You're My Little Secret 3 (17 page)

Read You're My Little Secret 3 Online

Authors: Chenell Parker

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Women's Fiction, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: You're My Little Secret 3
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don’t have to go home either. You know you can stay with me for as long as you
want to,” she suggested.

Tiffany. I’ll get some clothes and come
over after work. You can still go get your food, but I’m not hungry anymore.”

is probably starving so I’m getting
you something too,” she said as she pulled up to the
at Popeye’s. My stomach was growling so I didn’t protest
when she shoved a box full of chicken and biscuits in my hands. We sat in the
parking lot of the restaurant and ate before heading back to work.

feel better?” Tiffany asked when we were almost
our office. “You know you don’t have to do this if you don’t feel up to it.”

know, but I’m…” I started talking, but my words got lodged in my throat when we
pulled up to our office building. There were about five marked and three
unmarked police cars in front of the building, blocking us from getting into
the parking lot. Tiffany stopped her
and both of us jumped out in a hurry. We ran over, trying to see what happened
until a police officer stopped us from going too far.

going on? We work here,” Tiffany yelled while pulling away from the officer.

“Oh God
Tiffany! My mama’s truck is here. Did something happen to my mother?” I yelled
out to anyone who was listening.

down ladies. I’ll get somebody out here to talk to you,” the
masculine looking
female officer said to us.
She walked away right as she summoned another officer over to make sure we didn’t
try to go in.

if somebody tried to rob us? They probably did something to my mama,” I cried
out in fear.

thinking like that Kennedi. They don’t have any yellow tape out
so nobody is dead,” Tiffany rationalized.

“I don’t
care about any of that Tiffany. Something must have happened. Look at all of
these police cars out here. I just need to know if my mother is okay.” Just as
I finished talking the police lady who restrained us before came back out of
the building with another man. He wore a suit and tie, but I didn’t miss the
badge that rested on his side.

one of you ladies work here?” He asked while looking at me and Tiffany.

of us do. My mother owns this place. Is she alright?” I spoke up.

fine, but the place is closed indefinitely,” he replied.

Why?” Tiffany yelled.

stay right here. We might need to ask both of you a few questions before you
leave,” he said before walking away.

not right. I can feel it. I just need to see her
to make
sure she’s alright,” I said to Tiffany through teary

when the words left my mouth, I watched as two police officers escorted my
mother out of the building. A sense of relief washed over me until I noticed
that her hands were cuffed behind her back. Despite the circumstances, she
still held her head high like she didn’t have a care in the world. I rushed
through the crowd of police officers and headed straight to her. I didn’t care
that I was told to stay back.

back here,” Tiffany yelled as she
raced after me. Her yelling caused a group of officers to turn around and stop
me just as I made it to my mother.

down before you hurt yourself and your baby ma’am,” one of the officers who held
me back instructed. I tried to break free to see what was going on.

okay Kennedi. This is all a misunderstanding that will be over very soon,” my
mother said as she was placed
the back
of an unmarked car. Seeing her in that position took all of the
out of me. I broke down and cried like a

“I feel
sick,” I said right before I relieved my stomach of the lunch that I’d just
eaten. Tiffany was right at my side while I threw up all over the grass where
we stood. The same plain clothes officer that came out and talked to us before
came back and handed me a bottle of water and some paper towels. Tiffany poured
some water on the napkins and gave me the rest to drink.

you go, have a seat,” another officer said, sitting a folding chair down in the
grass for me.

somebody please tell me what’s going on?” I begged while taking a seat.

is still an ongoing investigation, but your mother has been arrested for
embezzlement and fraud. We were alerted by the bank a few months ago about the
possible misappropriation of funds on several accounts that belong to her.
After investigating a little further, we noticed that it was much deeper than
we originally thought. This whole loan and finance company seems like nothing
more than a cover-up. As of right now she’s in federal
and there is no bond,” he said all in one breath.

I felt
lightheaded after he had finished talking. Not only were my cousin and I out of
a job, but my mother was now a federal inmate. Without my mother’s financial
help and no job, I’ll be broke in a matter of months.

“I need
to talk to her. Will she be able to call me?” I asked.

she’ll be given the opportunity to make a few calls. Here’s my card. Call me if
I can be of any further assistance. I’m sure your mother will let you know
about her court dates or anything else of importance,” the detective said
before handing Tiffany and I a card and walking away.

on Kennedi, let’s go get you some clothes so you can stay with me for a while,”
Tiffany said while helping me stand
feet. I followed behind her like a zombie. Aside from Tiffany and my soon to be
addition, my mother was all that I had.
Dominic left
and I had basically
my father away.

“I don’t
know what I’m going to do Tiffany. I can’t afford to pay bills and take care of
this baby without a job. I’ll have to use my all of my
and then I’ll be broke,” I cried to my cousin.

first thing you need to do is talk
Dominic about helping you. If he still refuses, take his ass to
and they’ll make him pay. You know your
father will help you if you need him to,” she replied.

I never
told her about the last conversation I had with my father a few weeks ago. He
told me that he was done trying with
and he meant it. He hasn’t tried to call me again since then. Knowing him, he’ll
probably be happy when he finds out that my mother has been locked up. I’m not
about to give him anything else to throw in my face. I’m still wondering how he
found out about me and Dominic divorcing. My pride will never allow me to call
him and beg for help. I would never make him think that I needed him even
though I really did.



on baby, just one more time around and we can leave,” I begged Brooklyn. We’re
at the park doing a few laps around the walking trail. Co-Co is doing a few
laps with us while Candace played on the slide with DJ. Since Brook is nine
I try to make her walk
for at least an hour every day. Most days we barely get in thirty minutes and today
is most likely going to be one of those days. She’s due to have our baby girl any
and I’m too excited. I’m also
excited about our new house. Brooklyn was supposed to wait until after she had
the baby to decorate, but she started on it anyway. With the help of my family
and hers, everything was just about done. Brooklyn has good
and her decorating skills are something
serious. The only thing missing is some patio and pool furniture for outside,
but she still hasn’t come across anything that she likes.

I’m tired. We already did three laps. I’m ready to sit down,” Brooklyn

can go sit down, but I’m going around a few more times. I didn’t get this hour
glass figure by being lazy,” Co-Co said as he kept walking. We couldn’t leave
right now anyway since we rode to the park with him. Co-Co had just purchased a
so he volunteered to

on lazy ass,” I grabbed Brookly
and led her over to one of the park benches. We sat down and talked while
watching DJ play.

you heard from Kennedi again?” Brooklyn asked.

she’s been in contact with my mama though. I think I’m just going to give my
mama some money and let her go with her to shop for the baby. I feel bad for
her, but I still don’t want to be around her ass.”

“I feel
bad for her too,” Brooklyn replied sadly.

to my mama, Kennedi’s mother had been
and things aren’t looking too good for her. She finally stopped being a bitch
long enough to tell my mama that we’re having a girl. As much as I can’t stand Kennedi’s
ass I have to put my feelings to the side and be there for my daughter. Kennedi’s
mama is basically all that she knows. Her not being here for the birth of her
first child is going to be hard

crazy how I went from having no kids a few years ago to having three back to
back,” I observed.

doesn’t matter how many you have as long as you take care of them,” Brooklyn

right, but that’s a given with me. Brook and all of my kids are going to be
well taken care of. I make enough money to make sure of that.

what’s up with this marriage thing?” I asked changing the subject. “I’m
so you don’t have any more

“I wasn’t
trying to make excuses, but you’ve only been divorced for a week. We couldn’t
do anything until that was final.”

it’s final so what’s up?” I asked again. I didn’t care that it sounded like I
was begging. When I want something, I won’t rest until I get it.

soon as I drop this load I’m all yours. When I heal up that is,” she said

I’m serious. Don’t tell me what you think I want to hear just to shut me up.”

not, but I need at least four to six weeks to get back to myself,” she

got that.
Don’t worry about anything
. I’ll
take care of everything.”

Dominic, I don’t trust your taste. You got me naming my damn baby Dominique. I
do not trust you with planning my wedding.”

know I don’t know anything about all of that. I’ll hire somebody to do it for
me. I know your likes and dislikes. And nothing is wrong with my baby’s name.
She’ll be named after me and her brother.”

laughed when I saw Candace walking our way with DJ. He was doing his best to
get away from her, but she had a death grip around his legs. He hated to be
and he’s trying hard to get down.

this bad ass lil boy,” Candace said handing him over to me. As soon as I got
him he jumped down and started running around.

ready?” Co-Co asked as he came over to us.

“Yes, I
am so tired. Get your son Dominic,” Brooklyn said standing to her feet. I
picked up my son and followed everybody to Co-Co’s truck.

make sure
don’t have any dirt on
shoes. I don’t want my rugs to get dirty,”
Co-Co fussed.

just take us home. You have too many damn rules when somebody rides with your
ass. I didn’t say all that when
and my
girl had to pick your
ass up from
the club when you couldn’t drive,” I replied. I knew that it was about to be an
issue when he stopped and snapped his head around to face me.

even go there with me Dominic. If you don’t like my
then take your fat ass girlfriend and your demon seed son
and walk home. You can beat your feet right along with them since you think its
funny Candace,” he spat.

that shit when you show up to our house looking for something to eat,” Brooklyn

got a point, so you can get in Brooklyn. The rest of
better shut up before
be walking home,” he replied.

act like he never had a decent car before,” Candace mumbled making me laugh.

that shit loud enough for me to hear it Candace,” Co-Co replied. We all ignored
him and hopped in the truck. Brook sat up front while Candace and I sat in the
DJ’s car seat in between us.

“I hope
don’t mind, but I need to pick up
something from Dwight,” Co-Co said.

“I mind,
my back and my side
starting to hurt
again,” Brooklyn complained. She’s been complaining about the same thing for
the past two days. I noticed that she tried to turn sideways in her seat, but
her stomach wouldn’t allow her to.

good baby?” I asked when I noticed the uncomfortable look on her face.

bitch better be good. Don’t be trying to go into labor in my brand new truck,”
Co-Co yelled dramatically.

think you need to go to the hospital Brook,” Candace asked.

“I don’t
know, I might. My back is really killing me all of a sudden,” she replied with
a pained expression.

“I knew
I shouldn’t have let your overdue ass ride in my shit. I’m returning this shit
if your water breaks in here. Brook I swear if you mess up my truck I’m kicking
your ass when you have that baby. Let me call Dwight and tell him to meet me at
the hospital,” Co-Co fussed.

We all
ignored him as he drove in the direction of the hospital. I called my mama and
Mrs. Pam to meet us there as well. Candace called
and he’s swinging by the house to grab Brooklyn and my
daughters’ things. Even though I’m nervous, I can’t help myself from laughing
at Co-Co’s crazy ass. He’s on the phone telling Dwight how wrong Brooklyn was
for deciding to have our baby in his new
like she had a choice.

please. Come get this bitch out of my truck,” Co-Co screamed and blew his horn
when he pulled up to the hospital’s emergency ramp. This nigga is always doing
way too much.

are so stupid. Nobody is going to come out here. Let me go get her a wheelchair,”
Candace replied. I jumped out and helped Brooklyn out of the truck just as
Candace returned.

DJ in with you Candace,” I instructed before wheeling Brooklyn in. I already
knew the
so I bypassed triage
and headed straight upstairs to labor and delivery. As soon as the elevator
door opened, we were greeted by Brookly
family and mine. I’m surprised to see my father here because he usually stayed
at home with my brother and sister. Since Nyla and Ivan are at my aunt’s house
for the
I guess he decided to come

already checked in. Just ask the nurse what room they’re putting her in,” Mrs.
Pam instructed.

is my grandson?” My daddy asked.

here,” Candace replied when she stepped off of the elevator with DJ in her
arms. Co-Co walked in with her while Dwight trailed close behind. I left all of
them standing in the hall while I went and talked to the nurse. She informed me
that Brookly
doctor is on
and he would be coming to check on her
soon. With her help, I escorted Brooklyn to her room and helped her change into
a hospital gown.

you in any pain Brooklyn?” The nurse asked her.

my back,” Brooklyn replied.

just labor pains. They come in your back and side sometimes too. I paged your
and he should be here shortly,” she
said before walking away.

A few
minutes later Mrs. Pam and my mama walked in with Brooklyn and the baby’s bags.
That let me know that David had arrived too. Just like when DJ was born, the
waiting area was full of our family. The only difference this time is that
Brooklyn and I are officially together. We don’t need anybody to stay at our
house with her because I’ll be
every step of the way. If Kennedi allows me to, I’ll be in the delivery room
with her when our daughter arrives as well.

afternoon everybody,” Dr. Martin said when he walked into the room. “How are
you feeling Brooklyn?”

“I feel
alright, but my back is killing me,” she replied.

let me check you and see if baby girl is ready to meet her parents yet,” he
smiled. He did his normal hygiene routine before examining her. We were all shocked
to learn that Brooklyn was already five centimeters. I guess all the walking I
made her do
off. She’s not in as
much pain as she was with DJ, but she got an epidural anyway. Once all of that
was done, we just sat around waiting for something to happen.


hours later, we welcomed eight pound, eight
Dominique O‘Mya Roberts into the world. Just like DJ, she’s an exact replica of
me. She has a head full of curly black
and I fell in love all over again. After Brooklyn and the baby
had been
cleaned up and situated in their room,
everybody was allowed to come back and visit. The room was big, but it’s still
not big enough for all of us. My aunt had just arrived with my little brother
and they’re going crazy over
their new niece. DJ just keeps staring at her and holding her hand like she’s
not real.

cute as she is I would’ve whipped her little ass if she would have popped out in
my truck,” Co-Co said.

He’s being
overly dramatic as usual. I feel bad for Dwight. There is no way in hell
that he can handle his crazy ass. I looked at David, who kept nodding his head
for me to step out into the hallway. I followed him out of the room and down
the hall to the vending machines.

up?” I asked him.

you changed your mind or something?” He asked as he shoved the small light blue
Tiffany box into my hand.

I didn’t change my mind, but I’m nervous
man. I don’t want do it in front of everybody. I’m waiting until we’re by
ourselves,” I replied as my hands shook. Brooklyn and I had just talked about
marriage a few hours ago, but now it’s about to be real.

what the hell are you shaking for? I don’t know what you’re scared of. You
almost drove me crazy about helping you find a damn ring.
got two babies and a house together. This
is the only thing left for
to do. As
much as you spent on that ring her ass better say yes,” David said.

what if she says no?” I asked him.

propose to me. I’ll marry your fine ass if you put that big rock on my finger,”
he laughed.

punk ass better
playing with me,” I yelled
while laughing with him. “But you can have the ring I gave Kennedi though.”

“I don’t
want that cheap shit. You must have forgotten that I was with you when you
bought both rings. You did right by giving it to Nyla.”

must have thought she was doing something when she
her wedding rings to my mama’s house. That shit didn’t even
put a dent in my
so I really didn’t
care. When my sister asked me if she could have
I handed it over to her with no problem.

seriously lil brother, you already know what she’s going to say,” David assured

He’s right,
but that still didn’t calm me down. I knew without a doubt that Brooklyn would
marry me because we always talk about it. I just don’t want to rush her into
something that she’s not ready for.

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