A Dom for Patti

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Authors: Elodie Parkes

BOOK: A Dom for Patti
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Copyright© 2015



ISBN: 978-1-77233-388-6


Cover Artist: Jay









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This is a work of fiction. All names, characters,
and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.









Copyright © 2015




Chapter One


late afternoon, and Patti leaned back in her desk chair thinking about the
night ahead. She couldn’t decide if she should go to The Club, or stay home
with a DVD of her favorite movie. The memory of her last time visiting the BDSM
club, on a night three weeks ago, was still painfully fresh in her mind. After
becoming a member almost two years ago, Patti had found her sexual freedom and
relief from stress in The Club’s ambience and safety. She knew people there—it
was a friendly place. She could seek out a Master in the happy knowledge that
he would take care of her and there’d be no questions, no decisions––only
blissful sexual release.

that disappeared when Patti was introduced to a new member during her last
visit. Since then, Patti had stayed away from her prior sanctuary. Two things
had happened to her on
that night,
Patti liked to call it: Her immediate intense attraction to the man, introduced
to her as Cade, was alarming––and she’d been hugely
when he’d dismissed her after only a few minutes. A vividly sensual picture
raced through her mind, forcing her sexual needs to nag and her loneliness to
bite. The memory of the kiss with Cade played on her mouth. Her thighs tingled,
as if from the contact with his as she’d sat on his lap. In retrospect, she
wished Master Jonathan hadn’t even asked her to join in, but then she squashed
down that thought, knowing she could have refused. As soon as she’d set eyes on
handsome Cade, she’d wanted to be with him.

that a few moments’ encounter with a stranger was the catalyst for all her
repressed emotions to pour out and wreck her equilibrium, Patti’s exasperation
forced her to stand and stalk to her office window. Her thoughts drifted as she
stared out.

had been practically in love with Master Jonathan. He’d trained her when she’d
shown up, determined to go through with her need for submission. Even though
she’d known from the start he was in love with someone else because he’d told
her, she’d held onto his intense attention to her pleasure as evidence he might
, instead or as well.

tried a variety of submissive scenes as she dealt with her disappointment over Jonathan
after her training finished. She’d used her safeword a few times in those
scenes. If the last year had taught Patti anything, she knew now she wanted a
Dom who was more inclined to tender, sensual dominance than anything else. Sometimes
the want became a craving––she’d finally admitted to actually needing someone
permanent in her life, about halfway through her self-inflicted absence from The
Club. She frowned as she found herself once more wishing she could meet a man,
a Dom, to fall in love with and be loved by, always——
well, at least with the potential for ‘always’.

long sigh of sadness escaped as she turned her attention back to work and
returned to her computer screen. Patti scrolled down her email list. Unable to
concentrate, she made sure there was nothing that needed dealing with that
afternoon and closed her email program. A quick glance at the time on her
computer provided the final reason to pack up and go home

Already six … where did the last hour
go? I’m becoming morose, sitting around re-living
that night
I’ll go to the club tonight. I need it.


dance music in The Club changed tempo, and the low rhythmic thump echoed Patti’s
heartbeat as she walked through the dimly lit main room. Strangely nervous, she
skirted the large space and found a seat at a table close to the dance floor. None
of the Masters Patti knew were alone and so she watched the dancers, in
simulations of sex, swaying and circling each other. The darkness soothed Patti.
The music lifted her spirits and she smiled at the lovely sight of people
enjoying each other. She relaxed in the familiar atmosphere and began to wonder
why she’d denied herself this pleasure for so long. Happy now, she wandered
along to the bar and ordered coffee.

spent a pleasant ten minutes drinking her coffee and talking with the
bartender, before a man and woman she’d seen around The Club in the past
arrived at the bar. Patti cast a sidelong glance at them before transferring
her scrutiny to watching their touches and kisses through the length of mirror
along the back of the bar. They were obviously a couple. More than that, they
were obviously in love.

left the sight that reminded her of what she desperately wanted and walked
along to the end of the room. She stopped in the gloom there and considered
going home. She’d shaken her depression and maybe on her next visit she’d find
one of the Masters free.

to move off, instead, Patti turned abruptly. Someone approached from behind and
she was suddenly aware she lurked around in the entrance to the corridor that
led to the private rooms.

was closer than she’d anticipated. A hard muscular chest met her, and as she bumped
against the man, his arms enclosed her.

looked up into the face of a man she’d never seen before.

eyes were dark in the gloom. He’d stopped further into the shadows, but the
handsome planes of his face were still obvious. A dimple appeared in his left
cheek as he smiled.

are you okay? I didn’t mean to scare you.” He left his arms around her.

soaked up the contact. She looked at him with interest. “Sorry … I was deep in

gaze traveled over her face in a quick sweep. “Are you alone? Are you waiting
for someone?” His expression mirrored her interest, although he let her go.

temptation to slip her arms around his waist and keep his body against hers fought
with her training. This gorgeous man had the demeanor of a Master.

concern for her palpated the air between them. His eyes held hers in a gaze she
couldn’t break from.

am alone, Sir. I’m not waiting for anyone. I have no Master, presently.”

stared at her for another moment. “Are you in need of one tonight?”

heartbeat sped up. Patti’s needs were nagging her, and she welcomed the offer
in this Dom’s voice. “I would like release. I need it, but …” She hesitated,
bizarrely confused.
I should find out who
he is … perhaps ask Master Dominic … What if this is another incident that
leaves me feeling miserable again?

smiled at her, kindness mixed with raw sexual heat in his expression as he took
her hands, his eyes never leaving hers. “Tell me about yourself.”

had trouble breathing as he pressed her hands down against his chest. The linen
shirt cooled her palms. His presence filled the width of the corridor with
promises of delicious sex.

name is Patti. I’m a full member of The Club. I trained under one of the primary
Masters here, and have been a Sub for two years. I expect a spanking, even a
hard one, if I displease … My safeword is
She stopped talking before she gave any more details, as his sigh reached her.
Confused, she waited.
I’m babbling.
Is that a sigh of displeasure?

lifted her fingers to his lips and kissed the tips. He sighed again, against

lovely, Patti. It would be my pleasure to give you release tonight, but you
appear hesitant and I won’t press for that. My name’s Cameron. I’m pleased to
meet you.” He smiled and the charming dimple appeared again.

heart thumped. Determined not to go back to longing for a stranger for the next
few weeks after another intense encounter, she swallowed down her instinct to
be meek and took courage. “I’m sorry. I was about to go home. It’s … it’s been
a long day.”

gazed enigmatically into her eyes. He gave an almost imperceptible nod.

nervous. I understand that. I’ll be here tomorrow night. I’ll look out for
you.” He let go of her hands and carefully moved around her to walk away.

forced herself not to watch him, and before she folded under her desires, she
headed for the exit.

Patti left The Club with a passing, “Good night,” to
the guys on the door. The midnight air still held warmth as she took the paved
path to the car lot behind The Club. Patti waved her key fob at her car from a
distance and saw the lights respond to her thumb on the unlock button.

As she opened the door of her treasured, blue Mustang,
she stood for a moment to stare at the rear of The Club. Lights filtered
through the decorative windows of the dance floor area. A palm tree scene
decorated the white walls, and the real fronds of the palm trees, planted years
ago when The Club first opened, scraped against the painted ones as the night
breeze rolled in off the nearby river. Patti sighed and took her seat behind
the driving wheel. She closed the door and sat still, staring out of the
I’ll probably never see him
again. I should have taken what he offered. He’s gorgeous. Hell, what with
Dominic, Jonathan, Cade, and now him, how is it possible to find so many
gorgeous men in one place?
Patti amused herself with this thought and
covered her confusion about why she’d rebuffed Cameron with a wry smile. She
started the car and drove home.


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