A Beautiful Rock (12 page)

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Authors: Lilliana Anderson

BOOK: A Beautiful Rock
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Chapter 12



Despite both of us being totally exhausted from the events of that evening, Lisa and I stay awake, simply making out and talking in betwe
en, until eventually we pass out, fully clothed and in each other’s arms.

When I open my eyes, the first thing I see is Lisa’s beautiful face, soft
from sleep. Her dark hair has loosened from the pins that held it in place all night and strands fall softly against her milky skin.

Her pink lips, bright and slightly swollen from our night of kissing are slightly parted as she breathes
deeply - peacefully.

There has never been a time in my life when I’ve felt
this close to a woman. If you had have told me six months ago, that I’d spend over a month with a woman I was really into without touching her, I would have called you a liar. Add to that the fact that we just spent the night together – sleeping – and I would have called you crazy.

But here I am, the man who swore he didn’t need love in his life,
lying next to a woman who has slowly and surely captured my heart. I have a whole album’s worth of songs inside me about everything I’ve been feeling since she walked into my life. It could very well be my best work yet.

She whimpers lightly in her sleep and presses her body closer to mine
. Slowly, I feel myself stirring down below. I move away slightly so my erection doesn’t press into her thigh, but the loss of contact causes her to wriggle even closer to me, right up against my cock.

I let out this tiny groan. It’s barely audible but god, she’s making me ache right now
and I’m trying to do this right.

Feeling it’s the right thing to do, I roll away again, and just like that last time, she moves so she’s against me, and this
time, she throws her leg over mine and slides it up and down, rubbing against me. Fuck she’s talented. Without even trying, she’s driving me wild.

I bite my lip against the sweet torture
and all of my resistance crumbles. “Fuck it,” I moan, turning toward her and taking her mouth in mine.

Instantly, her arms are around me and she’s whimpering in my mouth as she rocks her body against me. “Finally,” she murmurs in
a husky, sleep worn voice. She sits up so she’s on her knees beside me, and takes her hair out completely, allowing it to fall free over her right shoulder.

iling, she reaches down and pulls her dress up over her head. Seductively, she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth as she holds the dress out to the side, pausing for a moment before dropping it on the floor beside the bed.

I have never wanted
a woman more than I do right now.


My heart is thudding so hard in my chest right now. I want him. I’ve allowed myself to feel so much more for him than I wanted to. I don’t know that I should have let it get this far, but I feel like there’s no turning back. We need to get each other out of our system.

Marcus sits up and pulls his shirt over his head, dropping it on the floor next to my dress before ta
king me in his arms, kissing me as he guides me onto the bed and leans over me.

His mouth moves with mine
as his hands slide over my ribs, causing my skin to prickle delightedly under his touch. “You are so beautiful,” he whispers, kissing from my mouth and down my neck.

I arch my back, expecting him
to move to my breasts, but he pauses. “Are you sure Lisa? I don’t want you to rush into this.”

Opening my eyes,
I relax my body and meet his concerned gaze. “I’m sure, Marcus. I want this. Before the world breaks in and ruins our day again – I want this. I want you Marcus. Be with me,” I whisper, as I slide my hands up over his back, curling my nails and dragging them up and down his back gently.

He dips his head and takes my mouth in his once again. The kiss doesn’t have the restrain
t in it that it did last night. With this kiss, I can tell he isn’t holding anything back.

His hands move from my ribs and gently
caress the underside of my breasts, causing a surge of need to overcome me. I whimper a little and arch my body toward his. I want his touch. I want him.

Kissing his way down my neck, he continues this time toward the curve of my c-cup breasts. He runs his tongue down my cleavage as his hand cups my flesh through the lace, expertly finding my nipple and teasing it gently.

His fingers move up and pull back the fabric cup, releasing my breast and causing me to gasp as his mouth closes over my hardened peak. Still kneading the flesh, he grazes his teeth over the sensitive skin of my nipple, sucking it into a firm peak before moving over to my other breast and performing the same act.

My breathing deepens as I grip at the back of his head and continue to pull him toward me. As much as I’m enjoying the foreplay, I’m aching to have h
im inside me. But I have to say - waiting is divine.

Lifting my body
as his hands slide behind me to undo my clasp, we discard my bra, along with our clothing on the floor. “Oh god, Lisa. I have dreamt about you every night since we met.”

I slide my hand between us, rubbing over what feels like a very hard and impressive cock. “Do you think you’re dreaming now?” I ask.

He hooks his fingers in the waistline of my panties. “Fuck. I hope not,” he says as he pulls them down, and throws them to the side. “Because this will end soon if it is.”

Sitting on his knees, his eyes wander over my naked body, taking in everything about me. He reaches out and runs his fingers down the slight scar from my appendix operation, then leans down to kiss it softly.

I feel worshipped.

My heart swells and aches at the same time. This all feels so bittersweet as a little voice inside my head tells me that we can’t possibly last.
The world will get the better of us.

As he moves down my body and settles between my legs, I tell that voice to shut the fuck up – I have a
beautiful moment to enjoy.



Holy shit. This woman is fucking amazing. I love a girl who looks after herself but I don’t like hairless. Lisa has this neat little strip of dark hair leading straight down to a smooth
centre; I’m dying to taste her.

I position myself b
etween her legs and kiss her gently, everywhere except where she wants me to be. She’s whimpering a little as she tries to move to guide me to the right spot.

to hold on any longer, I flick my tongue over her protruding clit then let out a groan as I close my mouth over it and swirl my tongue around the tiny nub. She is so hard right now. I suck back, increasing the blood flow just before I slide my tongue between her folds and taste her slick wet juices.

I’m in heaven, and heaven is a place where I’m craving this deliciously wet pussy around my cock as much as I’m craving that moment when her juices flow even more and she calls out in orgasm. It’s a beautiful moment and one I don’t tend to share
with many women. But with Lisa, I feel like I could be lost in her body forever.

Moving back up to her clit, I love the fact that her hips jolt when my tongue connects. I
suck and swirl again, this time entering her pussy with two of my fingers. She gasps and whimpers, then groans and gasps again as I curl my fingers upward and she’s on the brink of exploding.

Her gasps become louder and closer
together as her thighs tighten around my head. Her hips buck and she grips wildly at the sheets of the bed before eventually calling out enough.

Pulling back, I slide my fingers out of her and keep my eyes on hers as I lean down and run my tongue through the wet flow of her orgasm.

“Condom,” she says breathlessly. “I need you inside of me.

I get up from the bed. “I’ll go and grab one,” I tell her,
kissing her deeply as I force myself to pull away.

“Wait. You don’t have any in here?”

“No Lisa. You have the honour of being the first, and hopefully the last woman in my bed.”

With that said, I head into the bathroom and grab the box of condoms before deciding to put it back and only take one – I don’t want to seem to presumptuous.

“Come over here,” Lisa instructs as I re-enter the room. “I want to put it on you.”

Grinning, I move over to her and relinquish the foil pac
ket as she reaches out and undoes my pants, sliding her hand inside and along my shaft as she keeps her eyes on mine. She has this wicked look in her eyes as she slides my jeans down just enough to free my cock. It makes me want to grab her and ravage her instantly.

I hear the crinkle of the condom packet as she removes the rubber and positions it over my tip.
My cock jumps. I can’t wait to get inside her and the sensation of her rolling it down my shaft is pure torture.

moment it’s secured, I grip her shoulders and push her back on the bed, dropping my pants and boxers on the ground before climbing on top of her. Her legs lay open, inviting me into her centre and I position myself at her opening, leaning down to brush my lips against hers and take her mouth in mine as I push myself inside her. She wraps her legs around me as we move together, slowly - sensuously.

This isn’t what I normally do. This isn’t fucking. This is making…
love. There, I admitted it - for the first time in my life, I, Marcus Bailey, am making love to a woman and it’s fucking transcendent.



As we move together, there is this beautiful silence between us. It
’s as if we are both so caught up in the emotion that we can’t speak. Nothing more than primal noises escapes from our throats as we both move toward climax.

There is no space b
etween our bodies. We’re joined by mouth and core, then pressed intensely together everywhere in between. Drawing each other in. Drinking from our life force. It feels like nothing I’ve ever experienced and I fear, that when we part, neither of us will ourselves. We’ll simply be one half of this whole.

The pressure inside me continues to build as he drives himself inside me, filling my
core. I hold him so firmly against me that my clit is rubbing against his pelvis, sending glorious tendrils of arousal through my body as he rocks between my thighs.

Suddenly, the buil
d up threatens to explode, and I drop my head back and let out a long, loud moan as my hips buck against him. Dropping his head into the crook of my neck, he lets out a guttural moan as he pulses inside me.

We continue to move slowly, helping each other come down from that glorious high before we
collapse in each other’s arms, neither of us willing to let go.

Feeling drunk on emotion, we keep
kissing and touching, our bodies already greedy for another round. That is, until Marcus’s phone starts to ring.

“Ignore it,” I whisper, rolling my hips against his. He’s still inside me, and still hard. “Let’s just have one day of perfect before we let the world back in.”

“That sounds perfect,” he murmurs, gripping my hips and rolling to his back so I’m now straddling him.

His hands cup my breasts as I rock against him, pressing up through my thighs, and squeezing at him internally
as I lift myself up his length then drop myself down, deepening our connection beyond the point of full.

“Shit,” he hisses when his house phone begins to ring.

“Ignore it. They’ll call back,” I pant, trying to keep my focus while the world screams at us electronically.

He grips my hips and stops my movement. “Babe, I’m sorry. That’s not the phone, that’s the intercom. Someone’s here.”

“Seriously? It’s like…” I look at the digital read out on Marcus’s bedside clock, “eight-thirty on a Saturday morning. What the hell are they doing here?”

“I don’t know. I wasn’t supposed to be working today. Just…” he rolls me so I’m laying on the bed beside him and
kisses me. “Hold that thought. I’ll get rid of them and we can switch everything off and just spend the day together. Ok?”

“Sure,” I say, disappointed. I’ve been through this kind of thing before. There’s no way we’re going to get a day to ourselves. We will be ha
rassed constantly until one of us emerges for an interview. The press is relentless.

Pulling the sheets around me, I f
eel tears prick behind my eyes as the realisation of what my life will be like hits me like a lead balloon. I don’t think I can do this.



Chapter 13




“Sir, I’m sorry to disturb you, but you have some visitors. They’re claiming to be your family,” Serge, the attendant at the building’s security desk informs me.

“Can you put them on please?” I ask, wondering if it really is my family or someone from the press trying to trick the poor guy into losing his job.

“Hey, it’s me and Naomi. We thought we’d bring you some food since the mob out here isn’t thinning out
any time soon. If you don’t want to face them, you’re in there for a long haul.”

“Thanks man. Pass the phone back to Serge and I’ll get him to let you up.”

I tell Serge to let them up and put them on the list of people who are allowed to visit whenever they want. Once the instructions have been given, I hang up the phone and rub my hand over my short blond hair. It’s grown a lot in the last six weeks. I’m beginning to look like I did when I was in Matiari.

head back toward the bedroom, not liking the knowledge that the press are still waiting outside for us. It’s exactly what Lisa didn’t want when I started insinuating myself into her life, and now here we are. Exactly where I wanted us to be, but the cost is putting her exactly where she didn’t want to be.

God, how the hell and I going to fix this?

“What’s going on?” Lisa asks from the doorway of my room. She’s wrapped in the sheet from my bed and looks absolutely divine in my eyes. I want to tell her that nothing is wrong and take her back to bed forever because I don’t think I’ll ever have my fill of her soft curves.

I turn to her, hands on hips
. I’m still naked, but it’s just her and me, so I’m not too shy right now. “We need to get dressed. Theo and Naomi are on their way up with some food for us. They say there’s a bit of a mob downstairs still…”

My heart aches for her as I watch her mouth open and her eyes blink rapidly to force her te
ars back. She clears her throat and swallows. “Well, that’s to be expected I suppose. I can’t say I’m surprised.”

She turns from the doorway and walks around the bed, picking up her clothes and holding them in a ball in front of her.

I can tell by her demeanour that she’s freaking out right now. “Lisa. It will be ok. We can stay here. We can wait it out.”

She stops just before she enters the bathroom and turns
to me. “I am Leisil Marx. I’m not Lisa Russell. She was just a dream I got to live for a while. This won’t end until they’ve ruined us both. Do you understand that? It’s what they do. They hate me, and they’ll hate you for being associated with me.” Her voice cracks with emotion and I move toward her. But I’m not fast enough before she shuts herself in the bathroom and locks the door.

eis,” I call through the door, needing to say something to her that will make her understand that I don’t care about what they think. The only person that matters to me right now is her.

“Just leave me alone, Marcus,” she ca
lls through the door. I open my mouth to argue back, but the doorbell goes off, signalling that Theo and Naomi have made it up here.

“Shit,” I hiss, now feeling like their timing couldn’t be any worse.

I pull on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, then head to the door and open it up. Naomi holds up a large brown bakery bag and a tray of coffees. “Breakfast?” She’s grinning that grin of hers that lights up a room and it immediately makes me feel better.

Theo stands beside her, holding bags of groceries
. He isn’t as dark and broody as he has been for most of his life. I think Naomi’s lightness has rubbed off on his dark. “Hey man,” he nods.

“Hey, thanks guys. This is a great surprise,” I tell them, trying to keep the worry out of my voice as I glance over my shoulder
toward the bedroom.

“I hope this is ok,” Naomi says
, as she sets things on the kitchen bench top. “We don’t want to intrude, but we saw the news this morning and thought you could use the help.”

“No. It’s fine, honestly.

“Where’s Leisel?” Theo asks as he does the same with the bags of groceries.

“She’s taking a shower,” I tell them, not really sure what she’s doing. For all I know she’s tying sheets together and trying to escape out the bathroom window.

“Well, I look forward to meeting her properly when she comes out,” Naomi says. “I can’t wait to chat to the girl who’s actually
made Marcus Bailey weak at the knees. She must really be something,” she smiles, talking to me like we haven’t spent the last two years ignoring each other.

“She is something,” I say in reply,
once again glancing over my shoulder and hoping she’s ok.


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