A Divine Life (The Divine Trilogy) (5 page)

BOOK: A Divine Life (The Divine Trilogy)
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, yes. She is worth this, and so much more.

At last he was able to speak
, “Present yourself, kitten.”

She was aware of the
drill; he knew no other command was necessary. Grasping the hem of her skirt with both hands, she began sliding it up her long legs. Inch by inch, her toned thighs were revealed, and then the soft, tanned skin above her thigh-highs came into view. While she continued working the skirt up to her waist, Jayden was expecting to see her smooth cunt, but instead he saw satin.

Angered by instinct and habit
, he bolted from his seat. Reaching for the lapels of her blouse, Jayden ripped it open, sending buttons skittering across the polished wood floor. He found her small titties were also covered in satin.

That would never do.



came to,
blinking her eyes in the soft light of the room. Underneath the babbling of the waterfall, she could hear someone moving about, and she had to take a moment to remember where she was. Flashes of her session with Sir Jonathan played through her mind, and she shuddered.

Oh, you’re up! Good. I was about to wake you myself, but it’s so much nicer to get up on your own terms, isn’t it?”

The woman who
’d escorted Catherine this morning was grinning at her.
“Aye, Mistress—”

Oh, no, silly! Just call me Paige. I’m a submissive, like you!”

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes
, Catherine noticed Paige was naked with the exception of a platinum link collar that had a silver L hanging from it. When Paige shifted, turning back to the counter near which she stood, Catherine spotted the tail plug drying on a towel next to the sink. The whip was in Paige’s hands, and she was rubbing it up and down.

I’m cleaning up the toys,” she explained, as though she’d known Catherine was about to ask. “And oiling the whip, of course. Have to take care of it. An untended whip can hurt like a bitch!” she joked.

Catherine found herself giggling with
the pretty blonde.

Their laughter died down
, and Paige pointed to a tray next to Catherine. “I brought you some fruit, cheese, and ice water. You’ll need to replenish your fluids and keep your energy up for the rest of the day, Catherine.”

Thank you, Paige. And please, call me Erin when it’s just us. It’s what my friends call me.” Catherine reached for a bundle of grapes and a slice of cheddar.

My pleasure, Erin. After all, what are friends for?”

Please join me,” she offered, nodding her head toward the tray to suggest Paige help herself. “So, how long have you been a sub?” Catherine asked in an attempt to get to know her new friend.

Grabbing a strawberry
, Paige’s eyes sparkled when she replied, “Five years, but I’ve belonged to Master Landon for the last three.”

They sat in solitude for the next few minutes
, nibbling on the food. While Catherine was still, Paige was humming with unused energy. All of a sudden, she jumped up, and her breasts with their rosy pink nipples bounced. Catherine noticed a glint of light when Paige turned, and although she didn’t mean to, she found herself staring at Paige’s breasts. Realizing her rudeness, she started to look away.

A quiet snigger from Paige
made Catherine turn her head back. “It’s okay, Erin. Feel free to look at me. I enjoy the attention.” Paige shimmied her shoulders so that her breasts jiggled. “Master didn’t tell me I
to be naked today; he granted my request to be.”

I’m sorry,” Catherine mumbled, a tad embarrassed that she was so enraptured with the sight. “It’s just that the light caught on your, um, piercings, and I couldn’t help myself.”

Oh, for goodness sake. Here.” Paige walked right up next to her. “Give me your hands.”

Catherine was tentative while she extended her hands out toward Paige.

The moment she could reach them, Paige grabbed Catherine’s hands and brought them to her nipples. They were both pierced with little silver rings adorned with more silver L’s; a matched set. A warming sensation began to spread through Catherine’s belly when she remembered her first time with Miss Katarina.

Go ahead, pull on them.”

Paige moaned
when Catherine complied by tugging on the jewelry with a gentle pull.

Fascinated with how pretty the jewelry looked and how Paige was reacting
, Catherine had to ask, “The piercings are beautiful. Did it hurt to have it done?” She grabbed another bite of pineapple and popped it into her mouth.

Would Master like it if she were pierced like this? They had touched upon body modification in past
discussions as something to consider.

What do you think
, Erin? It would be another way he could bind you and taunt you.

Not at all. In fact, it was quite orgasmic.”

Catherine must have allowed the jolt of arousal which hit her show on her face
, because Paige laughed.

Believe me, I like having my nipples played with. Just like you do, I understand.” While she commented, she let her own hands ghost over Catherine’s now-protruding nubs.

The sensual caress
caused a bubble to start building low in Catherine’s gut.
Or perhaps it wasn’t Paige’s touch
, she thought when the quirky sensation became a sharp pain. Catherine had to let out a burp.

Excuse me,” she exclaimed, moving her hand to cover her mouth in surprise. “My stomach must not like the pineapple.”

A second burp
made Paige jump into action. “Let me see if there’s any antacid stuff in the bathroom. You don’t want to have to deal with that today. It’ll distract from your enjoyment.”

Before Catherine could reply
, Paige had already scampered into the adjoining bathroom. She heard cupboards being opened and closed, and then Paige reappeared looking victorious—and mischievous.

Want to play, Erin?” Paige smiled, while shaking a box of antacid in her hand.

I’m not sure—” Catherine began with skepticism.

Oh, come on! It’ll be fun, I promise.” The sub started twisting her upper body in excitement. “Your next session isn’t due to start for about an hour, so we’ve got time.”

Catherine nodded
, albeit with reluctance, and Paige squealed. While she watched, Paige retrieved a bottle of water from a stocked mini-fridge by the linen shelf and a glass. She soon handed Catherine a bubbling drink, which she gulped down to avoid the bitter taste. With that out of the way, Paige became serious.

Lay back, Erin. Let me make you feel good.”

The words
, and the position she was being asked to assume, were so similar to her time with Miss K months before that Catherine’s heart began to race with the expectation of what Paige offered. She lay back but kept herself propped up on her elbows to watch what the girl was doing.

This is allowed, right, and it’s safe? I mean, Master told me I was to go with whatever was asked of me, but he didn’t mention . . . this.” She wasn’t sure how to put it into words without sounding snobby. The fact was that Paige was a submissive, and Catherine had only ever been told to obey Sirs or Ma’ams.

Paige was at the shelf
, grabbing a couple of fluffy towels, when Catherine asked her question. She looked over her shoulder at Catherine and waved her off. “Sir Jayden made the specific request that I take care of you today. Trust me.”

This was news to Catherine
, and in the back of her head, small warning bells went off. However, she wasn’t given time to dwell on them, because Paige arrived back, telling her to lift her butt while she slid one of the towels underneath Catherine. The other one she set to the side.

You’re going to love this. Then, we’ll get you cleaned up for your next scene. And yes, it’s safe for occasional fun. You probably shouldn’t do it on a regular basis, though.” The words were punctuated by Paige pushing one of the tablets into Catherine’s pussy.

For several moments
, Catherine wasn’t sure what was supposed to happen, other than the fact that Paige’s fingers felt amazing while they stroked her sex, teased her clit between slippery fingers, and then pinched her lips closed. She let out a garbled sound when Paige, still holding Catherine’s labia in a tight squeeze, started moving the flesh up and down so that her clit was taunted further.

Then she felt it. A warm
, tingling sensation erupted inside her, and with each second that passed, it became warmer and was soon bordering on hot.

Paige,” she whimpered.

The tingling
spread, and Catherine swore she could feel the effervescent effect of the tablet fizzing and popping inside of her. It was incredible and frustrating at the same time, like the ultimate teasing of her inner flesh with no relief, no pressure in sight.

Another wave of sensation swept over Catherine when Paige released
her firm hold and spread her lower lips apart, allowing the cool air to dance across her damp folds. The action resulted in a frothy mixture of fluids, which had built up inside Catherine, to ooze out and trickle down toward her awaiting anus.

Catherine cried out with needy desperation
, her hands flying to her own breasts to yank and pull on her nipples, while Paige pushed three of her slim fingers into the fizzy mess. “Oh . . . Please . . .” The rocking of her hips was beyond her control, her body acting on instinct. Catherine’s orgasm began to build deep within, and she lost track of what Paige was doing to her.

All she knew for certain was that Paige
’s small hand was stretching her and providing the pressure she wanted, making her feel more full than she could’ve imagined. When her orgasm hit, it was brutal and fierce, and it took Catherine a few seconds to realize it was her own voice screaming, “Aye” with such enthusiasm.

After the euphoria settled and Catherine could see straight once again
, she noticed Paige was standing at the end of the table with her arms crossed over her chest and a smug look on her face.

So, how was it?” Paige teased.

How was it? Hmm, let me think . . .” Catherine laughed and threw her arms out to the side. “It was fucking fantastic!”

, Paige offered her a fresh glass of water. “Here you go, Erin. You need to replace some fluids—again!” She winked.

Thanking her
friend, Catherine took the drink and sipped on it. “How in the world did you learn that little trick?”

Have you had a chance to meet Mistress Katarina Svenson?”

Catherine nodded with a smile.
“Oh, yeah. Master set up a session with her for my first candling experience—among other things.”

Miss K is pretty amazing,” Paige agreed with a wistful sigh, and at Catherine’s quizzical look, she elaborated. “She was my Domme before I met Landon, and well, this little trick was a favorite of hers to torture me with.”

A frown marred Catherine
’s features. “Paige, aren’t you supposed to call him Master?”

Of course, if he’s with me, and we’re in play mode. Otherwise, it’s just Landon and Paige.” She shrugged like that was quite common.

Thinking about it
, Catherine realized maybe it was. After all, weren’t there times she referred to Master by his given name?

So the two of you are . . .” She hesitated, unsure of how to proceed. “Are you two a couple outside of the playroom?” she blurted, deciding to just throw it out there.

A dreamy look came over Paige
’s face while she lifted her left hand and showed Catherine what she’d not observed before. “I’d say we’re more than just a couple. He proposed to me almost a year ago. We’ve been planning a Valentine’s Day wedding. Four months to go, and I couldn’t be more excited!”

Paige’s left ring finger sat an elegant engagement ring. The main diamond was a marquis cut, but it was the band that held Catherine’s attention. Starting at a narrow point on the left edge of her finger, the white gold band widened as it came across her finger and wrapped around, reappearing on the other side in rose gold when it passed the starting point and swept off to the side. In the gap between the two colored parts of the band, the diamond was wedged, looking like a leaf. Two delicate solitaires were embedded in the white gold portion of the band.

Oh, Paige, it’s gorgeous, and congratulations!” she exclaimed, choking down the jealous feeling which threatened to rear up. Getting off the table, Catherine set her water down and went to hug Paige, ignoring that their bare breasts were pressing into each other. “I love the two-toned gold.”

blushed, and the smile that followed went all the way to her blue eyes while she tossed her long hair back over her shoulder. “He had it custom made to represent the two sides of our lives merging into one.” She was glowing with pride.

That is such a beautiful sentiment.”
reached out to finger the L’s dangling from Paige’s nipple rings. “Seems he is making sure you’re branded,” she mused, thinking how she wouldn’t mind being branded by Master.

Mm-hm.” A shaky laugh escaped. “Funny you should put it that way.” Her hands had found their way to Catherine’s nipples and were fingering them with a soft touch. “He used to own a ranch outside of town, so he does have a habit of marking what’s his.”

So, how does that work? I mean, how does one draw the line between Master and husband?” Was such a complicated relationship possible? Could
see her that way? Just thinking his name caused a funny feeling in Catherine’s chest. Her thoughts continued, now on overdrive . . .

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