A Crack in the Edge of the World (56 page)

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Chutes Amusement Park, 240–41

cities, disaster recovery of, 302–3, 332.

See also
disaster recovery

City Auditor report, 317

City Gardens, 216

City Hall.
See also
government, San Francisco

Central Emergency Hospital in, 246–47

Great San Francisco Earthquake and collapse of, 279–80, 284, 294, 305, 307

pre-earthquake status of, 225

rebuilding of, 357, 359

San Francisco earthquake of 1868 and, 233

shoddy construction of, 280–81, 284–85

City Lights bookshop, 356

city planning, rejection of, 229–30, 356–59

City Weather Bureau, 14, 16–17

Civilian Conservation Corps, 43

Civil War, 127

claims, insurance.
insurance companies

classifying numbers, earthquake, 159

Claus Spreckels Building, 225, 245, 420

Clemens, Samuel (Mark Twain), 34

Clemens Well-Fenner-San Francisquito Fault, 195

clinker (term), 412

Clinopodium douglasii
(yerba buena), 201–2

coaches, hackney, 215

Coal Hill name for Mount Diablo, 34–35

coal mining, 35–37, 41, 137

Coast Guard, 312

Cocos Plate, 59

Colima volcano, 169

Collins, Paul, 419

Colorado gem swindle, 141–42

Colorado River, 145–48

Colton, Walter, 116–17, 122, 126

Columbia (supercontinent), 83

Colombian Earthquake of 1906, 23–25

Columbia Theater, 238

Columbia University, 176

Comstock Lode silver discovery, 137, 214

comet of 1811, 99

Committee of Fifty, 311

concrete buildings, 282

Conestoga wagons, 118, 413

construction vulnerability, 392–96.
See also

Contact Creek, 374–75

Continental Divide, 375

continental drift, 69–70, 73–86.
See also
plate tectonics

Continental of New York (company), 329

continents, super, 73–86

convergent boundaries, 60–61

Cook, Jesse B., 244–45

Copeland, Ada, 142

coping strategies, William James on, 295–96

Coquille, Oregon, 258

cordilleran geoscientists, 148–49

core, earth's, 76

coroner's reports, 294, 309–10, 323–24.
See also

See also
financial issues

of Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, 288

of San Francisco earthquake of 1989, 361

cottages, earthquake, 313

County Clerk report, 317

covenants, race-based, 222.
See also
racial issues

Cowell, Harry, 353

Cowell, Henry, 353

cowyards (term), 224

Crater Lake, 372–73

craton (term), 413

creativity, post-earthquake loss of, 351–56

creep, aseismic, 182–84.
See also
displacement, earth

creep-meters, 161

Crespi, Juan, 196

Cretaceous Period, 7, 73, 415

crib (term), 214


Gold Rush, 125–26, 213

post-earthquake, 313

crimp (term), 214

Crocker, Charles, 128–29, 225

crust, earth's, 58, 76–78


post-earthquake loss of San Francisco, 351–56

of United States in 1906,

curfew, 310

cwm (term), 413

Daisy Geyser, 382–85

Daly, John, 179

Daly City, California, as Great San Francisco Earthquake epicenter, 173, 175–79, 259

physical damage

Dana, Richard Henry, 116, 123, 204

Darwin, Charles, 10

Davidson, George, 14–16, 270

Davis, Richard Harding, 237

Dawson City, Yukon, 376


Death Valley, 143

Defoe, Daniel, 165

De Forest, Lee, 51

Delano, Alonzo, 124

Delmonico's restaurant, 237–38

de Melo, Sebastião, 55–56

democracy, Icelandic, 67–68

Denali Fault, 372, 378–80, 383

Denny, James, 252–53

Department of Alta California, 46, 114–16, 201–6.
See also

Department of Elections report, 317

de Portolá, Gaspar, 196

detection, earthquake, 261–73.
See also

Devil's Mountain.
Mount Diablo

De Young, Michael, 358

Diablo Beacon, 43


Colorado gem swindle, 141–42

Yukon deposits of, 85

Dickinson, Bill, 152

Dictator, The
(play), 237

diesel engine, 51

dikes (term), 414

dinosaur extinctions, 7

dip (term), 413

dirigible service, 123

disaster recovery

of cities, 302–3, 332

doubts about San Francisco, 317–19

rejection of San Francisco rebuilding plan, 229–30, 356–59

displacement, ground.
ground displacement

Dixon, Maynard, 352

dolerites, 414

Domengine Formation, 36, 41

Douglas, David, 201

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 322

Downtown Business Men's Association, 358

Drake, Sir Francis, 115

dueling, 346

dust, brick, 279

dynamite, creation of firebreaks with, 300, 305, 311–13


formation of, 76–78 (
see also
continental drift; plate tectonics)

geological time scale for, 401–3

size of, 58

earth movement.
ground displacement

Earthquake Commission, California State, 171, 182, 195, 256, 267, 269–71.
See also
Lawson, Andrew

Earthquake Fault Zoning Act of 1972, 411

See also

Alaska, 369–80

Alaska, and Yellowstone National Park geysers, 382–85

animals and, 240–41

building codes for, 88, 212–13, 319, 360–62, 411

casualties (

costs (

detection devices, 261–73 (
see also

East Pacific Rise, subduction, and, 167

Ecuadoran-Colombian Earthquake of 1906, 23–25

epicenters of, 172, 175–79

financial issues (
financial issues)

geology of California and, 41

glossary, 411–17

Great Charleston Earthquake of 1886, 17, 86–96

Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 (
Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906)

Great Yokohama Earthquake of 1880, 263

ground displacement and (
ground displacement)

intensity, 25, 192, 388–96, 401

intraplate, 108–12

Lisbon Earthquake of 1755, 55–56

Loma Prieta Earthquake of 1989, 360–62

magnitude (
magnitude, earthquake; Richter Magnitude Scale)

New England, 87–88

physical damage (
physical damage)

plate tectonics and, 59–61, 85–86 (
see also
plate tectonics)

prediction of, 107–8, 364–67

SAFOD project to monitor, 182–87

San Miguel, California, 157–63

San Francisco earthquake of 1868, 231–33

San Francisco preparedness for, 360–67

seismic events of 1906, 23–28 (
see also
seismic events)

southern San Andreas Fault, 196

Sumatran earthquake of 2004, 28, 85

Tejon Pass, 191–94

volcanic, 25

EarthScope, 185–86

Easter Island, 165

East Greenland, North American Plate rocks in, 69–73, 79–81, 85

East Pacific Rise, 165

Ecuadoran-Columbian Earthquake of 1906, 23–25

Edison Company, 50

Ehlert Triples, 264

1881 (year), disasters of, 99

Einstein, Albert, 49–50, 269

elastic rebound theory, 182, 272–73

electrical lines, damage to, 290

elephants, earthquakes and, 240–41

elevators, 51, 233

Embarcadero, San Francisco, 243, 294

Empire Restaurant, 232–33

EMS-98 Intensity Scale, 391–96

epicenters, earthquake

calculating, 398–99

as earthquake origination point, 172

of Great San Francisco Earthquake, 171–79, 259

intensity and, 388

of San Miguel earthquake of 2004, 159

of Tejon Pass earthquake, 192

eq (term), 159

(ship), 211

Eurasian Plate, 59, 65

Eureka (California state motto), 35

Eureka, California, 259

Europe, 84

European Macroseismic Intensity Scale (EMS), 391

evacuations, post-earthquake, 312

Ewing, James, 263

Ewing seismographs, 263

(newspaper), 19

Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Gorges
(book), 147

explosives, creating firebreaks with, 300, 305, 311–13

eyewitness accounts, Great San Francisco Earthquake

in San Francisco, 12-22, 243–51, 253

at sea, 20–22, 251–53

in surrounding area, 253–61

Face of the Earth, The
(book), 74

Fairbanks, Charles, 305

fallen building insurance policy clause, 328

Farallon Islands, 253

Farallon Plate, 59, 154–56, 166

Farquhar, Francis, 45


See also
earthquakes; plate tectonics; volcanoes

grabens and horsts, 414

Meers, Oklahoma, 105–8

New England, 87–88

New Madrid, 103–5

northern California and San Andreas, 39–42 (
see also
San Andreas Fault)

right-lateral strike-slip, 174, 180

tectonic plates and, 60–61 (
see also
tectonic plates)

zoning for, 411

federal government.
government, federal; United States

Federal Writers Project, 355

feeding relief progams, 313

felt area

of New Madrid Sequence of 1811, 96

of Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, 96, 258–61

fence posts, displacement of, 174

Ferry Building, 215

Filben, Thomas, 330


The Bells of St. Mary's
, 2

Film Exchanges, 50–51

San Francisco
, 292, 351

financial issues

bank and U. S. Mint response, 316–17

costs of Great San Franciscio Earthquake of 1906, 288

costs of San Francisco earthquake of 1989, 361

insurance companies and (
insurance companies)

post-earthquake financial relief, 313–14

post-earthquake public relations compaign to encourage investors, 319–24

stock market decline, 321–22

suicide and financial troubles, 324

firebreaks, creation of, with dynamite, 300, 305, 311–13

fire department, San Francisco.
See also

efforts of, during Great San Francisco Earthquake, 300

establishment of, 212

firefighting system of, 228–29

Fire Horse, 1906 as Chinese Year of, 23

Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, 329

See also
fire department, San Francisco

anti-Chinese riots and, 222

creating firebreaks with dynamite by military, 300, 305, 311–13

early San Francisco and, 211–13, 292–93

effect of, after Great San Francisco Earthquake, 274, 281, 290–302

insurance against, 324, 326

iron safes and, 286

post-earthquake public-relations campaign focus on, 319–24

pre-earthquake, 239–40

Flamsteed, John, 79

Flaugergues, Honoré, 99

Flood, James, 225

flying seal (term), 318

food relief, 310, 313

Forel, François, 389–90

foreshocks, 88–90, 93

Formosa earthquake of 1906, 26

Fort Tejon, 192–93

fossils, 150, 417

France, Oklahoma attitudes toward, 106

Francis (terrier dog), 314

Franciscans, Spanish missionary work of, 203

freedom fries, 106

Fremstad, Olive, 234

French restaurant (term), 224

Freud, Sigmund, 50

Frisco (term), 227

Funston, Brigadier General Frederick, 304–7, 310

furniture, California decorative, 353–55

gabbro (term), 150, 413

Gable, Clark, 292, 351

Gadsden Purchase of 1854, 115

Gaia theory, 4–5, 413–14

Galápagos Islands, 165

Galitzin-Wilip seismograph, 266

Garbo, Greta, 299

Garnet Hill Fault, 196

gaslights, 210

gas pipes, damage to, 290, 310, 361

gas stations, 134

gem swindle, Colorado, 141–42

General Slocum
steamship fire, 326

Genthe, Arnold, 215, 221, 297–300, 352

Geological Society of America, 151–52

geological surveys.
See also
U. S. Geological Survey

Great Western Surveys, 138–49

William Brewer and Mount Diablo, 44

Geological Survey of California, 44, 136–37, 140, 161

Geological Survey of Oklahoma, 106

by Ferdinand Hayden, 138–39

by Clarence King, 139–43

by John Wesley Powell, 144–49

by George Wheeler and Grove Karl Gilbert, 143–44

geological time scale, 401–3

Geologic and Geographic Survey of the Fortieth Parallel, The
, 140–43

Geologic and Geographic Survey of the Rocky Mountain Area, 1870–78, The
, 144–48

Geologic and Geographic Survey of the Territories, The
, 138–39

Geologic and Geographic Survey West of the 100th Meridian, The
, 143

See also
rocks; science

Arizona meteor crater, 133–36

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