Zoey Rogue (10 page)

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Authors: Lizzy Ford

BOOK: Zoey Rogue
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Not that one little Cambion was an issue.

He whirled her and pressed her into the wall with the same roughness that almost made her wish she was able to fall under his thrall. As it was, making out with him was providing her some release, until he started to cross the line where she drew as the limit to how far she’d go. She wasn’t about to cheat on Eric with a psycho like this. The Cambion hiked up her dress to her hips. Kissing him, Zoey reached down to grip a knife then took his cheeks in her hands and pushed him back.

“Ready?” she asked.

“Are you?” he returned with the arrogant smile that assured her he had no clue.

She slid the paper thin, razor sharp knife across his throat then shoved him. He stumbled back, clutching at his neck. Blood spurted from the wound, and the light faded from his eyes as he dropped. Zoey watched. When certain he was dead, she straightened and replaced her knife.

“One less Cambion on the streets,” she murmured, satisfied. She walked down the alley and returned to the club.

Vikki was alone at the bar. Zoey crossed to her.

“What took so long?” Vikki teased. “Enjoying yourself?”

“Can’t remember the last time I did this semi-sober. Takes some getting used to,” Zoey replied.

“Here, take mine. I ordered another,” Vikki said, sliding her drink over.

Zoey grabbed it and sipped. It tasted bitter. She had no idea what it was, but Vikki’s taste in men and drinks was different.

“So what happens if you can’t fix things with Eric?” Vikki asked.

“Oh, god, I wanted to forget that,” Zoey said with a sigh. “I’m sure I can make things right. I just need to tell him I want to wait. Things will go back to the way they were and we’ll deal with it later.”

“You and denial are best friends. You should just accept that life isn’t the way you want it and never will be.”

Zoey glanced at Vikki. There was bitterness in her voice.

“What’s up with you?” she asked. “You’ve been angry lately, too. Not getting laid enough?”

“I didn’t even think of that. What if Eric needs time or something and you’re on the couch. You’ll never make it,” Vikki said. “Zoey, I rotate men every night, and I can hardly do this.”

“I didn’t think of that either,” Zoey muttered. Every time she went out killing, she came back and had sex with Eric as many times as he’d go, usually only two. But two was better than none. How did she handle the sex energy in her blood, if he put her on the couch?

“I wonder what it’s like to be with an Incubus,” Vikki said pensively. “I mean, like, permanently. That kind of passion every night. We kinda have band-aids to help us deal with it, you know? Like the men who rotate through my dorm. It’s kinda sickening, really. I don’t get why the Sucubatti didn’t plan that out better.”

“Yeah, it is kinda shitty for us,” Zoey said with a shrug. “I have to admit, if something happens with Eric, I have no idea what I’d do.”

“I wonder if any of the Incubus Benefactors sleep with their Hunters.”

“It’s forbidden.”

“Okay, Miss Innocent.” Vikki rolled her eyes. “Don’t you wonder why? The Incubatti sleep with Hunters.”


“Yeah. They take on mistresses. Some of them have wives. Where do you think Incubuses come from?”

“I dunno. I had no idea they have wives. Are they Succubae who betray the Sucubatti to live with them?” Zoey took another sip and grimaced. The drink in her hand tasted familiar, but it wasn’t any alcoholic beverage she could remember having before. “What is this shit? It doesn’t taste right.”

“No idea. Oh, it’s an amaretto sour. I think.” Vikki tasted hers and frowned. “Yeah, these don’t taste quite right.”

“Tastes more sour than usual.” She set it down, but her ears were already buzzing. Whatever was in the drink, it was taking effect.

“Whatever. Anyway, one of the other girls said that Incubuses have preordained wives,” Vikki continued. “I guess they’re Halflings that can handle the sex energy long term. To claim them, the Incubus has to sleep with them three times in some kind of mating rite, and then they own the woman. They call it three strikes.”

Vikki’s words floated over her. Zoey tried to pay attention, but now her vision was blurring. She shook her head and downed a glass of ice water to see if the shock of cold cleared her mind.

“No way. That’s shitty. V, I think there’s something wrong with these drinks.”

“What if it’s not?” Vikki returned, her voice slurred. “What if it’s easier than rotating the football team through your dorm room every week?” She was facing Zoey, but didn’t seem to see her through her glazed eyes.

“The whole team? That’s like…” Zoey couldn’t add when drunk. “More than one a night.”

“Yeah. Try three to four.”

“Are you hurting that badly?” she asked, astonished, distracted by her concern for her friend. The strange sensations caused by the drink were getting worse.

Vikki didn’t seem to hear her. “Do you think this is why all the girls before us got transferred conveniently on their twenty second birthdays? Not because they were slow, but because they couldn’t control themselves anymore?”

“Stop drinking that shit, V.” Zoey reached out to take the drink Vikki still sipped. Darkness was encroaching on her vision from the edges of her mind. “I think we need to call … a ride …” She felt herself hit the floor a moment before her world went dark.

Chapter Six: Declan Decided

Declan finished the last repetition of his final set under the squat machine. Another of his eight older brothers, Liam, stepped back from his position as a spotter. Sweating profusely, Declan released a long breath.

“You lose, brother,” he said, facing Liam. “You said ten. I got twelve.”

“Someone’s gotta push your lazy ass,” Liam said with a wink.

Declan smiled. There was nothing lazy about him, and they both knew it. Despite being close to twenty-three and on tap to succeed their father, he still took a verbal beating from his older brothers. They kept him on his toes, and he relished the challenge of proving them wrong.

“You wanna go out tonight?” Liam asked. “I’ve got club duty. I know how much you love the clubs.”

“No, not tonight.”

“No?” Liam raised an eyebrow. “You’ve still got the Succubus dad told you to get rid of?”

“I’m breaking it off tonight,” Declan replied. “Then I’m going over the strategic reorganization plan of Dad’s again.”

“You’re moody and studious. I have no idea who you are, but I want Declan back.”

“Not sure what’s wrong with me lately. Maybe I’m getting old, like the rest of my brothers,” he teased. He snagged his towel off the floor and walked with Liam out of the private gym at the bottom of their apartment building.


He reached back to grab the door before it closed. The face of the Cambion leader, Paul, dampened his spirits. Paul’s eyes were two different colors – one blue, the other brown – and set in a face with heavy features. His lean frame was as sweaty as Declan’s from his workout.

“Your water bottle,” the Cambion said, holding it out.

Declan accepted it. Never a fan of the Cambions, he was less impressed by the one before him, who had somehow conned his way onto the Council.

“Thanks,” Declan said. “This one’s my favorite.” He took a swig, the cool water soothing after the brutal workout.

Paul joined the brothers in the hallway as they walked towards the elevator.

“Are you any closer to finding Julius’s killer?” the Cambion asked.

“We don’t normally discuss Enforcer business outside the meetings,” Declan replied. “But no, not yet.”

“A shame. He was one of those who nominated me to the Council,” Paul said.

Declan had even less respect for the dead Incubus. Even so, it was his job to figure out who killed him and why. He felt it again. The tug so strong, it was almost physical. It pulled his attention down the hall to his left. His jaw clenched, and he looked away. What he sought wasn’t down the hallway or in the building or even probably within blocks of his place; what he sought, he had no intention of acknowledging.

The real reason why he was avoiding clubs this night: It was Wednesday, the night she was active in the territory of the Incubatti. Every week, the knowledge she was so close drove him a little crazier.

“Catch you later,” Paul said and broke off, moving down the hallway.

Declan watched him go, relaxing once more.

“I don’t trust that ass,” Liam muttered. “Not sure how you can be so polite.”

“Diplomacy is an art form,” Declan said. “I’m still working on it.”

“You’re ahead of almost all of us, even Dad.”

Declan smiled. He was one of the most patient of the Incubuses in his family, which wasn’t saying much.

“You really breaking it off tonight with that Succubus?” Liam asked him.

“Yeah,” Declan said. “I haven’t had this much fun in years, and the sex is fantastic. She can keep up with me. Awful timing, as usual.”

“I don’t trust the Sucubatti. Always up to something,” Liam said. “But definitely enjoy it while you can. Dad’s been asking after your soul-mate for months now.”

“What did my favorite brother tell our father?” Declan asked. They stopped to wait in front of the elevator.

“I gave him the party line. Told him I didn’t know if you’d met her yet or not. He’s happy about mine, so he gave me a pass. Strike two is a bitch, by the way. I’ve never been so fucking miserable.”

“Yeah, well. That shit is all yours,” Declan said. “I hope I don’t run out of brothers too soon to keep him happy.” Two of his eight brothers had found soul-mates within the past six months. What Liam – his closest in age and his sparring partner – knew was that Declan was the first to find his, only he marked her and walked away.

He didn’t remember her face, but the woman was hell on earth, not the kind of person who would integrate with the formal, somewhat conservative, Incubatti society. Not the kind of partner he needed when he assumed control of the Enforcers on Friday. She definitely was going to be a challenge when the civil war started. His father – and all his brothers – were positioning themselves to launch the first step of the revolution meant to purge the Incubatti of the cancerous Cambions.

If he kept trying to convince himself he didn’t need a soul-mate, maybe he would one day believe it. It went against everything he learned about the preordained nature of soul-mates and the three-stage rite that bound an Incubus and his Halfling. He researched how he might avoid it or break the bond without finding anything. Once, last year, he even asked the Professor, who laughed.

“It’s incredible,” Liam said.

“What is?” Declan asked, pulling himself from his thoughts.

“The soul-mate connection. Like nothing I expected.”

“Keep it to yourself.”

“Mine has gotta know yours. The Benefactors somehow secluded all of these girls onto one team, under the nose of the Sucubatti. I thought the Bennies were largely castrated by Olivia. I can’t figure out how they did it,” Liam said.

Declan made a non-committal sound he hoped his brother took as disinterest. Liam ignored the hint.

“The sex is better with a soul-mate.”

“It can’t be better than a Succubus.” Declan met his brother’s gaze. “We’re Incubuses. No half-human can keep up with us even on a lazy night.”

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