A Haunted Heart (3 page)

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Authors: Kristi Pelton

BOOK: A Haunted Heart
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“Again,” she whispered. 

I think I wanted this more than she did. If she wanted a kiss…I’d give her a damn kiss.

With one hand softly gripping her neck and the other hand tangled once again in her hair, I pressed my lips to hers…repeatedly until suddenly her body began to betray her and give out. I wrapped my arm around her waist providing her with strength, and then I tested the waters with my tongue…lightly tracing her lips until her mouth parted accepting me willingly and moaning into my mouth.

Stop Stroud!

My dick hardened and I wanted to bury myself inside her. What the hell was wrong with me?  This was a damn job. An assignment.

Her hands came up pressing lightly against my chest.  Pushing me away?  Unwillingly, I slowed the kiss, brushing my tongue against her upper lip.

An unadulterated look of hunger flashed in her eyes, but like a flash of lightening…it was gone.

“I need to go,” she breathed out.


I pulled my keys from my sweat shorts and unlocked her door, internally cussing myself for allowing that passionate moment to happen.

The expression she wore was pained in some way. There was no doubt in my mind that she would struggle with this…but she may as well get it out of the way.

When the truck rumbled to life, I stole a glance her way.

“You OK?”

She held up her hand. “Please be patient with me,” she said with closed eyes.

When I pulled onto the road, I spoke again. “Anna. I will be as patient as you need me to be. But let me say this. I don’t know what troubles you or makes you sad. Would you be willing to tell me?”

Her eyes fluttered open. “Someday. I don’t even know you. This is crazy.”

With heavy reservation I took her hand. I was well aware of how isolated and scared this woman was. For her to kiss me was huge, and I wasn’t backing down.  

“Anna,” I whispered roughly.

“I’ve been a zombie for the past year. I’ve not been touched or kissed or anything for so long…”

Watching her and the road at the same time was not easy, but I gave her as much of my eyes as I could.

“Well then, I feel honored.”

The town lights were approaching—our time dwindling.

She blew out an extended breath and shook her head remaining quiet, which I allowed.

I spotted the police cruiser parked along the highway. Unsure if TJ had his entire force watching her, I turned off sooner than I should have to escape seeing whoever was in the police car.

Once in her driveway, I shut off the truck and sat quietly.

“I’m sorry, Adam,” she whispered with a drawl to her voice that turned me on. I wanted to touch her again.

“Anna, look at me.”

Shit. When she turned her innocent eyes on me and chestnut tendrils of hair fell around her face, I yanked her into me and smashed my mouth to hers once again. My tongue instantly in search for hers, I loosened my grip on her when she whimpered. Against my better judgment, I continued the kiss until she whined and pushed me away.

Frantically, she searched for the door handle, opened it and practically ran to her front door. I slammed my fist against the steering wheel as she disappeared inside the house.

“Fuck!” I yelled.  “That was smooth, Stroud.”  



Chapter 6—Adam

The weather was as jacked up as this piss ant town. Today the sun blasted us with rays of heat. As I pulled my shirt off, I secretly hoped Anna would step outside and see me. I had no doubt she was affected by me or she wouldn’t have allowed her mouth anywhere near mine. My three predecessors barely managed a hello from the woman. Yet she got in my truck, asked me to dance then asked for a kiss—all in one night.

Still unconvinced TJ wasn’t going to take her, I continued my vigil.  That was the easy part…watching her. Touching her and remaining emotionless was going to be the hardest assignment I’d ever had.

Around noon I spotted her coming out of the house. The flowers and note I’d left earlier were intact. She bent down with a small smile and picked up the envelope.

I watched her, knowing what I’d written—how I’d lied.


Anna- you said you didn’t know me. So. Adam Stroud. 27. Graduated

from high school. Two years of college but dropped out when a buddy

offered me a construction job. It paid well so I stuck with it. Moved here,

although temporary, after my parents were killed in an accident—Halloween

night. Needed to get away. Met a girl walking down the street the other day

and I can’t seem to get her off my mind. I screwed up last night and sort of

pushed myself on her. All she has to do is look up and give me a smile and I’ll

know I didn’t ruin my chances.    A


With the little doe eyes I was starting to dig, she looked up and stared at me.  I waited for it…hoped for it…and it came. A slow smile that caused me to beam in return.

“You checkin’ out the good doctor?” Larry asked nudging me.

Shit. “Yeah. She’s hot,” I added looking away.

“Don’t let Officer Redd find out about that.” He laughed shaking his hammer.

“What? I can’t think a woman’s hot?” I shot back.

He slung his arm over my shoulder and pointed toward her with the hammer. “Not

I shoved him away, chuckling but also feeling pretty damn territorial at the moment.

When I glanced back to her house, the flowers remained on the porch; she was nowhere to be seen, and my heart sank just a little.


Four days later and frustrated as hell, I decided to stay in for the evening. For four nights, I’d driven around town simply hoping for an Anna sighting, and nothing. Not a word about the note. Not a word about the flowers. Clearly, I’d jeopardized the damn case with the additional, unwanted kiss.

The daylight was fading, and as I headed out to the porch, I saw the package on the other side of the screen door. Blood pounded through my veins as my heart accelerated, and I instantly darted to the other room for my gun.  Someone had been at my fucking house while I was in the shower. Keeping the pistol close to my side, I nudged the door open with my foot, prodding the small cooler outside the door; a piece of paper fell off the top. With my finger on the trigger, I knelt, scanning the land and picked up the note.


Adam—thank you for the note.


Immediately my eyes shot up hoping for a glimpse of her—wondering if she was still here. I slyly slid my piece in the back of my jeans but knew it wasn’t concealed because I was shirtless.  


After I read it, I decided you needed to know some things about me

too. Anna Brice. 31. Widow or widower—however that is supposed to

be said. I, too, lost someone on Halloween. I’m freaking out a bit at the

coincidence with that…how that could happen to two people who met on

the street. Trying to come to grips with that I think. You quit school…well, I

went ALL the way. I am a doctor but not practicing right now. SO. If you

are still interested, you could walk around to your porch swing—bring the

cooler.    A


Springing to my feet, I arched back to peer through the screen door, across the living room and out the other window.  Sure enough, chestnut hair blowing in the wind. I grinned, shot back in the house, concealed the weapon and grabbed a shirt. Back outside, I snatched the cooler up and casually walked around to the west side of the house where the sun was setting, casting a perfect glow over her face. My insides weren’t as calm as I appeared.

Her lips softly curled upward when she saw me.

“Hey,” I said, ducking my head into my shirt.

“You have an attractive body, Adam. No need to hide it on my account.”

She scooted over making room next to her.

“I know what you mean Anna. The gunnysack clothing you wear leaves a lot to my imagination.”

Her lips pursed. “Touché. Give me beer,” she said, pointing to the cooler.

“You brought me beer?” Opening the cooler, I grinned at the six-pack. “Are you trying to make me cry?” I teased.  

“You worked hard today.”

Another smile crept over my lips knowing that she at some point watched me today. “You left the flowers I gave you on your porch the other day.”

She closed her eyes. “Flowers…remind me of an ugly time. How can something so beautiful remind you of something so horrible?”

I twisted the tops on two beers and handed her one. “Cheers.” We clinked bottles. “Duly noted about the flowers.”

“I hope to someday like them again.” She stopped swinging us so I took over for her.

God she was beautiful. Her pale skin was more colorful than I remembered from the coffee shop visits. The breeze lifted the dark hair off her thin neck.

“Anna. I want you to tell me what happened—about what’s in the note.”

She stared out toward the sun for the longest time maybe contemplating her words.

“You want the condensed version or the full story.”

I knew the story—front ways, back ways and side ways. But I didn’t know Anna’s way.

“I think I’d like to hear it all.”

After releasing a pent up breath, she began. “My husband of four years, Michael…he was taking our son trick or treating. They made it by the few places I knew about. But, they were shot and killed when they stopped alongside the road to help someone. The guy supposedly got away. TJ says that they believe Michael was picking up drugs but because he was in a police uniform he ended up getting shot. They found heroin in his car.”

“They shot your son?”

Her hands flew up covering her eyes, and she hiccupped a cry.

“I don’t understand it, Adam. I’ve read the coroner’s report over and over. Two bullets penetrated Michael, passed through him and went into Jack. I know in my heart Michael was protecting him. He never would have taken him into that sort of situation.” Soundless tears fell and her voice cracked on the words.

I rested my arm on the back of the porch swing and simply rubbed over her shoulder with my thumb hoping to bring her some comfort.

“But the police told you different?”

She nodded. “TJ was very upset. He seemed shocked that Michael was doing something illegal. He didn’t want to tell me.”

I realized then and there that her ten months of torment were not only spent grieving, but also problem solving…trying to piece things together. With no luck. And TJ, well he only made it worse.

Part of me wanted to tell her so badly what I was doing here. What my intentions were. But I had to be sure of her involvement first.

“TJ. He’s the cop?”

She nodded sniffing.

“I’ve known TJ forever. We dated for a while in high school, but then I met Michael.”

I think I just discovered motive. The sun had almost disappeared and only an orange hue remained in about a quarter of the sky.

“What brought you back to this town?”

“I’m not from this town. When the job was offered, the small town was appealing with the thought of having a family. Then when we got here and TJ was police chief. It was all just odd.”

Planned and manipulated was my thought.

“Does he still have a thing for you?” I asked, knowing the truth.

She shrugged.  “Yes. I think so. He’s been so good through all of this. But I think that he would like for us to be a we.”

“And you?”

She shook her head. “No. I don’t want TJ.”

Slowly her eyes pulled up and met mine with the most intense desire burning in them.

“Anna. Why me?”

A soft chuckle resonated up her throat.

“Adam…I finally looked up. You were there.”

My thumb moved from her shoulder to her cheek where I lifted some strands of her hair and tucked them behind her ear. This was supposed to be emotionless, but I struggled. Her beauty…her innocence…they were captivating.

I swallowed then said, “And so, what are you wanting from me? Knowing I’m here until construction is complete.”

When she looked down, her hair hung like a curtain between us; I didn’t like not being able to see her face.

“Well.” She finished the rest of her beer. “It seems we enjoy each other’s company. I thought we could…hang?”

She said the last word like it was a question, and I grinned.

“Hang? Is that what people your age call it?” I asked.

She slugged me with an even bigger smile. “What do kids
your age
call it?” Sarcasm dripped from her words.

Blood invaded my face quicker than it did hers, but embarrassment flooded both our faces reading between the lines that we were both alluding to sex.

“I’ll refrain from answering that,” I said softly, tipping the bottle to my lips.

She giggled.

“The other night. I kissed you when I shouldn’t have. I forced it on you and I’m sorry.”

Her hooded eyes skidded up to mine. “Don’t be sorry. I wanted it as much then as I do now.”

A short second is what it took for me to run my tongue between my lips moistening them for her. When I watched her do the same, I leaned forward and brushed my lips over hers.  Slowly and deliberately not using my tongue. Knowing the drought she’d endured—I wanted her to beg.

I wrapped one arm around her shoulders and dragged her closer—tucking her into me. She willingly obliged. When her warm, velvety tongue snuck out and brushed over my top lip, I caved, offering her mine in return.

The pleasure I took when she relaxed fully in my arm, drawing her knees up and resting those against my chest as well was immense. But when she whimpered, my damn dick made it clear it needed release.

As the kiss slowed, she kept her head resting on my shoulder.



“You worried what TJ might say about this?”

I didn’t give two fucks what that piece of shit clown would do. But she had personal knowledge and experience.

Her forehead parked against my chin. “Yes. He won’t like it. Does that worry you?”

I smirked where she couldn’t see. I would obliterate TJ.

“I think I can hold my own.”

“I have a question for you,” she whispered, nuzzling closer—to be honest, I wanted her as close as she could get.

“What’s that?”

“Why, if you don’t like Halloween, would you come to a town where Halloween is a freaking event of the year, circus?”

Laughing out loud, I searched my brain fast for an answer.

“Well, when I was assigned the job, I didn’t research annual festivals or parades. I simply said yes.”

She giggled. “Who would have thought?”

“You have plans that night…maybe we could endure it together?”

The palm of her hand lay flush with my chest and there was something comforting about her touch.

“That’s a month away,” she whispered.


“OK,” she giggled.

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