A New Day (Knights Disciple Motorcycle Club Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: A New Day (Knights Disciple Motorcycle Club Book 1)
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Will and Laura checked out of the hotel. When she climbed on the back of his bike she felt like, given the situation, she should just chastely place her hands on his shoulders. He looked over at his shoulder at her before taking hold of her wrists and pulling them forward, and then grabbing the backs of her knees to slide her snug against him.


A warm feeling of security coursed throughout her. She loved the way touching him made her feel. She loved his big giant body. And just now how he made her get next to him even though they had just had words. But she didn’t have the nerve to rest her head on his back to savor him for just a little while longer. They would be at his house in just few short minutes and that would be that.


When they pulled up to Will’s house, Darren and Pete were out in front of the house. Laura sensed Will's concern. "Fellas?" he inquired.


"Lucas told us that you and he were going back to your house?" Pete asked Laura. "Our problem with that is that the guys who have been house-sitting said there was a kind of an incident just before you got here. We were on our way over to check it out. We were just waiting for you."


Laura was quiet. She honestly didn't know what to say. She felt she burned a bridge with Will. "Let's go check it out. Have the police been called?" Will asked.


"Yes they've been called. I am pretty sure they want to talk to Laura," said Pete. "They're investigating a connection between what happened last night and the vandalism."


"And Lucas? He has been here the entire time?" Will asked.


Laura was overly tired so she overreacted but she was offended by his question. "Why wouldn't he be?"


"I have to ask," Will glared at her.


"Yes he has been with us. Physically present in the room with us. We were playing a video game on the big screen," answered Darren.


"Good," said Will stiffly. "Let's go survey the damage."


Laura was so tired. "I want to go check in with Lucas first," she said.


Will put a firm hand on her shoulder to stay her. The touch was more than she could bear. She had gotten so turned around this afternoon and now she couldn't remember why she had been so short with him. She fired a glance him and struggled to hold back the tears.


He was polite but distant. "I want you to stay here with Lucas. We can let the cops talk to you tomorrow. For now, the boys and I will go see how bad it is."


She complied and watch them go. She went down Will's family room and said hello to her brother. "Where's Will? " he asked. Laura began to cry. "What's the matter?" he asked her urgently.


"I think it's all getting to me," Laura tilted her head on her brother's chest. "I am so worried about you. And Will, who has been so good to us, is upset with me - " she choked. "I am so dumb." Laura felt Lucas look away. She lifted her head to see what had his interest. There in door way of the family room was Will, leaning, waiting. Laura burned with embarrassment. She was only glad she hadn't said any more than she had. She might have said something stupid like the thought she loved him. There was a silence that blanketed the room. Laura and Will regarded each other seriously for a moment.


"Are you okay?" he asked her quietly.


Laura shrugged.


"Have you hurt my sister?" Lucas demanded.


"No, Lucas, I haven't," Will answered matter of factly. "We've just over done it today and she's tired. She's fine and we're fine," he answered Lucas but Will was looking at Laura. “We've all had a long day and it seems your buddies didn't take a break. I know you two discussed going back to your place, but it's been vandalized. It isn't safe right now, but if you need a change of scene, we can hook you up, okay?"


"I want to go with you," said Lucas.


"I need someone here to be with your sister," said Will.


"You stay with her," Lucas countered. "That is my home and I am the man of that house. I should be the one to defend it."


"I would really appreciate it if you stayed with me," said Laura softly.


"I should only be a little while," said Will looking at Laura. Neither Laura nor Lucas said anything to him. But it seemed like he was waiting for someone to say something. His eyes shifted from one to the next. "Okay then. Goodbye."




It was good that Laura and Lucas stayed behind and had some time to themselves.


"Do you wanna camp out in the family room here and fall asleep to a family movie like we used to do?" she asked her brother.


He wasn't receptive. He seemed so changed by all that had happened. They talked about it briefly. Lucas passed it off as the stress and the drama and being uprooted. "Plus I have a gazillion more people telling me what to do," he said.


"But you want to join the club. That's part of the process – having people tell you what to do."


"I'm not so sure about that club thing. That was just an idea," said Lucas.


"You don't want to be a Knights’ Disciples?" Laura asked. "Honestly, I just want this nightmare to be over. I just want you to be happy and safe."


"I want that for both of us," said Lucas but his words lacked emotion. "Would you mind if I take a rain check on the movie?" For a moment his charm returned. "Tomorrow night for sure, 'kay?"


"Sure. I'm going to go to bed, I think. Long day."


"Was it a good day?" he asked quickly. "Do you like Will?"


"Do you?" she returned.


"I think if things were different I'd like him more. Because I know you didn't date because of me. I'm grown up now," he announced.


She smiled softly. "I can see that." She went to him reached up to bend his head towards her so she could plant a kiss on his scruffy hair. "Night. You're the most important person in my life."


"I know that," said Lucas. "I've always known that, sis."





Laura didn't wait up for Will. She went to bed and fell fast asleep. She slept soundly through the night, but, as tired as she was, she woke early for a Saturday. The house was super still and she figured that she and Lucas had given the Knights’ Disciples a run for their money. They wore the bikers out. She glanced at her phone. She got a text sometime in the middle of the night from Will stating he was not going to be home that night and he sent over new club members to keep them safe. Well that would explain the emptiness she felt. She made herself coffee and went to Will's back porch to sit with her thoughts. She dragged a throw from his room with her.


The morning was definitely chilled with autumn. It was fireplace weather. Laura snuggled on a chaise under the warmth of the blanket in the crisp fall air and sipped her coffee, and then fell back to sleep. It was soothing to sleep outside.


She awoke to Will Shriner tucking the blanket in around her tight and picking up her coffee cup to put it safely out of harm's way. She spied on him through slightly opened lids. He was so handsome, his body so graceful in its lines and power that it was difficult to remember they were in a spat. The problem with being in a spat when everything was so new, no matter how intense, is it pretty much killed everything. A wave of nausea rose up in her briefly.


“I know you’re awake,” he said finally, lightly scolding. “I can feel you.” He picked up her cup again. “Want me to freshen this?”


“Yes please,” she sat up sheepishly. His eyes were smoldering, brooding as he regarded her. She wasn’t sure what his mood was exactly or what he was thinking. The chaise she was sitting on was the size of a double bed and intensely plush. She drew the blanket up around her. The air was getting colder, not warmer, as the day progressed. She could see the heat from the coffee curl up towards the sky as Will brought two cups out for them. He handed one to her and sat on the chaise next to hers.


“How did you sleep?” he asked very politely.


“I slept really well,” she answered honestly. She was very sheepish in her response. She could feel the heat from his presence. Just being near him sent chills through her body. He had an instant effect on her. She took a couple of deep breaths and a sip of coffee. It tasted better now that she was having a cup with him.


“Really well, huh?” he raised his brow at her.


“I’m sorry for snapping at you yesterday,” she began.


“You made me feel like you didn’t like me anymore,” he said softly. “I know we were kind of ambitious. Probably overdid it in light of getting zero sleep the night before for so many reasons,” he said with a telling pause afterwards.


He reached under her blanket and found a bare foot. He began to stroke her arch, teasing her. The effect went right to her core. She was aching immediately. She was so wet and ready. She swung her hips around so that she was now facing him entirely. Instinctively, she splayed her legs, offering herself to him. It was if he was completely instinct driven.


“I didn’t like you for a second,” she said sweetly, “but now I do.”


“Do you?” he cooed. “We aren’t really resolving anything here. I came here to discuss what happened.” His voice was soft and sweet but his hand moved from her foot and was now stroking the length of her leg. His fingers trailed on the delicate, ticklish inside up her thigh, so, so close to her hot center. Finally he found her, circling her wetness. He pressed her clitoris, agitating it, torturing it.


There was nothing more said between them. Laura threw the blanket off and accepted Will as he lunged for her, rolling her back on to the chaise. Just as quickly, he was hard and inside of her. He plunged into her, buried to the hilt. He filled her so fully. He created such sweet friction against all her erogenous spots that she was thrust into an altered consciousness. Her night-shirt was shoved up above her bobbing breasts. The cool seasonal air plucked at her nipples and they were hard against the chill. Will’s tongue was so hot on her tips. The sensation sent erotic wires to her center and she clenched on his hard cock.


“Does that feel good?” he whispered.


“Yes,” she gasped. She looked up into the spectacular autumn sky as he drove into her. She was inspired to excite him by talking graphically to him on the pristine Saturday morning. “Will,” she began.


“Yes, baby,” he kissed her sensuously.


“I think about sucking your cock,” she said in the sexiest voice she could manage. He lifted his head and looked her in the eye hungrily. “Do you want to see me with your cock in my mouth?”


“You’re killing me,” he said.


“Does it feel good to fuck me while I am talking this way?”


He took her mouth predatorily, possessively. The power behind both his thrusting and his kissing heightened. It was like he was an intense storm rushing through him. She reached between them and encouraged her orgasm. He arched back so he could watch. He maneuvered her leg so he was now taking from behind. He rolled to the side so that he could easily watch and assist. He took hold of her hand and worked her working herself. He lifted her thigh and cocked it, creating a counter rhythm to his.


She was a goner. She cried out, her voice sailing off into his backyard. She was clenching involuntarily with pure and total pleasure. He was coming with her, moaning without any concern of being heard. She had just enough consciousness to pump her leg as he had to agitate his climax as he exploded within her.


“Oh my God,” he prayed as he convulsed as helplessly as she was. They writhed and wailed as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over them. Finally they were still as they enjoyed their pleasure ebb, wonderful to the last pump. He thought to grab the blanket and cover their tangled bodies. They remained entwined. He buried his face in the chaise and stroked her hair blindly. She loved him touching her. She reached for her hand and savored the feel of his warm soft skin against her fingertips.


Fully recovered he now looked her in the eye. “So, what happened yesterday?” he asked softly.


She gathered her thoughts. “I think when we were at the bar, I saw a side of you I hadn’t expected.”


“Did I scare you?” he asked patiently, toying with her hair.


“Yes I think so, maybe, yeah,” she replied.


“I had to defend us,” he answered.


“I get that,” she said. “Were you hard on Lucas?”


“Yes, but not abusive verbally or physically. Lucas is a good kid. He needs some male role models. If he doesn’t get one that he trusts, he is going to look to a gang for direction. I think that was how that happened. He is looking for identity and direction.”


Laura drew back and studied him. “I am the forensic criminology student. ‘Identity and direction’ are words that someone in my line of work my use. So that brings me to another question. Will Shriner, who are you?”


He smiled. “What do you mean, exactly?”


“I mean how is it you don’t have a nine to five like the rest of us?” she asked.


“How long as that one been bothering you and you didn’t ask,” he chastised her.


“I just wonder every once in a while, but then we get caught up again,” she said. “And I love being caught up, by the way.”


“I do, too,” he said, his eyes twinkled. “So, what do I do for a living?”


“Yes,” she answered.


“I am retired. I was a police detective. I was married for ten years and she died during a routine tonsillectomy. She was brain damaged under anesthesiology and put on life support and eventually died. This is my parents’ house. I have no mortgage and I got a major award for my wife’s death. I invest and so I don’t have to work. I spend my time doing community service and riding bikes,” he said matter-of-factly.


“I am sorry I asked. That’s very sad,” she said.


“You should be spanked,” he winked. Laura drew in a deep breath. “I’m teasing, sweetheart. You can ask me anything you like. I know this is a very unusual beginning, but it is a beginning. I like you. A lot.”


“Me too,” she said and kissed him.




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