Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology (32 page)

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Authors: Nicolas David Ngan

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology

BOOK: Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology
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it will become much easier for Jeri to make the decision to follow

spirit which is the question the 18s are always asking of her.



Spiritual Karma: 22-4

Keywords for the 22
Completion, Source; full reconnection to this

Keywords for the 4
Trust in the flow of God’s abundance and love

and to be worthy of receiving it

For Jeri, that karmic 22 was very much about learning how to use

her voice properly, to express the source/god and to share this

energy in the world. she had a bad birth experience, where she got

stuck and had to be pulled out by forceps delivery, which trauma-

tized both her and her mother Naomi Jemma Kelliher. This set in

place an enormous distortion in her ego, an archetype of feeling

completely disconnected from god, even though she was aware

that she came from the source/god. it got to such an extreme

place that in her mind, at times, god actually did not exist at all.

This created enormous stress and emotional pain at a human

level. Her body was always tense as it unconsciously felt that it was

here on Earth all by itself, completely cut off from its Source. This

distortion led to the misuse of the power of her voice when she was

younger, as the 22-4 is about being able to speak the Word of god

from the Source. The effect of the karmic 22-4 was that people felt

like Jeri’s voice was trying to dominate them when she was a teen-

ager, and they found it hard to break away from the grip of this.

This all changed when she met and married Mark anthony

Rubin, in her early 20s, and took his surname to become Jeri

Michelle Rubin. This will be expanded upon in a future book

on name overlays and relationships. in essence, this infusion

of overlay energies from the name change into her birth name

empowered Jeri to burn through the karmic 22 and fully recon-

nect back to god. as she started to do this, her voice changed

dramatically, and she did start to speak from the source. This had

a profound effect on all those who came into contact with her and

was the beginning of her spiritual awakening, her journey to fully

reconnect to the source in consciousness. Jeri threw herself into

any spiritual therapy, practice or workshop that would help her

rebuild her connection to the source. she sought out therapies



like lightbody integration (appendix E: 2) and Divine Healing

(appendix E: 1) to remove and transform the structures, energies,

programs and beings that created the illusion of her being discon-

nected from the source.

she also undertook extensive body work, including deep-

tissue massage, advanced cranial sacral therapy and Rolfing to

release the physical rigidity in her body created by the emotional

separation programs (Ref 23) of the 22-4. As she started to recon-

nect to the source, Jeri’s ego misinterpreted the christ conscious

energies that were coming through at times and felt that it was the

‘messiah’ returned. she was actually becoming more of a channel

for these Unity consciousness energies and needed to learn to get

her ego out of the way and not fall into the temptation to misuse

these energies as had happened in previous lifetimes.

The karmic 4 meant that Jeri initially had no trust in the flow

of god in her life. she did not believe that the good things in life

would come to her as, subconsciously, she had poor self-esteem

and felt unworthy to receive the flow of the Universe, therefore

pushing it away. Jeri’s soul was exploring the energies of being

Barren to Fruitful. This created a feeling that there was never

enough of anything in life, like love, money and abundance. as

a child, this led her to being quite selfish as she held on to every-

thing she had, in case no more came. all of this manifested a lot

of financial hardship.

The key to working through this was the reconnection to god

that was occurring as she worked through her karmic 22s. as she

started to feel the flow of higher consciousness coming to her, Jeri

progressively started to feel more trust in the flow of abundance.

she learnt that the more she expanded upon and shared the

ideas, money, abundance and love that was coming increasingly

to her with others, the more the flow would come to her. Soon

she learnt to unconditionally accept all things that came to her as

her self-esteem and worthiness to receive improved. Jeri started

spending more time sharing her time and energy with people in

her artistic/performing community and learnt that it was safe and

even very satisfying to do so. Once she got the flow of abundance



going, Jeri started to take actions based upon what felt deeply

right in her heart (physical karmic 7-7s). as she began trusting in

the flow of God and took risks on new artistic ventures without

any guarantee of it turning out right, god stepped in every time

and supported her, often at the very last minute, when it felt like

god was not there at all. she did this with progressively greater

challenges, and as the trust built, she got to a point where she

was just waiting for god to turn up for her and it always did. This

caused her to relax into the flow and life became one of flowing

with the spiritual signature, with the deep inner knowing that all

would come to pass.

Spiritual Talents: 6-6

Keywords for the 6

Because she was a natural visual artist, overflowing with creativity

in many areas of her life, Jeri ended up studying graphic design.

she had the ability to take the spark of an idea that resonated

as being very true to her at a deep level of her being and could

expand it into a physical reality, be it a painting, a piece of sculp-

ture (Physical Talent 11-2), a new form of dance movement or a

certain way of playing a part as an actress. she could see all the

steps in the creative process that were necessary to convert this

spark of an idea into a finished piece or a performance. Once this

was done, she could plunge ahead with all her energies and make

it happen. This is typical of the symbolic convertible knot of the

6-6s. Jeri was all about sending a spark of light, of Truth out into

the Universe, illuminating, energizing and expanding many dif-

ferent ideas and energies.



Fulcrum energies of the 6-6s:

Into the spiritual karmic 22-4s
: This provides some grounding

from the Taurean nature of the 6-6s so that Jeri can feel her way

through the pain of disconnection from the source.

Into the spiritual goal 5-5s
: The grounding of the 6-6s is great for

the etheric, floaty, pioneering 5-5s. It makes them more accessible

to the world and brings focus to their manifestation.

Spiritual Goals: 5-5

Keywords for the 5
Pioneer, expressing spiritual truth with her

artistic work

Jeri was a real pioneer with her artistic expression. This is the

aries characteristics of the 5-5s. she always liked to work right

on the cutting edge in terms of developing new forms of artistic

expression of spiritual truths. This served her well, for it drew the

attention of a niche group of people who wanted to be stretched

in their life into new realms of experience and consciousness.

Because this is in a goal position, Jeri had to learn to express her

truth no matter what anyone else said and to overcome any sub-

conscious ego fear that may have been running that she might get

persecuted for doing this. in addition to acting, singing and creat-

ing pieces of visual art, Jeri became immersed in teaching groups

of people (physical karmic 7-7s). she shared (spiritual karmic 4s)

her experience of her artistic (spiritual Talent 6-6s) development

in her teaching of others to become visual artists and perform-

ers. This was through opening up her students to the flow of their

spirit from within, thus helping them to consciously connect with

this spiritual creativity and express it out in the world as authenti-

cally as possible.



Soul Destiny: 15-6

Keywords for the 15
Feeling God within

Keywords for the 6

The 15 in this position means that Jeri was meant to try on many

different forms of artistic expression, to learn the lessons that they

each offered and to overcome the associated obstacles until she

found the one that felt right to her. She needed to find through

direct experience what gave her the strongest feeling of connec-

tion to the god within.



Case study 6: Mark Anthony Rubin




6. Spiritual Goals

14-6 / 20-2

5. Physical Goals

1. Physical Karma

1-20 / 21-3

13-22-2 / 37 / 10-1

Soul Destiny


4. Spiritual Talents

2. Spiritual Karma

19-16 / 35 / 8-8

1-6-10 / 17-8

3. Physical Talents

Physical Karma


20-14-14 / 48 / 12-3

Physical Talents


Physical Goals


Spiritual Karma


Spiritual Talents


Spiritual Goals



88 25

Soul Destiny


Dominant Vibration

Figure 21: Chart for Mark Anthony Rubin

Physical Karma: 10-1

Keywords for the 10
Manifestation of God/Spirit onto the physical

Keywords for the 1
Unity, power and stability; dissemination of

knowledge and healing



Mark Anthony Rubin was Jeri Michelle Taylor’s husband. Mark

always felt different from most people as far back as he can remem-

ber. as a child, he would wander outside the family’s home, out in

the country by a wood, look up into the clear night sky, gazing

in awe at all the stars and wonder where home really was. Earth

certainly didn’t feel like it. These people who called themselves

his family were certainly not. He felt adopted by them in some

great cosmic accident. They were a lot less conscious with little in

common with him, dysfunctional, never telling the truth, numbed

out and had addictive personalities. He just could not relate to

them. He felt very alone and quite different and wanted to get away

from them to find his real family. Somewhere out in the cosmos

were those he was truly compatible with, beings he could really

open his heart to, connect with and love.

Mark had to work hard to shield himself from the emotional

toxicity of his family. He found it disempowering, especially the

abuse he received from his father, who had strict beliefs about life

that strongly imprinted Mark. This created the rigidity of beliefs

of the spiritual goal 20-2s. The 10-1s in this aspect created a real

denial of god and spirituality. This was caused by a past life denial

of god and the misuse or lack of use of his soul’s spiritual gifts.

Mark vacillated between ‘shall i stay on my spiritual path

or not?’ He always felt that something was wrong with him.

Unconsciously, he did not feel perfect enough to be loved by

god. This resulted in insecurity and self-judgement and the pro-

jection of this onto other people, in the form of criticizing them

for not being perfect or claiming that situations in life were not

fair. However, the more he reconnected to his spiritual essence

through practices such as meditation and consciousness expand-

ing tools like lightbody integration (appendix E: 2), the more

inner peace he found. Mark realized that he was perfect exactly as

he was and started to let go of all the self-judgement. He started to

accept the god within, his inherent spirituality. This also allowed

him to accept others exactly as they are and to move to a place of

compassion for them.

This negative context was created so that Mark could work



hard to learn to take responsibility for the proper use of his spir-

itual growth and power. as he healed his childhood abuse and

claimed back his power, he would be presented with temptations

to misuse it. Mark had an affinity for martial arts in the form

of karate. learning to discipline and channel his physical and

energetic power properly was very healing. as he accessed this

integrated, unified spiritual power (1), Mark was able to start dis-

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