Yours Book 3: Life Mastered (5 page)

BOOK: Yours Book 3: Life Mastered
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chapter Eight

Time for Trust


“Do you trust me,” Nick smirks as we face each other in the middle of the bed. We are both on our knees, our butts resting on our heels, naked. We are only a breath apart from each other.

“Yes,” I say, but eye him warily. He is up to something. I try not to get distracted by his chiseled chest and growing erection. Nick is a sight of pure perfection.

“Then this is going to be amazing,” he holds out a black piece of silk to me. “Here, blindfold me.”

“What,” I laugh.

“Go on, blindfold me,” he says with a mischievous grin on his lips.

I lick my lips nervously and nod. It is not that I don’t trust him. I’m not sure what he is going to want me to do once I have him blindfolded. I buck up and blindfold him anyway.

“Good girl,” he smiles. “Come, give me a kiss.”

I smile as if he can see me and lean in to kiss him. He cups my face in one hand and lifts a second blindfold in the other. He breaks the kiss still cupping my face.

“My turn,” he breathes.

I close my eyes as he uses his hand cupping my face to guide him. He is pretty apt at getting the blindfold on me without seeing me. Once the blindfold is in place, I feel like I become hyper aware of everything. Especially Nick.

Nick’s hands glide from the back of my head, where he has tied the knot, down to my neck. His strong hands massage my neck and then my shoulders. As usual, I shiver beneath his touch.

“Talk to me,” Nick says softly.

“About what,” I respond.

“Whatever you want,” he prompts. “Tell me how you feel.”

I think for a moment. There are so many things I feel. The last few days have been amazing, and our honeymoon has just begun. I feel like everything is perfect. I don’t want to think about the outside world because for now, Nick is the only thing that matters.

“I feel loved, I feel safe, I feel like I am falling in love with you all over again,” I say honestly.

I can hear the smile in his voice when he speaks. “I love you too, Baby. More than you know,” he says, with so much passion, I shiver harder.

Nick’s large hands travel down my body. I can feel his warm breath on my face and hear his heavy breathing increase. His hands move past my hips and scoop me into his arms.

“Nick,” I yelp and giggle.

His lips find first my chin, then my cheek and finally my mouth, where he delivers a hungry kiss. I groan into his mouth and feel my way to his hair, where I lock my fingers in. Nick smoothes his hands down my legs, cupping the backs of my thighs and lifting me onto his awaiting erection.

I sigh as his cock stretches me and fills me. I know it doesn’t make sense, but he feels larger, thicker, now that I can’t see him. I am so wet; I can feel my juices dripping down onto him.

“You feel so good,” I moan.

“You feel incredible,” Nick groans next to my ear. “Unfold your legs, wrap them around me.”

I do as I am told with his assistance as I use his shoulders for anchors. If I thought it felt good before, I was sadly mistaken. I feel Nick’s tongue drag up the center of my chest, and I swear my pussy tries to snatch him in deeper. As if he could get any deeper.

His hands gently caress my skin. Gliding over my back, over my backside, back over my shoulders. It is like he is making love to me with every part of his body.

“You’re finally my wife,” Nick moans.

He has said this in awe a million times since we have been married. I know how he feels. I think I have pinched myself every morning I wake up next to him with wedding bands on my finger.

Each time I see his or feel it against my skin, I smile. As smile tugs at my lips now as I feel the cool metal of his platinum band against my back. As if sensing my smile, Nick nips at my lip and tugs it into his mouth.

We are moving in a slow sensual pace. Nick is taking his time dragging his thick, heavy cock in and out of me as I rock my hips to the rhythm he has set for us. I am in sheer bliss.

“I want to make love to you like this for the rest of my life,” Nick whispers in my ear as his long fingers press into the flesh of my back.

I claw my fingernails down his back and cry out. “Yes, promise me it will always be this way.”

“Always, Sephora,” he grunts. “I will always love you with my life, with my soul.”

“I love you,” I cry as my orgasm peaks and shatters into a dozen more.

Nick continues to ride his way through, one after another until eventually, we come together. Nick shifts until he is on his back and I am lying on top of him. Neither of us has the strength to move, and so we drift off still blindfolded and bound in love and trust.



chapter Nine


Nick has been watching me like a hawk all day. We have another week here on the island, but the last two days I have been a little sluggish. I don’t want to ruin our honeymoon so I have been shrugging it off.

Nick noticed this morning that I was a little out of it, and he has been on me since. I had to practically beg him to come out to the shops today. I sort of wish I hadn’t now, but if I let him know I’m not feeling well this honeymoon will be over, and we will be back in California where the real world is waiting for us.

I don’t want to go home and burst this bubble we have been in. Despite not feeling my best this honeymoon has been the greatest time of my life. Just the simple act of lying on the beach in Nick’s arms has been like a slice of heaven.

I’m not ready to give all this up. I wish we could stay here and avoid the world forever. A life of paradise where we don’t have to worry about crazy people threatening our family.

I haven’t touched my laptop in weeks, and I am fine with that. I seem to only cause trouble when I do. I am glad that Nick trusts Kimmie and Lily to take over for me while I am gone. I know I won’t have Kimmie for much longer once little Lilla is born, but I am glad for the reprieve for now.

“Sephora, we should get you something to eat and take a break,” Nick says from beside me as we stroll side by side through the shops.

I stop and look up at Nick. In the background somewhere a steel drum is being played. I feel a ping of longing for my violin. I see him assessing me again. I sigh because I really am hungry and too tire to fuss about the last few shops I wanted to pop into.

“Okay,” I nod.

Nick kisses my forehead. “Are you sure you are okay? You relented a little too easily,” Nick says only half teasing.

“Oh, hush and feed me,” I grumble.

Nick chuckles and turns to lead us to the restaurant we passed when he first tried to get me to eat something. The truth is while I was hungry, then my stomach was queasy, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to eat. Now, I am just starving, and my mouth is watering, but not in a good way.

I get annoyed when my head starts to throb, in a nagging little headache. I am glad to get into the cool shade of the restaurant. Maybe the heat is just too much. Nick offered to take us anywhere I wanted for the rest of our honeymoon. I’m thinking now that maybe I should have agreed to go somewhere cool for a week or two.

We are seated and start to look over the menus. I almost sigh when Nick asks them to bring us some water. I didn’t realize I was so parched. I feel Nick’s eyes on me again and look up from my menu. I groan inwardly because I know what is coming.

“Baby, I think we should go home. I know you want to stay, but I am becoming concerned. You are not yourself. I want to get you home and have Nobi look at you,” Nick says.

I wrinkle my brows at the name I have never heard. “Nobi,” I repeat in confusion.

Nick waves me off. “He is the brother of a friend from school. He has a practice in the hills,” Nick replies.

“I’m fine, Nick. We don’t have to rush back,” I sigh.

Nick just stares at me for a beat. He opens his mouth then closes it. His eyes bounce over my face and then lower to my breasts. His eyes flick back up to mine when I snort. A frown mars his gorgeous face.

“Sephora, I think we may be overlooking something here. If I were thinking, I would have seen this sooner. We certainly wouldn’t have been jumping from any cliffs,” he snorts folding his arms over his chest.

I get lost in the way the light blue fabric stretches over his chest.
Shit, I have been a bird brain the last few days. What did he just say? What is he talking about?

“What,” I ask, but Nick is interrupted by the waitress. He goes to wave her off, but I give him a look that tells him I am too hungry to have this conversation first. His face softens, and he nods for the waitress to take our order. I place my menu down and let Nick order for me as I down my water.

“Can you bring her some more water and a plate of fruit to nibble on while we wait for the entrées,” Nick finishes our order.

I see my chance to escape and avoid this conversation and take it. I lift to my feet. “I have to go to the restroom,” I say.

I go to step forward and see the floor as it comes up to meet my face. Nick shouts my name as he launches out of his seat. I know I am going down, but I can’t react fast enough to prevent it.

Nick’s hand catches my arm just before I face-plant. I am cradled in his arms as the room spins around me before I know what happened. Nick gently smoothes my hair out of my face.

“Enough, we’re going home,” Nick bites out.

“But Nick,” I say weakly.

“No, you’re pregnant, Sephora. We are going home,” Nick snaps.

I wrinkle my brows and look him in the face. I lift my hand to my head in confusion. His words are so sure. My brain is too scrambled right now for me to do the math and confirm his words.

Holy shit! Could we really be having a baby? Oh God. I don’t think I am ready after all.



chapter Ten

Doctor Friends

I am nervous as hell right now. After nearly fainting in the restaurant, Nick had our things packed before we even returned to the villa. We were on the jet so fast my head was spinning.

Nick hasn’t let me out of his sight, and he barely lets me do anything for myself. You would think that I have turned into glass. We haven’t told anyone what we suspect.

Well, I say suspect, but Nick is adamant that I am pregnant. I think I am just in denial. I am nervous. I was excited for this in theory. Now I don’t know the first thing about being a mother, and it is freaking me the hell out.

I don’t think I am that far along. I’d say I was about a month pregnant during the wedding. I am just as annoyed with myself as Nick is about demanding we jump that cliff. I think that is what has me so nervous about this appointment and confirming that I am indeed pregnant.

Confirming the truth will make me responsible for another life, and I have just taken control of my own. Nick, on the other hand, seems to be over the moon. He was livid when we couldn’t get in to see his friend as soon as we returned home. Dr. John Nobi seems to be in high demand.

Nick has already raved about him being one of the best in the OB field. It doesn’t matter that I already have a physician that I go to that could have seen me right away. Nick didn’t want to hear it. His future prince or princess will have nothing but the best.

I can’t fault him. He wants to make sure that the baby is healthy and gets here safely. I have seen him sitting looking pensive at times. I know in those times he is thinking of his little girl Nicky.

My heart hurts for him and the little girl he loved, but never had the chance to know and hold. I know our baby could never replace her, but I hope that our baby doesn’t bring him more sadness over the child he lost.

“What are you thinking about,” Nick asks as he squeezes my hand in the back of the car.

Winston is smirking from the driver’s seat. I think Nick may have told him what is going on. When we returned early, Nick made excuses about something important coming up at work. Luke didn’t look as if he believed that so much. My mother also had a knowing tone in her voice when we spoke this morning.

“Honestly,” I turn to look him in the face and bite my lip.

Nick tilts his head at me and nods. “Always,” he mutters.

“I am scared shitless. I’m scared that we may be wrong and that we both will be disappointed. I’m scared that we are right, and then I will have a little life inside of me that I am going to be responsible for, and I don’t have a darn clue what the heck I am doing.

“What if I am a terrible mother,” I ask, letting all my fears show in my eyes.

Nick smiles at me. I mean a huge smile. He is smiling so wide I want to hit him. I pout and pull my hand away to fold my arms over my chest.

Nick’s eyes fall to my breasts that have been swollen and huge over the last few days. His eyes lift to mine, and he raises a brow. I roll my eyes.

“Are you seriously still doubting whether or not you are carrying our first child,” Nick snorts. “As far as whether or not you will be a good mother you are going to be an amazing mother. I have no concerns whatsoever. Our children will be loved and cherished by you, and that is the perfect start to being an awesome mother.”

“Babe,” I say and mirror his tilted head. “You keep saying children. How many exactly do you plan on us having?”

I am trying to suppress a smile. This would not be the first time Nick talks of our family with plural children. His eyes sparkle at my question. He reaches to splay his hand on my belly.

“As soon as you have this little one I plan to get you pregnant all over again. I love knowing my baby is growing inside of you. I hated being an only child. I want at least three,” he says with a boyish grin that melts me on the spot.

I can no longer hold in my smile. It is this side of Nick that places me in awe of him. Moments like these when he becomes so vulnerable for me and me only. Right now I would agree to have an entire football team just for that smile, scared shitless or not.

“Mmm, I’ll have to think about that,” I smile up at him.

Nick slides closer to me and wraps his arms around me. He places his face in my neck. I giggle when he inhales deeply, then nips my neck. “While you are thinking about it, I will be having my way with you and making it happen,” he growls against my skin.

“Promises, promises,” I say as I run my hand up his chest.

Nick hasn’t touched me intimately in almost two weeks. That is another reason I am over the moon to finally be going to this appointment. I want the doctor to tell him I won’t break if we have sex. I miss sex, a lot.

Nick chuckles and pulls my hand from his chest to his lips. He kisses each of my fingers, before nipping my thumb. I squirm in my seat and Nick smirks.

“You really miss my cock don’t you,” Nick leans in, to whisper in my ear. A moan slips free just before I can manage to stifle it. Nick chuckles and nips my ear. “Do you know, for the last week, you have been grabbing and stroking me in your sleep? This little hand has been very busy.”

“All lies,” I pout.

Nick throws his head back and laughs. “The first time it happened, I thought you were awake. I almost woke you to finish what you started,” Nick says through his laughter.

“Oh my God, are you serious,” I gasp.

Nick nods his head with mirth in his eyes. “I am getting used to your nightly massages,” Nick chokes out through a laugh.

“Oh God, so you are getting off while I am sleeping? Is that how you are able to deny me,” I narrow my eyes at him.

Nick’s eyes darken as he reaches for the back of my neck. He crushes his lips to mine and devours my soul in the hottest kiss ever. I push my fingers into his hair and tug tightly. I am so horny I want to unfasten this seatbelt and ride him until his eyes roll into the back of his head.

Nick breaks the kiss and places his forehead to mine. He is breathing heavily. “Denying you has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I hate it with a passion,” Nick rasps. “I want to fuck you so hard, you won’t stop coming for at least a week. But I will not put my selfish needs before you and our baby’s health. You fainted twice while we were in Jamaica. I have seen you looking a little peakiest since we have been back. I need to know you and the baby are alright before I put any stress on this gorgeous body again.”

A shiver runs up my spine as I peer up through my lashes into his sexy green eyes. His long lashes are low, his lids hooded. I bite my lip to keep from nipping his.

“So if the doctor says it’s okay, will you please make love to me,” I purr and nuzzle my nose into his jaw.

Nick growls and holds me tighter. “Sephora,” he says in warning.

I reach for the bulge in his pants and squeeze. “Please,” I beg.

“I’ll be asking if fucking and spanking are on the table,” Nick grunts and pries my hand from his crotch.

My face lights up. “Aw, spanking! I would love a good spanking,” I purr a little too loud and excitedly.

Winston actually lets out a chuckle, up front and I blush to my roots. Nick throws his head back and laughs. He kisses the top of my head as I bury it into his chest.

“What am I going to do with you?” He laughs.

“I don’t know, but I hope it involves sex,” I whisper.

“I have turned you into a fiend. Have I told you how much I love you,” Nick says into my ear.

“Not today,” I sigh dramatically.

“I love you so much I can’t think straight, Mrs. Lincoln,” he croons into my ear.

“But I think I love you more,” I pull away enough to look into his eyes and give him a goofy smile.

“We’re here,” Nick says as the car comes to a stop.

I sigh heavily as my nerves return. Nick was providing just the distraction I needed. I feel bereft of the cocoon he was providing as Winston opens my door.
Here goes nothing.

We may have had to wait a long time to get an appointment with doctor John Nobi, but we didn’t have to wait long at all to get into the exam room. I felt bad for all the people we seemed to skip over once Nick gave our name at the front desk.

We were ushered right in. I was pointed to the bathroom to do my business in a cup and greeted by the door by Nick and a nurse. The doctor’s assistant led us into the exam room and handed over a clipboard to Nick as she gave me a gown to change into. I had to fight a smirk as I nervously changed into the gown and watch Nick peer over the paperwork, his complete attention on the documents in front of him.

“Do you want me to take care of that,” I ask as I climb up onto the exam table.

“No, I have it,” Nick replies without looking up at me.

“Are you sure? There may be somethings you don’t know about me,” I say.

This time, Nick does look up at me as his hand freezes in the midst of writing. “There is nothing I don’t know about my wife. I know you better than you know yourself. I know things about you that you have no inkling that I would even care about,” Nick says as his eyes give me a sharp once over.

“Excuse me, Sir,” I tease.

Nick’s face softens, and he snorts. “Definitely going to be asking about spankings,” he smirks and returns to the paperwork.

The nurse returns for the paperwork and to take my vitals, not too long after. I step on the scale cringing at what it will reveal. I peek over my shoulder at Nick, and he presses his lips at me. I turn back towards the scale and sigh.

He has been telling me all week that my body is gorgeous just the way it is. I miss my training with Noah. I haven’t worked out since the first week of my marriage, at least not in a gym. Nick wouldn’t let me out of bed for the classes I had been taking at the resort before his arrival. It has only been a few weeks, but I feel like all my hard work is melting away.

My eyes go wide, and a smile stretches across my lips when the scale says one-fifty-five. That’s five pounds lighter than the last time I checked. I’ll take it. I know I’ll be packing on the pounds soon enough. I can’t help but wonder if Nick will still find me attractive in five or six months from now.

When I step off the scale, Nick tugs me into his arms and kisses the top of my head. “You are going to make the most gorgeous pregnant woman in the world. I can’t wait to get my hands on all those curves. I am so excited to feel our baby moving in your belly when you finally have a baby bump,” Nick breathes against my temple.

“I love you,” I choke out because Nick always knows just what to say.

“Mrs. Lincoln, the doctor will be right in,” Tracey, the doctor’s assistant says.

I smile at her in thanks and turn for the table. Nick follows right behind me. “Up you get,” he says as he plucks me off the floor like a feather and places me at the foot of the exam table.

I giggle and shake my head. “I am more than capable of stepping up to get onto the table, Nick.”

Nick shrugs. “Maybe so but you don’t have to when I am here,” he gives me that sweet smile that belongs to me, and I melt once again.

Just as I get ready to coax him into kissing me, the door opens and in steps the doctor. My mouth literally pops open. This man is gorgeous. My eyes sweep over his impressive frame.

Dr. Nobi is tall, at least six two or six three. The grey scrubs he has on under his white lab coat stretch across his chest revealing lean muscle underneath the shirt and powerful thighs beneath the pants. I have never liked Crocs on a man, but something about the black shoes on Dr. Nobi’s feet screams sexy.

My eyes snap back up to his face and sparkling blue-grey eyes are staring back at me. A wolfish smile is pulling at his full pink lips. Oh, the hair. In the face, he doesn’t look a day over thirty-five at the most, but his hair tells a different story.

The thick wavy tresses that fall onto his forehead are a mix of salt and pepper. Dr. Nobi looks like he belongs on the cover of a GQ magazine. He is hot, silver fox hot.

“Well, you must be Sephora. It is lovely to meet you,” Dr. Nobi holds out his hand for me to shake. I am totally taken aback by the rich gravelly voice that comes from this man.
So freaking hot!

“Nice to meet you as well,” I say and blush.

“You did well, Squirt,” Dr. Nobi turns to Nick with a broad smile.

“Whatever,” Nick murmurs as he eyes my reaction to Dr. Nobi.

Dr. Nobi laughs throwing his head back and pulling Nick into a bear hug, patting him on the back. “I’ve missed this brooding face. I keep asking Annalise about you, but she says you guys lost contact,” Dr. Nobi booms into the room.

“She is traveling the world saving lives. She has better things to do then stay in contact with me,” Nick shrugs, but something uncomfortable crosses his face. It is so quick and something I know only I would pick up on.

“Oh please, she adores you. I’m sure it will break her heart to find out you are married and starting a family,” Dr. Nobi pauses to look at me as his cheeks redden. “I’m sorry, no offense to you, Sephora. My little sister had a crush on Lincoln here for years. I never saw it going too far. Ann is a bit too submissive for Nick. Nick needs a woman with strength and a will of her own.”

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