Family Secrets

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Authors: Moon Lightwood

Tags: #incest, #taboo, #bdsm, #sexual punishment, #taboo sex, #pseudo incest, #stepfather stepdaughter sex, #anal creampie, #stepbrother stepsister sex, #sexual beating

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Family Secrets


Moon Lightwood


Copyright © 2016 by Moon Lightwood


This book is a work of fiction. The names,
characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's
imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be
construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead,
actual events, locales or organizations is entirely


All rights are reserved. No part of this book
may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission from the author.



*Keep in mind that although there are flashbacks in
the story, all characters are presently over eighteen years of

Additional edits made to this version.*




Family Secrets




Brittney stirred in her bed as her bedroom
door creaked open on hinges that needed oiling, and a bar of light
from the hallway made its way across her face, causing her to
squint in her sleep. But she didn't wake, not from those minor
disturbances. Even after Scott pushed the door closed with an
, and the soles of his feet made their usual
plodding sounds over the carpeted floor, Brittney didn't stir
again. It wasn't until Scott's weight was pressed against her and
his slightly moist lips touched her neck did Brittney's eyelids
flutter and rise.

She nearly screamed she was so startled, but
anticipating her reaction, Scott quickly covered her mouth with the
palm of his left hand, put his index finger of his right hand over
his lips, and whispered, "Shh…"

Scott felt her body relax, but only slightly;
she was still quite rigid underneath him, resisting, but he could
feel her heartbeat strong and steady, pressed against his chest.
With the feel of her resistance at his presence in her space, the
semi-erection he'd had when he'd first come into her bedroom grew
to a full-blown hard-on so quickly he had to gulp back a slight
squeal from the sheer excitement of it. Looking into her eyes, he
could tell she was more than a little sleepy-eyed; she was miffed
to have been woken by him, and he couldn't explain it, but that
made the blood engorging his cock thump even harder.

"Are you gonna scream if I take my hand off
your mouth?" After a moment's hesitation, Brittney shook her head
no. With caution, Scott took his hand from her mouth, noticing the
red-hot anger behind her hard stare.

"Just what the hell do you think you're
doing?" Brittney snapped at him in a whisper that was closer to a
hiss. A tiny bit of her spittle dotted his lips and the outer
corners of his mouth and he licked it all away, wondering if she
was going to let him kiss her again. Although, he was beginning to
see that nothing was going to happen with her without a little
coaxing on his part.

"I thought that maybe you'd let me…you
know…and it's been such a long time…and it was always soooo good,
Britt," Scott explained, stumbling more than he'd meant to, not
saying anything in the way that he'd intended before he'd left his
own room.

Brittney tilted her head and focused on her
bedroom, then she craned her neck just enough to look at the time.
It was eleven at night, she'd had a long day of running errands,
and after a quick shower she'd thrown on a pair of sheer bikini-cut
panties that were more like a thong, and a tight baby tee she'd
found in the back of her bureau drawer that was too little for her.
All she'd wanted was a night of peaceful rest. Her mom and stepdad
worked odd hours on the graveyard shifts at their respective jobs
and with their crazy hours, it wasn't odd to find them eating
breakfast at two in the morning sometimes on their nights off, or
sleeping on the sun porch at one in the afternoon if their vacation
days stretched.

"My mom is still here isn't she?" Brittney
hissed back at Scott and the last thing Scott wanted to admit was
that having his stepmom somewhere in the house lurking before she
left for work was part of the thrill for him.

But he definitely didn't say that part to
her. "She won't know what's going if we're both quiet," Scott
answered back, thinking that the less he said, the more of a chance
he had of breaking her down. He wasn't sure which direction the
wind was going to go, but he was desperately hoping it would go his
way since he'd gained a hard-on that could have split a tree in the
last couple of minutes.

Brittney took a deep breath and turned her
cold stare back on Scott and he felt his heart drop. His idea of
saying less wasn't going to work, but he didn't really know what he
was going to say to sway her, or if he could at all.

"Why did you think you could just come in my
room tonight and…do…
?" she asked. "The other times we
used to do it was a long time ago, and that was under special
circumstances and we both know it."

"I was about to have one of my episodes,"
Scott said sadly, dropping his head so that his eyes no longer met
hers. Clearly, he wasn't putting on an act; the way he looked was
truly the way he felt when he thought about those times when he
could hardly control himself. He hated that he got that way. "I
always knew that was the only reason you ever let me do it to

Brittney felt her heart thaw, and with that
sudden thaw, she extended one of her hands toward his face and
brushed back a lock of his unruly hair. He was so cute. He had a
smile that could charm a rattlesnake, but when he had one of his
episodes, he had a bite that could scare a person for a lifetime.
He could be charming and lovable. However, he was also her
stepbrother and a person with a lot of issues, one of them being
his "episodes." Whenever those occurred, which became rarer the
older he got, he had to be calmed down.

Years ago, one of the doctors told Luke,
Scott's father, that after hitting puberty, one of the wisest and
easiest way to calm a young man down like Scott when they saw one
of these episodes coming on was for him to find a release of some

"A healthy release," the doctor had said,
using the term almost delicately. "A sexual release being the most

Luke had then asked the doctor if Scott could
masturbate to get the release he needed, but before Luke could
finish the question, the doctor had already started shaking his
head. The doctor had then explained to Luke that Scott would be
able to feel that something was going wrong with him, but he
wouldn't be able to step outside himself and see the things that
Luke could. Masturbation could possibly work, the doctor had
explained, but if Luke saw an episode brewing and tried to coax
Scott into masturbating somehow—whether by sending him somewhere to
be alone with a few stroke mags or straight-out telling the boy to
jerk off—instead of diffusing the situation, he could ignite it

"The only way masturbation could take care of
this situation and alleviate his stress is if he does it on his
own—and often. If he feels an episode coming on, he's not going to
take the time out to think about the benefits of ejaculation," the
doctor had continued to explain. "The irony of the situation is
that in one of his rages, he could possibly have an erection, but
something about the erection and eradicating the
threat he feels that has pushed him over the edge aren't going to
click in his head. Besides, once he's in the midst of having one of
his episodes you and I both know that the only thing to do aside
from restraining him or giving him a tranquilizer is to let it play
out and let him go back to his corner of the world and get things
back into focus."

Without outright telling him to do so, the
doctor dropped enough hints that Luke should seek prostitutes to
"take care of" Scott often enough so that he would remain in a
normally calm state. The doctor let Luke know that as long as Scott
took his medication often and went to counseling as-needed, things
should be fine. Of course, he could have one of his violent
episodes, but it would be on a much lesser scale, and Luke saw that
to be true.

For a time, Luke had taken Scott to a brothel
where a very seasoned young woman took him to bed and gave him a
good shag and he usually emerged from the back of the place with a
timid smile on his face, but it was a relaxed, satisfied smile and
Luke was always happy to see that. Scott had been so young at the
time that Luke hadn't thought the brothel would let Scott be with
any of the girls, but after Luke explained the situation to the
proprietor, the owner/manager of the place was happy to help the
two of them.

All had gone well with the brothel
situation—at least in terms of Scott's mental health, it seemed—for
about a year until one night when Luke had been awaken in the
middle of the day by some loud bumps coming from Brittney's
bedroom. At first, he'd thought that maybe she'd been doing one of
her tumbling exercises, but she hadn't sounded the same way she had
when she did the tumbling. Luke's blood had run cold and his heart
had dropped to his stomach. He hadn't wanted to think that Scott
would do anything to hurt the girl, his sweet little stepdaughter
that he had a tendency to dote upon, but sure enough, when he
pushed the bedroom door open a bit, Scott had the girl against the
wall, screwing her brains out.

Luke hadn't been sure of what to do at the
time, but his first instinct had been to run into the room, grab
his son and yank him off and out of the girl. Then he wondered if
she'd consented to it. Brittney had been young, sure, but there was
a difference the way Luke saw it between a young girl between the
ages of fifteen and seventeen consenting to sex as opposed to being
raped. Instead of bursting in on them, Luke had waited. At first,
Brittney's face had been turned away from him completely, when she
turned to face Scott again she'd grabbed at his back, as low as her
hands could get at the time, and pulled him closer toward her,
urging him to go on, to go harder and deeper, rather than pushing
him away in protest. Feeling like a bit of a pervert at the time,
Luke had continued to watch his son and stepdaughter as they went
at it against the wall, and then when Scott had lifted her from the
wall and put her on the bed, finishing what they were doing
doggystyle. It was obvious that it hadn't been the first time for
either of them, and reluctantly, Luke eased away, but he made a
mental note that he would have to speak with Brittney regardless of
how uncomfortable the conversation would be. He thought the day
after he saw them together would have been best instead of a
confrontation the same day.

When he'd taken Brittney aside and asked her
about it, out of earshot of her mother needless to say, she'd gone
beet-red and Luke could see the tears shining in her eyes.

"How many times have you two…done…um, I
mean…had sexual intercourse?" Luke had asked her, and he'd known
he'd sounded like a robot, but he couldn't help it.

She'd swallowed hard. "That was the second
time," she'd answered looking down at her socked feet, unable to
look up at her stepfather whom she had never wanted to disappoint,
and especially hadn't wanted to learn about what she was doing with
her stepbrother.

"Did he force himself on you?" Luke asked,
turning her face up toward his so he could see the truth in her
expression. She'd tried to pull away when he'd done that, but he
wouldn't let her.

Brittney had sighed, and given a little
shrug. "He called me into his room one day when you and Mom were at
work and he asked me if I knew how to give a hand job." She'd
hesitated, but then soldiered on. "Then he asked me if I could give
him one. Then he asked me to suck it since it was so hard and
everything. I mean, I know what oral sex is, but I hadn't ever done
it. And I figured since it was Scott, and since it wasn't real sex,
then it would be sort of okay. It just felt safer since it was with
him and not any other guy."

Luke knew that if she'd been talking about
sex with her friends she wouldn't have sounded so babyish, but
since it had been with him, she probably couldn't help it, and that
made him feel even worse than he'd already felt.

He took a deep breath himself that time and
asked, "When did you two start having real sex, Britt?" He'd wanted
to add that he considered ALL of it—everything they did with one
another involving their genitals—
sex, but he kept that
part to himself. The last thing he wanted to do was seem
threatening, because he knew that if she got upset, she would
probably start lying or crying, and he didn't want either of those
things to happen. So far that day, she'd seemed uncomfortable, but
willing to be forthright with him.

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