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Redesigned by Denise Grover Swank
Transformation by Luke Ahearn
Eric's Edge by Holley Trent
Lie to Me by Julie Ortolon
Valley of Dust by Karoleen Vry Brucks
Trust by Viola Rivard
The Third God by Pinto, Ricardo
Unchained by C.J. Barry
Air Awakens Book One by Elise Kova
Radio Sphere by Devin terSteeg
Instinct by J.A. Belfield
Fighting Strong by Marysol James
Always Ready by Davis, Susan Page
Nothing but Trouble by Roberta Kray
The Attic by John K. Cox
The DeCadia Code (The DeCadia Series Book 1) by Jonathan Yanez, Apryl Baker
Master of Darkness by Angela Knight