150 Minecraft Secrets You've Never Seen Before: The Secrets Handbook (5 page)

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33. Use Stained Clay Instead of Cotton Wool

You don't want your wool house to go on fire all because of a lightning strike. Lightning does hit wool a lot more frequently than any other block, in our experience so you need to be careful with wool. A lot of players use wool for their houses because it's vibrant, super colourful and very modern. However, with stained clay and stained glass (PC Only), you have no excuse to use wool anymore.

The risk is simply too high. Wool is more for carpets and upholstery rather than walls anyway. You'll notice a big difference in the texture of wool, and then of stained clay (which is on Xbox and PC). Wool is very soft looking whereas stained clay has a more modern feel to it.

34. One Powered Rail For Every 30 Normal Tracks

When you're making tracks for your minecart, you will need powered tracks to keep the momentum going. Some players place loads of powered rails for tons of speed whilst others put too little down, and the minecart ends up halting. You need to get the correct number of powered rails.

You should put down one powered rail after every 30 normal tracks. This will help you save gold and also keep a high speed.

This not apply to when you are moving up hills or slopes because you will need more powered rails then.

If you really have little gold to make powered rails and just want to keep the minecart moving no matter the speed, try placing down a powered rail for every 37 rails.

35. Use Bonemeal To Make Flowers and Grass

Bonemeal can accelerate the growth of plants including, grass and mushrooms. You may be familiar with mooshrooms that can turn into large tree-like mooshrooms. However, you may not be familiar with using Bonemeal to grow grass. There are two ways to do this:

1) Place Bonemeal on a patch of tall grass, and it will double in height making it two blocks high!

2) Get a patch of land about 20 blocks wide and 20 blocks in length. Make sure it's pitch dark and that there is no light whatsoever. Your best bet would be to do this at night or underground. Then, place Bonemeal on as many blocks as possible. You will get a nice patch of tall grass, red roses and yellow flowers! You can harvest these for seeds, dye and more!

If you need red or yellow dye and haven't found any flowers to do so, this trick will help you get them in no time!

36. Make A One Way Door

Create a 2x1 (2 blocks high, a block wide) door and put soul sand underneath the arch. You can walk through it, but you can't walk back through it. This is great for traps! You can also do the same with trapdoors and repeaters.

37. Critical Hits Work Wonders

Whenever you're fighting a mob or want to kill an animal, you should aim for critical hits. These hits are much more powerful than a standard hit and can really speed up the process of fighting mobs or getting food.

All you have to do is jump and then hit the mob as you fall to the ground. It requires a little bit of practice but is super effective once you get the hang of it. You can try practicing by enclosing an animal in a glass "cabin" or whatever, and jump on the animal whilst delivering a critical hit. Then, once you're able to deliver critical hits when they're enclosed, you can try when they are roaming free. Then, you can move on to hostile mobs which are the most difficult of all.

Once you deliver a few critical hits, you'll see how powerful they truly are! A critical hit and a few normal hits can demolish a creeper in no time!

38. Charge Horses Jumps

Horses are very athletic. If you hold the space bar a, you can "charge" a jump. This means they can jump distances of up to five blocks. That's impressive, right?

A one block step doesn't bother horses one bit. A one block is no bother too. This means they can jump over gaps of all sizes.

Horses have three main stats which are health, max speed and jump height. These stats are made when a horse is born, they don't change. This means that some horses are faster than others, or some can jump higher than others. You'll have to look around to find out The One!

You can improve a horses' health by feeding them hay bales. That will regenerate their health from fall damage, or hits from other players.


Dye a wolf's collar

Got a pet wolf? They're simply adorable once you get to know them and can really help with killing animals and mobs. Once you've got a loyal wolf by your side, you'll never go back to being alone. You can feed wolves rotten flesh which will restore their health. You can also pamper them by dying their collar in whatever colour you wish.

From blue to pink to green, it's completely your choice! All you have to do is get the dye of the colour you want and then click on the wolf with the dye.

This will allow you to identify each wolf if you have a pack of them and don't know which is which. If you don't have a wolf yet, you should definitely try befriending a wolf and dying its

40. Name animals and mobs

You can also name animals and mobs by using a nametag generated by an Anvil.

Ever wanted to call your pet wolf a name like "Lucky", "Lassie" or "Butch"? Now you can!

Or, ever wanted to call your pet horse "Rodeo" or "Star"? It's also possible.

You can name practically any mob whether hostile or passive. This means you can also call mobs funny names like "I Love U Steve", "BadAss Creeper", "Idiot" and more.

To NAME A mob, all you have to do is get an Anvil and create a nametag with a name of your choice. Then, get the nametag and click on the mob you want to name.

Names can provide a ton of fun and are really good for joking and pulling pranks! Get creative! You'll see a very funny Herobrine joke later on. Keep reading…

41. Dye armour

Bored of your current armour? Did you know you can jazz up the colour of your armour?

You can only dye leather armour though.

Firstly, you need to get the dye required for the colour you want such as lapis lazuli, or lime dye or magenta dye. Then, open your inventory and grab your dye. Hover over the armour you want to dye, and click on it.

It's also possible to dye leather armour with other consoles too, so get dyeing!

42. Dye hardened clay

Did you know that you can actually dye hardened clay?

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