A Rockstar's Valentine (6 page)

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Authors: K.t Fisher,Clarise Tan

BOOK: A Rockstar's Valentine
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   Jax lets his hands wander down my sides and stops at the waistband of my trousers. He quickly leans up and pulls them down with little effort. He stares down at me and says, "Fucking beautiful."


   Then he's back on top of me but I need to see him. I want his clothes off because I need to feel his skin. I clumsily fumble with his shirt buttons, but with Jax's mouth on my nipples and his fingers over my panties, I can't concentrate. "Jax." I whimper.


   "What baby?" He grumbles as he works his mouth from my breasts to my neck, he licks a delicious line up to my ear.


What was I saying again?
Jax's mouth is too damn distracting. "Your clothes."


   He understands and removes my grasp from his shirt and takes over. He undoes his shirt ever so slowly, teasing me.
Shit, am I drooling?
I close my mouth just in case because Jax without a shirt is a marvelous sight. Fuck! Muscles, tanned skin, tattoos and oh my goodness! You know that deep V that we all fantasize about? Yeah
well Jax has one! He freaking has a V deep enough to cause a shadow and he's bringing it closer to my face!


   Jax removes his belt and straddles me, his knees level with my breasts. Damn! My breathing has deepened and my heart is beating so hard. If he was to remove his boxers, his dick would be staring at me. The boxers are that tight and I can see just how hard and just how big he is anyway. It looks very long too. Fuck that's going to hurt when it takes my virginity. He looks down at me and flashes me his impressive smile. "Feel me?" I look back to his covered cock and then back to his eyes. I'm unsure what to do here. "Feel my cock Kendal." My shaky hand reaches up and cups him. He feels so hard and thick. "Grip it harder." He growls, so I squeeze but I don't want to hurt him.


   Jax rolls off me and quickly removes my bra and thong, throwing them to the floor, his boxers soon joining them. I stare at his fully naked body but his dick has my eyes widening. Jax is one big boy, not that I have anything to compare him to, but even I know Jax has a big dick. With a big body like his it's not a surprise he’s packing. I bet he sure can do some damage with that thing. As I stare it twitches and Jax gives me a mischievous look. I'm too busy looking at Jax to see what his hand is doing, until I feel it. A finger is sliding though my wetness. "You're so fucking wet already." That feels so good, I've never been touched.  Man I've been missing out!


   I whimper as his finger slides back and forth. Back and forth, my head goes side to side so I can try and cope with the intense feeling growing stronger and stronger. Nobody had ever touched me like this so I don't recognize the burning developing inside for what it is until it's too late. My head tilts further into the bed, my eyes are shut tight and I scream out. Jax stops moving his finger as I come down
I keep my eyes closed because I'm too embarrassed. He is bound to know for sure now just how inexperienced I am. "Fuck,
that was sexy as hell!"


   Did I just hear him right? "Kendal?" I slowly open my eyes to see him smiling back down at me. I breathe out a shaky breath of relief. "I've never made a girl cum that quick before." He looks at me with what looks like awe. God this is a mess! I don't want to tell him, but I think I'm going to have to. "If I didn't know any better baby, I would think no man has ever touched you before me because you're that responsive."


   "Is that bad?"


   "What? No babe, it's fucking great!" He chuckles
but I look away. I can't look at him. "What's up babe?"


   "I'm sorry." I whisper.


   "Why? Is this because you finished? Don't worry about that, you will cum again and again. This isn't over yet."


   He has to know before we go on. Jax, what you said before, I look up to him again. "It's true."


   "What is?" He stares down at me and I see the minute he understands what I mean because his smile fades. "Kendal?" I know he's asking me again, so I nod. "You're a virgin?" I sadly nod my head yes. "You haven't had sex before?"




   His eyes seem to glaze over as he thinks about something. "No other man has had you?"


   My back stiffens, what's with all the damn questions? I grab the bed sheet and cover myself. "Yes Jax, that's exactly what it means! Now stop fucking asking questions. I'm a virgin, no man has had me, I haven't ever been touched! It's pathetic, yeah I know but there it is."




   "Yes! I am eighteen and I'm still a virgin." I get up from the bed, which is black by the way. The man has an obsession with the color I'm telling you. I grab my scattered clothes and try to get dressed as quickly as I can. I've blown it. I knew he wouldn't want anything to do with me once he knew I was a stupid little virgin.


   "Kendal, what are you doing?"


   I manage to pull on my underwear. "Just forget it Jax, I knew this was a mistake."


   "Kendal." Jax growls and snatches my trousers from my grasp.


   "Give them back Jax I have to go."


   "Like fuck!"


   Suddenly I'm pinned up against the wall. "Jax!" I'm not at all scared, just surprised.


   Jax covers my mouth with his hand. "Will you just shut up and listen to me woman?" I stop struggling, is he mad at me for not telling him? "I'm not fucking bothered about you being a virgin!" My eyes widen, he can't be serious! "If I'm honest with you baby, I love it that you're a virgin."


   "What?" I mumble against his hand.


   He slowly removes his hand, just to make sure I'm not going to talk again and he softly kisses my mouth. "The fact that I'm the only one to touch you, feel you and make you scream like that? Fuck yeah!"


   I'm a little confused. "I don't understand Jax."


   He slams his body into me harder. "Just chill out baby
yeah?" Is this man seriously for real? "I can't believe nobody has taken you yet, how has that not happened?"


   I shrug my shoulders. "Guys are jerks."


   "Yeah well, I'm glad you haven't." He grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls my face to look up at him. "Will you let me?" Oh shit! I swallow hard and my mouth has suddenly become dry. "Kendal? Will you let me lay claim on that sweet, sweet body of yours?"


   "You want to?"


   I gasp as my bra has suddenly been ripped away. He leans down and rips my thong away from my body. Yes, he actually ripped them from me. He rubs his naked erection on me, the tip of him coming to my belly button. "You feel that?" He growls into my ear. "You make me so hard I can't think straight. I only think of you and yes, I want to be inside of you baby. I want to be your first. You gotta understand though Kendal, once I do there’s nobody else yeah, just you and me." He grinds against me again and I can't think straight. Am I really hearing these words? "I'm gonna love spending my time with you. I've only had a little taste of you and I know I need a lot more, a hell of a lot more." He kisses me, drawing me into him. "No one else." His lips crash back onto mine again.


   I nod my head, I can't talk. I'm in a pleasure trance. "I won't be putting my dick into your pussy tonight, only when you’re ready. Tonight, let’s have some fun."


   And have fun is exactly what we will do and I will love every single second.


   Jax took me back onto the bed and kissed me all over. And I mean it when I say all over. I never thought I would let a man do that to me. I heard stories from Jess and cringed every time but now I get it. Jax is not a man you can turn down anyway but the way he made me feel with his mouth was just amazing. I already know I want it again.


   He brought me to orgasm twice with his mouth. I've never orgasmed before tonight and now Jax has made me cum three times! I knew he was experienced but wow. I wanted to return the favor. I was feeling a little guilty that I had now had three and Jax had nothing. He seemed happy making me scream, but I wanted to taste him. He guided me through my first blowjob. It was a little weird at first but when I got used to it, I relaxed and Jax seemed to like that. He tastes delicious and his cum was even better. Another thing I swore I would never do, I let a man finish in my mouth, but when Jax warned me I carried on and sped up. I wanted to taste him and I wanted him to put a claim to my mouth.


   We played with each other long into the night. I can't remember stopping before I went to sleep. I think I just passed out. It was an incredible night and I will never forget it. I never would have thought Jax was this sweet from my first impression of him, but he is. He's a sexy, gentle giant.






























Chapter 10



1 month later



Fuck my balls are killing me right now!


  I grimace from the tight feeling. I'm not used to this. I'm doing it for all the right reasons but, it's getting fucking harder, literally. The reason for my balls suffering is because I need sex, not just any sex, but sex with Kendal. I want her to be perfectly ready for me. She has told me so many times that she is but I've never felt about a girl like I do Kendal. Usually when I fuck a girl we go our separate ways. It's over. It's not like that with Kendal. I don't want it to be but that's what I'm used to. So what if I fall into my habits? What if I act like a dick to her? Kendal's different than any other girls, fuck I'm different now because of Kendal. For the better definitely because I couldn't have been any worse than I was. I think she knows roughly how bad, but not quite. I think she would probably run for her life and I don't want that. I've become too attached.


   Max laughs and I give him two middle fingers and he snickers. "Fuck Jax, you need some action."


   It's not that simple though. I get plenty of action with Kendal. I think I've cum every day since we have been together! Kendal has a talented mouth, whist her hand works wonders on me. I've never gone down on a girl as much as I have on Kendal this past month, but it's not enough anymore. I need to be inside of her, I need to feel her sweet pussy surrounding me. I'm just shit scared I will fuck it up once we have slept together. "Shut the fuck up." I snap back to Max, he doesn't understand why I say no to Kendal.


   "He is right though bro, enough with your gentleman shit. You need to be inside of your girl because I can't take any more of your fucking moaning." Leo doesn't get it either, none of them do.


   Rhys finally comes strolling in, giving me a weird smile. I look behind him so I can watch Kendal walking in, but nothing. She's supposed to be here, she's never late because she likes to hang with us backstage. We're in a small room, backstage to a loud club tonight and she told me she was going to be here. Since being together, she has watched most of our shows and I love having her watching me. Rhys looks up from fiddling with his guitar. "She's not coming tonight."


   "The fuck!" I stand and walk right up to him, Max and Leo carefully watching. Kendal is with me and the guys a lot so she gets along great with him and I like it. It's a bonus when your girl gets along with your best friends and they love her just as much, but what I don't really like is how close they all seem to be. Especially Rhys and Kendal, they seem to have a close bond. I had it out with him before and he told me they're like brother and sister but it makes me jealous and she's mine. "How do you know that? She told me she was coming."


   He casually shrugs his shoulders. "I dunno man, she told me she wasn't coming. What do you want me to fucking say?"


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