A New World: Awakening (42 page)

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Authors: John O'Brien

BOOK: A New World: Awakening
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“You worry about me?” I ask.

“Okay, for real?!
You had these headaches and fever.
You slip into a coma and awaken claiming you can talk to and hear animals.
Of course I’m worried about you.
And not just for those reasons.
I don’t know what I’d do without you.
I’m almost looking forward to the day when you can’t fly anymore.
Then at least we can be together even if it is in this fucked up place,” she says.
“And before you start in, I know you have to go out again for the rest of the families.
I just don’t have to like it.”

“Look, I have something to tell you that you may not like even more,” I say with a sigh.

Lynn looks over with a flash of worry.
I proceed to tell her everything about what is going on inside; the hearing, the night vision, the ability to not only sense night runners but understand what they are saying, that I think they can sense me and that I have the ability to hide that sensory aspect, everything.

“Who else knows?”
She asks after a moment of digesting what I’ve told her.

“Gonzalez,” I answer.

You told her before me!?”

“She saw some things and put two and two together.
She asked me about it and I told her some but not what I just told you,” I answer.

“Anyone else?”
Lynn asks.

I haven’t even told Robert or Bri.
I really don’t know if I should tell the others or not.
To be honest, it kinda scares me along with what their reaction might be,” I answer.

“I really don’t know how to answer that, Jack.
I don’t think the others will react badly though,” she says reaching a hand up to stroke my face.

“I love you,” I say.

“I love you too,” she responds.

We sit in silence a moment longer enjoying each other’s company on this glorious day.
An utmost feeling of peace fills me.
This is another moment I don’t want to end.
I sense Lynn feels the same way so we just sit and relax with each other.
She chuckles at some thought that crosses her mind.

I ask.

“So you HALO’ed in eh?
Are you seriously crazy?”
She questions.

“Is this a trick question?”
I reply.

“Only you would come up with an idea like that,” she says lovingly.

We spend the remainder of the afternoon in the sun acting like we are on a vacation at the beach; just kicking back and talking.
It’s good to be home.

At the meeting that night, I catch everyone up on events.
I then sit back and am caught up on things here.

“We have a lot of the water tower apart and will be able to begin transporting it soon,” Bannerman begins.
“With the people you brought in today, we’re close to being overcrowded.
We need to figure out soon what we’re going to do for living quarters.
Whether that is the eventual move up to base housing or building our own here, we need to do something soon.”

“We’re okay for now though?”
I ask.

“For now, yes, but we’re going to have to do meals in shifts.
Not everyone will fit in the dining facility.
We could have people just gather their meals and take them elsewhere or do the shift thing,” he answers.

“Well, whatever you think is the best way is fine with me,” I respond.

“Okay, I’ll think on that one.
We also just about have the walls up around the maintenance facilities.
We are a little slower on the base housing walls but we should be finished within a week or so,” Bannerman says.

Let everyone know they’re doing a great job.
Hopefully we can give everyone a few days off when we finish,” I say.

“I’m sure they’ll appreciate that,” he replies.

“Now that you’re back, are we planning to hit a distribution center?”
Drescoll asks.

“I’d like to do that soon,” I answer.

“Good, because we could use the supplies.
Especially with you always finding strays to bring home,” Bannerman says.
Just when you think he has lost his humor somewhere, he manages to locate a batch of it.

“Are we okay with crews and teams if we head up tomorrow?”
I ask.

“We should be.
We have the wall crews and those on the water tower, along with others who tend to the livestock, but with you returning, we should have enough,” Bannerman responds.

“Okay, let’s head up tomorrow and take a look.
I’d also like to plan a time to start clearing out the night runners in the area.
If the distribution center is good enough for our supplies, we should think about leveling the entire area of buildings and night runners,” I say.

“I think we should take a look at the DC before making those plans,” Lynn chimes in.

“I agree but we need to think about the night runners in the area,” I say and relate our findings about their ability to operate doors.

“Speaking of night runners, you might want to take a look at this,” Frank says setting a laptop down.
“This was taken the night you left so I didn’t get a chance to show you yet.”

Frank starts a video he compiled from our security cameras posted along the walls.
The video shows a night runner, and a single one at that, prowling around the walls.
The night runner tries jumping to scale the heights and, failing that, tries digging under the walls.
There is then a series of shots showing the night runner heading around the entire perimeter.
The video has been shortened to a large degree or it would take hours to see the whole thing.
The ending shows the night runner lifting its head to the sky and heading off into the night.

“That doesn’t fucking bode well but at least it couldn’t get in,” I say as the video ends.

“True, but that’s not all.
We just picked this one up from one of our remote cameras,” Frank says starting a sequence of photos.

The first one shows a night runner on a street.
There is more of a night runner closer to the camera and then one of its face.
This startles me as it comes on screen.
It’s a close up of a pale face staring out from the screen.

“Wait, is that the same night runner from the wall?”
I ask.

“It certainly looks like it,” Frank answers.
“And that camera was found destroyed on the ground.
From the images, it seems like the camera captured the night runner, it came back to investigate, and subsequently destroyed the camera.”

“Holy fuck,” Drescoll says.
“Are they getting smarter?”

“I don’t know what to make of it to be honest,” Frank says.
“But some of the teams have been reporting that several of our other cameras have also been destroyed.”

We sit in a moment of silence as this news sinks in.

“And not to throw any more in, but supply teams have entered into stores and reported that some of the supplies have been scavenged with bags of chips torn and littering the ground.
Dented cans have been found near walls where they’ve apparently been thrown at them.
Some were broken open and others merely dented,” Franks continues.

“That could be just previous people scavenging supplies,” I say.

“Yeah, it could be,” Frank replies but without a lot of conviction.

“That wouldn’t make any sense,” Robert says.
“Wouldn’t people looking for supplies just take the supplies instead of bashing cans against the wall?
I mean, the stores even have can openers.

“That’s my thinking,” Franks says.
“If I was to hazard a guess, and note this is just a guess, I would say the night runners have found a source of food.”

“That’s not good news at all,” I say.
“Everything points to the night runners learning new tricks.”

“That’s how it seems to me,” Lynn says.
“I don’t like it but things do seem to point in that direction.”

“Yeah, I don’t like it at all.
If they are learning that, identifying cameras and destroying them, opening doors, what else do they know?”
I say not expecting an answer.

The ramifications definitely point to our sanctuary not being much of one in the future.
It will be a bad time indeed if they learn how to drive or use firearms.
My mind ventures down a million paths and none of them look good or have storybook endings.

“Okay, let’s keep these in mind.
If we find the distribution center meets our needs, we curtail excursions into darkened buildings.
My thought is to level the area around us once our needs are met,” I say.
“So, tomorrow let’s head up to look at the DC.
The crews continue on as before with our priorities being the walls, the water tower, and the distribution center.
We don’t have a lot of time to head out to look for families but we need to get a handle on what we are looking for in the way of supplies for the winter.”

“So, what you’re saying is we look at the DC and, if it meets our needs, we level and clear the area while the crews assigned to work details continue with them.
After that, then head out to look for families?”
Drescoll asks.

“That’s what I’m thinking,” I say.
“Lynn, what do you think?”

“You know how I feel about you heading off again but I agree with the plan.
Distribution center, clear the area, and then families,” she answers.

Black, Blue, and Red Teams – yes, again not my favorite colors for a team selection - prepare for the journey north to one of the distribution centers after the morning’s training.
I think about giving the teams a day off but I feel time is running out with the coming winter.
We have a month or two of nice weather as we usually have an Indian summer but we can’t count on it.
We have to secure our supplies to help us through the long Northwest winter, especially with the influx of people.

The teams are outside loading our gear up as Bannerman, Lynn, and I head towards the front door ready for our trip.
The interior is a chaotic movement of people.
The ones who have just arrived are trying to find their way and others are preparing for their day’s tasks.
Kathy catches up to us as we are about to head out of the front door.

“Jack, the guards arrived at the front gate and said you might be interested in what they found,” Kathy says.

“What did they find?”
I ask.

“I don’t know.
They just said to find you and see if you or Lynn could head there,” she answers.

We’re heading that way anyway.
Thanks,” I say and look at Lynn questioningly.

She shrugs and gets on the radio contacting the guards.
“This is Lynn, what do you have?”




He is startled awake.
The darkness is complete and he blinks to make sure his eyes are actually open.
He’s not sure exactly where he is and feels disoriented.
He should be lying on his couch in his living room having lain down to try and sleep his headache away.
The hard surface under his back and hips is nothing like his comfortable couch.
He brings his hand to his face and can only see a ghostly outline even though it’s close to his face.
With his mind waking more, he becomes aware of someone breathing nearby.
The more he listens, the more he notices it sounds like several.
It’s like the deep breathing of sleep but it’s coming in quicker inhales and exhales than he would expect.

He feels exhausted and sits up still feeling confused and disoriented trying to make sense of his surroundings.
His eyes adjust to a degree and he makes out forms lying on the ground close to him.
He can also dimly see other objects in the room but can’t make out what they are.
A very dim line of light is low to the floor to his left and his mind registers that it must be a door.

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