A Divine Life (The Divine Trilogy) (10 page)

BOOK: A Divine Life (The Divine Trilogy)
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Jayden allowed Ryan
to go ahead of him while they walked through his office and into the playroom. Samantha was kneeling with her thighs spread, palms up on her thighs, and tits pushed forward. Her chin was down, as was her gaze. He noticed her tense when they entered.

“There, there, kitten, no need for alarm. Ryan is with me. I’m going to be in the corner chair, and Ryan will direct your scene. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.” Her voice was calm and unwavering and did not reveal the nervousness he knew she was feeling.

“You may begin then, Ryan.”

“Thank you, Jayden.” For a long moment he stood in front of her, looking at her.

While Ryan appraised Samantha, Jayden did the same to him. He was average height, but still a couple of inches taller than Samantha. His sandy hair was cut neat and close to his head on the sides and longer on top. A strong jawline and proud nose gave his features a distinguished look. What Jayden noticed more than Ryan’s physical attributes was the aura of kindness that su
rrounded the man. If he hadn’t known better, he never would’ve pegged Ryan as a Dom; not with his relaxed shoulders and casual choice of wardrobe.

Something shifted in Ryan’s stature when he began to take steps around Samantha. While he moved behind her, Ryan let his fingers trail across her shoulders, and she gave a visible shudder, leaning into the caress. She’d broken form. Jayden was intrigued to see if Ryan was ‘Dom’ enough to correct her.

“Still now, little one,” he soothed, and her motion stopped at once. Starting at her shoulders, his hands ran down her sides, out over her hips and under her buttocks, finishing with a firm squeeze of her cheeks as he squatted behind her. “Your skin has a pretty flush to it like you’ve recently been flogged. Were you a naughty girl, Samantha?” he asked in a tone that Jayden had to admit was sultry.

“Y-yes, Sir.” Her breathing became jagged.

Jayden was in awe; Samantha had never responded in such a short amount of time to him. She was coming unglued with just a touch and the sound of Ryan’s voice.

“Tell me what infraction necessitated the punishment?” When Samantha didn’t answer straight away, he smacked her ass. “Answer me!” demanded Ryan.

“This girl wore lingerie under her clothes today, Sir,” she whimpered.

“I see,” said Ryan, and his left hand disappeared between her legs.

Judging by Samantha’s moan, Jayden assumed Ryan had pushed his fingers into her. This was confirmed when, seconds later, Ryan pulled his hand back to inspect the viscous substance.

“Do you like to be disobedient and naughty, Samantha? Your wet pussy tells me you do.”

Samantha remained quiet at the rhetorical question.

Ryan’s fingers found their way into her again, pumping in and out while he explained, “If I take you on as my submissive, you will not be allowed panties or bras at any time.” His right hand wrapped around her, and he pulled her into his chest. Grasping Samantha’s right tit, he squeezed. “These tits are beyond beautiful, but are too small to need the support of a pesky bra.” He finished his statement by tugging on her nipple.

Samantha’s body reacted and began to grind against his hand. Rather than let her continue, he pushed her forward and removed it.

“On your knees, little one. Place your forehead on the floor with your arms stretched in front of you.” Walking over to her, Jayden looked on while Ryan arranged her hands, one over the other. Next, he grabbed her hips and lifted them up, while tapping at her feet until she drew her knees up near her breasts. This left her ass high up in the air and her pink pussy lips pushing out b
etween her thighs. “This will be your waiting position. Remember it.” His finger stroked across her pussy.

“We will begin all scenes with six open-handed spanks.” His hand came down on her left cheek with a smack. “You are never to consider this punishment.” A second smack enforced his words. “Simply warm-up.” Another pop echoed around them. “If you have earned a punis
hment,” the fourth spank was disbursed, “that will be doled out following your warm up on a whipping bench.”

Samantha groaned when Ryan landed the fifth smack on her rose-tinted flesh. He’d alternated each spank between her cheeks. However, the sixth one Ryan aimed right over her cunt, and she moaned, while thrusting her hips back against him.

Jayden sat there dumbfounded. Ryan was not a big man, nor a loud one. Unless he spoke up, he was easy to overlook in a crowd; quiet, with an air of shyness about him. If not for the fact that he was sitting there witnessing him in action, Jayden would’ve said Ryan bordered on a Switch personality, meaning he enjoyed being on his knees, too. It was easy to envision Ryan subbing for someone. However, the way Ryan was taking command and demanding Samantha’s obedience showed Jayden that he could be a force to be reckoned with.

Straightening up from his squat, Ryan moved to stand in front of Samantha again. “Now, kiss my feet, little one, and then rise before me.”

Samantha lifted her head just enough to reach his shoes, onto each of which she placed a dainty kiss. Her movement was fluid when she stretched her long body into a standing position.

When she stood upright, Ryan placed a finger under her chin and lifted her face to meet his gaze. Their stares locked onto each other and became intense; so intense that Jayden felt like he was i

With a smug grin, Jayden gave himself a mental high-five. This was going to work for them, without a doubt.

Ryan placed a soft kiss on her lips before leaning down and sucking each of her nipples into his mouth. His fingers moved back into her slick folds, and Jayden could hear her wetness when Ryan slid his fingers back and forth.

“You are an exquisite piece of art, my little one,” he told her. “Come for me. I want to see your body flush and color with the orgasm I allow you to have.” He pinched her clit, and her head fell back as she shook, moaned, and then came into his hand.

The petting didn’t stop. Instead, Ryan resumed suckling Samantha’s nipples while his fingers continued to glide across her noisy sex. Jayden was left taken aback at the roughness Ryan used on her nipples. He knew they had to be sore from having been clamped earlier, in particular because her tolerance for the clamps was low. Yet when he walked closer to observe what Ryan was doing, he found Ryan had a nipple between his teeth and was sawing back and forth on it while he pulled it away from her body. Her skin was flushed, covered in a damp coating of sweat from her orgasm, and Jayden could sense by her rapid breathing that she was approaching another one.

Samantha whined when Ryan released her nipple. Before taking the other one into his mouth, he told her to come again, which she did as soon as his teeth started working and pulling once more. She slumped into his arms, but he caught her with ease, like he’d expected her to co

“Beautifully done, little one. Will you do me the honor of being mine, Samantha?” The words had been uttered so low that Jayden almost didn’t hear them.

Her lust-filled azure eyes lifted toward Jayden, asking for permission. He did not hesitate to step forward and undo the latch on the platinum chain she wore around her throat.

“Your servitude has been honorable, Samantha. I release you of your obligations to me,” Jayden all but whispered, his voice catching in his throat.

She returned the sentiment with a smile. “Thank you, Sir. This girl feels honored to have served you.” Her head swiveled to look back to Ryan. “It would be a great pleasure to be yours, Sir.”

“Then so shall you be.” His rigid expression gave way to a playful grin. “I’m going to fuck that dripping cunt of yours now.” She giggled when Ryan lifted her up and carried her bridal-style to the bed. After he laid her out on the bed with care, he unbuttoned and removed his shirt. Then he began to undo his pants.

That was Jayden’s cue to leave. Clearing his throat to get their attention, he announced, “I trust that I am leaving you in good hands, Samantha. I have another appointment that I can’t be late for, and I don’t want to rush or intrude on your time.” He chuckled. “Ryan, feel free to use whatever you wish within the playroom. Samantha knows how to clean it up, and I’ll trust you both to lock up when you are done.”

“Of course, Sir.”

Jayden approached and leaned over the bed to place a soft kiss on Samantha’s forehead. “I’ve never seen you more beautiful, kitten. I’m glad you’re happy.”

She smiled up at him. “I am, Sir, I really am.” A blush crept over her features, and she added a heart-felt, “Thank you, Jayden.”

“Anytime, kiddo. I’ve really got to be going.” When Jayden pulled the playroom door shut, the last thing he saw was Ryan sheathing himself between Samantha’s wide-open thighs while their moans echoed off the walls.



A switch
been thrown.

Catherine needed to serve, and if Master no longer wanted her, then she would find her satisfa
ction in the hands of another. Sir Jonathan had been fair. He’d used her body well, given her the pain she needed, and allowed her to achieve release multiple times before he sought his own. He would be a good Master.

Looking at Paige, who still knelt between Catherine’s thighs, the dildo bobbing with each breath Paige took, and then at her new jewelry, Catherine knew what she had to do. Directing her attention back to Sir Landon, she spoke. “Sir, if it pleases you, this slut would like more.”

His pale eyebrows scrunched up. “What are you askin’ for, darlin’? Look at me when you answer.”

“This slut would like to thank you and your submissive for the beautiful jewels
, and for the reminder of what I am,” she answered without hesitation. “Please allow this slut to pleasure you.”

Sir glanced at Paige before turning back to Catherine with a thoughtful look. “Is that really your wish, Catherine?” His voice was kind and gentle, and she knew that if she dwelled on it, she would have another breakdown.

“Aye, Sir. It would be a great relief to this girl’s mind to be allowed to see to your needs.” Her eyes were fixed on the bulge in his jeans while she made her confession. Watching the bulge grow and hearing Sir’s breath hitch brought a small smile to Catherine’s face.

He perused her face; she gathered he was searching for any sign of uncertainty. Catherine knew he would find none. Her mind was made up, and her heritage shone true when she stood firm in her decision. Catherine O’Chancey could be as stubborn as the best of them.

“Alright then, darlin’, so be it. Paige, step down and kneel to the side.”

A wave of pure calm washed over Catherine once Sir Landon took control of the scene.

“Understand, Catherine. My yella rose here is currently being denied orgasms as punishment for an infraction. I will allow her to assist as long as she does not come. Is this clear?”

“Aye, Sir.” Her mind soared, while her breathing became easier.

“Hop on down then, darlin’, and stand to the side for a moment with Paige.”

The submissive slipped out of the chair and assumed her standing ready position.

Sir stepped up to Catherine and cupped her breasts, letting his thumbs flick against the rings. She seethed at the pleasurable pain that radiated up into her chest, making her skin spark and sizzle. His hands closed, squeezing ever so slowly and making a show out of forcing her nipples to push out further.

—that hurts!

Mm-hmmm . . .

“Your tits sure are gorgeous, darlin’. I knew I could make ya prettier with my needle.” His words seemed to drip and ooze over her, changing the sharp sizzle to a vibrating heat that covered her. Then he grinned, dimples breaking up the sharp planes of his face when he leaned in and let his warm tongue lap against Catherine’s protruding nipples.

“Mmmm, thank you, Sir.” The moan she emitted was porn-worthy.

All male, the Dom stepped back and leaned against the edge of the chair Catherine had just vacated. “Paige, get over here and use your teeth to free my cock. Keep your knees spread while you crawl.”

It was mesmerizing to watch Paige crawl over to him. Catherine could see the dildo between Paige’s legs, swinging back and forth, and she couldn’t help comparing it to the way Master’s cock would swing when he moved around the playroom naked. Her pussy pulsed.

Once Paige reached Sir, she raised herself up onto her knees while keeping her hands behind her back. As instructed, she used her mouth to undo the button and lower the zipper on his jeans. Paige sat back on her haunches while he gave his hips a little shimmy and the denim fell down to pool at his ankles. He lifted his foot, and Paige leaned forward to grasp the bottom of his pant leg with her teeth; when she backed up, she pulled it free.

Catherine didn’t watch her do the other leg because her eyes had drifted up to take in the bo
bbing shaft that had been revealed.

It wasn’t as long as Master’s, maybe two inches shorter, but it was wider. Oh yeah, it was much wider. Thick ridges of veins covered his cock, and she clenched her thighs, thinking of how the te
xture would feel inside her.

He chuckled, and it was deep and throaty. “See something you like, darlin’?”

“Oh, aye, Sir.” Catherine saw the throaty, and raised it a husky.

Sir’s hand wrapped around his thick shaft, and he started stroking. “Why don’t you come on over here and have a taste then? On your knees, crawl to me, darlin’,” he ordered.

Eager to obey, Catherine crawled to him as fast as she could. Arriving in front of him, she rose up onto her knees and waited for his okay to proceed.

“Kiss my cock in greeting, Catherine,” he commanded, and her pussy flooded when she placed an open-mouthed kiss on the tip, tasting the salty pre-come that had gathered there. “Mmm, good girl,” he moaned. “Now open those pretty little lips for me.”

Being cheeky, she let her lips part slightly, then licked them.

“Wider, Catherine. Now.” The gentleness was gone from his voice, having been replaced with a lusty growl.

The next switch was thrown, turning off all the ramblings in her head. Catherine had one objective: to serve the Dom she was kneeling before. Her mouth opened wide, and he placed the head of his cock between her lips. Instead of pushing into her, Sir placed his hands on either side of her head and pulled her down onto him. He was able to guide Catherine about half way down before she couldn’t go any further because his skin was dry. She was grateful when he pulled her back off.

“Stand up, darlin’, I think we need some lube.”

The submissive stood up, and Sir reached between her thighs, running two fingers over the outside of her pussy lips before pressing against her hidden clit. On the second pass, he pushed one finger between her folds and slipped inside her.

“My goodness, you’re drippin’ like honey.” He pulled his hand back and licked his finger. “Mmm, taste like honey, too.”

“Oh, please, Sir,” Catherine whimpered.

“Please what, Catherine?” he cocked his eyebrow at her.

“Please use this slut’s juices to lube your beautiful cock,” she begged without shame.

“I like the way you think, darlin’.” Sir shot her a wink while two fingers plunged into her and he wiggled them around.

To allow him better access, she bent her knees. The new position allowed the squelching sounds of her wetness to be heard. Desire coursed through Catherine’s body, making her nipples erect and tight, which let her feel the pull of the metal in them. Catching her by surprise, the beginnings of an orgasm started to coil in her belly, and her inner walls clamped against his fingers.

Catherine whined at the loss of his fingers when he pulled them back out. They were shiny and slick with her juices. She could feel the hunger building in her while he rubbed the slickness over his cock.

“Now, darlin’, where were we? Ah, yes, back on your knees, Catherine. And open wide this time; don’t make me tell you again,” he instructed.

When Catherine was back on her knees with her head again gripped in his hands, Sir gui
ded her down his shaft. This time, he was able to pull her all the way down to the base of his cock so that Catherine’s nose brushed against his short, trimmed pubic hairs. He held her there while she swallowed.

“Oh! Fuck, girl!” Sir pulled Catherine almost all the way off, and she took advantage, swirling her tongue around the head before he pulled her all the way down again. “Swallow again.”

She did

every time he told her to.

“Shit! That feels so fucking good, darlin’! I can’t believe you’re getting me all the way down.” He groaned and moved her up and down again, holding her at the bottom to repeat the swallowing m
otion. After a few more times, Sir withdrew from her mouth and told Catherine to suck his balls.

To reach them she had to bend over a little. While she took the first one into her mouth, he bent his knees and spread his thighs, giving her more room.

“Yeah, just like that, darlin’. Paige, get your pretty ass over here and put that rubber dick you’ve got to work.” Sir moaned when Catherine released his nut with a pop before moving to the other one.

She could feel the rubber pressing against her pussy lips and arched her back to open herself up more. Paige plunged into her while the Dom grabbed her hair and pushed his cock back into her mouth.

“Ahhh!” It was a feeble attempt at a cry of pleasure.

A few awkward thrusts later, they’d worked out a rhythm. Paige pushed into Catherine when Sir pulled out, and when he pushed back down into her throat, Paige pulled out of her pussy. Neither one of them ever removed their cocks from her. They just pumped in and out of Cath
erine until Sir Landon spoke again.

that cock should be good and slick now. Work it into our darlin’s pert little ass. Get her stretched for me.”

The dildo left Catherine’s pussy and pushed into her ass in one slick motion while Sir resumed rocking in and out of her mouth. She felt like she was melting; her nipples tingled, her muscles were tight, and she felt so full. Knowing that Sir Landon was planning on shoving his thick, veiny cock in her ass made her suck with renewed vigor. Catherine couldn’t wait.

For the next ten minutes, they worked Catherine with a languid thoroughness. Paige pushed in and out, swirling her hips to spread Catherine open.

“Enough; time for me to tap that ass of yours,” Sir claimed, taking his cock from Catherine’s mouth. Keeping her hand in his, he climbed up into the chair. Then he scooted to the back edge and dropped his long legs over the sides, under the armrests.

“Come here, Catherine,” he ordered while sheathing his cock with protective latex.

She turned around and sat down on the edge of the seat. Before she could make a move to slide back, his chest pressed against her back, while his arms hooked under her legs and lif
ted her up. Without any instruction, Paige stood and placed her hands on Catherine’s ass cheeks, pulling them apart while Sir positioned her over himself. The head of his cock pushed through the tight ring of Catherine’s ass, and he let her legs drop over the top of the armrests. Gravity pulled her the rest of the way down until he was fully buried inside her.

“Oh, fuck!” they both yelled at the same time.

The ridges of his cock could be felt against the inner lining of her rectum. Hands on her waist, Sir Landon lifted her about halfway off of his cock so he could slip down into a better angle, and then he dropped her. She swooned with the abrupt intrusion and the new angle, which allowed him to start rocking his hips so that he moved deep inside Catherine.

Through his grunts and the submissive’s moans, he gave a last order: “Paige, come lick this slut’s pussy. Don’t stop till she’s comin’ on my cock, and then I want you to fuck her.”

A glance at Paige revealed her licking her lips and eyeing Catherine with hunger.

Catherine’s responding groan was loud and uninhibited while Paige’s tongue swiped up between her folds. The Dom filling her backside moaned out his release even as Catherine’s body was wracked by her own.

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