A Divine Life (The Divine Trilogy) (8 page)

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cock deflated. His concern regarding the contents of the mystery email was like having a glass of ice water thrown over him. Abruptly, he stood, adjusting himself with blatant motions in front of Samantha. She would think it was because she had aroused him, which was better than the truth. The more time he spent away from Catherine, the more he regretted ever setting this day up. Samantha’s naked body just wasn’t going to do it for him ever again.

Take a moment to recover, Samantha. Meet me in the main office in five minutes,” he instructed before leaving her alone. His heart was thrumming, and his palms had become sweaty. Jayden raced out of the room, leaving his shirt behind. He needed to get that email pulled up and make sure his Jewel was safe.

Come on, come on,” Jayden mumbled, hating the extra security measures the office computers featured. When the email program loaded at last, he couldn’t click on the icon fast enough. However, he was brought up short when he saw that the sender was Jonathan—and there was a file attached.

He hadn
’t expected anything else from Jon today. Opening the email, he began scanning over the words. His heart rate settled, only to take off racing again when Jon divulged what the attachment was.


Jayden ~

’t know if you’re still at the office, but just in case you are, thought you’d enjoy this. I realized I’d left my camera in the massage room and ducked back in to get it. The girls were in the shower by the sounds of it, and I noticed I’d somehow turned it back to record mode when I was pulling off the video I sent you earlier. Seems Catherine and Paige have hit it off quite well. Enjoy! ~Jon

P.S. If
you get tired of her, I want her. You better do right by her, or I’ll personally rip your dick off and make you suck it! lol J.


Of course I intend to do right by her,
Jayden thought with mild discontent.
Also, what was up with his “friends” all trying to steal his submissive?
Oh, that’s right; like an idiot he’d asked them to offer their domination to her so she could be sure of what she wanted. Two weeks earlier, Jayden had convened with all of today’s cohorts and had asked for their assistance with regard to their particular skill sets. However, he hadn’t stopped at just making arrangements for Catherine’s experiences, but he had also invited Ryan and Shawn to the meeting to discuss new arrangements for Samantha and Micah.

s this what love did to a person: turn their brain to gooey mush?

f Jayden were honest with himself, he wasn’t delusional enough to think that he wouldn’t have done the same thing and offered himself when he first met Catherine had she been with someone else at the time. Lucky for him, she’d been in between Doms, and it hadn’t had to get ugly. All it had taken was a seductive smile, a kiss feathered across her knuckles, and a whispered command in her ear for her to become putty in his hands.

shook off the sweet memory. He was just queuing up the video when Samantha walked into the room and came to stand at the end of his desk.

Ah, there you are, Samantha. It looks like we’ve got a little bit of entertainment. Come forward and kneel—inspection position with your back to me.” Jayden wanted her like that, knowing it would spread her open and he’d be able to watch her body react to the images on screen, whatever they might be. Leaning back in his chair, Jayden pressed ‘Play’ the moment Samantha was situated.

both sat in silence while the video started. For several minutes, nothing but his peacefully napping Jewel showed on the projection screen. Though it pained him to do so – he could’ve watched her sleep for hours – he ended up fast-forwarding the clip until Paige appeared in the frame. Catherine was adorable when she woke up and took in her surroundings, and her skin flushed at something Paige had said.

cock was reacting to the image of the two women getting familiar with each other. Watching Catherine, you wouldn’t believe she had been with a woman just once before in her life. She was a natural at it, and Jayden gloated, knowing he’d been right about his fire-capped Catherine and the fresh-faced Paige being remarkable together. Paige had a nice body, but for once, he didn’t notice it. All he noticed was his Erin’s natural softness.

My Erin?
Where’d your submissive, Catherine, go? Dude, you’re so gone.

released a soft sigh when, on screen, Catherine laid back on the table and parted her legs for Paige. She let out a slight gasp when Paige’s fingers disappeared between Catherine’s thighs with the white tablet she’d just held up.

’s eyes scanned the rest of the picture, looking for a clue as to what Paige had just done. When they landed on the box of heartburn tablets, he gave a belly-laugh. He hadn’t thought of that particular goodie in years. Oh, this was going to be fun to watch.

eaning forward and wrapping his arms around her from behind, Jayden used his large hands to cup Samantha’s tiny titties. He started kneading and plucking at her tender nubs while Catherine’s moans filled the room via the surround sound.

The camera wasn
’t set up to get a clear shot, but they still had a good enough view that Jayden, and he assumed Samantha, could get the idea. Paige stroked and teased Catherine’s pretty, waxed pussy. Catherine loved it, if her cries and squirming were anything to go by.

n sync with the slight movements of Paige’s arm, Jayden dragged his nails across Samantha’s skin. She quivered and started to lean back into him. His cock had swollen to capacity by that point and was throbbing with need. Though he had Samantha right in front of him, all Jayden wanted was to pound into Catherine hard and fast, then soft and slow.

push against Samantha’s back had her moving forward onto all fours. Her knees were still spread wide, so Jayden had a clear view of her pussy and ass, which was still flushed from the flogging. Grabbing hold of the plug base, Jayden worked it out of her with slow, teasing twists, pushes, and pulls. More prep work would be needed, because his cock was nowhere near as small as the gaping hole that awaited him when the plug came free.

’s whimpered use of Paige’s name prompted him to reach into his desk drawer, from which he retrieved the extra tube of herbal cream he kept there. He greased up two fingers, which he pushed into Samantha. She groaned and pushed back against the intrusion. After a few pumps in and out of her, Jayden added a third finger. With each push, he spread his fingers apart, opening her further, until she was as ready as she was going to get.

ulling his cock out of his pants, Jayden stroked himself a few times before he tore into a condom packet and sheathed his cock. Squeezing some more lube onto his length, he slathered it on. “Stand up, kitten, and sit down on my cock,” he ordered.

A garbled groan redirected his attention to the projection on the wall
, and his own groan slipped from his lips. The flash of deep pink flesh told him that Paige had Catherine spread open, revealing her inner folds. Her movements told him that Paige was already working three fingers into those folds and adding a fourth.

He knew firsthand how tiny Paige
’s fingers were; her whole hand, in fact.
Jayden became excited at the prospect of what he was pretty sure Paige was about to attempt. Holding his shaft at the base, making it stand up straight, he gripped Samantha’s hip to help guide her onto the head of his cock.

Ahead of him
, Paige’s petite fist began to disappear inside Catherine even as his cock was swallowed by Samantha’s well-greased ass, an inch at a time. It seemed like forever before all of him was buried deep, but when it was, he let out a whoosh of air.

Play with your tits, kitten. Pinch your nipples for me,” Jayden commanded while he grabbed her other hip and guided her back up his cock.

Almost like she could hear him
, Catherine mauled her own tits.

dropped her head back.

Getting a
n even firmer grip on her hips, digging his strong fingers into the supple flesh, Jayden was able to slide her up and down his dick a few times, loosening her further.

Put your legs over my thighs,” directed Jayden while he kept lifting and lowering Samantha on his shaft.

When Paige
’s fist slipped free of Catherine’s cunt with a spray of fluid, Jayden slammed Samantha back down as he thrust up, continuing to do so each time Paige’s fist disappeared inside of Catherine once again.

Play with your clit, kitten, and do not take your eyes off the screen.” His words weren’t much more than a growl by that time.

followed his order, dropping one hand to her pussy while the other one kept squeezing and pulling on her nipples. They were both panting.

Catherine dissolved into keening cries of “Aye,” which Jayden was all too familiar with, he started spurting thick strings of come into Samantha’s ass, his eyes locked on the screen where his beautiful flushed jewel was covered in oil, come, and sweat. When her weary body began trembling, Paige worked her hand free of Catherine’s slick pussy with ease and set about bringing her down from her orgasm with gentle strokes.

While Jayden
was aware of his thighs being soaked from Samantha’s own orgasm, it didn’t matter. All he could register was that another person’s hands were on his Catherine.

A growl erupted from Jayden
’s throat when a surge of possession washed through him.

What. The. Fuck?



again, darlin’.”
A pleasant, quiet voice woke Catherine from her nap. “You sure do clean up pretty, but I think I can make you even prettier. How’s that sound?”

opened her eyes to find herself looking into a pair of ice-blue orbs, which were framed by long lashes brushing against the apples of his cheeks. The wavy hair she’d seen earlier fell around his strong, defined, tan face. After a moment she remembered her place and lowered her gaze, while emitting a quiet, “Sir Landon.”

Because she
was looking down, Catherine noticed he had her leash in his hands right before he gave it a sharp tug, snapping her nipples back to full, aching attention.

Lovely,” he murmured.

Paige, you may go ahead and remove the clamps now.”

Yes, Master.”

iving Catherine a chance to suck in a deep breath, Paige freed her nipples.

Sir Landon
’s long fingers grasped her peaks and pinched. Then he tweaked and twisted them while he pulled until even the flesh of her breasts was outstretched. Releasing one nub, his free hand came up and smacked her breast. Catherine felt it in her sex, which was ripening and swelling under the onslaught, and she couldn’t hold back a moan.

Like that, do you, darlin’?” He chuckled. “Well, I think we’re gonna have ourselves some fun here today.”

Turning to Paige
, he gave her an order, “In that box on the counter is a little gift that Catherine’s Master sent along for today. I want you to go into the bathroom and put it on, my yella rose.”

The room was quiet for a few minutes while Paige disappeared in
to the bathroom with the box. Sir Landon continued to work Catherine’s nipples, stretching them out further and elongating them while they waited.

With the free time
, Catherine’s thoughts wandered. Why would there be more gifts from Master? Why would he have gone through all this trouble and expense just to turn around and get rid of her?

Perhaps Paige is right
, and you’ve got it all wrong, Erin.

Silly voice
, what do you know?

shook off the nagging feeling that she was wrong in her earlier assessment. She had her pride; it was the one thing that’d she’d fought hard to preserve, and no one, not even Jayden Masterson, could take it away from her. Catherine was going to be respectful of her agreement with him until the collar came off, but then she would end their sexual relationship.

At the sound of Paige
’s heels clacking on the wooden floor, Catherine glanced up, as did Sir Landon. While his gaze went elsewhere, his fingers didn’t quit pulling on her nipples, which had become numb by then from all the tugging and yanking they’d been exposed to. Catherine’s lower jaw fell open when she noticed the large cock jutting out from between Paige’s thighs. It seemed familiar to her for some reason—if you could call a rubber dick familiar.

’s gift was a strap-on? Well,
Catherine thought with a hint of sarcasm
, guess that’s one way of getting around no other cocks in my Master’s pussy!

What was that
, Erin? Did you think “your” Master’s pussy? Thought you said he didn’t want it anymore.

s there a way to strangle an inner voice?

Landon put an end to the mental argument she was having with herself when he released her nipples and ordered her onto her knees in front of Paige.

Now be a good girl, darlin’, and greet that pole proper.”

Ever obedient
, Catherine knelt in front of Paige while resting her ass on her heels, and Paige stepped in closer. Not sure what he’d meant by “greet” but remembering the way Sir Jonathan had her kiss the whip handle, she leaned forward and kissed the tip of the dildo before opening her mouth and sucking down the “pole.” Once her lips worked their way down the long shaft, she realized that it
familiar, too. Doing her best, she was able to get most of the length into her mouth, but not quite all of it. Then it clicked, and her eyes went wide.

Landon’s brash guffawing astounded her. “Oh, gracious! Jayden said you were a smart one and would figure it out. Gotta admit, you did it a lot quicker than I thought possible!” He slapped his knee.

pulled her mouth off of the dildo and turned to direct a blatant stare at him. “Meaning no disrespect, Sir,” she hissed between clenched teeth, “but what . . . the fuck . . . is so funny?” She was hanging on by a mental thread, being laughed at was not helping.

A loud gasp drew her attention back to Paige
, whose lips were opening and closing like a fish out of water.

by her own behavior, Catherine’s hand flew to cover her mouth
. Oh no, what did I do? He’s going to bend me over a whipping bench and tan my hide for sure!

Oh! This girl is so sorry, Sir. Please forgive her,” Catherine begged.

her utter shock, he continued laughing until tears were running down his rosy cheeks. His reaction left her speechless.

Gasping for air
, he began to calm. “Oh, Catherine. The look on your face! He does have quite an unforgettable dick, doesn’t he? It’s recognizable even in synthetic!” It was obvious Sir Landon was fighting not to burst out laughing again.

Poor Paige just looked confused. She was
glancing back and forth between them while Catherine struggled to suppress a smile. “Excuse me, Master,” she queried, “but what is going on?”

You go on, darlin’, and enlighten her,” he said to Catherine while gesturing with a wave of his hand.

Well, Paige, um . . . oh, geez . . .” Why was saying this so difficult? She decided to be blunt. “I believe that . . . that strap-on is a replica of my Master.”

Huh?” Paige looked down, and Catherine could see her mental wheels turning.

knew the moment it sank in.

Oh. Oh! You mean that Sir Jayden is actually this . . . this big?”

That set
the three of them off, the small room filling with laughter once again. This was so not the norm, but to Catherine it felt good to laugh; to feel all the tension that had been building over the last hour start to ease from her mind.

Alright, girls,” Sir Landon clapped his hands together. “I think that’s enough silliness. Catherine is on a schedule, and we’d best keep her to it.” He winked in her direction.

Catherine, get back in the chair. Paige, go ahead and just grab some lube, seein’ as how we lost a bit of time with our antics.”

Both women
hustled to obey him. Watching
Paige’s hand glide up and down while she coated the synthetic penis with a generous dollop of lubrication brought a hitch to Catherine’s breath.

That’s right, Catherine. Paige is going to fuck you with your Master’s dick. I need her to aid in distracting you from a little procedure I’m about to do. Climb on up here, my yella rose, and if Catherine’s green, then slide that dick home.”

He gave her an inquisitive look
, and Catherine whimpered.

Aye, Sir. This girl is green.”
For the most part
. But she wouldn’t say that out loud.

It t
urned out that Paige was rather nimble. After Catherine had lifted and opened her legs, draping them over the arms of the chair to make room for her, Paige hopped up like it was nothing. She scooted in closer until the head of the dildo brushed against Catherine’s throbbing outer lips.

The small touch sparked a need in Catherine
. She was hungry for this and wanted it. Though her body had been exposed to a lot of pleasure already today, she still hadn’t been filled in
way. In fact, she hadn’t been filled with more than fingers in a week, Paige’s earlier probing excluded.

rocked her hips forward, and that massive piece of rubber pushed past her outer lips and into her core, filling and stretching her. She threw her head back and let out a throaty moan.

Oh, fuck. Aye, thank you!”

Paige slid the dildo back out just as slow as she
’d pushed it in, before thrusting hard. Catherine was vaguely aware of Sir Landon pulling a cart next to them and his warm hands gathering up her left breast. He was squeezing and massaging it from the base, forcing the nipple to thrust out, and it only added to the experience she was having.

Paige was gaining momentum
, pulling out before slamming back into her.

Cold metal clamped on
to the tip of her nipple, but Catherine just grunted and closed her eyes, giving herself over to the sensations taking hold of her body. Paige withdrew again, and when she forced her way back into Catherine’s pussy with a deep nudge, there was a fierce pinch in Catherine’s nipple.

Oh, God! Please give this girl more. Fuck me harder, Paige! So close!” Catherine was screaming by that point.

Rough t
ugging on her nipple was followed by a cold wetness.

seemed to be fucking Catherine as fast as she could. Her breasts swayed in Catherine’s face, mesmerizing her. Sir Landon’s hand moved to her other breast. She felt him mounding it up and forcing her nipple up and out, and déjà vu’ barreled down on her.

Cold metal cl
amped down on her nipple with a mean bite; Paige impaled herself in Catherine’s pussy like her life depended on it; an angry pinch stole her breath, and then . . .

was coming. Hard. Squirting out of her, Catherine’s orgasm soaked the chair, her inner thighs, and even Paige.

slowed down with a few final strokes before pulling out with a wet sound and a huge grin. “Told ya it was orgasmic, Erin! They’re so pretty!” She clapped her hands together in excitement.

A hazy delirium threatened to envelope
Catherine. Her heart felt like it was trying to beat its way out of her body through her sex, and while it was true that her nipples were on fire, it was delicious torture, pure and simple.

ooking down to try to figure out what Paige was rambling on about, Catherine’s jaw dropped again. Dangling from her angry, red, and raw nipples were two gold hoops adorned with emerald J’s. Catherine did the only thing she could in that moment: she burst into tears.

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