A New Day (Knights Disciple Motorcycle Club Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: A New Day (Knights Disciple Motorcycle Club Book 1)
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After the way the day began, it was tough for Laura to focus on work but she had no choice. She had obligations and the lights didn't pay for themselves. She worked as a paralegal for a firm not too far from the Boys and Girls Club where she met Will. She had flexible hours so the fact that her day got started later than usual was not a big deal. By sometime late afternoon, her stomach roiled. She had forgotten to eat. The only thing that she had that day, outside of anxiety and sex, was really strong coffee. She felt weak and nursed herself with ice water until quitting time. She texted Lucas's cell so they could connect for dinner. She was thinking she would bring home take out. She got a response: "Already have dinner here for us."


Lucas had dinner for them? He was moderately self-sufficient, but dinner was a little advanced and he had never made the effort before. Laura speculated her little brother was trying to bring serenity to their home. She left her office building to go to her car, comforted by the idea she would eat in the few minutes it took her to get home. Despite a rocky start and the bothersome threat of a gang wanting him to join, all was good in their world at the moment. And they would be together for the evening.


But the day was continuing to be filled with surprises and, out of nowhere, a young man cropped up. He walked way too close to her, almost shoving her with her body. He was crowding her, causing her to stumble. He wasn’t just any kid. He was a M.O.P.H.


"You Lucas's sister?" he asked but she didn't answer. "I already know," he continued, running his hands all over her. He honed in on her nipple and pinched it. "We see a very bright future for him if you stay out of the way. Not so much if you don't." Laura remained speechless. "And your little motorcycle ridin' friends? They won’t do him no good. His best move is to come with us. Here," he said closing his hand around hers holding a key, pressing the button to unlock the car, "Allow me."


As soon as Laura got in the car she locked it. Thoughts of bombs plagued her as her imagination ran wild with fear. She felt defenseless despite the shelter of her car. She started it, put it in gear. The gang member stood there ogling her with a slight grin. He meant to terrify her and he had succeeded, though she struggled not to show it.


Then something came over her. She backed out of the space but turned so that as she continued backing up, she threatened to hit him. If she did so maliciously, she would lose everything. She couldn’t do her practicum at the Boys and Girls Club, which would mean she would have to put off school again. She’d probably get in trouble at work, if not lose her job. Yet the temptation to just crush this kid was powerful. She got so close to him, though he was calling her bluff, and slammed on the brakes to make her car screech before speeding away.




Laura’s house was minutes away. The only thing she could think of as she was driving was that she wanted to be home, safe. But the M.O.P.H. knew where she lived. If what she learned so far in her Criminal Justice studies were accurate, they knew everything there was to know about her. Driving fast or side streets were useless. Still, she wanted to just be inside that warm and cozy space she had worked so hard to create for her kid brother and herself.


Laura parked recklessly in the drive and bounded up the stairs into the house. Immediately she was struck by sensually delicious smells. Though the days were warm still, the mornings and evenings were cool and whatever Lucas had prepared for them smelled like autumn. It brought her down to a peaceful space and she was able to put the aggression the kid in the parking lot worked up.


“Lucas?” she called. “I’m home.” She hung her purse up in the entryway and tried to slip her cardigan off to hang it up, as well, but got tangled. Her body was a little bit sore from her spontaneous sex with Will. She bent forward to slip the sweater off when she felt magical assistance from behind. Will. The sight of him was both awkward and warming. A part of her was kind of happy to see him. “Thanks,” she said shyly.


Laura burned with the recollection of what they had done not but a few feet away from where she was standing. She was pretty sure she would have to clean the walls in the hall. They had to be speckled with finger prints. She wasn’t sure if she could look at Will she was so overcome with the memory.


“You okay?” he asked softly.


“Yes,” she lied.


“Dinner is ready. Two of the guys are here. Lucas is here. I thought we could sit down and talk about logistics,” he said almost a little too professionally.


Laura wanted to see just a hint of the sparks that flew between them earlier in the day, but Will seemed distant and it kind of hurt. “Great,” she said and went into the bathroom to wash up. It had been perhaps the weirdest day of her life. She sobbed a little, splashed her face, and went to the table with a stiff upper lip.


There at the table was Lucas, three Knights’ Disciples including Will, and a spread that was absolutely amazing. Someone had dug up her mother’s china and made beautiful use of it. There was a vegetable soup in the tureen and a loaf of artisan bread sided with a pot of herb butter. There was a plate of cold cuts, but not like from a sandwich pack; someone had gone to the deli and bought fresh cuts. It was simple and wonderful and pretty. Laura could hardly speak. “Lucas? You did this?”


“We did this,” Lucas replied. “Mostly he did this.” He pointed to Will. “I’ve spent the bulk of the day getting my head screwed on straight.”


“Why don’t we sit,” Will interjected and moved behind Laura. He held the head of the table chair for her and pushed her in. “And we can talk all about that. But first, let’s eat.”


Will ladled out the soup into bowls and they were passed around. There was an incredible salad of greens with Dijon vinaigrette. Laura thought this was awfully light fare until she realized the size of the platters of deli. This would be gone with no leftovers; she would bet on it. Will thoughtfully loaded up a plate for her. He set everything in front of her before working on himself.


“You don’t have to wait on me,” she said softly. “But thanks.”


“I have a feeling it’s been a while since anyone has. You have been very good to the Knights’ Disciples,” he began as he took his seat. “When we wanted to contribute to the community and everyone was against us, you were there for us. You made it possible to not only get involved but to make connections across the city and to change people’s way of thinking. Just because we are a motorcycle club doesn’t mean we are drug using gangsters. It’s because you stood up for us that everything has changed. The Knights’ Disciples consider you and Lucas one of us, and we look after our own.”


Just when it seemed like Will was going to warm up after his momentary coolness, he did not. He was being cordial to her because he felt a debt of gratitude. It was then she realized that, as rushed as it was, she had a thing for him. She didn't want to go slow. She wanted it now. Of course he was a grown up and based in reality. These things happen and she had the welfare of her young brother to think of. But seeing now that the dinner was likely all him, she could not help but daydream at his amazing face while he and his men discussed how they were going to keep Laura and Lucas safe.


Will Shriner had just about the greenest eyes she had ever seen. And the way they were fringed with such rich dark lashes, so long and gorgeous, was perfection. And that mouth – those just perfectly full lips surrounded with a sexy five o’clock shadow. Those lips were on her earlier that day. Those powerful, warm and nurturing hands gripped her hips and pushed into her.


She must have got carried away on her thoughts for the table called to her. "Earth to Laura? Hello?"


"Sis, where did you go?" asked Lucas.


Laura burned with the truth that she was reliving the torrid sex she had with the dinner chef. Her delay in answering told on her with at least one of the people at the table. Will’s gaze connected with hers. He tilted his head as he held her eyes and winked. The corners of his lips curled slightly. He knew.


When it was apparent they had her attention, Lucas continued, "Anyway they're going to teach me self-defense. Mixed Marshall arts sorta like your kickboxing and then Pete and Darren here are going to take me to the range."


"Golf?" Laura asked confusedly. They erupted with laughter.


"Really?" Lucas asked. "No. Gun. They're going to take me to a shooting range."


"No!" Laura shook her head and chanted. "No guns."


"Oh that isn't even negotiable. You're both going to learn to throw and block a punch and fire a weapon," said Will.


"What good will that do?" Laura argued. "What's the old rule ‘any weapon you use can be used against you’?”


"Where did you learn that?" Will grinned.


"My sister was a karate junkie as a teenager a million years ago. We have a few choice trophies to prove it. That and 'if you can't show no shit don't show no shit' were her sensei's favorite expression. I know because she uses them to give me wisdom." Lucas's mild teasing made the table smile.


Will's teeth flashed. "Oh I see. And are we already a karate kid?" he asked Laura.


"It should be easy to brush her up," Lucas replied continuing to answer on her behalf.


"I don't know," mused Will. "Thinking you know what there is to know might make you unteachable. Are you unteachable?"


The way he looked at her when he posed that question caused her to clutch. He sent erotic tendrils to her core. She fought very hard not to squirm. The only defense she could take against the rush he gave her was to change the subject. “So how is all of this going to help us? The Members of Park Heights gang is like an army. There are only two of us. You guys can only hang around so long,” Laura remarked.


Will grinned slowly. “Patience,” he counseled. “I am getting to that. So this won’t be an overnight fix. First off, Lucas has something he needs to share with you.” Will nodded in the teen’s direction.


The atmosphere in the room got a little tense as Laura had the feeling her brother was about to reveal something everyone knew but her.


“Well the M.O.P.H. didn’t just come after me,” Lucas began hesitantly. “At first one of my friends at school, just someone I hang out with at lunch, dared me to introduce myself to some of them.”


“Some of the gang members,” Laura clarified. Her heart was in her throat. She was so close to her brother and it threw her that there was actually things about him she didn’t know.


Lucas shrugged. “Yeah so I took him up on it. I guess they got the wrong idea. They told me now that I knew who they were, I was kind of obligated. So I have been stringing them along and I guess it made them mad.”


“Is that it?” Laura demanded because now she was mad. “Is that all there is to it? You took a dare and opened up a can of worms? You didn’t go to them acting like a badass or anything?” She spoke to her brother uncharacteristically harshly. But she went back and forth as to whether she was enough for him, whether it was better to devote her free time to them or to take a risk, date, and find a male figure for him. Maybe if she had been a little tougher, they wouldn’t be having this conversation now.


“Eh,” Will made a noise at her cursing.


“Don’t ‘eh’ me,” Laura protested. “I appreciate all that you have done. And believe me I am going to get some sleep tonight because I know all of you are here, but I don’t know you. And this is between my brother and me who, technically in the eyes of the law, is the equivalent to my son. So if I need to pull him up by the shorts a little, I will.”


Will glared and spoke quietly. “Understood. But like it or not, you do know me.” He paused so that she could let his words sink in. A mixture of anger and passion rose in her. He was talking about their hookup in code at the table. “And we can’t change what is. Lucas here has made an admission just now because of our influence. Like I said, you are one of us now.”


“Well that doesn’t make you my, I mean our, captain,” Laura snapped back.


“Laura,” Lucas chastised. “Ease up. I screwed up here. Not these guys. You have no idea what the M.O.P.H. can do and our only chance here is the Knights’ Disciples. Do you think a Baltimore City cop is going offer us protection?”


“How about I sum up what our idea is, we shelve it so we can eat and maybe sleep on things?” Will offered diplomatically.


Laura had been ravenous since before quitting time. Everything looked so lovely but now that she had had words with Will, she was not the least bit hungry. She contemplated making a dramatic exit, but if any day had had its fill of drama, this one had. She decided to keep her mouth shut and pick at her food to not make any waves.


But that didn’t work.


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