Read 10 Nights Online

Authors: Michelle Hughes,Amp,Karl Jones

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

10 Nights (13 page)

BOOK: 10 Nights
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Ready, Set, Action



"You mean he just
gave you a sports car?" Janie asked, an incredulous, and slightly jealous,
look on her face as she sat at the kitchen island to sip at her coffee.

"It's not about
the car, Janie, which I'm sure is worth more than all my student loans, it's
how he acted when I didn't want to take it." She paced the small kitchen,
feeling like she was in well over her head.

"Honey, Rhett is a
control freak, that's why he's a Dom; of course he wanted you to take the car
without question." Janie laughed at her friend's naivety; she had a lot to
learn about doms.

"I feel like he's
buying me off, and I don't like it." She shuddered, and stopped pacing
long enough to brace her hands against the island as she lowered her head

"Do you know how
many girls would give just about anything to be in your position, to have some
guy give them a sports car?" She couldn't understand why her friend was
freaking out.

"I'm not like
those other girls, and I don't like the idea that he's paying me to be with
him." The thought disturbed her, and more than a little. She wanted to be
with Rhett, she didn't like the thought of not being with him, but being paid
for it was something that didn't sit well with her.

"I seriously doubt
he sees it that way, Leah. He's a very generous man, and toys like that, well,
they just don't mean as much to him as they would to you. With the money he's
got a car like that is nothing, he can replace it any time he wants, hell he
could afford to give away a Lamborghini every week and not think about it.

"Think of it like
you buying, oh I don't know, buying me a coffee. You'd do that without thinking
about it because to you a coffee doesn't cost much; well to him, that car
doesn't cost much." Janie didn't really understand, she knew plenty of
girls who would be willing to do a lot more than Leah had up to then in
exchange for a gift like she had received.

"I guess you're
right, it's just a difference in status thing, but a gift like that blows me
away." Leah felt her resolve begin to weaken and taking a deep breath she
tried to calm the part of her mind that screamed it was wrong of her to accept
the gift.

"Trust me on this,
if he wants to pamper you, let him. It's not going to hurt his bank account,
and fighting over it won't do you any good. In the end you'll accept his gifts,
and refusing, even temporarily, will only hurt his feelings." She knew
just how intense Rhett could be when he wanted something, but as intense as he
could be he also enjoyed pampering his pets.

Leah doubted Janie
could understand where she was coming from. Her entire life her friend had been
spoiled, and given material things, mostly as bribes from her absentee father,
and if not from him then from boyfriends, so it came naturally to her. At the
same time she could appreciate what Janie was saying, for someone with Rhett's
money, a car was no different than the numerous things she had bought for
friends over the years. "I'm sure you're right, Janie," she said
finally. "I was just overwhelmed by it."

"Good, now that
that's settled, let's go take a spin in your new car." As far as Janie was
concerned, the conversation was over. Leah understood that Rhett enjoyed giving
her things, and she should accept them happily.

They drove around until
it was time for Leah to get ready for work. The whole time she forced herself
to smile; the car was incredible, there was no denying that, she just hoped her
conscience would settle down and stop worrying so much about being given such a
valuable gift.

The eight hours she
spent at work passed with her in a daze, but by the time she made it back to
her dorm to get ready to see Rhett again she had managed to calm down.

Her concerns over the
cost of the gift Rhett had given her, and its implications, were pushed from
her mind the moment she got into the car to drive to his place. They were
replaced by thoughts of what was going to happen that night; she was consumed
by the possibilities, and scenarios ran through her mind like someone had
turned on a projector screen in there. Everything that Rhett and Janie had told
her of the lifestyle, not to mention the things she'd witnessed that first
night, threw up images that left her both nervous and excited.

When she arrived the
butler opened the door and led her straight down to the dungeon, where he told
her Rhett would be with her momentarily. Remembering the instructions she'd
been given she self-consciously waited until the butler had gone and then
crossed to the changing room to undress.

She was trembling
nervously as she walked back out of the room and knelt awkwardly where he'd
told her to wait. She knelt as she would under any other circumstances, but had
no idea if that was right, or if there was some special way she was supposed to
be kneeling. She hoped she was doing it right, she didn't want to be punished
again, and certainly not for something as silly as kneeling wrong.

When Rhett entered the
dungeon, still dressed in his suit, her breath caught in her throat. Even
though she was embarrassed by her humiliating position before the cross, she
couldn't help but be turned on by the sight of him. He looked both formidable
and sexy, and she wanted him to take her, right there and then.

He didn't speak for
several minutes; he just walked around her slowly, enjoying the sight of her
beautiful body. "I like seeing you this way," he said finally, all
business as one hand went to stomach and the other to her back, straightening
her posture. Lifting her chin so her head was up he commanded her curtly,
"lower your eyes." His large hands moved down her body then to the
insides of her thighs, which he pushed apart. "Keep your legs open, like
this, so I can touch what is mine. I want nothing preventing me access to what
is mine unless I give you permission. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir,"
Leah responded quickly, enjoying the feel of his hands on her.

He pushed her hair back
over her shoulders so his eyes could feast on her breasts. "This is how I
want you." His hand cupped one of her breasts, enjoying the way he could
encompass the entire breast in just one hand, and the way her nipple hardened
instantly at his touch. "Tonight, sweet girl, I am going to film you. I
want you to see how beautiful you look when you submit to me."

His words provoked a
sharp intake of breath from her; she was still getting used to being naked in
front of him, and the thought of him filming her while she was undressed made
her distinctly uncomfortable. "Sir?" she whispered softly, not sure
if she was allowed to talk or not.

"I'll allow you to
talk this time, Leah, but understand that it's only because you are new to
this. In the future, unless you plan on using your safe words, you don't speak
without my permission. Now, what questions do you have in that sexy little mind
of yours?"

He was in complete Dom
mode, she noted, and that made her reluctant to speak, but she knew she had to.
"Will anyone else see this tape, Sir?" she asked. She had heard of
too many instances where girls had allowed themselves to be videoed or
photographed by people they thought they could trust, only to find those images
being shared around, or worse yet, being posted on the internet. The thought of
something like that terrified her, not least because it could have a massively
negative effect on her future employment prospects.

He chuckled at her
question. "Baby, unless I personally invite someone in on our time
together, you can be assured I won't be sharing you with anyone."

For a moment she was
relieved, and then the rest of his statement sank in. "You would invite
someone in with us, Sir?" She hadn't considered that as a possibility
before and the thought of someone else not only seeing her naked body, but
perhaps touching it, made her tremble.

"Enough, Leah; if
I choose to do that then it will happen, but you have your safety nets in place
should you be uncomfortable with it. This discussion is over now, are we

Excuse me for
breathing, she thought angrily, not liking his high-handed attitude. "Yes,
Sir, as you command," she said before she could stop herself. The moment
the words were out she realized it was a mistake.

"I can see someone
took their smartass pill before coming over tonight. It seems we need a little
attitude adjustment before we begin." Though he kept his face straight and
didn't show any of it, he was amused by her attitude, and privately willing to
admit that he was being a little unfair on her.

Despite his amusement
at her response, he knew he had to show her who was in control. She might be
new to the lifestyle, and still learning, but she needed to know what behavior
was and wasn't acceptable.

"Stand up."
He didn't wait for her to comply, he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up
until she was on her feet, ignoring the gasp of pain his action prompted.

A tremor of fear moved
through Leah as she was hauled unceremoniously to her feet. It was clear she
had overstepped some invisible boundary. Briefly she considered pulling herself
free, if that was actually possible, and running for it, rather than face
whatever punishment he was about to dish out. She also thought about using her
safe word. She quickly dismissed those ideas however, doing either would mean
the ten nights were up and she really didn't want that, despite the situation
just then.

Stiffening her resolve
she told herself that whatever he was about to do to her, she could take it.

He didn't miss the
change in her demeanor and hid his smile at the thought of how easily he could
break her, if he chose to do so. "Since you obviously have issues
controlling your mouth, I think you need to understand what happens to naughty little
girls who don't do what they're told." He thought for a second she was
going to react to him suggesting she was a child, her body stiffened and her
lips parted as though she was about to say something. She obviously thought
better of the impulse however for she closed her mouth and kept quiet.

"Lean over the
bench, girl." He watched as she struggled to position herself over the
angled leather bench. It forced her heart-shaped ass up in the air and left her
lower body leaning forward, pointed towards the floor. "You'll feel two
small handlebars by your hands, take hold of them." He waited until she
grabbed the small bars then continued. "Nice view from this angle, sweetheart,"
he chuckled. "Now don't move, or this is going to be much worse for

Once she was positioned
how he wanted her he walked over to a cupboard and took out a riding crop and
leather paddle. He wasn't sure which he would use, perhaps both, he thought,
depending on how she responded.

Making his way back
over to the couch he dropped both the riding crop and the paddle at his feet.
His hands went to her firm ass and he massaged her cheeks while he spoke to her
in a firm but low voice. "This isn't for fun, little girl, I don't like
you talking back to me; when we're done here I expect you to remember the
lesson." He continued kneading her flesh. "Tell me your safe
words." He wanted to make sure she understood she could stop things if it
became overwhelming.

His little speech had
her trembling in fear, despite her resolve of just a minute or so before, and
it took her overstimulated mind a few seconds to remember. "Yellow and
red, Sir," she answered once she brought the words to mind, afraid now of
what he was about to do.

"Good girl."
He reached down and picked up the leather paddle. He rubbed it in small circles
over her butt cheeks for a few seconds before raising it and bringing it down

She cried out at the
unexpected pain, and gripped the bars tighter. This definitely wasn't a feeling
she enjoyed, she thought as her ass throbbed.

"Are you going to
open that pretty little mouth to me like that again, little girl?"
Bringing down the paddle on her other cheek he enjoyed the splash of red that
stained her pale ass while he waited for her to speak.

S-sir," she whimpered, her backside burned and she tensed, waiting for the
hated thing to land again.

"I'm sure you
won't." He brought the paddle down again and again in increasing
intensity, until her beautiful ass was a bright crimson. He enjoyed the sight,
and was impressed that she hadn't used her words to end it.

With the paddle held
loosely at his side he used his free hand to massage her flesh lightly. Noting
how she tensed he decided he'd gone far enough for one night. She was much more
resilient than he'd initially thought, that pleased him greatly. "Do you
need me to remind you some more, or have you learned your lesson?" He was
ready to end things but she needed to be the one that broke.

Leah fought against the
urge to sob uncontrollably at the burning pain. She knew it was childish, but
she refused to let him win. "N-no, Sir!" She was past ready for the
agony to end, but her pride wouldn't let her concede defeat. She didn't like
the fact that he'd brought her to the point of tears, and burning ass or not,
she was not going to back down, as far as she was concerned she hadn't done
anything wrong.

BOOK: 10 Nights
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