A Touch Too Much (16 page)

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Authors: Chris Lange

BOOK: A Touch Too Much
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Redoubling her efforts, Liv bolted towards the park. Her whole body about to quit on her, she gritted her teeth to ignore the acute pain in her side. Although it felt like someone had run a dagger through her, she didn’t slow down until she reached the gate. Forced to stop to open it, she did glance back this time. Nothing but deep silence all around and deserted streets. No sign of pursuit. At once a glimmer of hope touched her heart.

Mindful of any clue she might leave, she closed the gate behind her and sprinted towards the tall trees. Shards of pain coursing throughout her body, she remembered why she hated running in the first place.

Past the first rows of cedar trees, a dense growth of bushes appeared suitable for what she had in mind. She covered the remaining distance at a trot, sweat coating her face, her hand pressed to her side. Hearing her puffing and huffing, she understood how the three little pigs must have felt when chased down by the big bad wolf.

Heart pounding from exertion, Liv finally reached the coveted bushes. All she had to do now was wriggle underneath, but first she checked her surroundings one last time—definitely no sign of pursuit. If she had indeed given Raskhan the slip, she was good! Oh, so good!

She knelt on the grass behind the bushes while trying to get her breath back, then got down on all fours to locate the best hiding spot. To her right she spied some kind of gap in the vegetation. And she crawled towards it. And he whispered in her ear.


She shrieked. Her heart leapt up to the back of her throat then dropped down again. Her limbs quivered from the shock of hearing his voice so close, but her mind instantly registered two shoes by her side. Despite her insane run and the discomfort she had suffered, what hurt most at that instant was the sound of his genuine laughter.

“Wow! That was so much fun! Can we do it again?”

“Oh, shut up, you… You…!”

Liv just stayed put as pain flared up when she attempted to move.

“Okay, but if you don’t want to play anymore you’d better get up. I mean, we wouldn’t want me to take your position as an open invitation.”

Realising she was still on all fours, she figured out in a wink what was going on in that excited mind of his. The ache in her side dulled with each passing second. She straightened up to sit on her heels. But when he took her elbow to pull her up she uttered an “Ouch” of pain.

If he hadn’t held her against him she wasn’t sure she’d have stayed on her feet. In the crook of his arms, she looked straight over his shoulder to avoid his intense gaze. When he spoke, his diverted tone didn’t lessen the weight of his words.

“Were you trying to run away from me, little girl?”

“I wouldn’t dream of it. Actually I was going down to the store to get a carton of milk.”

Something stiffened against her belly, confirming her suspicions that he got excited every time she defied him. Right now the nearness of his mouth excited her too. He was going to kiss her and what would she do? But as her pulse quickened at the simple idea of being kissed by the king of the Overworld, he swept her off the ground.

“Give me your hand, my little vixen.”

She complied, and he pressed buttons on both their watches. For once, she didn’t close her eyes. One second they were standing in the quiet park, the next they were back in the hallway of his palace. Although they must have appeared out of nowhere servants bowed their heads to him, and carried on their usual activity. None of them looked surprised to see Liv in his arms.

Barking orders to one of them, Raskhan carried her to the room she had discovered when talking to Zontag. The vampire turned human must have found different living quarters for the place was empty. None too gently Raskhan put her down on the nearest lounger, and removed her watch before striding back to the door.

“Wait here.”

He hadn’t been gone for two minutes when a servant came in to prepare the hot tub. Watching the busy vampire, Liv suddenly longed for a bath. The spa was ready when Raskhan came back. Snapping his fingers to get the servant out, he turned to her and indicated the tub.

“Enjoy it as long as you want. Nobody will disturb you.”

If he hadn’t been so hard on her in the past few days, she might have thought his proposition pretty touching and sweet. But the king never did anything out of the goodness of his heart. With a knowing, slanted grin, she raised her index finger to point at the two-way mirror corresponding to the lab where Zontag had run some tests on her.

“I like my privacy. Would you mind closing it?”

His face showed no trace of disappointment or surprise at her knowledge of the mirror. Nodding, he used a lever by the door to activate a sliding panel that covered the two-way mirror. Then he tilted his head towards a closet in the corner of the room.

“You’ll find bath towels in there.”

With that, he was gone before she could thank him. Yet she didn’t waste a moment to discard her black robe, bra and panties. She stepped into the hot tub, and slid down with a sigh of satisfaction. Not too hot, not too cold, the water felt just wonderful.

The tub was big enough for her to sit back and stretch her legs. About a foot behind her two grab-handles built into the spa made her grin. They looked like the top part of swimming pool ladders, but she figured they allowed easy access. On each side, soap, shampoo, conditioner, and bath salts of all kinds and colours were displayed on a small wooden platform. To top it all the water also kept a constant perfect temperature.

Although she had the presence of mind to face the door, Liv didn’t believe a vampire would dare disturb her. The king had given orders and everybody obeyed him. She soaked for a while, then fiddled around to use jet massages with different speeds. And it had taken a trip to the Overworld to get acquainted with the fantastic power of a hot tub! With a dreamy smile she let the bubbling massage pattern work its magic on her body. 

She had no idea how long she had been floating in the relaxing water when the door opened. As Raskhan entered the room, Liv realised she had been feeling the vibe but had got it mixed up with the wonderful, exciting sensations stroking her body. Like an obvious fact, she understood why she hadn’t felt it in the park and when Khord had tried to kill her. Violent emotions like terror or pain seemed to tone it way down.

His face unreadable, the king of the Overworld touched a switch. The light from the walls dimmed to nothing, plunging the room in total darkness. Another switch and small lights came on directly from the bottom and the sides of the hot tub. Deep shadows reigning over them, a languid hush seemed to unite with the soft radiance enlivening the spa.

Water lapping her naked body, Liv rested the back of her head on the rim and closed her eyes. Dear God, but this felt so good! Dear God, but she so wanted him to join her!

Chapter Twenty-Five




The loud thump of shoes being kicked off drew her deeper into a decidedly arousing state. She saw first his bare chest, then she watched the swift motion of his hands working on the button of his jeans. She glared at him, recalling his passionate taste for defiance. But her feigned scowl went wide of the mark as he was too busy getting out of his pants.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“Rescuing you from drowning.”

Never a dull moment with him! As he pulled down his underpants, she averted her gaze. Had he been in her shoes he would have drunk in her nudity. Staring at the bubbling water, she willed herself not to look up. Seconds later he slid into the tub while she moved her legs to make room for him. His muscular body disappeared under the frothy water. Sighing, he stretched his arms out onto the rim, and gave her a large smile.

“Doesn’t this feel good?”

“Fantastic, but you could have waited until I’m done.”

“What? And miss an opportunity to put you in an awkward position and to enjoy the sight of your rosy cheeks? Don’t you know me at all?”

Liv realised she was getting to know him well when she wondered which cheeks he was referring to. The vibe roiling in her belly, she looked at his face. A pang of disappointment hit her as she saw no trace of desire there. Knees drawn up, he kept his legs to himself and didn’t try to touch her. Had he really come in here just to have a bath?

“I know what you want, kitten, but I’m worn out. All this chasing and running has taken a lot out of me.”

Her cheeks heated up at least ten degrees and genuine embarrassment ran through her. Vampires didn’t get tired, especially not him. He was teasing her again, yet she was powerless to control her body’s natural reactions.

“First of all, I don’t want anything from you. Furthermore, how did you find me in the park?”

“Given that I never lost you, I didn’t ‘find’ you. How could I? You were as loud as a freight train. Having said that, rest assured I’ll play hide-and-seek with you anytime.”

And he grinned as she silently cursed him. Damn his vampire’s heightened senses! Damn his excessive complacency! He didn’t want her, did he? Well, it was high time she gave him a taste of his own medicine. Sitting up straighter, Liv took a long breath to enhance her breasts. His grin dwindled as her nipples broke the surface of the bubbling water.

“You know what, your Majesty? I think I’ll get back to my room now. Enjoy your bath!”

She stood up with a slow, graceful move. The small lights coming from the tub glowed on her bare skin. Her body dripping with water, she leisurely raised her arms up to wring out her hair. At her feet, the king stared hard. Jaws tensed, gaze riveted to her gleaming body, he stared at the sight of her hands wiping droplets off her breasts.

“Stop calling me ‘your Majesty’ and sit down!”

“Why would I do that? Your Majesty is obviously exhausted and doesn’t wish my company. Besides I take up too much room.”

His eyes took on a new light when her hands moved down to her belly. As if caught in the throes of an intense emotion, he winced.

“Sit on me. Now!”

“Hold on a second, let me get this straight. Is your Majesty begging me to sit on him?”

The way he flexed his hands told Liv their first encounter was bright and vivid in his mind. As if recalling the sexual scene increased his desire, his wince deepened.

“Sit on me.”

Like a goddess of love, she didn’t make a move towards him but slid her hand down between her legs, entangling her fingers in the curls of her bush. And something incredible happened. Chastened, the king of the Overworld closed his eyes to utter a single word.


Placing her legs on each side of his body, she got hold of his outstretched arms to lower herself down on him. When her sex brushed his erection, his eyes flew open. A fierce expression of desire crossed his features and she gave him an order.

“Don’t move.”

Keeping a firm grip on his forearms, she sucked in his hard cock. Faces inches apart, gazes melting into each other’s, they both moaned. While she took him all the way in, the tight muscles of his arms rolled under her fingers. She moistened her lips with her tongue, and exhaled as his dick rubbed the whole length of her cunt and charged her up with power.

She was on top. By defying him she had ensured a dominant position. What she hadn’t exactly planned was her own longing for penetration, the abrupt craving that burned her mind and demanded more—begged her to gobble up his long, steely sex. To swallow it into her deepest folds, to tremble as it expanded in her, and to drive it relentlessly to fulfilment.

Up and down she went, their flesh coupling, their sighs pairing to fill the room with passion. She had never made love this intensely before, never would have imagined the wondrous feel of his stiff rod so deep inside her. The erotic position they held magnified her lust, but staring into his mesmerising gaze while devouring his cock brought tears to her eyes.

She wanted to kiss him so much that she sat on him to lean forward. But as soon as her grip on his arms slackened, he circled her waist with his hands. Even if he enjoyed being taken care of, he obviously had something else in mind.

“My turn, kitten.”

Delighted groans broke loose when he lifted her up to draw his erect dick out of her constricted sex. While he rose to his knees, he placed one of his hands on the small of her back, and urged her to lie back.

Floating on the water, nipples pointing straight to the ceiling, hair dangling down towards the bottom of the tub, she let him turn off the gurgling bubbles. The sudden silence aroused her even more. Attuned to the gentle push of his hands, she spread her legs.

“Use the handles behind you.”

She reached out, her hands quickly touching the cold handles. She took hold of them while he positioned himself between her open legs. The need to be penetrated almost felt too much to bear. She clutched the handles tighter as he placed the back of her thighs on his shoulders. With a slow caress, he slid his hands under her buttocks to lift her body above the waterline. There was no mistaking his next move.

Neither of them had forgotten their first encounter. His handsome face inches from her drenched slit, he glanced up. When his direct gaze met hers she read how she turned him on so much all he wanted was to please her. No begging there. No order. Just genuine desire conveyed by his fervent look and his heightened tone of voice.

“Let me love you.”

She nodded. The sight of his illuminated eyes made her heart vibrate with passion. She might have basked in his golden stare forever had he not dipped his nose down.

Then she had to squeeze her fingers tightly around the handles as he sucked her lips in his mouth. Unable to quell a long moan although he barely touched her, she realised at once he had the power to make her come any time he wanted. Did she enjoy this idea? Oh yes, she did.

Her body aware of his tiniest movement, she moaned again when he inserted his tongue between her folds to explore a little more of her. Unbroken shards of pleasure reverberating through her limbs, she whimpered like an animal. And she felt the birth of a violent orgasm.

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