“Brian kicked the door open, and I didn’t have time to open the big doors. It was kind of an emergency. Sorry.”
“Things can be fixed. As long as everyone is ok.” He patted my shoulder.
The front door banged open, and Angel came running out all smiles. She shouted, “Dan, we made it!” She jumped up into my arms, and three shots tore the air apart. I was pushed back hard and felt something rip into my shoulder and chest. Angel and I tumbled to the ground. I then heard a mass amount of shots being fired.
Oh, God! No!
I fought the pain and looked down at the blood covering Angel’s back. I was having problems breathing, blood filled my mouth. I shook, but flipped her over in my arms and looked down at her little still face. Her eyes were still open and she blinked, looking back into mine. She tried to form words, but blood poured from her mouth and nose. Hot tears fell from my eyes, covering her shirt and mixing with the blood. I was really having a hard time breathing, black circles exploded in my vision. Angel raised a shaky hand to my face and rubbed my cheek, trying to wipe away my tears. More pain shot through my body. Her little body started to convulse, and she gasped once then stopped moving. I spit the blood from my mouth to the side and screamed into the sky, “No, please God, no!”
I pulled her close to my chest and sobbed, trying to hold onto consciousness. Something broke inside me, deep in my chest, deep in my soul. I could hear voices all around me. Someone was holding me and talking in my ear, “You’re gonna be ok, don’t leave me. Please.”
Darkness crept into me and pulled me down into it.
The End
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Keep watching for Zombie Theorem
The Endgame – Book 3
Fall 2016