Read Devious Revenge Online

Authors: Erin Trejo

Devious Revenge (3 page)

BOOK: Devious Revenge
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                                       Chapter 8

“You didn’t come home last night.” Janey follows me through the house like a lost puppy. Usually I don’t mind, but last night and this morning has really done a number on me.

“Yeah, I stayed with a friend.” Grabbing an apple off the counter, I head toward my room to get a change of clothes.

“You’re turning into mom.” I dead stop causing her to slam into my back. My head drops forward with what she just said to me. I’m not her; I’m not a drug addict.

“No, I’m not. Why would you even say that to me?” Spinning around I look at her. Her eyes are always full of worry. Worry that I might not come home one night, worry that she might come home and find our mother dead from an overdose.

I can’t blame her either. I’ve wondered the same thing but with the French men still in town, I can’t stop what I’m doing.

. I won’t
be like her. I
that when this is all over, I will get her help, Janey.” She shakes her head as the tears fall. There’s nothing more I want than for my mother to get better, but I’m in no place to help her when I can’t function myself.

Seeing my little sister so full of life stings me. I used to want so much too but now I have nothing.

Janey’s a smart girl that deserves more out of this life than she’s getting right now.

“I’ll make everything right, ok? Just trust me.” Pulling her sobbing face into my chest, I let her cry. I run my hand down the back of her hair trying to soothe the rage that I know she feels.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that to you.” Pulling away hurts, it physically hurts me.

“I know. Go get ready for school.” Shoving her along, I watch as she goes into her room.

“I will make it right for you.” Mumbling to myself, I grab my clothes and head to the shower.

If this night is going to go off the way I planned, I need to be prepared for the worst.

Hit after hit, hands traveling over my body. The smell of their skin, their saliva as they licked their way over my mouth.

Even this hot water can’t wash away the past. Nothing can.

Grabbing the razor, I slowly slide it across my stomach as I watch the clear water turn red. It doesn’t hurt, not anymore anyway. It almost makes me who I am.

That imperfect wrecked girl from the wrong side of town.

You would think that time would lessen the visions that swarm through my head, but it doesn’t. If anything, it makes them stronger.

It makes me stronger. The need to get revenge overrides all the visions, all the pain, that they caused me.

Devious thoughts pass through my mind which only excites me in a way I never thought possible.

They say revenge is
. I’m ready to see just how
it is.


                                       Chapter 9

After doing laundry and getting Janey off to school, I took a much needed break.

I laid in bed fantasizing about the vile and ruthless things I want to do to each one of those disgusting pigs.

I contemplated stabbing them slowly, and watching as the life drained from them the way they watched it drain from me when they raped me.

I’ve also thought of shooting them between the eyes but none of that would suffice the need inside of me.

No, they will slowly die in front of me as I take the satisfaction of knowing that I took away their last breaths.

Something about knowing that I took from them, what they took from me, pleases me.


Bumps form on my skin as a thrill races through my blood. My eyes dart around the bar watching for any signs of them to show up.

“Hey Han.” Robby, a local and frequent drinker waves me over to him. My tracking has halted as I do my job.

“Look at you, looking all handsome. Big date?” Winking at him, he smiles that big crooked grin at me.

I set the beer on the counter in front of him before he slaps his cash down.

“Don’t I
I had a date. I’ve been working my
off.” Robby is an attorney, that works on the other side of town. I don’t know why he migrates over the tracks to this shit hole, but in a way, I’m glad he does. He’s pleasant to be around and he’s a great tipper.

“It looks like it. You have any good cases you can tell me about?” I’m always intrigued by the cases Robby gets and he typically doesn’t mind sharing with me.

“Not unless a carjacking or a murder case excites you.” I have to suppress the giggle on the murder case one. Hell, he may end up being
lawyer when this is all over.

“I like the murder case. Tell me!” Squealing a little as I lean onto the bar in front of me, Robby chuckles.

“Not much I can tell. She claims it was self-defense.” Shrugging, I wonder what that all entails. Glancing around, I don’t see my prey so I take the chance to ask.

“What all would be considered self-defense?” Leave it to Robby to spark my interests about killing.

“Well, for
it would be proving she killed him for her own safety. We need to prove that he was going to kill
if she didn’t kill
first.” Now, there’s something to contemplate for a later date.

“I think you can handle that, Robby. You are the best at what you do.” Wiping the counter, I see Lisa come in with her girlfriend. Something about that girl just rubs me the wrong way.

Rolling my eyes, I look over to find Robby staring at me.

“I take it you don’t like her?” Glancing over his shoulder, he looks at the two.

“It’s not that. I just don’t get the whole female attraction thing.” Robby chuckles before looking back at me.

“Me either, but with the way you look, I could see her coming after you.” My eyes dart to his as he smiles. I know he isn’t serious but the thought alone makes it that much more thrilling for me.

“That would never work.” Winking at him, I head back down the bar.

Now, I track Lisa’s movements and wait. If all goes to plan, I won’t be seeing that bitch


                                   Chapter 10

The bar has cleared out significantly. There’s only those rare stragglers still wandering around like usual.

Lisa’s little whore seems to have left for the night which makes me happy. I wasn’t ready to take on two kills in one night unless it became a necessity.

Putting away the last of the glasses I’ve just dried, I feel her hands slipping around my waist.

Glancing over my shoulder, I smile at Lisa. She licks her lips before moving in closer.

“I’ve wanted to do things to
for a long time. Are you going to play nicely or should I call the boys?” Closing my eyes, I swallow hard.

“I’ve been thinking of things I want to do to
too.” The way her body tenses up behind me, I know she liked that. My heart pounds in my chest as my plan comes into action.

“Let’s go in the back.” Lisa’s growl is feral. She sounds so much like her brothers right now it’s almost scary.

I turn and follow her into the back room before she slams the door closed. Her lips are on mine in a frantic kiss that ignites something new in me.

Her hand grips my breast through my shirt and my nipple instantly hardens.

“You like that?” Sliding my hands over her shoulders, I shove her roughly back before I drop to my knees.

“Yeah, I liked it, but let’s see if you like
.” I slide my hands over her firm legs and up her thighs. Her body shakes under my touch before I slide them higher.

“Hannah.” Her voice is more of a warning than anything. Reaching up, I push her against the wall before spreading her legs further apart.

“Enjoy the ride.” Sticking my tongue out, I slowly drag it through her wetness. I never knew that a woman could get so wet for another.

Slowly sliding a finger inside of her, I can feel her tighten up around me. Using the other hand, I pop that sweetness open before I slam my mouth against her clit.

Lisa’s hands grip my hair as I lick and suck. Her body shakes the harder I slam my finger into her.

“Oh God. I knew your mouth would be perfect.” Her words do nothing to me. I feel nothing. Letting go with one hand, I slip it into my pocket where the syringe is waiting.

Sliding it out, I uncap it cautiously, careful not to stick myself with this shit.

I suck at her clit a few more times before flicking it with my tongue. I can feel just how close she is to cumming, but that won’t be happening.

Pulling my finger out and my mouth away from her body, she hisses.

“What the hell are you
?” Her head snaps up as I stab the needle into her leg.

Pressing the end of the syringe, that tainted liquid starts to flow through her veins.

Lisa’s legs lock up before she slides down the wall. Dropping onto her ass in front of me, I lick my lips.

Her eyes burn into me as I slide my hand between my legs.

“Watch me.” Lisa swallows but the drugs seem to be kicking her ass a little faster than I thought they would. Her eyes are glossy but she never takes them off mine.

Twirling my finger around my clit, I look into her eyes.

“Feels so good. Did you feel this good when you watched your brothers fuck me?” Breathing heavier, I watch the way her chest starts to slow down.

My fingers speed up rubbing that little bud that sends so much pleasure through my body.

“Han.” Smiling, I like how she tries to say my name. Did she really think that I would help her? She didn’t help me. In fact, she smiled while she watched. She held my legs while they tortured my innocent body.

“Lisa. Shh. It will be over soon.” Her breathing slows more but my fingers pick up the pace. Rocking into my own touch, I can feel that burn as it flows through my belly.

A few more rough circles and I cum. The feeling is euphoric as I look death in the eyes.

BOOK: Devious Revenge
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