A Nation Betrayed: Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People (13 page)

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Authors: Carol Rutz

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BOOK: A Nation Betrayed: Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People
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This drawing of the experiment that Wilder Penfield performed on me was made before I found this picture of a stereotaxic instrument that is attached to the head before surgery.
This was not the first time I had left my body and watched from above when things were too intolerable to bare. I was quite shocked to find an actual medical instrument that matched my drawing. The mind is indeed able to recall anything.


John Lilly’s technique required no surgery once the sleeve guides were in place. Larry Squire describes Penfield’s work,


“Because the brain contains no pain receptors, patients received only a local anesthetic, and remained
fully conscious
during surgery. Electrical stimulation of the cortical surface sometimes induced images which patients described as coherent perceptions or experiences...In Penfield’s view, the experiences that were elicited by stimulation reproduced the stream of consciousness from a previous episode of past life: The stimulating electrode drew the reproduction from its place of storage, much as if a tape recorder were switched on at some arbitrary position...Penfield divided the experiential responses produced by electrode stimulation into four categories: auditory (voices, music, or a meaningful sound), visual (people, a scene, or a recognizable object), combined visual-auditory (scenes with appropriate sounds), or unclassified experiential responses (a thought, a memory, or a flashback).”


After the surgery I walked down a long hallway with Dr. Penfield holding my hand. He was talking to another man and he sounded like he was giving a sermon.


Penfield said, “We only have 10 days to get this done. She has above average intelligence but below average ability to travel the time continuum.”


He acted as if I were not even there. Penfield continued,


didn’t know what he had.
He didn’t take it far enough. He had the means to explore the great beyond. I have the Killer (referring to my Psychic Assassin alter) and the Innocence here in the same body. I know I can find the doorway to the soul, if given enough time and enough brains to experiment on.”


Something Hidden
A Biography of Wilder Penfield
by H. Jefferson Lewis, he quotes Penfield as reasoning, “I am a scientist, and I believe in the soul, therefore there must be a scientific theory to account for the soul. That was the basis in faith of the centrencephalicsystem, the ‘switchboard’ in the brain. Here, if anywhere spirit met flesh and the two were joined.”


Little did Penfield know, that in 1967 John Lilly would propose an experiment to record the brain’s electrical activity and then play the recording back into the brain.
Consider the possibilities for mind control by an unscrupulous programmer using this technique.


Alan Scheflin reports on some of the children who received stereotaxic surgery in the sixties and seventies.
He lists several doctors who performed such surgery on children because they suffered from behavior problems such as ‘‘wandering.’ One young boy would sneak away from home, and crawl underneath an automobile in order to smell the oil. Two groups were as young as two and four years old when surgery took place for “violent behavior.”


Many of the mind control experiments that were carried out under MKULTRA were done out of fear that the Russians were in the forefront of this field. The “Red Scare” promoted by Joe McCarthy was the overriding theme of why “Anything Goes” when it came to these experiments. Our government obviously agreed with the internationally know Russian physiologist Dr. Leonid Vasiliev who was considered the father of Soviet parapsychology. He stated, “The discovery of the energies associated with psychic events will be as important, if not more important than the discovery of energy.”


In a CIA report made public in the late sixties, they estimated the technical staff of one Soviet parapsychology laboratory at 300 physicists, doctors, biochemists, and electrical engineers. August Stern, a Soviet scientist in the sixties reported that he worked in a secret lab in Siberia trying to find a physical basis for psychic energy.
Jim Schnabel reported that intelligence reports and the testimony of Soviet émigrés showed the Soviets doing experiments in telepathy.
According to Schnabel they screened Red Army recruits for psychic abilities and pumped talented subjects full of dangerous drugs to promote psi-conducive altered states. Subjects in psychokinesis or “remote-influencing” experiments tried to stop the hearts of small animals, or concentrated on foreign political leaders, beaming at them “negative psi particles.” Soviet and Czech scientists were said to be working on electromagnetic devices that would cause strokes or heart attacks, and it was even rumored that they had perfected a “psychotronic generator” which could scramble people’s minds at great distances.


Since I obviously failed whatever tests Wilder Penfield put me through for remote viewing, I did not take part in some of the other paranormal experiments that were performed by the CIA. They carried out experiments in astral projection to facilitate remote viewing. These experiments were conducted at the Stanford Research Institute in California in 1973 in an attempt to spy on military installations and the confidential files contained within them. It was a way to collect intelligence. David Morehouse said that using out of body or astral projection was dangerous to facilitate remote viewing, because you left the physical body open, allowing inhabitation by whatever else that wanted to step in.
He preferred to call it bilocation, a process of folding space and time.


Joseph W McMoneagle, in a dinner address presented at the annual banquet of the Rhine Research Center on February 21, 1997 detailed the process of his remote viewing experiences.
The army had used him in experiments in remote viewing from 1978 through 1984 as part of Project Stargate. Stargate began on October 1978 as Project Grillflame, a Department of Defense initiative designed to see if potentially psychic Army personnel could be identified, trained, and used to collect intelligence information through psychic means. An additional focus of the project was to determine what the Soviets and Chinese were doing in their own efforts at paranormal research.


Gordon Cooper, one of the original seven Mercury astronauts confirmed the existence of a mind control program administered by NASA in the 1950’s and 1960’s involving gifted American schoolchildren. In an interview with Mike Siegel Cooper was asked, “Who were the space kids?” Cooper answered that “the space kids were children with exceptional mental abilities run through a kind of MK program, like the things that are coming out now.” He went on to describe how NASA’s mind control program emphasized cultivation of the children’s psychic abilities and that it involved telepathy, remote viewing, and out-of-body-experiences.


Nowadays remote viewing is routinely discussed over coffee as a means to find buried treasure under the ocean. Remote viewing seemed part and parcel of the supernatural to many in the fifties, sixties and seventies, but now it has become commonplace.


I am but one of the many children who were the CIA’s convenient experimental subjects, used to try and perfect similar results here in the United States. Because of our youth and the severe traumatization we were put through, these men felt we would never tell our stories; and if we did, they felt we would never be believed. Out of respect for the feelings of my adult children, I have not included some of the training I was forced to endure. Likewise, I have not named some of those living and dead who perpetrated heinous deeds of which I will not speak. I wish to remain among the living.


Dr. Corydon Hammond delivered a lecture in 1992 describing some of the programming he had encountered.
Many other doctors have likewise found these same types of programmed alters in survivors of government mind control. Most survivors seem to have more than one level of programming.


Alpha is general programming within the control personality.


Beta is sexual programming, i.e. child pornography, prostitution, and sexual training used for the benefit of a handler for blackmail or personal use. This programming eliminates all learned moral conviction from the survivor, so that the function can be carried out without inhibition.


Delta is a trained killer, a sleeping assassin. Delta survivors feel no fear and have been trained in the use of specialized arms and alternative methods of disposal. Sirhan Sirhan had total amnesia of the killing of Robert Kennedy, but under hypnosis remembered it. Mr. Sirhan’s lawyer, Lawrence Teeter says his client was programmed to kill Kennedy by government agents who wanted to prolong the Vietnam War.


Theta is psychic killing, such as the training I was involved in. Most survivors with Theta programming exhibit an unusually high level of ESP in their day-to-day lives. Many even train in alternative methods of healing before they discover the theta programming. It seems to be a way for the dominant personality to use their energy in a positive healing manner, thereby compensating for the negative uses of this same energy.


Omega is self-destruct programming installed in the event a survivor would start remembering. It was used to prevent them from going public. There generally is self destruct programming associated with Delta assassin programming if the survivor is captured.


Books written by survivors of these programs recount the horrors they were forced to endure during their training. As explained in
“Secret Weapons,”
a second area of funded research was the program Sid Gottlieb cobbled together for the purpose of turning children into warriors who would be perfect Manchurian candidates, perfect spies and assassins who are ignorant of their orders, fitting into society easily and anonymously; until a code or trigger is used to awaken them and send them into action.”


Many of these survivors have worked through their memories, dealt with their programming and are free from such triggering. How many are still “Sleeping,” awaiting the call of their handlers?


Chapter 6 -
Dr. Black


Absence of Evidence Does Not Mean Absence of Harm


Mind Control survivors have identified doctors used by the CIA under Project MKULTRA as having used different aliases. It seems colors were one of the most commonly used themes. Claudia Mullen and Chris Denicola, two survivors who testified before the Presidents Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments in March 1995 identified A Dr. Green. Claudia Mullen identified Dr. Green as an alias used by Dr. L. Wilson Green, Technical Director of the US Army Chemical and Radiological Laboratories. Chris Denicola was four years old when she says Dr. Green used electroshock in conjunction with other forms of torture and drugs to program her.
Some survivors say that Dr. Ewen Cameron went by the alias Dr. White.


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