. But I can’t be like that with him. He’s taken a piece of me, and he’s etched on my heart. 

We arrive at the airport after a white knuckle journey. I’m surprised we got here alive the way he drove. I had to close my eyes several times, and I really wanted to scream at him to stop. But I was strong and held my tongue. We’re not on talking terms right now, and I want him to know how pissed-off I am.

The staff flap around us because we’re late and have messed up air traffic control. Any normal passenger would have to book another flight. But if you’ve got a bit of cash in your pocket, you can basically buy time.

I walk through the metal detector, this time remembering to put my troll and keys in the plastic tub. I wait by one of the assistants as Adrien goes through. It beeps, and the look he’s giving the security guard is not a nice one.

“Sir, you need to empty your pockets and remove any metal items… place them in this box,” he says.

“Are you kidding me...I don’t have time for this.” Wow, he’s so grouchy it’s galling.

He digs deep into his grey jogging bottoms, and lobs his keys with some loose change into the plastic tub. I don’t know why he’s being so aggressive about it. He should be used to taking these trips via flight, it’s just standard protocol. The poor security guard doesn’t know what to do with himself.

He storms through the gate again, and again it beeps. I rub my eyes. I’m so tired, and his crankiness is rubbing off onto me.

“Sir, please,” the guard coaxes Adrien, who looks just about ready to detonate.

“I have fuck all on me, so please let me get on my plane dammit!” 

He’s worrying me. He’s going to end up in a police cell if he carries on like this. I know exactly what’s setting the thing off. 

I vigilantly move right in front of him. He peers down, taking breaths feverishly. I lift my hands and place my fingers around the curved frame of his shades. His hand flies up to grip my wrist. He stares as his adam’s apple sinks. I close my eyes for a moment because I miss his touch. I’ve not had my fix today.

Cold as ice, he releases his hold and with his head down, thunders through the detector. Thankfully, it stays silent this time. Straightaway, he snatches his things from the guard and slides his shades back over his nose.


This plane doesn’t have the same magical effect on me as it did before. I glimpse back to the spot I became a member of, then to Adrien. He is now laid out on the cream leather couch, with a pillow over his face. I angle my head right back, facing the cockpit. I shut my eyes, but even in the darkness he won’t exit my head. I could try and get him to talk. All this just because he tied me to that bed. There’s got to be something more profound going on with him.

“Adrien,” I call quietly.

“Hmm.” He doesn’t move.

Come on Liz, spit it out.
“Thanks… for the trip.”
Better than that Liz, dig more please.
“Have you seen a doctor with the headaches?”

“Not now, Elizabeth.”

“If you’re ill, you should get to the bottom of it,” I add, fully aware I’m irritating him.

He growls. “I know exactly what’s wrong with me, and talking with you is not helping,” he barks. “So please, will you be quiet.” 

I exhale hard and turn fierce, realising this might be the last time I see him. He doesn’t want me near, and right now, it’s a mutual feeling. I want off this plane. I want go home where I can hit something. My pillow, bed, or maybe a hollow door I can put a hole in.


I roll my case through Heathrow’s private car park, watching Adrien stride out in front. Sara is waiting in the Land Rover. She flusters at the sight of him, and gets out to open his door. He climbs into the backseat to lay down with his sunglasses still on, and his hood tightened around his face. 

As I march to the boot, Sara grabs my arm. She yanks me away from the car, nearly stumbling in her inappropriate black stripper shoes.

“Sara, get off me.” Now I’m the one in no mood to be messed with.

She lets go. “You went in the room?” She asks through her teeth.

“Well, that has absolutely nothing to do with you,” I snap.

“I told you not to go in there… now look at him!”

I keep my case on the floor. I’m not going to put it in the boot, because I’d rather walk home than have her bitching at me.

“Do you know something Sara?” I sneer. “Yes, we went into the room. And do you know something else, now I wish I didn’t. But still, that’s between me and him… it’s got absolutely nothing to do with you.” I pull up the handle of my case. “I’d rather walk home naked than get in that car with you… or him.” I trudge as fast as my feet will hit the ground, dragging my case angrily behind me.

As I take my mobile phone out of my pocket, I hear Sara’s heels trotting to catch up with me. I ignore her and scroll down to Cate name. She might be at work now, but I have to try. 

I get through to Cate as I continue trooping to get away from the nosy witch following. She’s all excited with screams and squeals, asking me for the gory details. That is until she hears the upset in my voice. She tells me she’ll be as fast as she can and hangs up. 

“Elizabeth.” Sara tries to take my case from me. “Mr Knight wants you to get in the car.” 

“I’ve called a taxi.” I snatch the handle off her and turn away.

“Just get in the car,” she grits.

“I said, I’ve called a taxi,” I snap “Tell Mr Knight, Thanks for giving me the time of my life, and if he ever feels up for a one nighter, to scroll right passed my name on his phone.” I perch on my case by the side of the road. “Oh, and tell him he can go screw himself. Merry Christmas Sara!”

“Fine,” she huffs, walking back to her master. 

The Land Rover zips by me. Now it’s gone, I let them pour out, bending over to sob into my hands. Cars move by, and the people in them offer me a wary glimpse. I’m such a stupid, stupid idiot. And now I look like some crazy lady sat here weeping over a man.

I see Beryl approach and Cate’s concerned beady eyes dancing over the steering wheel. I wipe my cheeks. I know what she’s like. If she sees me crying, she’ll be paying Mr Knight a visit to give him more than a piece of her mind. 

She pulls in and cuts out the engine. She opens her door and thunders toward me with open arms, waving her fingers. She’s always been the same, very expressive with her empathy for me. Her hands yank my shoulders into her body, then push me out to an arms-length so she can read my face.

“Right, in the car,” she orders, taking my case to the boot. “You can fill me in, in the warmth.”

I loop my eyes. It’s a blessing and a curse to have her sometimes. She’s on the warpath, needing to hoard information to put together a battle plan. She likes specifics, grisly details, and descriptions. And if at all possible, witnesses to collaborate at a later date. But this is personal to me, and I’d like it to stay that way. It doesn’t help that these tears are constantly escaping. I sniff up with a breath.

“Right.” She slams her door. “What did he do to you? The shit… leaving you here to make your own way home?”

“It wasn’t like that,” I sigh. “I didn’t want him to take me home.”

She shuffles to look over the headrest. “Things are that bad?”

“He… he’s just messed my head up,” I sniffle.

I hear it. It’s like a shot of breath from a raging bull. Every time she’s angry, she forces the air from her nostrils.

“You’re in love with him?”

“I’m not entirely sure what this is.” I use my jacket sleeve to soak up a tear.

“I’m looking at it, Liz,” she sighs. “The way you’re feeling now because things didn’t work out… it’s because the prick has broken your heart.” 

“Oh Cate, come on,” I moan. “I’ve had a shitty day and need a large glass of wine.” I lean my head against the window.

She puffs out and starts up Beryl. I keep my eyes shut. I won’t open up the floodgates. Not yet anyhow. 

As soon as I get through the door, I make a beeline to my bedroom. I take off my jacket and throw myself onto my bed, face-planting my pillow. My skin and hair smell of him, my body aches for him, and my mind is as crushed as my heart. How the hell do I get over this?   

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