A Rockstar's Valentine (3 page)

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Authors: K.t Fisher,Clarise Tan

BOOK: A Rockstar's Valentine
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   When we reach the bottom step we're greeted by my friends, well shall I say Sam, James and Mark are blocking us from passing and poor Jessica has her wrist tightly wrapped in Sams grip.


   "Hey fella's." Jax greets them coolly but the guys all glare at him in return.


   "Don't start please guys." I try to plead with them.


   "What do you think you're doing Kendal going up there with him?" James frowns at me and I give him one right back. They think I have just had a quickie with Jax upstairs.


   Mark points right at Jax's chest. "I think it's time to prey on someone else buddy."


   Oh hell no!

   I step in front of Jax. "I said leave it! Nothing happened!" All three of them give me a look that tells me they don't believe me. Jax wraps his warm arms around my waist and the skin on skin on my bare flesh sends a jolt through my body. The look on the guys faces tell me they don't like it. "I mean it, nothing happened. Jax took my jacket to the room he has his locked in that's all. Not that it's your business anyway."


   Sam takes a step forward. "You are our business Kendal." He glares at the man standing behind me.


   "Well I'm really enjoying this chat and everything but me and my girl here wanna dance." Jax pulls me along as he pushes past the guys. Tucking me under his arms he turns his head to growl into my ear. "Let's dance."








Chapter 5



   On our way over to the makeshift dance floor I don't miss the not so subtle dirty looks from girls we pass.
What the hell?


   They are quickly forgotten though when Jax wraps me in his arms and stupidly my heart flutters. We begin to dance and Jax has my body burning. He is an excellent dancer and he grinds against me exactly where it's needed which turns me on so bad. Since dancing, we haven't broken eye contact. So not only can I feel that Jax is enjoying this dance, I can see it in his eyes. I bite my lip and I know he can see how much I am enjoying this too.


   This dance is a lot better than the one with Brad. Jax holds my body so much better, and he lets his hands wander all over, including my hair, but this is different. I want Jax to touch me. I want him to touch me more roughly and pull on my hair. I almost have a feeling that I need him to, which is weird. His favored spot seems to be the exposed skin on my belly from my short crop top and I have to agree. When he touches me there it leaves a tingling feeling and I love it!


   Nobody has ever managed to get a reaction out of me like this. I've never had the chance to because the guys always stop anyone from getting too close but not anymore. I want Jax and my body is shouting for him to take it as his.


   After we have danced for a whole song in silence, Jax breaks it. "How old are you Kendal?"


   I didn't expect him to ask me that. I know he's older than me, but he doesn't look like a teenager. "Eighteen." He nods and seems happy with my answer. "How old are you Jax?"


   "Twenty." He answers straight away and I try and hide my shocked face. I don't know why I'm so shocked though because I knew he wasn't a teenager but for some reason twenty sounds a lot older than eighteen even though it's only two years difference. I'm not fooling him though because he leans into me and holds me tighter. "Have you been with a man baby?" Well I'm a virgin so the answer to that is simple, but I'm not going to tell him that. I don't want to embarrass myself so I shake my head no. He growls and the deep and sexy sound shocks my body into a sexual overdrive. "I'm gonna treat you real good baby."


   He holds me tight against him, gripping the back of my neck and claiming my lips in the hottest kiss of my life. I hear myself whimper into his skillful mouth which gets me another growl in return. Jax squeezes me closer and that's how we stay for a long while, lost in each other.


   I begin to feel watched and I open my eyes and gasp. Jax lets my swollen mouth go to look at the man behind him. What's with these men who hang around Jax all being insanely attractive? He gives me a kind smile and places his hand onto Jax's shoulder. "It's time again."


   Jax plants a quick kiss on my tingling lips.
Time for what?
He leads me across the room and smack bang in front of the band area. "Stay here yeah? I want to be able to see you." He traps me in a quick but heart melting kiss. "Don't let anyone touch your sweet body because you're having a man tonight baby."


   I don't answer. Instead I stupidly nod my head and watch him walk away, but I miss where he goes to because someone grabs my shoulders from behind and quickly turns me to face them. Jessica.  "Holy fuckeries Kendal! You and that hottie rock god of yours looked like you were about to have sex right there and then! It got me all hot and bothered! Are you leaving with him tonight? I told you to find a guy tonight but holy hell you grabbed a sex God! Imagine popping your cherry to that fine piece of ass!"


   I grab Jess by the shoulders. "Jesus, will you calm down!"


   She gathers herself, but she still has that cheeky smile plastered on her face. "I'm sorry about the guys, honey." Her smile is now gone and is replaced with an annoyed frown. She wants me to have sex as much as I do, except that I want to find the right guy.


   "I'm used to it by now."


   "Yeah, well you need to have sex!"


   The guys choose that moment she shouts
to show up and they all have the nerve to look awkward. Mark hands me a drink and I see he's still frowning. "What?"


   "I don't like him."


  Oh this is ridiculous!


   "You don't even know him!" I shout at all of them.


   James laughs and it's not a nice type of laugh. "Neither do you. He's always here, all four of them go from girl to girl likes it's nothing. It pisses everyone off. He's a dirty musician Kendal and you can do a lot better."


Wait what!
This isn't making any sense!


   "You men just get pissed because they get all the girls attention." Jessica adds in but I'm still on the word


"What are you talking about?”


   Music blares from behind me. I can hear loud guitars and the thumping of drums. Jessica points behind me. "Erm Kendal."


   I turn and what I see shocks me. Jax is on stage. He's front and center behind a microphone, along with three other men. I recognize Leo, who's on the drums, the guy who came to fetch him on the guitar at his left and another good looking man on his right.
What the fuck is happening?


I'm not thinking clearly, my brain is in too much shock. I stare in shock as Jax looks over to me, locking on my eyes as he begins to sing above the rock music. Oh shit. His voice is a deep and sexual sound and I feel myself getting even more aroused. I'll need some clean underwear in a minute.


   All through his set he looks at me like he wants to eat me and right now I would gladly let him. I would let him lie me down right here in front of everyone. An interesting way of losing my virginity, but there you go. Jax's music has obviously made me crazy horny.


   Sam tries to talk to me but I don't listen, I'm too transfixed on Jax. I'm petrified over how he is affecting me and I haven't even known him for twenty-four hours! I think I could easily fall for this dangerous man and that scares the ever living shit out of me.

















































Chapter 6




   After the intense set with his band, Jax places his microphone back on the stand and makes his way over to me. Girls try to make a grab for him and get his attention but he never takes his eyes from mine. He obviously knows that the girls are there but he doesn't show it, he acts like he doesn't notice them at all. Yes, it does make me feel special and a little giddy inside. Jax looks so dark and lethal as he stalks his way over to me, making me squirm on the spot.


   As soon as he is close enough he reaches out and wraps me in his muscled arms and lifts me off my feet. He gives me a little spin and it makes me laugh but he ends my laughter with a kiss. A freaking hot smoldering kiss!


   He slowly sets me down and as I slide down his body I feel the ridges of his muscles and then the evidence that he is just as affected as me. When my feet return to the floor, we return to our earlier dancing. "What did you think?"


   "Amazing. You were amazing, I was so shocked!"


   He frowns a little. "You didn't know I was in the band?"


   "No I had no idea." He grins widely. Why does that seem to make him happy?


   We talk and laugh some more, getting to know each other a little with the basic questions. I find out that he lives with his band mates in a tiny apartment and they all share a car. His dream is to make his band successful and have a beautiful girl on his arm. I think he added the last one for my benefit and I'm glad he did.


   We spend most of our time dancing; only this time, I sway my ass allowing it to grind on his bulging groin area, it's clear to say we're in a steaming frenzy. I'm so horny I actually feel light headed. Jax clears his throat. "You wanna go outside?" I nod my head; I could do with some fresh air. "Good, 'cause I need some air." I'm happy to know that he's reacting in the same way
as me to whatever the hell is going on here. As sexy as Jax is, it's a great ego boost. We walk hand in hand and I'm a little confused when we start to head back up the stairs, we go to the same door as before and I'm a little scared Leo is going to be in there again getting another blow job. Jax unlocks the door and fetches our jackets; Jax looks fucking hot in a biker jacket. Wow! We make our way outside, through the drunks. I think its sweet how he thought to go get our jackets before we went out into the freezing February weather.

   When we make it outside we only see one other couple and I quickly look away. They seem to be in a very intimate position and I hear Jax laugh; suddenly we can hear her screams and Jax shouts "Everyone can see you Rhys!" He knows the guy? I squint my eyes when the man turns around to flip Jax the bird and I realize it was the good looking stranger who interrupted our dance before. So I've now seen two of his band mates in action, were the guys telling the truth about Jax? Is he normally like that at these parties? Hell, I'm not exactly acting all innocent tonight but I can't explain that right now. I'm not usually this forward, but Jax is affecting me.


   We walk further into the darkness, I notice flowers start to surround us and I can hear the faint noise of running water somewhere close. It's quite a romantic scene.


   "So your friends seem nice."


   I look up to see Jax grinning down at me and I snicker. "Yeah sorry about that, they can be a little protective."


   "I get it
you're a beautiful girl Kendal. They only wanna look out for you, but you can trust me." He flashes me a cheeky smile. "I promise."

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