1415: Henry V's Year of Glory (107 page)

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The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

Abbeville 391, 392, 400–2, 405–6
Abergavenny 242, 315, 513
Abergavenny, Lord
Beauchamp, Richard
Aberystwyth 27–8, 37, 39, 67–9
Acclane, John 301
Acheux 417, 419
Adimari, Alamanno (1362–1422), called ‘the cardinal of Pisa’ (1411) 185
Agincourt, battle of 2, 60, 352, 425–58, 464–5, 471, 474–5, 494, 501, 504, 508, 510, 514–6, 521–3, 526, 530–2, 536; as an ‘unplanned’ battle 525; enhances English standing abroad 548; implications for John the Fearless 456–7, 462–3, 494; Mass for the casualties of 483, 492; negotiations prior to combat 434–5, 600; news of, reaches London 445, 459; numbers of soldiers at 380, 420–3, 550, 564–6, 593, 596, 597; numbers of casualties 450–1, 455, 458–9, 601; prisoners, killing of 447–53, 458, 519, 536, 601; prisoners, treatment of after the battle 455–6, 471–2, 490–1, 498, 530, 542; treatment of soldiers after the battle 457, 461–2, 475–6, 484, 499, 514, 534; victory as a vindication of Henry’s decisions 457, 462, 470, 475–6, 514, 543, 544, 546–9
Agincourt, Isambard d’ 444, 448, 458
Ailly, Pierre d’ (d. 1420), called ‘the cardinal of Cambrai’ (1411) 157, 185, 223
Aire 456
Albano, cardinal bishop of
Albany, duke of
Stewart, Robert
Albret, Charles d’ (d. 1415), constable of France 414; at Agincourt 428–9, 455, 458, 494; attacks the English after landing 345; attends the royal council 215; challenges Henry to do battle 413; commands 1,500 men at Honfleur 327; commands army north of the Somme 399, 401–2, 405–6, 410; difficulties organising the defence of France 168–9; during siege of Harfleur 345, 359–61; place in the French battle plans 400, 415, 428; seals treaty with Thomas of Lancaster 31; writes to the duke of Brabant 412
Alderford 256
Alderman, Nicholas 505
Alençon, duke of
John of Alençon
Alenton, Lord d’ 98
Alexander V (d. 1410), pope (Pisa, 1409) 49, 58
Alfonso V (1396–1458), king of Aragon (1416) 466
Aliceholt 221
alien priories 61, 71, 99, 137, 198
Allmand, Christopher, historian 519, 520, 522
Alnwick, William, hermit in Westminster Abbey 36, 123
Amanieu de Madaillan, Guillaume, lord of Lesparre and Rauzan 207
Amberly 589
Amiens 9, 215, 344, 405–6, 423, 447
Amiens, bailiff of 367
Ancona 517
Ancre 416–18
Ancre, River 417
Andever, David 202
Andreu, Jean, secretary of the king of France 147–8, 166
Angennes, Reginald d’ 484
Angle, Sir Guiscard d’ 371
Angoulême, count of
Anjou, county of 18, 40, 117, 277
Anjou, duke of
Anne of Bohemia (1366–1394), queen of England (1382) 35
Anquetonville, Raoul d’ (d. 1413), assassin 8, 365
anthems 135;
We praise you, O Lord
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord
Gloria Laus et Honor
Te Deum Laudamus
Anthony of Burgundy (1384–1415), duke of Brabant (1406) 9, 78, 88, 116, 412, 416, 417, 419, 423, 426, 430, 443–4, 447–9, 453, 455, 458, 460, 463, 601
Anthony the gunner 67
Antioch, patriarch of
Antwerp 417
apothecaries 50
Appuldurcombe 71
Aquitaine; duchy of 40, 117–8, 182, 188, 192, 208, 280;
see also
Gascony; duke of (English title)
Henry V; duke of (French title)
Louis, dauphin of France
Aragon 86, 103, 106, 289; king of
Ferdinand; kingdom of 81, 465
archers, English 390, 515; arraying of 189, 201, 287; at Agincourt 427, 431–442, 444, 451, 452, 454, 456, 536; at Saint-Cloud (1411) 16, 174, 335, 422, 436, 568; attacking Harfleur 345, 348, 379; Cheshire 135, 324, 606; clerical 201; cost of 27, 79, 95, 234; defending Calais 64, 80, 156; defending English coast 70, 79, 94–5, 156, 170; defending Harfleur 389; defending
Scottish Marches 79, 104, 156, 170, 192; defending Wales 79, 96, 156, 192; in Edward III’s army
Edward III; number on Agincourt campaign 216, 324, 390, 421–2, 424, 560–6; on march to Agincourt 390, 407–8, 411, 420; organisation of 331, 422, 427; rate of shooting 216; recruitment of 247, 250; serving in lords’ companies 159, 172–3, 212, 224, 320, 379, 388; status of 422; treatment after Agincourt 461, 484, 544
archers, French 215, 217, 328, 344, 347, 351, 355, 399, 400, 402, 417, 421, 422, 565; crossbowmen 123, 217, 328, 344, 347, 402, 405, 417, 422, 429, 430, 437, 449, 451, 565, 599
archery 135, 217; arrows 216, 217, 218, 300, 301, 325, 362, 440, 441, 445, 451, 497, 536, 585; crossbows 23, 222, 329, 345, 348, 352, 402, 405, 422, 439, 449; longbows 41, 135, 173, 217, 287, 300, 301, 325, 422, 436, 457, 525
Ardres 459
Argilly 350, 376
Armagnac, count of
Armagnac, Jehanne d’, lady of Lesparre and Rauzan 207, 208, 512
Armagnacs 12, 14–18, 30–1, 53–4, 102, 107, 130, 168, 182, 280, 347, 368, 381, 388, 430, 446, 457, 462–3, 475, 485, 490, 507, 565
armour 40–1, 48, 88, 92, 95, 115, 118, 147, 189, 215, 217, 255, 287, 297, 300, 333, 387, 388, 405, 410, 417, 427, 432, 434, 438–41, 443, 445, 451, 453–6, 458, 480, 497, 543
Arques 396, 397, 398, 402, 597
Airaines 405
Arras 53, 568; bishop of
Porée, Martin; Peace of 53, 78, 102, 106, 116, 292, 305, 351, 535; Arras work
Arthur (1393–1458), count of Richemont,
duke of Brittany (1457) 400, 412, 415, 423, 427–8, 430, 446, 453, 459, 460, 491, 501, 530, 599
Arthur, legendary king of Britain 35, 36, 445
Artois 396, 413, 464
Arundel Castle 395, 396
Arundel, earl of
Arundel, Joan (d. 1419), countess of Hereford (1361) 502
Arundel, Sir John (d. 1379), Lord Maltravers (1377) 214, 316
Arundel, Sir John, sheriff of Devon 492
Arundel, Sir Richard (d. 1419), chamber knight 93, 192
Arundel, Thomas (d. 1413), bishop of Ely (1373–88), archbishop of York (1388–96), archbishop of Canterbury (1396–7, 1399–1414), chancellor (1386–9, 1391–6, 1407–10, 1412–3) 13, 403, 570
Assent, Roger, forester of Cank Forest 128
astrolabes 29, 46, 86, 118, 270, 274–5, 280
astrology 29, 32, 86, 269, 274–5, 297, 353
Athelstan (d. 939), king of England (924) 258
Athies 412, 415
Aubigny 413, 417, 418
Auncell, Nicholas, royal messenger 96
Austria 80; duke of
Authie, River 419
Auxerre 17
Avignon 49, 76
Avre River 408
Axholme Priory (Charterhouse) 101
Bacqueville, seigneur de
Martel, Guillaume
Badby, John (d. 1410), heretic 37, 342
Bagot, Sir William (d. 1407) 553
Bailleul-en-Vimeu 403
Balyngham Castle 233
Bamburgh Castle 192
Bangor, bishop of
Nicolls, Benedict
Bar, duke of
Edward of Bar
Bar, Robert of
Robert of Bar
Barbazan, seigneur de 494
barber, royal 158
Bardolph, Sir William (d. 1423), lieutenant of Calais 391, 392
Bari, cardinal of
Basel 157, 167
Basin, Thomas (1412–1491), chronicler, bishop of Lisieux (1447) 448
Baskerville, John, of Herefordshire 189
Basset, Peter, chronicler 446

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