Read A Case of Love Online

Authors: Wendy Stone

A Case of Love (29 page)

BOOK: A Case of Love
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"I'm going to get you a cloth for your head,” she said, after making sure he was sitting down. “Stay there."

She went into the bathroom and found the small cupboard his father had built for towels, and found the first aid kit.

"What happened?” she called out to him as she pulled out the kit, checking to see what was in it.

"I was on my way to get you back when I went round the curve and there was a deer in the road. I slammed on the brakes and slid off the road. The rest, well, you can see,” he grabbed the counter, steadying himself as he moved up behind her. His hands went to her shoulders, pulling her back against him. “I was really stupid, Mac. Can you forgive me?"

His scent wove around her, the feel of him behind her made her want to lean back against him. But in his state right now, he'd probably end up on the floor with her on top of him. A part of her giggled at the thought. It wouldn't be a bad place to be. He was making her nervous, fidgety and she pulled away, turning to grab him and lead him back out to the chair she'd put him in before. “Let me clean up this wound,” she said.

"You didn't answer me,” he said stubbornly. He took the cloth away from her and grabbed both her hands. “Will you forgive me for being the world's biggest ass and leaving you with your cousins?"

He took one hand, tipping her face up so she was forced to look into his eyes. “Please, Mackenzie. I need you to forgive me."

She nodded, her amber eyes gazing into his. “There was nothing really to forgive. I needed to face down Dillon and I did. Of course it helped that Rylie picked that exact time to go into labor as well. Dillon kind of forgot what he wanted me to do and Hunt drove him to the airport."

"Dillon procreated? Oh shit, the world isn't prepared for two Dillon Hunters.” He bent his head, dropping a kiss on her lips before sitting back in the chair and letting his head rest against the back. She brought up the cloth, cleaning off the blood before dabbing at the wound. “Ouch,” he said gently.

"I'm sorry,” she said, catching her tongue between her teeth. Big tears formed in her amber eyes, one falling to her cheek. He caught it on his thumb. “What's this?"

"I'm just being silly,” she said, trying to sniff away all signs of her tears. “I just don't want to hurt you."

"Never leave me,” he said softly, bending his head to kiss away the trail of her tears. “As long as you're with me, you could never hurt me."

"I never wanted to leave you. But when my cousins were pushing at me, you didn't say anything. I thought you wanted me gone. Then I looked up and you'd disappeared. You were just gone and I had no idea where you were or what you felt for me...” she trailed off, seeing the look in his melted chocolate eyes.

"I love you, Mackenzie Hunter. When we get back we're going shopping for a ring so that you'll never have reason to doubt how I feel about you again. You're going to say yes, yes?"

"Yes,” she said quickly, smiling through her tears. “Of course, yes. I didn't drive all the way up here to rescue your ass from a car. I came up here to get my man back."

"Your man thinks he should get to bed,” Gideon said, rising slowly to his feet. His body was sore and aching and he had bruises on his bruises. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and took her with him. “We'll go back to my car in the morning and bring back all my supplies. How do you feel about fishing?"

"As long as you clean them,” she said softly, her arm around his waist. “We'll have no problems."

He woke as dawn peeked through the front windows of the cabin. It lent the air a rosy kind of glow. His hand was warm, snuggled between her breasts under the tank top she'd worn to bed. She was spooned up against him tightly, her hips moving with slow rhythm against his. Somehow, in her sleep, her panties had ended up around her ankles and his hard cock was nestled between her soft pussy lips.

Hearing her moan of pleasure, he bent his head, finding the softness of her neck with his lips. Her nape was bare, tempting him to tease and nip.

"Mackenzie,” he whispered, “make love with me."

She gave a sleepy little moan and nodded her head, rolling halfway onto her back toward him. “Yes,” she whispered, still not fully awake.

His hand moved to her breast, softly kneading the malleable flesh, teasing her nipple until it rose to a hard peak. He played with it, wetting his fingers, twisting the bud until she was all but writhing under his touch.

"More,” she whispered, her eyes opened now. He bent, finding the tip with his mouth, wetting the material of the shirt she still wore. Suckling it into his mouth, he tugged hungrily upon it, hearing her moans turning into whimpering cries of delight.

Sliding his hand down her stomach, he found the soft curls that guarded her slit. His finger pushed between, finding the heat of her desire and the wetness of her need for him. Her head fell back against the pillow, her mouth opening on a wild moan. He played there, teasing her clit with his fingers until she strained against him, her hands roaming over him even though they were still covered in bandages.

It took little enticement on her part for him to slide inside of her from behind, moving with gentle care as his fingers continued to tease and torment her clit. Her first peak slid over her easily, leaving her breathless and moving against him, seeking more.

Words of love spilled from between his lips, words of need and of caring, words he'd never been able to say before, but with her, well it was as if he couldn't stop them. “You're everything to me,” he whispered, hearing her cry out again.

Kenzie rolled to her stomach, arching her back so that her hips were up. Hawk followed her, kneeling behind her. His hands filled with the softness of her hips, he brought them up just a bit more, stuffing one of the pillows under her. Then he began to move with purpose. Every slow thrust had her crying out his name, every long withdrawal had her moaning. She moved with him, slamming her hips back into his until he took the hint, beginning to pummel her slender body with purpose.

Her orgasm started, squeezing him in the fisting glory of her pulsing sheath. He felt himself losing control and reveled in the moment, grabbing her shoulder and leaning over her, pulled her back hard onto his cock, while he spasmed uncontrollably inside of her.

When it was done, he collapsed, laying back against the pillows. Pulling her down on top of him, he trailed his fingers down the line of her spine, petting her and trying to calm her.

"I love you, Mackenzie Hunter."

"Back at you, Gideon Hawkins,” she breathed, stretching under his massaging hand.

"You know what comes next, don't you?” he asked her seriously.

"A cigarette?” she teased.

"Ha, ha, funny. We don't smoke."

"I thought what you did was pretty smokin',” she chuckled at her own joke.

"Mac, I'm serious. How the fuck is a man supposed to propose when his girl won't take him seriously?"

"Propose?” Her eyes grew wide as they stared into his chocolate brown ones. “You're going to propose?"

"I'd wait until I had a ring, but I never know when you're going to run into a burning building or show up at a Narc bust, or even get kidnapped by a psychotic arsonist? So you'll have to wait for the ring until we get back. So what do you say? Make an honest man out of me?"

She closed her eyes. So this wasn't the perfect type of proposal with soft music and candlelight, a romantic dinner for two and a ring box. The type of proposal wasn't what mattered. What did matter was him. Her Hawk, a man who'd been hurt but had trusted enough to let her into his heart. She couldn't tell him no.

"Yes, since you put it so elegantly. I'll be your old lady if that's what you want."

"Really?” he asked, his tone one of disbelief. “Wait, really?"

"Yes,” she giggled. “Really."

He wrapped her up in his arms, holding her close. “I'm a lucky man."

"Let's hope you continue with the good luck,” she teased. “I tend to be on the jinx side of things."

"Not anymore. Now you'll be Mrs. Gideon Hawkins. Mackenzie Hawkins. My Mac."

"We'd better make sure your health insurance is paid up, all the same,” she teased.

They were both startled by the sound of her cell phone going off in her jacket down stairs. Hawk got up and went down to get it, seeing the name in the view screen and cursing a blue streak.

"Who is it?” Mac called.

"You're fucking cousin,” Hawk growled. He hit the on button. “Go the fuck away, Hunter. She's marrying me."

He started to hang up only to stop when the phone was taken out of his hands. Mackenzie stood in front of him, naked. “It's me, Dil, how's Rylie?” She listened at the other end, her eyes lighting up. “Oh Dillon, that's fantastic. Momma and babies are doing well?"

"Babies?” Hawk mouthed the question, sinking down in a chair and pulling her down on top of him. He wrapped his arms around her, putting his ear next to the phone to listen too.

"They were a total shock, neither of us had planned for twins. One of each, Mac. A boy and a girl, can you believe it?” Before she could reply, he was off again. “I take it you found Hawkins. Everything good there?"

"Fine, we're getting married.” She laughed when the voice at the other end just shut up. “Dillon? You there?"

"You're marrying a cop?"

"Yep, it looks like it. Be happy for me, daddy,” she said, trying to take him back to his own euphoric state before he could try to burst her bubble.

"I am happy for you, Kenz, I just don't want to see you hurt."

"He won't hurt me, Dillon. He loves me.” They talked for a few moments more, than Mackenzie said her good-byes and they hung up. She tossed the phone onto the table, concentrating on what Gideon was doing to her body.

"Did you mean it?” he asked softly.

"That you won't hurt me? Of course I mean it. You love me too much to ever hurt me or let me be hurt. If you haven't proved that to me in the past few weeks, then I'm more thickheaded than you are."

"Thank God for small favors and intelligent women,” he breathed. His hands were molding her breasts, playing with her nipples, sliding over her stomach as he pushed her legs open.

"Take me to bed,” she whispered in his ear. “Take me to bed and show me how much you love me. We'll worry about the rest of this tomorrow."

"Deal,” he said, bending his head to find her mouth. “I love you, baby."

"I love you too,” she whispered, giggling into the dark as he blew out the lamp he'd lit to get down to the first floor.

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About the Author
* * * *

Wendy Stone has been published for a while now. The Hunters in her EP series have become sort of a family of her own. Who wouldn't want three strong and tall men at their dinner table? Maybe on their table as well?

Wendy loves writing about strong men who aren't afraid to be saved every once in a while by the woman they love. She loves exploring love through her characters which is one reason you'll never find a unhappily ever after ending.

Wendy has lived very happily in a small town in Michigan, with her family include her Pomeranian, Riley, and her Yorkie, Rico.

She loves hearing from her fans...

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Available now from Eternal Press
Captive Angel
~The Hunter Series Book One~
By Wendy Stone
* * * *

When a young and beautiful doctor is kidnapped from her hospital parking lot, she finds herself fighting for more than just her own life. There is a gorgeous specimen of a male who also needs her expert, healing touch. Can this Angel of Mercy find a way out for the two of them?

* * * *

With a suddenness that startled a shriek out of her, he turned, pressing her against the wall, his hand grabbing her other wrist and holding them pinned beside her shoulders. His body leaned against hers, his lips holding her mouth captive while he feasted on her flavor.

She tasted of coffee and mint, and dark passion that enticed him to explore further, his tongue rubbing against her own with an intimacy that had her heart pounding and her head swimming. Her breath came in harsh pants against his skin, her hands fighting his grip, wanting to touch him, to stroke all that male flesh that had been driving her mad this past week. But he wouldn't release her hands, instead, rubbing against her, spreading her jean clad thighs with his leg until he could push against her sex with his knee. He found the seam of her jeans, using it to stimulate her until she moaned under his lips.

He tore his mouth from hers, staring down into her half open, sleepy green eyes. “I want you,” he growled, pressing his groin against her to emphasize the statement.

"Yes,” she managed to whisper before his lips were on hers again, but this time, he released her wrists, his hands going to her waist, holding her against him, pulling at the long sleeved T-shirt that she had tucked into her jeans. He pulled it out slowly, seeming to tease her with his movements, causing her stomach to flutter in delight.

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Available now from Eternal Press
Heaven in Her Eyes
~The Hunter Series Book Two~
By Wendy Stone
* * * *

Shanna Hunter-Clinton is on the run from her Senator husband. She's had all she can take of his abuse and the terrible things he made her do. She flees to Texas and straight into the arms of Special Agent Brandon Austen. But can Brandon keep her safe from a husband who just doesn't want to let her go? Or will he get lost in the Heaven in her Eyes?

* * * *

"Oh God,” she hissed, staring at the old fashioned stand mirror in front of her. Her hands going up to cover her breasts, as if hiding them from herself.

"Shh,” he whispered, bending his head so he spoke softly in her ear. “You don't know how beautiful you are, I want you to see you like I do.” He put his hands over hers, slowly dragging her hands down her body to hang limply at her sides.

BOOK: A Case of Love
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