A Home for Lily (10 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: A Home for Lily
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“I want to go with you and mommy!”  Hazel

Neither Lily nor Logan noticed the look
that passed between Rob and Janet as Logan crouched next to Hazel.  He gave her
a distracted smile.  “Honey, that’s not a good idea.  You’ll have more fun with
Aunt Janet and Uncle Rob then you will at the hospital.”

“No!”  Hazel pouted.  “Please daddy, I want
to go with you.”

“That’s fine, Hazel.  You can come with
us.”  Lily replied.

“Lily – “

“She can go with us, Logan.  We won’t be at
the hospital for very long.”  She said determinedly.  “I’m not in labour.”

Chapter 11


Logan peeked into Lily’s room.  Like he
suspected, Hazel was in Lily’s bed with her tiny body plastered against Lily’s
back.  They were both sleeping and he moved silently into the room and sat down
gingerly on the side of the bed.

Lily was sleeping on her side and he reached
out and smoothed a strand of her dark hair away from her face.  She didn’t move
and after a moment he placed his hand on her belly and rubbed softly. 

He studied her face carefully.  She looked
a bit tired and he supposed she was.  They had been at the hospital for nearly
four hours while they waited to see if the false labour would turn into actual
labour.  They had monitored the baby’s heartbeat carefully and he had been
thrilled when they had done an ultrasound just to be on the safe side.  Lily
hadn’t asked him to leave while they did the ultrasound and he, with Hazel in
his arms, had watched eagerly as the image of the baby came on the screen.

He had urged Lily to lie down when they got
home and, rubbing her back, she had quickly agreed.  It hadn’t been ten minutes
before Hazel had disappeared from the living room and he wasn’t surprised to
find her with Lily.

He continued to rub her belly and a small
smile crossed his face when the baby kicked lightly.  He leaned down and placed
a soft kiss on her belly through her t-shirt.  He loved touching her belly,
loved feeling the baby kicking and moving, and he felt a moment of bitterness
towards Erin for taking this joy away from him.

Lily twitched and he pulled his hand back
guiltily.  He needed to leave before she woke up and saw him sitting here rubbing
her belly like a weirdo.  He was already being too familiar with her, and if he
wasn’t careful she would quit on him.  She might need the money but she didn’t
need her employer being all handsy with her.  He needed to rein it in and
control his need for her.  It was his problem, not hers, that all he had to do
was look at her now and he would get an erection.  The poor woman was going to
give birth any day and all he could think about was coaxing her into his bed.

He snorted softly and Lily’s eyes popped
open.  She stared sleepily at him.  “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.”  He said quickly.  “I was just
coming in to get Hazel.  She snuck in here.”

She twisted her head to look behind her. 
“Leave her.  Her body heat feels good on my back.”

He patted her leg gingerly.  “How do you

“Good.  No more cramps and my headache is

“I’m glad.  Are you hungry?”

“A little.”  She stretched as Hazel stirred
behind her.

The little girl sat up, her blonde hair
sticking up everywhere and pillow creases on her face.  She blinked and then
yawned hugely.  “Hi, daddy.”

“Hi honey.  Are you hungry?”


“Why don’t you and Lily rest for a little
longer and I’ll make us something to eat.”

Hazel and Lily exchanged looks of such
terror that Logan burst out laughing.  “I’m not that bad of a cook.”

Hazel looked up at the ceiling and Lily
studiously examined her nails.  Logan snickered.  “Okay, fine.  I’m that bad of
a cook.  I’ll order us some pizza.  How’s that?”

“Yay!”  Hazel flopped back on the bed.  “I
want pepperoni, daddy.”

“Pepperoni it is.”  He leaned over Lily’s
legs and kissed Hazel’s foot.  Although he had just told himself he would stop
touching her, he couldn’t resist patting Lily’s belly one last time before he
stood and left the room.

* * *


Logan moved quietly through the dark
house.  He had to work at six tomorrow and it was already after midnight.  He
should have been in bed hours ago but he had felt restless and jumpy and hadn’t
bothered to even try sleeping. 

He climbed the stairs and peered curiously at
the bathroom door.  Although it was late, the bathroom light was on and he
could hear Lily’s soft muttering.  There was a loud banging noise that made him
jump and he knocked softly on the door.

“Lily?  Are you okay?  Let me in.” 

“I’m fine.  It’s open.”  She snapped.

He opened the door.  Lily was on her hands
and knees with her upper half wedged into the cupboard below the sink.  Various
bathroom items were piled around her legs and he stared with more than a little
passing interest at her upturned ass.  She was wearing just a long t-shirt and it
had risen up until he could see her ass clad in pale pink panties.  His cock
twitched and he pulled his shorts away from his crotch before clearing his

“What are you doing?”

“I’m looking for a goddamn heating pad.” 
Her voice was muffled but he could hear the irritation in it.  “Do you not have

“I don’t think so.”

She made a loud snort of anger and tried to
wiggle free of the cupboard. 


He crouched beside her.  “What?”

“I’m stuck.”

A wide grin crossed his face and he tamped
down the laughter that was starting when her muffled voice said, “So help me
God, if you laugh I will shove this curling iron up your ass.”

“I’m not laughing.”  He said quickly.

“I can hear it in your voice, Logan
Anderson.”  She said grouchily.  “Are you going to get me out of here or not?”

He put his hands on her hips, eyeing her
ass one final time, before pulling firmly.  She popped out, cussing lightly and
breathing heavily, and glared at him before muttering a thank you.

“You’re welcome.”

She shoved her shirt down, for once not
blushing, and grabbed the top of the counter.  She hesitated and then gave him
an angry look.  “Are you going to just stand there or help me up?”

“Sorry.”  He stood and then hooked his
hands into her armpits and lifted her to her feet.  She winced and grabbed at
her back before sighing.

“Thank you.  I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to
snap at you.”  She said moodily.

“That’s alright.  What’s wrong?”

“My back hurts and I can’t sleep because of
it.”  She looked like she was about to cry.  “I keep forgetting to buy a
heating pad and I was hoping that you might have one.  I decided to look and
then I got stuck in the cupboard because I’m the size of a house.”

Now she was starting to cry and she turned
away, sniffing loudly, and grabbing for the tissue on the counter.  “Sorry. 
Pregnancy hormones, I think.”

“Here,” he grabbed the bottle of lotion
that was on the floor and took her hand, “come with me.”

“What are you doing?”  She asked as he
tugged her towards her bedroom.

“You’ll see.”

He ushered her into her bedroom and towards
the bed.  He clicked the bedside lamp on and sat down on her bed, resting his
back against the wall and spreading his legs.  “Sit down with your back to me,


“Just trust me.”

She sighed and climbed awkwardly between
his legs.  She crossed her legs and looked behind her.  “What are you doing,

He had filled his hand with lotion and he
rubbed his hands together lightly.  “Lift your shirt up a bit, Lily.”

She lifted her shirt and made a loud moan
of pleasure when Logan began to rub her lower back.  She leaned forward, bowing
her head and clasping her hands together as he rubbed and kneaded the lotion
into her back.

“Oh my God.”  She moaned.  “That feels so

“Good.  I’ll rub your back until you’re
sleepy, okay?”  He replied. 

“Yes.  Thank you, Logan.”  She murmured.

He rubbed and stroked and kneaded her warm
flesh for the next fifteen minutes.  He tried to keep his thoughts strictly
non-sexual but the feel of Lily’s soft skin and her moans of pleasure were
making his cock harden.

He moved his hands to her sides, stroking
more lotion into her skin.  Knowing he shouldn’t, but not able to stop himself,
he slid his hands to her belly.  He rubbed the lotion across the tight skin,
making sure to cover every inch of her belly with the smooth cream. 

“That’s feels wonderful, Logan.”  She
moaned.  She leaned back, resting her head on his chest as he rubbed her belly,
and he wondered if she could feel his erection.  If she could, she didn’t
acknowledge it and, after a moment, he put his mouth to her ear.

“You should take your shirt off, Lily.  I
don’t want to get lotion all over it.”  He said hoarsely.

He waited for her to sit up and tell him to
leave.  Instead, she nodded and, with the same hoarseness in her voice, said,
“That’s a good idea.”

She sat up and he helped her strip her
shirt off.  She dropped it to the floor and leaned back against him.  Her soft
hair tickled his throat and he forced himself to continue rubbing her belly as
he stared down at her naked breasts.  They were fuller than he remembered but
her nipples were as pink and deliciously hard as the last time he had seen

He told himself not to touch.  He told
himself that Lily didn’t need him manhandling her when she was nearly nine months
pregnant, and then his hands were cupping her breasts and Lily was moaning and
arching her back and he forgot every single reason why he shouldn’t touch her.

He squeezed them gently, her nipples hard
little pearls against his palms, and she made another breathless cry of need. 
He pulled lightly on her nipples, rolling them between his thumbs and fingers
and she dug her hands into his thighs.

“Oh Logan.”  She moaned again. 

He dipped his head and kissed her, sliding
his tongue between her lips to lick and taste the sweet warmth of her mouth. 
She kissed him back eagerly, reaching up to stroke his beard as he massaged and
caressed her breasts.

He sucked lightly on her tongue and she
groaned and pressed herself against him.  He pulled on her nipples and she
arched her back again before nipping his bottom lip.  He gasped and she gave
him a nervous look.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, sweetheart.”  He growled. 
“I love everything you do to me.”

She smiled timidly at him and reached down
to stroke his large thighs.  “I want you, Logan.”

“I want you too, Lily.”  He whispered.  His
right hand moved from her breast to her stomach.  He caressed it lightly before
following the curve of it to the waistband of her panties.

“Open your legs, sweetheart.”

She spread her legs as he kissed her hard
on the mouth.  His hand slid under her panties and then he was touching her
core, touching the hot and swollen flesh that had been aching for his touch for
months, and she could barely stop herself from arching up off the bed.

“Oh my God.”  She moaned into his mouth. 
She reached behind her and wiggled her hand into his shorts.  He groaned loudly
when her fingers stroked along his shaft, and he thrust his pelvis against her.

“Jesus, Lily.”  He muttered. 

She wrapped her fingers around him and
squeezed lightly.  “Is that – does that feel okay?”

“Better than okay.”  He whispered.  “You’re
going to make me come if you keep touching me.”

A hot rush of lust exploded within her and
she began to stroke him roughly.  He groaned and kissed her neck, sucking and
licking at the sensitive skin as she stroked him back and forth.  He pushed his
fingers past the swollen lips of her pussy and rubbed at her clit. 

Her hand tightened around him and she
arched her hips upwards, moaning loudly.  He rubbed at her clit, his cock
swelling at her wetness.

“I love how wet you are, Lily.”  He
whispered into her ear.  He licked her earlobe and she whimpered with need. 
Her hand was stroking him faster in response to his touch and he realized that
he was incredibly close to coming.  He circled her clit, rubbing it firmly as
his other hand cupped her breast and pinched her swollen nipple.

Her hand tightened almost painfully around
him and he made a harsh low cry, rubbing her clit furiously as he came.  Dimly
he was aware of her slender body shaking against his as her orgasm shuddered
through her, and he pulled her close as he fell back against the pillows,
panting roughly.  She collapsed against him, her chest heaving as her head
lolled weakly on his chest.  They stayed that way for a few minutes and then he
gently pulled her hand out of his shorts.

“Lily?  Are you okay?”

“Yeah.”  She murmured.  “I’m great.” 

She yawned hugely and wiggled to her side,
wrapping her arm around his waist and snuggling into him.  “Sleepy.”  She

He smiled a little.  She was practically
asleep already and, moving slowly, he carefully eased out from under her and
tucked her into the bed.  She sighed and curled into a ball on her side, shoving
her hand under her pillow and resting her other hand on top of her belly.

He leaned over her and placed a gentle kiss
on her cheek as he rubbed her belly.  “Good night, Lily.”

She muttered something unintelligible and
he kissed her again before quietly leaving her room.

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