Zack (Armed and Dangerous Book 1) (2 page)

Read Zack (Armed and Dangerous Book 1) Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #fiction

BOOK: Zack (Armed and Dangerous Book 1)
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Zack squinted in the bright sunlight as he glanced through his windshield up at the cloudless blue expanse before returning his gaze to the dusty road. The case that had him heading to the ranch was almost an excuse to see Sky—almost.

Ever since the day he’d left her, he’d never been able to get her out of his mind, and he wasn’t sure he ever could.

he never would.

As he’d faced each and every one of his demons over the last ten years, he’d come to the realization that he wasn’t the same person he’d been then. The same young man who’d been so immersed in rage that he’d thought he’d never find his way out.

Except with Sky. She had made him feel different. Happy for the first time in his life, and not like the angry person he’d been deep down inside.

But one violent night had changed everything.

Zack ground his teeth.

One night. One night with a fucking bastard whom Zack had almost killed.

Sky’s image filled his mind. What if she wasn’t at the ranch? What if she was married now, with a couple of rugrats and living off in a city in some other state?

The mere thought of Sky with another man had Zack gripping the steering wheel so tight he was bound to snap it.

When he had made the decision to transfer to Douglas to be closer to his ailing mother, he had hoped Sky would still be here. That they could pick up where they’d left off.

Hell, more than hoped.

He didn’t know if Sky was still around, but he intended to find out.

Zack slowed the SUV as he crossed over a cattle guard that rattled and thrummed under the wheels of the Explorer. Herds of sleek Black Angus lined each side of the road, lifting their heads to watch him pass by and then returning to graze.

Apparently the rains had been good this summer, as the grass was still green in patches and plentiful. He noted the well-kept barbwire fences, stock tanks, and windmill. Ray MacKenna always did keep his place in fine shape, and he certainly had the money to do it.

Zack didn’t expect his gut to clench the way it did when he drove up to the sprawling ranch house. A vivid memory of Sky came to him. Of her running from the front porch to greet him, her smile brilliant, then throwing her arms around his neck and treating him to her soft lips. Her husky voice telling him she missed him, and her firm body pressed tight to his.

With a groan, he brought the SUV to a halt in front of the MacKenna Ranch house, dust swirling around his vehicle in a beige cloud. He took in the changes of the last ten years. The oak trees and weeping willows were taller and the porch that ran the length of the house was practically overflowing with houseplants—a woman’s touch.

His heart rate kicked up a beat. Could Sky still be here?

Or had Ray gone and remarried? After Nina MacKenna’s death, everyone was sure Ray would never tie the knot again.

Zack’s gaze passed beyond the house, extensive barn, corrals, and ranch buildings to the tawny Chiricahua Mountains rising behind. The old tire swing still hung from the lower branch of the oak in front of the barn. He remembered pushing Sky in that tire, spinning it around, and claiming a kiss when he caught her to him.

Zack climbed out of the Ford Explorer, crammed his black Stetson on his head, and slammed the door a little too hard. Shoving the memories to the back of his mind, he headed up the steps, then through the maze of plants on the porch. Wind chimes hanging from the porch’s beams made a haunting sound as the slightest hint of a breeze stirred. Almost ghostly.

But the only ghosts around were the memories of Sky. He knocked. No answer. Ray must be off working on horseback or in his truck.

Was Sky around?

Zack was turning from the door when he heard a shriek.


Hair prickled at the base of his neck.

He automatically drew his 9mm P226 SIG Sauer from the holster on his hip. The scream had come from the barn. Zack made sure everything was clear and hurried to the barn, his boots making no sound as he crossed the hard-packed earth.

Everything was quiet. Too quiet.

Pausing beside the open barn door, he listened, his heart beating a rapid rhythm.

“You sonofa—,” a woman said, and then came a thump and another cry.

He rounded the doorway in a crouch, his weapon raised. Sky MacKenna was sprawled on the barn floor with her back against a hay bale, her blouse gaping open. She was glaring into a horse stall.

Zack clenched his jaw. He’d kill the man who’d dared to shove her down like that.

“Come out with your hands up,” Zack said in a deadly tone, his eyes focused on the stall. He remained crouched and prepared for the slightest movement. “Don’t make me wait.”

He heard a click and glanced at Sky to see she had a handgun trained on him. The moment she saw his face she slowly lowered the small Smith & Wesson, a stunned expression on her features.

Zack kept his SIG in his hands, the barrel still in position as he glanced from her to the stall.

“Go ahead. Arrest the bastard.” Sky waved toward the stall with her free hand while she stuffed the handgun into the holster at her side. “Cuff him while you’re at it. Once you’ve frisked the sonofabitch, that is. I’ll get a kick out of seeing you try.”

Zack eased closer to the open stall and peered over the wooden side rail to find a good-sized black bull yearling straining against a rope tie. The corner of Zack’s mouth twitched.

“I’m gonna have to take you in, son,” he said with mock seriousness to the fire-eyed yearling. “For disturbing the peace and knocking around a beautiful woman.”

The moment the last two words were out of Zack’s mouth, it seemed like the entire ranch went silent. He turned to look at Sky and he could see reality sinking in, her lips forming a frown as she narrowed her eyes.

Now, she knew. After all these years and that awful good-bye, Zack had returned to Douglas.

Chapter 2

Hurt, pride, and anger flashed across Sky’s face, and then worse— indifference.

Zack holstered his gun, then extended his hand in an offer to help Sky to her feet. She moved her fingers to her neck, like she couldn’t decide if she should ignore his hand or accept it.

He’d forgotten that nervous habit of hers. How she’d rub the base of her throat when she was feeling self-conscious or uneasy, leaving the fair skin red. And how he’d loved to kiss that soft skin whenever she did that.

As if she could hear his thoughts, she moved her fingers away from her throat. With a little tilt of her chin, she reached up and clasped his hand.

That touch, that simple touch, brought back every bit of yearning he’d ever had for her, and even when she was standing, he couldn’t let go. She was tall, only four inches shorter than his six feet two. The perfect height for kissing. He had always loved that she matched him. As if she had been made just for him.

And God, she still smelled the same—of the wind after a summer storm, and orange blossoms, the scent that always drove him wild. Memories flowed through him—of how she had explored every part of his body with her inquisitive fingers, her sexy mouth, her sweet tongue.

“Sky.” Zack’s voice was husky with longing.

“It’s Skylar.” She jerked her hand from his and dusted off the seat of her jeans with her palms, never taking her eyes from his.

Zack’s gaze dropped to the rise and fall of her chest, and his throat went dry. Sky’s open pale blue western shirt exposed the swell of her breasts and taut nipples beneath a peach satin bra. Satin that he knew could be no softer than the satin of her breasts. Breasts that he wanted to caress. Nipples he wanted to taste, right there in the barn.

“You might want to fix that.” He allowed his fingers to touch the edges of the open vee of her shirt before letting his arm drop to his side again.

Pink touched Sky’s cheeks as she glanced down and then brought her hand to her gaping shirt. He noticed her fingers trembled as she fumbled with each snap.

He took the opportunity to study her long legs in snug jeans, her copper hair escaping the single braid that fell across her shoulder as she bent over. When she finished, she lifted her head and her green eyes met his.

“It’s been a long time,” Zack said in a low rumble.

Frowning, Sky took a step forward, and to his surprise she reached out and touched the scar that creased his left cheek. Instead of flinching from the memory of how he got that mark, he felt like a tamed beast.

“It never went away,” she said softly.

Zack stood mesmerized by her beauty. Her touch that was almost as innocent as she had been when his face had been slashed.

Her finger trailed the scar that went from his ear almost to his mouth. She paused, her gaze riveted on his lips, and he damn near stopped breathing.

Sky jerked her hand away like she’d come to her senses and she took a step back, her cheeks going pink again. “So. What are you doing here?”

I came back for you.

Likely Sky wouldn’t be too keen on him telling her he’d come back for her ten years after he left. Instead, he said, “Is your dad around?”

A glimmer of laughter came back into her eyes. “If he was, he’d likely run you off with his old Remington.”

“I was afraid of that.” Zack’s mouth turned up in a slight grin, and then his tone went serious. “I’ve missed you.”

She cocked her head and studied him for a moment. “Did you have anything in particular to say to my dad, or is it something you can tell me?”

Zack fished his wallet out of the back pocket of his Wranglers, drew out his business card, and handed it to her.

Sky took it from him, her fingertips lightly brushing his, and glanced at the card with the ICE logo. “So, you’re now a federal agent with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.”

“I transferred to Douglas last week,” he said as he slid his wallet into his back pocket. “I’m out introducing myself to ranchers in the area. The mountains behind your ranch are being used to smuggle narcotics from Mexico.”

“What’s new? That’s been going on for years.” Sky gave a little shrug. “Enough drugs and illegals come through that range to keep every law enforcement officer in the Southwest busy.”

Zack frowned. True, it was common knowledge, but it still bothered him that Sky seemed so unconcerned that danger passed her back door daily. “If you see anything suspicious, give me a call.”

Now if that wasn’t lame and corny, he didn’t know what the hell was.

Sky fixed a smile on her face as she shoved the card into the front pocket of her jeans. “Great, Special Agent Hunter.”

He shook his head. “It’s Zack to you, Sky.”

“Skylar, not Sky.” She folded her arms beneath her breasts. “So that’s why you came back? To rid the Southwest of drug smugglers and illegal aliens.”

“Something like that.” He hooked his thumbs in his belt loops.

A horse whickered and the red roan poked his head over a stall door in the half of the huge barn that housed her Quarter Horses. Sky moved toward the roan. “How’s my boy?” she murmured as she rubbed the stallion’s nose.

She stood in a shaft of sunlight and Zack’s breath caught in his throat. Dust motes swirled in the air around Sky, and her hair shone like burnished copper.

“How’s your brother doing?” she asked, her attention on the horse.

Zack swallowed, wishing Sky was stroking him instead of the damn horse. “Cabe’s a detective with the Bisbee Police Department. What’s your sister up to?”

“Trinity got a wild hair after she graduated from college and she’s been in Europe ever since.” Sky rubbed the horse behind his ears. “Sometime before Christmas she’ll be coming home. First visit in four years.”

Zack gave a low whistle. “That’s a long time to be gone from home.”

“You should know, Zack.” Sky patted the horse’s neck and turned back to him. “So you went to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center like you wanted.”

“Yeah.” Zack tensed as he saw a flicker of pain in her eyes. “After I graduated from FLETC I went into Customs, long before it was rolled into Immigration and Customs Enforcement.” He moved closer, wanting to be near her. “How about you? What’ve you been up to all this time?”

Sky flicked a piece of straw off the top of the stall. “Other than trying to figure out who swiped fifty head of cattle, not a whole hell of a lot.”

“Rustlers.” Zack shook his head. “I know about the thefts, but didn’t know you were hit.”

“Yeah.” An expression of frustration and anger glinted in her eyes. “It started week before last.” She looked like she was gritting her teeth. “Bastards.”

A frown creased her features again as she added, “How did you hear about it?”

“Work.” Zack jerked his head in the direction of the Mexican border. “Been some concern the situation might involve thieves coming across the line.”

“Isn’t that a little far-fetched?” Sky gestured toward the bull in the stall. “Can’t imagine herds being shuttled into Mexico without anyone noticing.”

“Just the same, ICE is now involved,” Zack said. “How’d it start?”

“First we noticed our herd was down a few head.” Sky made a sound of irritation. “Then a dozen or so heifers just up and disappeared. Last night at least freaking fifty head were taken. Looks like the bastards are getting cockier.”

His mouth tightened. “Or more stupid.”

“Even though we’ve got cattle insurance,” Sky said, “this sucks big-time. There’s no way to replace the quality of the herd I’ve cultivated over the past several years.”

With a sigh that made her frustration clear, she leaned back and braced her arms on the stall behind her. The motion caused her breasts to jut out and her blouse to gape, showing that satin bra and her generous cleavage.

Zack swallowed. “When’ll your dad be back?”

“He was here a week ago, so he’s not likely to visit for at least a couple of months. We expect him and his new wife for Thanksgiving or Christmas, not sure which.”

Shock rippled through Zack as it occurred to him that Sky truly could be married, living at the ranch with her husband. No ring on her finger, but that didn’t mean anything. She could keep it off while she was working. Zack had thought he was prepared for the possibility, but right now he couldn’t imagine any man being with her. The thought made him want to kill the bastard, whoever he was.

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