A Long Distance Love Affair (29 page)

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Authors: Mary-Ellen McLean

BOOK: A Long Distance Love Affair
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Dear Elusive One


Oh it was SO disappointing you couldn't make it today.  How I was looking forward to seeing you again and delighting in your so lovely, physical delightful presence.  Thank you for your calls though. I appreciated them very much.


I am so full of kisses for you and longing for you I will just burst.  I don't know what to do to control this a bit better. Tried everything really but still, still you're there haunting my senses, making my whole being alive to you.  And the tragedy (for me at least) is that no one else but you will do for me!!!  Oh what am I to do?? What am I to do??


Heartsore Chariette




Merry Christmas to you, my best, most beautiful, most special, intimate friend


It has been another wonderful year of contact with you.  I love our intimate moments together, our phone calls and emails.  You bring me much happiness and make me feel very special with your attention and interest in me.


Highlights for me this year include:


your surprise gift of donuts in Sydney;
the Sheraton (..you were just wonderful! -- and other wonderful sideways, backways positions);
you lying back on the couch another time with your shirt undone, your beautiful chest exposed and me just utterly delighting in the look and feel of you;
you sending me The Birth of Venus and saying it reminded you of me...you are so lovely to have done and said that;
you sending me a text message from overseas saying 'Keep the faith'
our wicked, wicked 'quickies'
oh just everything about you really.....


Enjoy the day.  Have a sip of wine for me.  I will be for you.


Your ever adoring Chariette

Chapter 6:
Wild Nights





"The night was made for loving, and the day will come too soon"...










Dear Chariot


I am afraid  necrophilia may be your only option if you don't come and rescue me sometime in the (very near) future!!  I am seriously longing for you.....


Dying for you










Oh Chariot


Given a night with you I would be a very happy woman.  I too would be devoted to the task until almost perfected.  I would like to leave that gap to give an excuse to return to keep aiming for perfection.  I think it would actually be possible with you. Oh if only someone would give us the night!






Dear Chariot


Hope you've had a good day.  It was wonderful to hear from you yesterday.  I'm so keen too to see your beautiful naked body and to touch you and be touched by you.  Oh it seems such an age since we have been able to do this in a dedicated way.  I was wanting you very much today...overstimulated by you yesterday - but not overstimulated enough!  Oh I'd love to be over stimulating you right now (I hope you noticed the deliberate word spacing there....). 


You're such a sexual thrill to me.










Dear Beautiful Most Desired One


Thoughts of you have invaded my weekend. Try as I might to shut them out, I have spent the last couple of days oh so hankering for you.  I have been thinking of your eyes a lot and the way you express yourself through them.  You have no idea how much they charm me.  Oh what weapons of destruction upon a girl's well being!  And I have been thinking of your face as you're coming.  That's a very luscious thought to dwell on too.


I meant to go for a long bike ride this weekend, but I ended up going to the beach at the Gold Coast instead.  It truly is a magnificent beach down there, but it was pretty wild with rips today and I understand there was a drowning there yesterday.  But the beach!!  Oh the salty fresh smells and the feel of the sand between my toes and the caress of the water on my body is just wonderful...almost as wonderful as the caress of your beautiful hands on me, in me, over me, around me.  Even the beach couldn't purge me of you....


Your adoring Chariette




Dear Chariot


 Very excited about the potential chance of spending a delicious whole night with you.  I think we have both deserved this for a very long time.  Here's hoping it will all work out OK.  In addition to reconnoitring the lie of the land at the hotel, please also check for:


1. Sturdy table
2. Full length mirror
3. Firm walls
4. Capacious bath
5. Bed with firm head rail
6. Spacious couch


Should these things not be available however then we can resort to various poses (sideways, from behind, you on top, me on top, soixainte-neuf) and others that will no doubt come to us in the heat of the moment using the


1. Bed
2. Bed
3. Bed
4. Bed
5. Bed
6. Bed


Oh this proposition has picked me up no end!  Wonderful to hear from you, and to dwell on the delicious thought of being in your company and delighting in your lovely physical being. It will be so beautiful to me just to be able to feel you take my hand, and for me to stroke your beautiful face.


Excited, happy Chariette




My truly beautiful Chariot - my partner in pleasure


I had a wonderful night with you.   It was such a delicious sexually erotic experience.  I loved everything about it.  All day my mind has been drifting to you and your beautiful body and what you were doing with it, with me.  You've given me some beautiful memories to linger over.


love your physical presence.  You are truly a delight to be with and touch and explore.  I love to give myself to you too and love so much to pleasure you.  I am so glad you appear to enjoy me too.


It was a lovely lovely night


Happy Chariette




Oh my Beautiful Delicious Wonderful One


What a delightful morning surprise!  I couldn't stop smiling to myself all afternoon. It was wonderful to see you and feel you and be felt by you.  You looked - oh - so good to me.  And you felt just divine.  It was a lovely lovely experience.  You make me happy!!! I love kissing you and being kissed by you!


Enjoy your weekend.  Rest up after your trip.


I think you are wonderful.  Oh I embrace thee with all my being!






 Dear Traveller


Glad to have you back in beautiful Brisbane.  It makes me feel happy just to know you are here.  Hope you're not too tired and that you can rest up and recover today.


Talk about us being on starvation rations in relation to indulging each other!!  But at least we make the most of those nights when we get them, and it keeps my imagination alive and my desire alive enough to keep wanting the next encounter with you. Communication with you in the intervening periods is also very crucial to this and I enjoy the intimacy and friendship this brings almost as much as the physical connection.  I have to admit that my desire for you appears to be stronger than ever, poor smitten creature that I am.


Hope we can arrange one of those nights sometime soon.  Oh how I would enjoy some passionate physical coupling with you.  You would get all the attention you desire and so would I.










Dear Chariot


Oh I hope I'm not too forward with my suggestions for our next tryst...I did put in a lot of 'perhaps' and 'maybes'.....but then again, I decided a few years ago to learn from the old Chinese proverb:  "Man wait for long time with mouth open before duck fly in"....


Hoping you will make me glow inside this week....

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