A New Day (Knights Disciple Motorcycle Club Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: A New Day (Knights Disciple Motorcycle Club Book 1)
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They dressed and went into the house for pancakes. Laura braced herself to face her younger brother, if he was awake, after Will’s and her boisterous performance. Will and Laura fawned all over each other as they made breakfast together. Something about the light streaming through the window made Laura check the time. It seemed like Lucas should be awake by now since he went to bed at the same time that she did. She broke from Will to check on him.


Laura returned to the kitchen almost immediately, stunned. She felt faint as she felt the blood slowly draining from her face.


Will turned to her. “What the heck?” he asked.


“Lucas isn’t in his bed,” she answered.


On perfect cue, Lucas walked through the front door. “Hello?” he called. Laura rushed to him and was met with a wall of liquor and cigarette fumes. He had snuck out after he pretended to go to bed. He reacted to the disappointment on her face. “What?”


“You are a high school student. It is against the law,” she began.


“Oh come on. A ton of kids party. It’s normal,” he protested.


“Not my kid,” said Laura.


“I am not your kid. I am your brother,” he replied.


“You can’t be a Knights’ Disciples at this rate,” said Will.


“I don’t want to be,” Lucas fired back. “I explained that to Laura. I went out last night to blow off some steam. Big deal.”


“Who with?” demanded Will.


“None of your business,” replied Lucas. “What I do think we should talk about is our house. When can we go back to it?”


“The house is being swept for evidence. As far as it is concerned, the place is a target. The Members of Park Heights gang does not like you and they won’t rest until they figure their debt is settled.”


"I hear ya, Will," Lucas said. "I have learned a lot about myself through all of this. You have done so much for my sister and me. In fact, I have you to thank for my decision. I have found a club that gets me. I am too young to be a member, but I get to be their apprentice until I am old enough."


Will's eyes were like razors, his voice just as cutting as he demanded. "Who are they?"


"I don't feel comfortable telling you. Not when you're like this," he answered.


"Did they give you the smokes and the booze?" Will asked.


"With all due respect, Will, you're not my dad. My dad died a long time ago and I gave up on having a dad along time ago. I might have welcomed your interference at one time, but I'm past that."


Laura stared at Lucas as he spoke like a grown man, however foolishly, even though he had been drinking. "How could I have been with you as much time as I have and missed so much?"


"I'm going to bed if that's okay. And we can finish this talk later." Lucas lumbered off to his room leaving Laura stunned.


"I've been selfish," she muttered.


"No," said Will. "You have done the very best you could and you did a damn good job."


"But he's so dark now. That is not my little brother," she said trying not to break down sobbing.


"For now. That can change. He is just showing his feathers. Absolutely normal. And whether he likes it, we have his back. We have your back too, missy." Will Shriner was so tall and warm beside her. Their pancake batter was ready and the skillet hot, but Laura no longer was hungry.


"Where did you come from?" she asked him. "How did we get so lucky to have you in our lives when we needed you most?"


"That works both ways, Laura," he said taking her face in his hands. He kissed her gingerly. "You gonna help me cook these? Your little brother is going to have the munchies when he awakes and you need to eat."


Laura scoffed, "I'm fine."


Will pulled a chair away from the table and directed her to sit down. She heard the sizzle in the pan of pancake batter. It was extraordinarily soothing to listen as Will worked. She mulled over the things he told her about all he had been through. Who took care of him?


He set a plate stacked with steaming cakes in front of her. She could hear him pouring juice. When he set it down she clutched his wrist. "Hey," she said. "What about you?” She looked up at him.


"It's your turn right now," he replied.


"How about we take our turns at the same time," she said.


"Deal," he winked.


When he sat down, Laura picked up a knife and fork and cut his food. She picked up the syrup. "Wants some?" she asked suggestively. "Do you like it here?" She asked as she spilled it.


"Yes," he answered, his voice sounding like he was coming undone.


Laura spiked a forkful and fed him. "Does that taste good?" He nodded. She stood up and let her body graze his as she held a glass of juice to his lips. He drank. "Is that wet enough and sweet enough?" she asked.


"It is," he replied. He turned towards her; her breasts were just at mouth level. He tugged the neckline of her night clothes and exposed her breast. He cupped it in his powerful warm hand and feasted on it. Laura strummed his hair. She broke his contact and covered her breast to take her seat again. She ate a bite of pancake.


"Dinner for breakfast," he winked.


"So the house is destroyed?" Laura asked.


"No not destroyed. A few windows need to be replaced," he answered.


"And for sure M.O.P.H. is responsible? Not just the kid Will fought?"


"They are one and the same," answered Will. "Gangs aren't like us. They let anyone in, no matter the age. Lucas's opponent was a gang member. Lucas knew that. He was trying to make a point with them. I'm afraid he's gone over to them."


"Can we find out?" Laura's heart was filled with alarm.


"Yes," he stroked her face. "We will. But the blessing of his having gotten loaded is that he has to sleep. We know where he is. I think we should take advantage of the time, go in and take a shower, and take a little nap. I think my sleeplessness of the past couple of days is catching up."




They cleared the dishes and headed to Will's room and bath hand in hand. As soon as the door was closed, the clothes were off. Will streamed the water of his shower. His house was older like Laura's and so his tub was broad and deep. They both stepped under the hot water. Will reached for the body wash and soaped Laura up. He was extraordinarily thorough. His fingers touched every possible surface. He traveled the glistening curves of her body and ministered to nooks and crannies. He slid his wet slippery fingers inside of her wantonly. She pressed against the tiles of the shower wall so that he could have his way.


But Laura was struck with inspiration. She turned to him and sank to her knees, and took him into her mouth. She reached beneath him and fondled his testicles as water streamed onto her face. She took Will all the way into her mouth, directing his erection toward the soft pliant flesh of her cheek. She gripped his generous shaft firmly, moving her hand up in sweet agitation. He raked his fingers through her hair to her scalp, his hips moving in and out of her in very controlled rhythm.


"Oh my god," he moaned.


Laura was determined to taste him to completion. She would not let him break away. She licked down his shaft and dragged her wet tongue on his testicles. She felt him shiver. She plunged her mouth on him and in a quick, intense motion, bobbed her head up and down to give him the ultimate ecstasy.


She could feel his body tense in that telltale sign that he had shifted to a climb to orgasm. He was muttered graphic encouragement, telling her to do it and that she was good. She softly bared her teeth and grazed his skin. His moans bounced around the bathroom walls. Laura was bound and determined. Will's pumping took on a powerful intensity. She braced herself and withstood, pleasuring him to the finish. She released him long enough to tell him how good he tasted.


That did it. She worked him with her mouth and hand, flicking the sensitive head of his shaft with the tip of her tongue. She tasted the first bit of fluid. Laura withdrew and knelt up and pressed her erection between her breasts and worked him with her hand against the nest of ample flesh. As Will ejaculated, she rubbed her breasts with the fluid as though she were soaping herself. Will braced himself against the shower wall as his climax subsided. She teased him with light touches to encourage aftershocks. She nonchalantly went about shampooing her hair as though it was all in a day's work.


Will gripped her to him. "Come here, you," he nuzzled her. "Where did my little demure honey go?"


"Demure? Have I been a demure all this time?" she asked. "I want to be a wild cat."


"You are." Will plunged his tongue in her ear. His mouth found the dip where her neck met her shoulder. He clamped onto it gently and battered it with his tongue. He splayed his palm on her belly to support her. She was so, so wet for him. He took hold of the shower head and drew it down to aim it to a place that would give her most pleasure. She dropped her hand to herself, to make little circles on her sensitive nub to ensure intense erotic payoff.


He whispered in her ear, "Does that feel good?"


"Yes," she moaned. Her legs began to tremble and shake. She shifted her weight from one leg to the other to steady herself and, in doing so, found yet another way to excite herself. Her orgasm was imminent and it was irresistible to push on through to make it happen.


The first of her tremors hit in sweet, powerful clenches. Her body flushed from head to toe, making her feet tingle. Laura slumped back against Will who closed in on her mouth and kissed her slowly, intimately. The hot water was running out. It was time to get out of the shower.


They stepped out onto a thick carpet. Will fetched two sheet towels and they wrapped up in them. Laura's body had been chilled outside despite the blanket and she hadn't realized until now. After the amazing sex and the hot water, she felt so warm and safe and cozy. Despite the recent ups and downs, she finally felt serene.


It was short lived. After dressing, Laura peeked in Lucas's room just to check on him and, once again, he was gone. He left a note that since he was not in school and that he was going to spend the next few days with some friends.


Laura was so upset. Will assured her. He was one step ahead of Lucas. He had texted one of the Knights’ Disciples that Lucas had not met before to tail Lucas's every move. Laura's kid brother could have as much independence as possible under heavy surveillance. Will promised Laura he was safe.


"Why can't we just go get him?" Laura asked.


"We can do whatever you want,” said Will. "We can go get him and imprison him until his urge to do whatever he wants to do passes, but if he explores his options under the safety of our watchful eye, maybe he will realize how good he has it. He might learn a thing or two. If we cut off all his privileges and force him to stay, he will resent us. He tolerates me but he still has a connection with you. That could be jeopardized if we strong-arm him."


Laura was wringing her hands. What Will said made sense but Laura wasn't willing to cut the apron strings.


Shortly after they had discovered that Lucas had left the house again, Will got his first report. Laura watched as his face changed. If he didn't like what he was hearing, she wasn't going to. When he got off the phone, Will sat her down. "Okay. You know from your Criminal Justice studies and your work at the volunteer center that Members of Park Heights Gang has a lot of street gang enemies.


It seems that Lucas has taken great pains to associate himself with a rival gang. My hunch is that he will be gone for a few days to undergo some kind of initiation. I guess our plan isn't going to work the way we wanted it to. We will go pick him up."


Relief cooled Laura's insides and for a moment she relaxed. "I know I am going to smother him if I try to prevent every bad thing from happening, but I can't say I am unhappy that we're bringing him home. I haven't been hard enough on him. Well that's all going to change. Let's go," she said.


"No, baby," Will said.


"What do you mean ‘no’? You know, you do to me what I am doing to Lucas. I am not fragile. I am not afraid," she said.


"I am glad you aren't afraid," he smiled as he stroked her hair. "But the answer is no.
aren’t going to get him. There may be guns and other weapons. You would be a hindrance, not a help. You don't want to get anyone hurt by being there,” he said softly.


"But -" she protested. She saw, however, that there was no pleading with him. "Can you please at least tell me what gang? Where he is?"


Will smiled. "No. It's for your own good. Now I am going to get my shoes and my coat on. I am going to meet up with some of my guys. Pete will stay here with you. You ought to be safe. We should be back in a few with your brother. What would be an enormous help is if you call this guy. He is a detective, gang division with Baltimore Metro Police. He has been working on Lucas's case. He's the one who came over to inspect the vandalism at your place yesterday."


While Will went upstairs to get ready to go out, Laura did a really bad thing. She checked his texts and found the address where the Knights’ Disciples were going to retrieve Lucas. She had her own idea about how best to reach her younger brother. As part of her work with gang outreach, she had a cache of urban clothing. She did just was Lucas did when Will left and went upstairs and pretended to retire to her room. She snuck out and drove over to her place to get her things.


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