You're My Little Secret 3 (18 page)

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Authors: Chenell Parker

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Women's Fiction, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: You're My Little Secret 3
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“I know
you’re right, but I don’t want her to feel like I’m rushing her. And then I
just got
and I’m trying to do
this shit all over again.”

“That’s just your nerves talking right now. You
and Brook got together in a crazy way, but it’s real.
got something that you never had with Kennedi and anybody
else. I really think
were made for
and I know you feel the same
way,” David replied.

brother is in his very first relationship, but he’s always given me some good
advice. After talking to him for a while longer, he made me feel better about
my decision. He made a lot of good points just like he always does. I saw
things clearer after our
and I made a decision. As soon as Brooklyn and I are alone, I’m going to ask
her to be my wife.



you need to stop all this damn performing before you wake Brookly
kids up,” Candace said to her drama king of
a brother. He’s always doing too
and he’s getting on everybody’s damn nerves. David, my brothers, and I only
came over to help Dominic put together him and Brookly
patio and pool furniture, but I’m ready to take my ass right
back home.

“I don’t
give a damn. My man is cheating on me and
don’t even care about how I feel,” he cried.

he’s not just crying he’s actually rolling around on Brookly
floor like a damn fool. Brooklyn had my
niece two weeks ago, but Co-Co doesn’t care. He’s bringing all this drama to
her house behind some foolishness. Jaden stopped helping us a long time ago and
started recording his stupid ass with his phone. I told him to put his ass on World
Star for everyone to see how crazy he is.

happens Co-Co. You deal with other people all the time, but you’re mad because
he’s doing the same thing,” Candace said.

not to mention how you embarrassed the man today,” Taylor chimed in.

told me how my cousin showed his ass on Dwight and some woman that he was with
outside of the mall. She was scared that they were going to be arrested because
the police had to be called.

“So I
see him with a woman and I’m not supposed to say anything?” Co-Co asked
pointing to himself.

did you have to try to fight them out in public like that? Then your dumb ass
jumped on the hood of the man’s car while he was driving. You always go
overboard with everything that you do,” Candace said.

bitches don’t care about me. You and Taylor got a man and Brooklyn is about to
have a husband. I just feel like I can’t breathe,” he said gasping for air like
he was having an asthma attack. Nobody even tried to help that clown because it
wasn’t that serious.

another note, I’m happy for Baby and Dominic. He popped the question the night
that she had their
and they’re
making it official very soon.
Her ring
looks like it cost about the same as the house they live in, but it’s not my
place to ask about the price. Brooklyn is kind of nervous about the idea of
marriage, but I tried to assure her that they’re doing the right thing. I spent
over two hours on the phone with her the night she came home with Dominique.
They’re already living together so there wouldn’t be much of a difference.
Looking at what she and Dominic have makes me want to take it to the next level
with Taylor. They met at a crazy time, but it’s not hard to see how much they
love each other. Taylor and I had our issues in the past when I was with
Tiffany, but we’ve been on the right track ever since we got back together.

shut up!” Jaden yelled out angrily. “You didn’t even know dude that long for
you to be acting like that.”

him alone Jaden. His feelings are hurt,” Brook said while rubbing our cousin’s

you were always my favorite cousin,” Co-Co told my sister while enjoying the
sympathy that she was giving him.

pacify that clown, Baby. He looks like a damn fool crying over Dwight’s
receding hairline ass,” Jaden fussed. Just
that fast Co-Co forgot all about being depressed. He jumped up and started
going off after Jaden’s last comment.

you didn’t Jaden. That last bitch we
saw you with was built like an ice cream sandwich so
don’t even
go there with me,” he yelled.

you fake as hell. You were just crying a minute ago, now you ready to fight,”
David laughed.

“I’ll finish crying in a minute. I just had to
check this clown right quick for talking about my man,” he replied.

all fell out laughing after that. As mad as Co-Co made me sometimes I wouldn’t
trade him for nothing in the world. He kept us laughing with his flip mouth and
non-stop drama. Jaden was always giving him a hard time, but he’s crazy about
him too.

might have been built bad, but her head game was so good she deserved her own
reality show,” Jaden replied.

talking to me Jaden, I’m too depressed to be arguing with you,” Co-Co said as
he forced out some more crocodile tears. And just like that he was back on the
floor cutting up again.

don’t you just call the dude and talk to him,” David suggested.

the hell I’m not. I probably would have felt better if I caught him with
another man, but that was a slap in my face to catch him with a woman. I just
want to know when his fraud ass decided to start playing for the other team,”
Co-Co replied.

playing for the right team. Maybe you should try
and you and ole boy can do a threesome,” Jaden said laughing.

you got some Benadryl or something? My allergies are starting to act up,” Co-Co

shut up. You don’t even suffer from allergies,” Candace yelled.

keep telling
that I’m allergic to
vagina. I’m already breaking out in hives just by talking about it,” he replied
as he started scratching his imaginary itch.

laughed so hard that I fell out of my chair and
the floor. You never know what to expect when all of us get together, but it’s
always fun. After about an
finally finished our task. It turned out better than I thought. It looked even
better when we put everything where it belonged. Baby and Dominic’s house was
laid like something on MTV cribs. She picked out all of the furniture and our
mother helped her decorate everything. I’m almost scared to touch anything it’s
so pretty. Once we were
we sat
around eating the pizza that Dominic ordered while Baby fed my niece. My
daughters played with DJ while he sat in his high chair making a mess of his
food. Brooklyn might be their mother, but both of her kids look exactly like Dominic.

a few minutes had
Candace got up
from the table and went outside. She’d
gone for about ten minutes when she came back in followed by Dwight. That’s all
it took for Co-Co to start up with his grand performance again.

is he doing here?” He asked pointing to Dwight.

and Brook called him to come over here. You need to stop acting stupid and talk
to the man,” Candace said.

don’t have anything to talk about. I gave you the best four months of my life.
I even gave you my
and this is
how you do me. If you wanted a
could have at least picked somebody that actually looks like one. That ugly
bitch you were with needs to be put to sleep.”

started choking on my beer when he made the comment about his virginity. Dwight
doesn’t seem like he’s lame, but if he believes that shit then he’s a damn
fool. Co-Co has been around the block more times than the garbage man.

was my cousin Co-Co. If you
would have
just listened instead of blowing
would have known that,” Dwight replied.

bitch wasn’t your cousin. You’re just embarrassed because she looks like Wesley
Snipes with a bad wig.”

that’s your problem. You went from zero to one hundred without even knowing
what was going on. Your ass is crazy for real.”

you knew that when you met me. Don’t start complaining about it now.”

telling you that’s my cousin and you’re wrong for talking about her like that.
She remembers you from our family picnic and everything. She’s the one that you
threatened to cut when you were going off on everybody.”

I threatened to cut a lot of people that day. You have to be more specific than
that. And besides, I would have remembered seeing a face like hers. That’s
something that a bitch will never forget as ugly as she was,” Co-Co said.

is a cool dude, but I really felt like my cousin was way too fast for him. I
don’t know much about the gay lifestyle, but Co-Co could run circles around

be right back,” Dwight said as he walked out the front door. About a minute
later, he came back in with another woman.

is my cousin
y’all,” Dwight said
introducing her to everybody. One look at her and I had to admit that Co-Co was
right. There was absolutely nothing cute about her. She kind of reminded me of
the comedian Jamie Foxx when he played Wanda on In Living Color. She had a dark
chocolate complexion with bright red lipstick covering her huge lips. The blonde
wig she was wearing only made her look worse.

everybody,” she said waving at us. “And how are you Co-Co?”

prayed that this clown didn’t act a fool on this girl in Baby’s house. But to
my surprise and relief, he’s on his best behavior.

Drika girl. You look so cute. I was just
telling Dwight how pretty you are,” Co-Co lied with a straight face. He walked
over and gave her a hug like they were the best of friends. Dwight looked at
him and shook his head. Drika was blushing at the false
and I had to keep myself from laughing once again.

and I love your hair,” she said as she attempted to touch my cousin’s short
platinum colored hair. We always joked and
him that he looks like Sisqo from Dru Hill, but he always said that he looked
He really does remind me of the singer
except he’s not as
and he can’t
sing for shit. A few other people said it too so it must be true.

no honey, please don’t touch the do,” he said seriously.

doesn’t play about his
so he moved
away before her hand connected with his head. Brooklyn offered them some
and they made themselves right at home. They
ended up staying over there for a while as well. We played cards and chilled up
until a little after midnight. This day just like any day with my family proved
to be one that I would never forget thanks to Co-Co.



weeks and four days after I gave birth to Dominique, Dominic and I got married
on the beach in Key West, Florida. When he came to me with the
I was skeptical at first. He wanted to do
everything by himself and that made me nervous. As soon as I stepped on the
beach and saw the layout I was in awe. I don’t know who he got to help him, but
everything was perfect. The view was breathtaking. Dominic and I stood in a
heart that was made of roses and recited our vows in front of all of our family
and friends. The colors were
and everyone was dressed to match the
decorations. There were about one hundred chairs decorated and lined up in the
sand behind us. I cried the entire time when my dad walked me down the
makeshift aisle to meet Dominic underneath the gazebo. Never in a million years
would I have thought that we would be here today. When he married Kennedi I
just knew that it was over between us for good, but fate has a way of making
the impossible happen.

the ceremony was over, we retired to the wraparound deck where the reception
was being held. I didn’t want to leave my babies to go on a honeymoon, so
Dominic rented the entire villa on the beach for us to stay in for a week. It
was big enough for all of us to have our own rooms with lots of space left. They
had lots of activities for us to
and we had babysitters for whenever we wanted to do something. As much as my
mama didn’t want us to be together, even she was happy and smiling. All of our
parents were staying there as well as our siblings. Since they planned to stay
for the entire week, Bryce had somebody else running his shop until they

was also happy to see Dominic smiling and happy again. He had a huge smile on
his face for the entire wedding. Kennedi had been stressing him out for the
past few weeks. He gave Mrs. Liz his credit card to take her shopping for their
daughter, but that didn’t go too well. That crazy heifer wanted a custom made
crib in the shape of a carriage that cost almost four thousand dollars. When he
told her that he wasn’t paying for it, she threw a tantrum and said that she
didn’t want anything if she couldn’t have what she wanted. She said her baby
wasn’t wearing or sleeping in anything cheap. After two days of shopping, the
only thing they ended up getting for the baby was some pampers, wipes, and a
few onesies for her to sleep in. Mrs. Liz was ready to kill her. She said
Kennedi bitched and complained the entire time they shopped. She gave Dominic
his credit card back and gave up. I told Dominic that we would go out and buy
everything that the baby needed when we got back home. If she refused
then that would be on her.

Brook, it’s almost three o’clock and
are just now waking up,” Co-Co complained when Dominic and I met them on the
beach the following day. “I hope your fertile ass is on some birth control.”

we did get married yesterday just in case you forgot. And we had to make sure
our kids
straight before we left,” I
replied. I ignored his comment about birth control because I’m probably
overdosing I’m on so much medicine. I love my babies, but I’m not ready to have
soon. Even though Dominic
and I are married
I want to finish
school and focus on my career before even thinking about having more kids.
Dominic’s sex drive is through the roof so I have to protect myself or we’ll
have a house full of babies.

I was younger my mother and
really talked about birth control. She always told me to tell her if I ever
felt like I was ready to have sex and we would take it from there. Of course,
that never happened. I would have never felt comfortable enough to tell her
something like that. It was those times that I often wished for a sister. All
my brothers ever told me
was do
n’t do it.
They drilled that in my head for so long until I almost didn’t do it. They had
me so scared of everything that I was almost anti-social at one time. If
anybody even expressed interest in me, they scared them off before it went

let’s get this show on the road. Dwight is only here for two more
and I want us to have some fun before he
leaves,” Co-Co said shaking me from my thoughts. Dwight works as a cameraman
for one of the local news stations. His hours are
and he barely gets time off. He had to practically beg one
of his colleagues to fill in for him just to be with us for a few days.

ready,” Taylor said walking away.

might as well bring your hot as right back here,” Bryce said as he grabbed her
“You’re staying
with me since you
wanted to wear that small ass bathing suit.”

and Tiana were so tiny that they
get away with wearing anything. I have to be careful because my ass is too big
for certain clothes. Having two babies back to back only made it bigger. We all
have on two piece bathing suits, but I’m wearing the boy shorts instead of the
underwear bottoms. Dominic still doesn’t like it, but he let it go because I’m
with him. Candace is wearing a wrap over her bathing
and that kept David’s mouth closed too.

get on the jet skis,” David yelled excitedly.

not getting on them things,” I replied nervously. I looked out at all the
people who were on
and they’re
going too fast for me. A few people fell off, but the skis kept right on

baby, you can get on with me,” Dominic said as he pulled me along. We all followed
David’s lead as he walked us over to the rental booth. We have five more days
of vacationing left. I just hope we’re all still in one piece to be able to
enjoy it.

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