A Crack in the Edge of the World (55 page)

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Disaster Mitigation Plan for the City of Berkeley
. Berkeley: City of Berkeley, 2004.

Emergency Operations Plan: City and County of San Francisco Operational Area
. San Francisco: Mayor's Office of Emergency Services, 1996.

Great Earthquake April 18, 1906: Views of Its Calamitous Results in San Francisco and Vicinity
. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press, 1906.

Johnson, N. E.
Views of San Jose and Santa Clara after the Earthquake and Fire—April 18, 1906
. San Jose: N. E. Johnson, Photographer and Publisher, 1906.

Major Disaster Response Plan
. Version 2.0. San Francisco: American Red Cross, Bay Area, 1999.

Moores, Eldridge. Interview by John McPhee, 2003. Transcript. Davis, CA: University of California, Pacific Regional Humanities Center.

Pierce, C.C. and Co. [photographs by].
The Picture Story of the San Francisco Earthquake—Wednesday, April 18, 1906
. Los Angeles: Geo. Rice [n.d.]

San Francisco Directory for the Year Ending 1907
. San Francisco: H. S. Crocker, 1907.

The San Francisco Disaster Photographed: Fifty Glimpses of Havoc by Earthquake and Fire
. New York: C. S. Hammond, 1906.

Sonoma County Emergency Operations Plan
. Santa Rosa, CA: Sonoma County Department of Emergency Services, 2000.

William Lettis and Associates.
Seismic Hazard Evaluation: Proposed Portola Valley Town Center, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley, CA
. Walnut Creek: William Lettis, 2003.

Works Progress Administration.
The WPA Guide to California: The Federal Writers' Project Guide to 1930s California
. New York: Pantheon Books, 1984.


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Academy of Sciences Building, 285

Adams, Ansel, 45, 287–88, 289, 294–95

Adams, Henry, 142–43

adobe bricks, 158

Aetna Building, 285

Aetna of Hartford (company), 329

Africa, 84

African Plate, 59, 62–63

aftershocks, 93, 102, 290

Agassiz, Louis, 140, 275, 278

Agnew's State Hospital for the Insane, 256

ago and agone (terms), 78

Aiken, Charles, 236

ailanthus tree, 37

air conditioning, 90

aircraft, Wright brothers and, 51

aircraft beacon, Mount Diablo, 43

air pollution, 228, 279

Alaska, 369–80

Alaska Highway, 369, 372–77

earthquake of 1899, 19

earthquake of 1964, 370–72

earthquake of 2002, 372, 378

oil pipeline, 377–80

purchase of, 114

Yellowstone National Park geysers and earthquakes in, 382–85

Alaska Highway, 369, 372–77

Alcatraz, 254, 343

(ship), 252

Alquist, Alfred, 411

Alquist-Priolo zoning act, 411

Alta California, 46, 114–16, 201–6.
See also

Althing parliament, 67

Altvater Printing and Stationery Company, 308

Amarillo, Texas, 111, 133

United States

American Red Cross, 363

Ames, Frank, 249

ammonites, 10, 411–12

amplitude, earthquake wave, 399

Anaheim, California, 258

Anchorage, Alaska, 370–72, 378–80

Anderson, J., 400

andesite, 412

Angel Island, 253–54

Angel Island Processing Center, 343–50

animals, seismic events and, 240–41, 364

Annals of San Francisco
, 207, 218, 221

Annisville Event of 1980, 87

anno (term), 78

Antarctic Plate, 59

Apollo 11 mission, 2–5

Appraisers' Building, 311

Archaean Period, 78, 402

architecture, post-earthquake San Francisco, 359–60.
See also
buildings; disaster recovery

Arctica, 81, 82–83

(ship), 252

Arizona meteor crater, 134–36

Armstrong, Neil, 2–6

Arrowhead Fault, 196

art, post-earthquake loss of, 351–56

aseismic creep, 182–84.
See also
displacement, earth

Asia, 84

Asian Plate, 39

asperities, 272–73

Assan, Marcelle, 235–38

Assembling California
(book), 152–53

Association for the Improvement and Adornment of San Francisco, 357

asthenosphere, 77

Atherton, Gertrude, 351

Atlantica, 82–83

atomic age, 50

Auden, W. H., 50

Audion (triode) invention, 51

Australia, 84

Austrian insurance companies, 329


insurance for, 326

status of, in 1906, 50, 52–53

Azusa, California, 258

Azusa Street, Los Angeles, 335–42

Babes in Toyland
(musical), 238

Baltica, 82–83

Baltimore Fire of 1904, 293, 326–27

Bam Earthquake of 2003, 90

See also
financial issues

establishment of, 208

relief efforts of, 316–17

Barbary Coast, 213–14, 224

Barnum and Bailey's Circus, 314

Barringer Meteor Company, 136

Barrymore, John, 237, 284

Bartleman, Frank, 340–41

Bartlett, Washington, 206

basalt rock, 67, 69–73, 77, 150, 154, 413

Basin and Range Province, 134, 144, 417

Battery Park City, New York, 361

Bay Bridge, 361

beacon, Mount Diablo, 43

Bear Flag Revolt, 114

Beat poets, 356

Beaufort, Francis, 387

Bells of St. Mary's, The
(film), 2

Benicia, California, 128

Bennett, Sir Courtney, 291, 317–19, 331–32

Berkeley, California, 19

Berkshire Hills, Massachusetts, 87

Betjeman, John, 52

Bicknell, Ernest, 322

Bidwell, John, 118–21

Bidwell Expedition, 118

Bierce, Ambrose, 351

Big Bend, San Andreas Fault, 187–96, 199–200

“Big Four” business tycoons, 128–29, 225

Blosseville Coast, Greenland, 70

blossom (term), 35

Board of Education report, 317

Bohemian Club, 351

Bohemian culture, 351–56

Bolt, Bruce, 177

Bombay Beach, 198

Bonanza Kings, 214

Bonneville, Benjamin, 118

boosterism, post-earthquake, 319–24, 353, 355

bores (term), 412

Bosch-Omori seismographs, 267

Boston, Massachusetts, 314

boundaries, convergent, 60–61

Boyle, James, 253

brachiopods, 412, 417

Bradbury, John, 102–3

Branner, John, 320–21

Brawley Seismic Zone, 199

Brewer, William, 44–45

bribery, 224–25.
See also
government, San Francisco city

brick buildings, 158, 257, 279, 282

Bristol's Recording Voltmeter, 264

British insurance companies, 324–27, 329

Brooks, Jared, 103

brothels, 209, 224

Browns Park, 141–42

See also
physical damage

brick, 158, 257, 279, 282

building codes for, 88, 212–13, 319, 360–62, 411

Daniel Burnham's designs, 357

chimneys of, 282–84, 310

City Hall (
City Hall)

concrete, 282

earthquake cottages, 313

earthquake intensity scales and construction vulnerability of, 390, 391–96

fault zoning for, 411

early San Francisco fires and, 211–13

San Francisco earthquake of 1868 and, 233–34

Great Charleston Earthquake of 1886 and, 93

Great San Francisco Earthquake and, 245, 257, 275–87

Great San Francisco Fire and, 281, 290–302, 319–21

insurance company response to claims for earthquake damages to, 324–30

Paso Robles earthquake of 2003 and, 158

post-earthquake architecture of, 359–60

pre-earthquake status of San Francisco, 209–11, 225–29

race-based covenants, 222

rebuilding plan for, 229–30, 356–59

San Francisco earthquake of 1868 and, 232–33

saving of Main Post Office building, 314–15

ships as, 211

steel-framed skyscrapers, 51, 225

wooden, 257, 282

(newspaper), 224–25

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
, 320

Bullock and Jones Building, 285

Bureau of Highways, 128.
See also

Bureau of Immigration, 346.
Chinese immigrants; immigration

Burke, William, 315–16

Burnett, Peter, 127

Burnham, Daniel, 229–30, 356–59

Burns, Robert, 5

Burns, William, 224

Burns Agency, 224

Bush, James, 283

Businessmen's Association, 314

Butte Record
(newspaper), 220

cable (maritime measurement), 412

cable cars, 216, 245

Cabo de San Francisco, El, 24

Caldwell, Charles, 293–94

California, 113–31.
See also
San Francisco, California

admission of, as free state, 127

Alta California, 46, 114–16, 201–6

Bear Flag Revolt, 114

capitals of, 128

Civil War, Reconstruction Era, and immigration into, 127–28

dispute over eastern boundary of, 122

early settlers of, 115–21

Earthquake Commission, 171, 182, 195, 256, 267, 269–71

Earthquake Fault Zoning Act of 1972, 411

founder of, 46

Geological Survey of, 136–37, 140, 161

Gold Rush and population growth of, 35, 121–27

governors of, 128–31 (
see also
government, California)

Mexican War and acquisition of, 113–15

naming of, 32–33

official nickname, mineral, and motto, 35

serpentine as state rock, 150

California Development Company, 197

California Dream, 117–18

California Earthquake.
Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906

California Institute of Technology, 24

California of San Francisco (company), 329

California Pacific States Telephone Company, 297

California Powder Works, 312

California State Earthquake Commission, 171, 182, 195, 256, 267, 269–71.

See also
Lawson, Andrew

Californios (term), 116

Building, 225, 245, 420

Cambrian Period, 402

camels, 193

camps, refugee, 313, 315–16, 330


Alaska Highway in, 375–76

Chinese in, 373

oldest rocks in, 73, 79–82

post-earthquake financial relief from, 314

Yukon diamond deposits in, 85

canvas houses, 210, 313

Cape Horn route to California, 123, 204

opera, 233–38, 314

Carolina Plate, 59

Carquinez Strait, 33–34, 46

Carrier, Willis, 90

Carrizo Plain, 170, 187–91

Caruso, Enrico, 233–38, 249–51, 298, 314

Cascadia Subduction Zone, 169

See also
coroner's reports

of Alaska earthquake of 1964, 371

of Bam earthquake of 2003, 90

of Chiayi or Meishan Earthquake of 1906, 26

of Chilean earthquake of 1906, 27

of early San Francisco fires, 212

of Ecuadoran-Columbian Earthquake of 1906, 23–25

of Great Charleston Earthquake of 1886, 92

of Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, 245, 249, 256, 274, 282–84, 288, 301–2

of San Francisco earthquake of 1868, 232–33

of San Francisco earthquake of 1989, 361

public-relations campaign and, 322–23

of Sumatran earthquake of 2004, 90

of Vesuvius eruption, 26

cattle stampede, 248–49

Caucasus Mountains earthquake of 1906, 26

Celestials (term), 214, 220.
See also
Chinese immigrants

Cenozoic Period, 402

Central Emergency Hospital (CEH), 246, 279

Central Pacific Railroad, 128, 219

Cerro Prieto Geothermal Area, 198

chance-medley (term), 249

Charleston (South Carolina) Earthquake of 1886, 17, 86–96, 108

charts, nautical, 387

chert rock, 150

Chiayi Earthquake of 1906, 26

Chicago Fire of 1871, 292–93

Chicxulub meteor crater, 415


earthquake of 1906, 27–28

earthquake of 1960, 370

chimneys, 282–84, 310

See also
Chinatown; Chinese immigrants

earthquake detection in, 261–62, 264–65

rebuilding of Chinatown and, 331

China Men
(book), 345

See also
Chinese immigrants

in California cities, 128

controversy over rebuilding, 330–31

destruction of, by Great San Francisco Earthquake, 294–95, 344

eyewitness accounts in, 245–46

Gold Rush and creation of, 217–23

photographs of, 215, 297

Portsmouth Square in, 210

Washington Street and, 243

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, 222–23, 344

Chinese immigrants.
See also

Angel Island and, 254

in Canada, 373

as Celestials, 214, 220

immigration of, 128, 209, 214

as laborers on Central Pacific Railroad, 219

post-earthquake immigration of paper people, 343–50

racial discrimination against, 129, 209, 218–23, 344

Chinese Laundry Fire, 292

Chinese Six Companies, 222

cholera, 210

Pentecostal Movement

chromium, 71, 72

building, 357

newspaper, 358


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