You're My Little Secret 3 (7 page)

Read You're My Little Secret 3 Online

Authors: Chenell Parker

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Women's Fiction, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: You're My Little Secret 3
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the hell happened to Kevin’s truck?” I asked Shannon when I walked into the
house. Kevin had just traded in his old truck for a black on black Harley
Davidson F-150. I hadn’t been over in a few weeks, but it was fine when I saw
it before. Now the bumper is
both of the headlights are cracked.

don’t know, and he gets mad every time I ask him about it,” Shannon shrugged.

Kyle?” I asked. He called and begged me to come
and I want to know why. I’ve been putting him off for the past two days, but I
couldn’t hold him off any longer.

upstairs talking. Kevin made me come down
so there’s no telling what’s going on.”

making too much noise, I made my way upstairs hoping to surprise my man. I told
him that I wasn’t coming until tomorrow, and I was anxious to see the look on
his face.

thought it was Bryce at first until I saw her and Taylor sitting at the table
with the kids,” I heard Kevin say.

sure they didn’t see you?” Kyle asked him.

they didn’t, but I need to get my truck fixed before somebody figures it out. She
hurt me, but I don’t know what made me do some stupid shit like that,” Kevin

fuck her. She tried to play you for that nigga and you sitting here feeling bad
about getting back
her. She’s
and nobody really got hurt. The bitch
should be happy that I wasn’t the one behind the wheel,” Kyle said angrily.

was mad, but I wasn’t thinking clearly. They had kids in the car man,” Kevin
said arguing his point.

didn’t take long for me to realize what they were
about. The damages to his truck made sense to me now. He’s
the one who ran Brooklyn and Taylor off the road. If any of Brookly
brothers or Dominic found out about any of
this Kyle and Kevin were both dead men. Jaden’s crazy ass would see to that all
by himself. I eased back down the stairs just as quietly as I had come up. I
rejoined Shannon on the sofa and sent Kyle a text letting him know that I was
downstairs. A few minutes later, he and Kevin were joining us in the living

up wifey?” Kyle asked while taking a seat next to me. He gave me a peck on the
lips and held my hand in his.

me?” I asked while pointing to myself.

you, who else would I be talking to?” He asked with a frown.

Maybe Tiffany is around here
somewhere because you’ve never called me
before,” I replied.

keep telling you that I don’t mess with that damn girl. We’re cool, but that’s
about all there is to it. It’s all about us,” he said smiling.

knew he wanted something just by the way he was acting. Kyle wasn’t really the
affectionate type unless he wanted sex. He was doing a damn good job trying to
butter me up, so it had to be about more than that.

so what’s up? You’ve been calling me like crazy to come over here. I’m here now
so tell me what’s going on,” I said getting right to the point.

me to Shannon and then back
to me again. I assumed that Shannon knew what was going on judging by the look
on her face.

you just come right out with it, huh? But listen, I got some government checks
that my boy printed up for me that I
you and Shannon to handle. It’s a lot of them so
will have to hit up a few places to cash them all,” Kyle

knew there was a reason for him begging me to come over here, but this nigga
really had me fucked up. It was one thing to play around with the little
that they printed up, but I
was not dealing with any
government checks.

can count me out. I’m not trying to end up in the feds messing with the
government. I’m trying to find me another job so I can stop doing this shit
altogether. A one-time thing has turned into months,” I replied.

that’s not even a federal crime. If you do
I can promise that you won’t have to look for a job for at least six months. We
can all walk away with a nice stash when it’s all over with,” Kyle informed me.

but Shannon and I are taking all the risk while you and your brother get paid the
same amount as we do. I don’t know about her, but I’m done playing the fool,” I
said standing to my feet. A lot of things have
heavily on my mind
and my
friendship with Candace is one of them. I’m taking my anger and hurt out on her
just because the man I love is in love with her cousin. I know in my heart that
Candace would never do me wrong. She even came to me like a woman and let me
know what was going on before I heard it from anyone else. She had no control
and I’m dead wrong for
doing some of the things that I’m doing, especially fucking with Kyle.

upstairs and let me talk to you for a minute,” Kyle said while trying to pull
me towards the stairs.

I have somewhere else to be,” I lied. I knew what kind of talking Kyle wanted
to do. I’ll be butt ass naked with his face between my thighs as soon as the
door closed. He knows how to make me change my mind and it works every time.

talk to me,” Kyle begged while practically dragging me upstairs. As soon as we
got in the room, he closed and locked the door behind us. “I’m not changing my
mind so you can save the sex session,” I insisted.

just didn’t want to talk in front of Shannon. If you do this for
I’ll give you more than just the usual
half. You keep
percent of
what you make and give me the rest,” he requested.

about I keep all of it since I’m risking my freedom for it?”

not an option. Without
you wouldn’t
even have the checks to cash. I’m doing something for you that I’m not even
doing for
and she’s been down
with us from day one,” he replied in a low tone.

don’t care. I’m not feeling this anymore Kyle. If you wouldn’t gamble so damn
you could chill out too.” Kyle has a
terrible gambling habit that he refuses to own up to. He would stay and play
all day and night whenever he went to the casino.

baby, I promise this is the last time,” he said while walking over to me. When
he slipped his hand underneath my
the words that I wanted to say were lodged in my throat. He worked his fingers
in and out of me until I almost felt like I was too weak to stand.

I weakly protested even though I didn’t want him to. In one quick motion, Kyle
had my underwear off with my leg resting comfortably in the crook of his arm. I
gasped from shock and pleasure when I felt him dip his tongue inside my moist
opening. He was licking and sucking so fast that I lost my balance and ended up
falling to the floor. Kyle never stopped
and he went down to the floor right along with me.

you going to help me out?” Kyle asked when he finally came up for air. I didn’t
answer so he flipped me over and positioned me on all fours.

me,” he instructed as he slipped inside of me and started stroking me slowly. I
wanted to answer, but he was hitting my spot just the way I liked it.

me,” he said again, but this time with more force and harder strokes. He had a
hand full of my hair pulling me back into him with force.

I screamed out in pleasure with just the right amount of pain. At this moment,
I would have said anything just for him to keep going.

“I love you,” Kyle admitted right before he
released his load and collapsed on top of me. I don’t know if he meant it, but
it felt good to hear.


days later Shannon and I were on our mission. We’d already hit up four check
cashing spots in New
and we were
on our third one not too far from their house in Slidell. Kevin and Kyle met us
to collect the money after each transaction just in case something went wrong.
I’ve been keeping up with how much money I’m supposed to have and it’s almost
up to
thousand dollars. After
this last
I would walk away with
thirty thousand
and I’m done.

let’s do this. We have one more after this and then we’re done,” Shannon said
while getting out of the car.

thought this was our last one,” I said with a frown on my face.

Kyle said he wants us to go to the one in the strip mall near the house,” she
informed me. She’s been texting with
and he tells her whatever moves Kyle wants us to make next. Kyle is a greedy
and he’s never satisfied with anything
that he has. He has enough money to chill out for a while, but he still wants
more. I’ve been over there for the past few
and we’ve been getting along great. He’s been paying me so much attention until
he’s almost suffocating me. I love the affection, but it’s times like these
that he makes me sick.

I don’t care what Kyle says, I’m done after this,” I swore.

just do one more for me. I don’t want Kevin to get pissed off. You know how he
is when he’s mad,” Shannon said pitifully.

really felt sorry for her because she doesn’t have anyone else in her corner.
Kevin is all that she
and he treats
her like shit. If Brooklyn
he would have left Shannon a long time

don’t know Shannon. We should just leave it alone after this and try again in a
few days. Kyle is being too greedy,” I told her.

Nadia, just do this for me,” she begged.

but I’m only doing this because I don’t want to be the cause of Kevin putting
his hands on you,” I admitted.

do these last two and be done with it,” she replied.

getting the cash from the first spot, we handed the men the cash and went to
our last stop for the day. The place is fairly new so no one will know or
recognize us here. That’s a good thing and made our task that much easier. The
clerk is a very young white girl so it would be like taking candy from a baby.
After checking our identification, which was fake, she smiled and politely started
counting out the cash. I’m happy that we’re almost done and more than ready to
go home. Shannon and I were all smiles until two uniformed cops walked through
the doors a few minutes later. I looked outside and spotted a total of three
police cars in the parking lot along with my car, but Kyle and Kevin were
nowhere to be found. They followed us
and now they’re gone.

be cool,” Shannon whispered to me. My heart was beating
and my palms were sweating like crazy. I’d never
to jail a day in my
and I don’t want to go now.

afternoon ladies, we need to speak with you for a minute,” one of the officers
said. The tears were rolling down my cheeks before I even turned around to face

the problem officer?” Shannon asked.

need to see some valid identification for both of you,” one of the officers
said. Shannon and I just looked at each other because we knew that we were

young clerk put the money away and smirked as she folded her arms across her
chest. I had underestimated
and I
was about to pay for such a stupid mistake. She spotted our fake ID’s and hit
the silent alarm alerting the police. Kevin and Kyle must have left once they
saw what was going on. My first mind was telling me not to come here, but like
a fool I didn’t listen. After not being able to produce a valid form of
identification, Shannon and I were handcuffed and placed in the back of the
patrol car. She seemed to be fine, but I was a nervous wreck when they read us
our rights. I have no family
and I’m
hoping that Kyle will come to my rescue since I did all of this for him. If
not, Candace is the next best thing to family that I have. She had no idea that
I had
and I could never let her find out after this.



and I are scheduled to go to court tomorrow
and I’m mentally preparing myself for that drama. The lawyer that my mother
hired seems to not care if I stay married or not. She’s just like my mother and
is encouraging me to sign the divorce papers if the price is right. I’m now
four months pregnant and doing well considering my past mishaps. I’ve been
seeing a
doctor twice a month
because of my previous miscarriages. My doctor was baffled, wondering why I’d
never gone to a
doctor before
considering all that I’d been through. It’s just my luck to be having a
successful pregnancy, but no husband to share it with. I’m even beginning to
form a little baby bump that I could do without. Dominic and his mother want to
be here for me, but I’m too angry and hurt to allow them to. My mother would
die before she let that happen, so that stopped me as well. She’s determined to
keep them out of my baby’s life no matter how she goes about doing it. Tiffany
ended up telling my father about my pregnancy when she ran into him a few weeks
ago. He called me a few days later, but I never answered for him. He said that
Dominic would leave me one
and I
didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he was right. Besides,
I still hadn’t forgiven him for telling Dominic all of my business. Because of
him I almost lost him before we even got married.

how are you going to say you got all of this information?” Scott asked me. We
were sitting in my living room on my sofa watching TV and eating Chinese food.

gave me some information that would hopefully work in my favor when we go to
court. Dominic is a slick bastard, but he’s not slick enough. He’s been using
his business account for all of his purchases and repaying it with his personal
account. If it wasn’t for Scott putting me down on what he was doing, I would
have never known.

don’t know, but I promise that your name will never come up,” I assured him. I
looked over the statement again and smiled to myself. I couldn’t wait to show
the judge how he’s been supporting his side bitch while we’re still married. He
from MAC, Victoria Secret,
and a million other places that only a female would frequent.

messed up how he’s letting another woman come in and break up his marriage. You
really don’t deserve that. You should have given me a chance when I asked,”
Scott smirked.

is and always has been a sweetheart, but he’s just not the one for me. I
actually met him a few months before I met
and we went out a few times. Nothing ever came of it and probably never will. I
was shocked to learn that he and Dominic were
and he worked for his company. I never even told Dominic about me knowing him
and neither did Scott. It was crazy for him to think that I would pass up the
boss to date one of the employees. Scott’s money isn’t nearly enough for me to
live off of and be happy. I would never hurt his feelings by telling him that

know I appreciate you Scott, but we can’t go there,” I replied. Even if I
wanted to go
it wouldn’t be with
his broke ass.

don’t see why not. Dominic is doing him. He’s in love with Brooklyn and
everybody can see that,” he said. He’s trying to get to me, but I’m trying hard
to keep my cool.

don’t care what he does he’s still my husband and you bad mouthing him doesn’t
change the way I feel. I’m in love with my husband and I’m sorry if that hurts
your feelings,” I said honestly.

all good. I just wanted to let you know what was up. When I heard him talking
to David about
I felt that it was
only right to tell you.”

I can’t thank you enough,” I said sincerely.

luck in court tomorrow. Call me if you need me,” Scott said as he prepared to
leave. I walked him to the door and locked it behind him. I picked up all the
paperwork I needed for court and went upstairs to bed.


next morning I
arrived at
court thirty
minutes before I was scheduled to arrive. My nerves were on
and my mother was not helping at all.

sign anything until he agrees to pay what you’re asking and don’t you dare
agree to a lower amount,” she instructed. My lawyer, Ms. Iverson, nodded her
head as if she
with her.

just hope the judge doesn’t look at the amount of time you’ve been married as a
way for him not to pay anything. Six months really isn’t long enough to have
invested into a marriage,” she spoke up.

don’t care about any of that. I’m praying that Dominic will have a change of
heart and call this entire divorce off,” I admitted.

don’t know where I went wrong with you. Why would you want to be with somebody
who clearly doesn’t want to be with you? You’re better than him, so it wouldn’t
have lasted anyway. Get whatever you can get from him and move on,” my mama

tears fell from my eyes as she continued to talk, but that didn’t stop her. In
Dominic was nothing, but
a come
up for me and my baby and nothing more.

comes his no good ass now,” she hissed.

looked up and saw Dominic, David, and their parents coming our way. I
unintentionally licked my lips as I eyed my husband. He’s even more handsome
than I remember. His hair is freshly
and the Ralph Lauren pants suit he had on complimented him well. It didn’t
surprise me that David is here with him, but I’m a little hurt to see that his
parents accompanied him as well. I was kind of hoping that they would try to
talk some sense into him.

morning,” Dominic’s parents greeted us.
and Ms. Iverson returned the greeting while my mother turned her head.

are you and my grandbaby doing Kennedi?” My mother-in-law asked me.

doing fine. I should find out what I’m having soon,” I smiled.

make sure you let us know when you find out,” Dominic’s father said.

“I don’t think so. Let’s go Kennedi,” my
mother interrupted. She stood up and walked away followed by my lawyer. Dominic
shook his head as I stood there embarrassed by her once again.

I know that you and my son aren’t together anymore, but that don’t have nothing
to do with us. Now we want to be in our grandchild’s life, but I’m not about to
kiss your mama’s ass to do it. We’ll be back in court if that’s going to be a
problem,” Dominic’s father said.

upset and she has every reason to be. Your son did cheat and made two babies on
me you know,” I reminded him.

cheating is why we’re here today, but that has nothing to do with the baby that
you’re carrying,” he replied.

we’re here today because your son wants a divorce. That’s not what I want,” I

all that shit is irrelevant. We’re talking about the fact that you’re allowing
your mama to keep me and my family out of my baby’s life,” Dominic said.

on Kennedi,” my mother yelled before I had a chance to respond. I slowly walked
away and rejoined her.


you’re asking for
dollars a month even though you’ve only been married for six months?” The
freckled face judge asked me with raised brows. I was happy when we walked into
the small room and saw that a woman would be presiding over the case. I assumed
that she would be compassionate towards another woman, but she proved me wrong.
This witch that sat before us is a pit bull in a long black robe. It also didn’t
help that no one else was allowed in the room but me, Dominic and our lawyers.
My mother had to wait outside along with his family. She
my lawyer on what to say, but it’s not
the same as having her here to talk

your honor. My client is asking for a small amount compared to what her husband
makes,” my lawyer spoke up.

hundred is too much for only six months of marriage,” the judge replied
sarcastically. I saw Dominic smirk, but I have something for his ass.

I say something please,” I asked. The judge nodded her head giving me the green
light to speak.

husband is very well off financially. He made a baby on me before we even got
and he still supports that child and
the child’s mother. He’s been trying to hide it by doing everything from his
business account and replacing the funds with his personal account. He
purchased her a
and he pays her
bills faithfully every month. She’s also expecting a second baby with him that
he’s going to support as well,” I rambled.

lawyer jumped up and started talking to the judge
his defense. Dominic had a look of shock on his face. I’m sure
he’s wondering how I know all that I know, but I’ll never tell him.

I need everyone to calm down and listen,” the judge ordered. “Mrs. Roberts are
you contesting this divorce and if so under what grounds?”

contesting it because I’m not ready to end my marriage. We’ve never even tried
to work it out, no counseling or nothing. I thought we were supposed to take
steps to save a marriage before just deciding to call it quits,” I replied.

I do feel bad for you none of those are valid reasons to contest a divorce. You
said he made a baby on you, but you still married him. Clearly you’ve had
problems long before now. How long have you two been separated?”

been three months ma’am,” Dominic spoke up.

law requires you to be separated for at least one hundred eighty days if no
children are involved.”

I’m pregnant right now,” I blurted out.

don’t interrupt me when I’m speaking. The baby that you’re carrying does not
count. You have no kids in the home right now. Now you have one of
choices Mrs. Roberts. You can sign the
papers now and be a free woman in three months or you can take this to trial
and fight it out. But let me caution you before you decide. Taking this to
trial can end up costing you money that you may or may not have for absolutely
nothing. He will be granted the divorce eventually because you cannot force
someone to stay married to you. Either way it goes you will walk away with
nothing because six months is not long enough for you to even be eligible for
anything. From what I’ve read you two didn’t share a bank account or any other
community property items. This is not a family court, but you might want to go
to one to discuss child support when the baby comes unless both of you can work
it out on your own. I’ll give you both a few minutes to speak with your
attorneys before we proceed,” she said standing to her feet.

are a no good bastard. I can’t believe you’re doing this to me. After
I’ve done for your ungrateful ass.
It’ll be a cold day in hell before you see this baby,” I shouted at Dominic as
soon as the judge was gone. He just looked at me with that stupid ass smirk on
his face as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

guess we’ll be back in court then,” he smiled.

you!” I screeched.

you tried, but you can’t,” he chuckled.

calm down. Don’t start anything in here. It won’t be pretty if you do,” my
lawyer warned.

what do we do now?” I asked her calmly.

really don’t have a choice, but to sign. I told you that it was a possibility
that you could walk away with nothing. You guys haven’t been married
and you’ve been separated for months. We’re
fighting a losing battle by taking this to trial. She basically just told you
that it would be a waste of money because you wouldn’t get anything. Just sign
and be done with it,” she urged.

she pulled the papers from her briefcase and handed me a pen, my entire body
started to shake. I can’t believe that after only six months of marriage I’m
already signing divorce papers.

be okay Kennedi,” my lawyer consoled me as tears rapidly ran down my face.

My hand shook so bad that my handwriting didn’t
even look like my own. I slid the signed papers back to my attorney as I buried
my face in my palms and cried. My mother is going to be livid when she finds
out that I walked away with nothing. This meeting definitely didn’t go as I
wanted it to. Instead of possibly reconciling with my husband, I’d just signed
him over to be with Brooklyn permanently.


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