A New Day (Knights Disciple Motorcycle Club Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: A New Day (Knights Disciple Motorcycle Club Book 1)
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After the guys had finished up, Will asked Darren to switch places with him. It signaled all but Laura to get up from the table, leaving Will and Laura alone. She had to face him, but she could only turn away.


“Look at me,” he ordered. He loaded up a spoon with the soup. “Open.”


She hesitated. She looked him in the eye to ask if he was serious, but apparently he was for he was not budging. She rolled her eyes and opened her mouth. He fed her soup that was now mildly warm…and out of this world delicious. If anything, she was foolish for denying herself. She reached for the spoon and was about to gobble when he pulled away.


“Nuh-uh. Not until we come to an understanding,” he said, his eyes dark and predacious. “You and I now have a history but we have a real situation here. For all intents and purposes, I am your captain. Am I understood?”


Laura had been prepared to concede but his arrogance was too much. “A ‘history’?” she demanded. She decided to be as bold as he was. “Just because you fucked me in the hallway doesn’t mean you get to boss me around.”


Faster than she could have imagined, he put the spoon down and grabbed hold of her wrist. He leaned into her and kissed her fiercely. “I did fuck you in the hallway,” his voice rasped in a low tone that only they could hear, “but remember this, you fucked me back.”


Laura had a weakness for graphic language. Everything about Will Shriner turned her on and she did not want to be at odds with him except for that if they were fighting it was easier to get past her crush on him.


“I know you are the head of your household and you have been calling the shots here for you and for Lucas. And I am real sorry if I let things, if we let things, get the better of us today. But you’re in a jam and you need to follow some direction. We have to keep our heads and stick together. To that end, here’s the plan.


“We stay here for as long as the M.O.P.H. doesn’t bother you. I suggest you take Lucas out of school and we homeschool him. There is a huge homeschooling community here. He can still maintain friendships with his current school mates, those without gang affiliates. Pete, Darren and I will mentor him. In addition to learning how to protect himself, I think he needs some community service. You have done an awfully good job making up for his losses, which are, by the way, your losses, too.” The reference to the loss of her parents made Laura choke up. Working as hard as she did, she didn’t have to think about it too much. “But he needs to learn to be responsible and maybe a little grateful. I don’t think he would have done what he did if he had more gratitude.”


It was so much to think about and she was overwhelmed. Plus she was trying to stuff her tears for her parents. “I need a drink,” she rasped. She rarely indulged ever. The Kentucky bourbon she had had been her father’s and she only tasted it once after she buried her parents.


Will crooked a brow in judgment over her request.


“Oh my God, if you are going to scrutinize everything I say and do, I won’t be able to handle it. I think if any day called for a drink, it’d be this one. I will even let you mark the bottle, which is right behind you.”


Will grabbed it. Fortunately it needed a little dusting. “Okay I see what you mean.”


“Yeah. Thank you,” she said indignantly. “I couldn’t keep it together if I was a lush, but I need something.”


He poured a drink for both of them in their empty water glasses. It tasted awfully good. He was going to pour some more after they knocked back their first but she stopped him.


“No. That’s special.”


Will recapped the bottle and put it back in its place. “Will you please force yourself to finish dinner? I don’t think you eat enough,” he said.


“I am hardly underweight,” she snorted.


Now it appeared Will was blushing. “You’re perfect,” he uttered as he seemed to be recalling. The room shifted and they were visited again with the reality that they had hooked up that morning. “This might not work,” he said finally. He looked her right in the eye. “I don’t think I am going to be able to keep my hands off of you.”




Once again the undeniable force between them overtook them. The two of them pushed away from the table and snuck away while the rest of the house gathered in the family room to play video games. Will and Laura were on autopilot, guided by the passion that crazed them. They both headed to her bedroom, locking the door. They took it one step further, to the master bathroom for added security and privacy. Laura hiked up her skirt all the way beyond her hips and scooted up on to the bathroom vanity. Once positioned, they locked mouths, feasting hungrily on each other, feeding each other. Laura parted her knees. Will slid her body forward to join his so that the sink supported just the edge of her buttocks, just enough to allow them to work furiously, pumping against each other to achieve the ultimate pleasure.


Laura had never known such a drive to be one with a person before. It was as if she could not get enough of him. She wanted to fuse with him completely. She waffled in and out of an erotic intoxication and saw above herself the parts he was touching. His long hard length stroked her sweetly as he gently tweezed her nipple. When he touched the nipple that had been abused by the teenager in the parking lot, she howled.


Will stopped still. “I barely touched you,” he looked at her quizzically.


Laura came back to clarity for a moment. She had forgotten completely about the parking lot incident. She must have blocked it from her mind. Feeling the pain shoot through her, she was remembering it now, but she didn’t want to stop and have a discussion about it at the moment. She was on such a blissful path and she wanted to savor it. She did what she did best. She changed the subject.


She leaned into him, closed in on his mouth and reached beneath them to play with him. She grazed the soft skin of his testicles wickedly. As anticipated, Will began his carnal rhythm, driving into Laura like he was on fire. They were both lit up completely with forbidden passion.


The feel of him filling her so perfectly, with pressure and friction in the spots drove her crazy. As he began to move, instantaneously she felt her body shift into climax mode. Her pleasure heightened; her flesh tightened around his. The contours of his body fit hers perfectly lighting up her erogenous spots so she was fully aroused. As amazing as the experience was earlier, this once matched, if not surpassed, it. Her body tensed so exquisitely as he pistoned until she could take no more. Little ripples rolled throughout, escalating and growing until she wildly clamping with erotic heat.


"That's it," Will encouraged her as he fiercely rode, "Come for me."


Laura tilted back against the mirror, limp with about as much pleasure as she could take, her thighs spread open so that her body was his for the taking. She cried out but he caught her sound with the palm of his hand. He held it there as he continuing, pounding her flesh. She watched through her lowered lids as his eyes walked all over her. He craned his head upwards as his pleasure hit, closing his eyes as he savored the sensation.


Now both of them were climaxing, every twist and turn a sweet agitation. They had to ride the orgasmic waves as silently as possible. She reached to remove Will's hand from her face, breathing hard through her nose.


As their moment waned, Will leaned down. "Oh my god," he declared. "That was incredible." He brushed the hair back from her face, studying her. She was equally absorbed not able to take her eyes off of him. "I don't know what we are going to do about this," he said after a while.


"I think we just did it," said Laura. Will softly laughed. She would love nothing more than for him to sleep in her bed with his arms around her but she had a feeling that was not happening. He had the look of someone who about to tell her this sort of thing could not keep happening. Instead he said that he should go down and clean up the kitchen and connect with his guys.


"I'll clean up," Laura said. "You cooked."


"No," he said. "We wanted to do this. You take it easy. Take a bubble bath if you want to and if you and Lucas want some time alone, whatever you want."


Knowing it was not good time, Laura blurted out, "Wanna take a bubble bath with me?"


"I'd love to, but I’m thinking they're going to miss the both of us soon. I've got the guest bath. I'll be fine." Will kissed her forehead and left her alone.


The bubble bath was a genius idea. Laura undressed and stepped into the tub with the water running as hot as she could possibly tolerate it. It felt luscious against her body. The wonderful thing about being in an older home was that the tubs in the house were especially deep and large. She could immerse herself completely and comfortably. It drew out the emotional turbulence of the day. She looked down at her breast where the punk had abused her and saw that she was bruised. In the melee of their frenzied sex, Will must not have spotted it. It was unmistakable now.


The gang that was after her young brother knew where he went to school, where they lived, and where she worked. They were able to come out of nowhere and get her, the way they had today. She forced herself to let it go, to not let fear ruin her rare moment of luxury.


She closed her eyes and dozed for a moment but was roused by a knock on the door. Laura jerked for she had indeed been drifting off to sleep. She turned to see Will enter with a dish of vanilla ice cream drizzled with honey.


He knelt beside her. "Thought it might nice if you had your dessert in here," he said.


"I thought I already had dessert," she said wistfully.


He placed the loaded spoon into her mouth slowly, suggestively. "Mmm, careful or you might get seconds."


And like that the electricity between them flowed. Blood rushed to her core and she needed to be filled by him. The shift into erotic gear was halted when Will spotted the bruise on her breast. He scrunched his brows. "I didn't do that, did I?" he asked, tracing the mark lightly with his fingers.


Laura felt a little ashamed she hadn't told him about it sooner but she had genuinely blocked it. "No," she answered reluctantly. "There was this guy in the parking lot," she began.


Will's eyes widened. She didn’t have to finish. He filled in the blanks. “And you didn’t tell me? God damn it!” he cursed. He set the bowl of ice cream on the edge of the tub and stormed out of the bathroom.


Laura dunked under the water, quickly shampooed her hair and got out of the tub. She wrapped up in a terry towel and went after him. When she found him, he was in the thick of it with the other Knights’ Disciples in the family room. When he turned to see acknowledge her presence, he just glared at her. His scowl confused Lucas who looked at her and mugged a question. Laura shook her head as if to say
I’ll explain later.


“Change of plan,” Will announced. “These two are coming to my house. Knights’ Disciples are now camping out. Laura, Lucas, pack a bag,” He looked directly into Laura’s eyes and said, but a breath apart from her, “You’re going to an extended sleepover.”


“What?” Laura squawked.


“I don’t want to hear a single protest. They put found you at work. They put their hands on you. You are now changing your routine,” Will proclaimed.


“But they could follow us to your place. What makes that any different?” Laura countered, really not wanting to be uprooted. The motorcycle club members chuckled.


“My place is substantially more secure than this one is. We can change that and will, but for now, you’re coming with me,” he said.


“I don’t have a problem with it,” Lucas announced.


“You see?” said Will. “The kid doesn’t have a problem with that. You should follow suit. I am not that much farther from your work than you are, so your commute won’t be too different time-wise.”


Laura studied him. She understood that his dominant nature probably made him a great leader for the motorcycle club, but she wasn’t sure if she liked him trying to be the leader of her life, even if the circumstances
special. “I will for at least one night but then I have to think about things.”


“I’m going wherever Will wants me to go,” Lucas said.


Laura was floored. The authority she thought she had over Lucas had just been given to Will. Her nose was definitely out of joint. “Tell you what, Lucas, why don’t the two of you go over to Will’s and I will stay here with the boys. I am sleeping in my own bed.” She stomped off towards her room.


She heard a very definite “Excuse me?” from Will. He wasn’t taking no for an answer. He was up behind her, guiding her firmly to her room. “Where’s your overnight bag?” he asked her.


“I don’t have one,” she answered with snark. “I don’t exactly go overnight anywhere.”


“What do you have?” he asked devilishly. “Lunch hour bags?”


Laura was pretty sure he implied she had lunch hour hookups and took that as a slight because of their fast connection. She hauled off and slapped him. He took hold of both her hands and waltzed her to the bed. They collapsed there.


“Now, listen you,” he said half playfully. “I don’t know how to spell it out to you, but you’re in danger. And you are coming with me. I will make all of this up to you when this is over, but for now, you are putting on a pair of jeans and a sweater, and tossing some stuff in a pillow case if you don’t have a suitcase, and you’re coming to my place. I am going to get up. You have to the count of three. If you give me a hard time, when we get to my place, and we will get to my place, I will put you over my knee; is that understood?”


“I don’t find you charming right now,” she said coldly. “And I don’t like how you undermine my authority with my brother.”


“What authority?” Will replied bluntly. “The boy got himself mixed up with a gang and was lying to you about it.”


“Not that I answer to you, Mr. Shriner, but if your inference that I have wild sex during lunch suggests I am the reason the boy went astray – “


Will stopped her. “I think you have done an incredible job with him. He’s a great kid and he is his own person who makes his own choices. This could happen to any parent.


“As for your wild lunchtime sex, I didn’t mean to suggest you were cheap or easy. I think just the opposite and if you had taken more time for yourself all along, I am pretty sure that I wouldn’t have gotten so lucky – and that’s what I consider myself. I am not sad it happened between us and I don’t judge for it. Got it? So no more smacking.” He laughed. “Please come to my house? If you don’t want to share my bed, I understand totally. I have to confess, I may be completely addicted to you but things have gone crazy-fast. I have a lovely room for you and Lucas has his own room. Darren and Pete are coming with since Lucas already knows them, but them my other guys are coming.”


“Why are you doing all this for us again?” Laura asked with wonder.


“Um in case you hadn’t noticed, Miss Mills, I kinda like you,” he said and he leaned down to her to give her a soft slow kiss.

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