Family Secrets (10 page)

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Authors: Moon Lightwood

Tags: #incest, #taboo, #bdsm, #sexual punishment, #taboo sex, #pseudo incest, #stepfather stepdaughter sex, #anal creampie, #stepbrother stepsister sex, #sexual beating

BOOK: Family Secrets
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Now Brittney found that she was both
extremely nervous and extremely excited. Oh yes, she'd be punished,
she knew that much, and her heart had started beating wildly in
anticipation as she knew Luke was giving her an overall

Luke didn't hesitate after he'd hoisted her
up. He took two of his fingers and pushed them inside of her
vagina, not that he'd had to. With the way her pussy had still been
dripping and glistening a complete moron would have been able to
tell that she'd just been fucked silly, but he still had a hitch in
his chest when he pulled his fingers out of her hole and it was
covered in not only pussy juice, but what could only be the
remnants of semen that hadn't managed to drain out of her. With
that same hand, with Scott's cum smeared on it, Luke raised it and
gave her slit a hard slap. Then another.

"Ow, Daddy," Brittney screeched as she
writhed underneath the other hand that held her down, and her face
gave way to a pouty grimace. "That hurt! Don't slap my pussy that
way, please," she pleaded with just the right note of remorse in
her tone.

"Oh, so you don't want me to slap your little
pussy," Luke said in an enlightened tone that also hinted that he
was not only amused, but he was being sarcastic to boot. "How about
this, princess? How about Daddy slapping you someplace else on your
body even harder than I slapped your filthy little snatch?"

Vehemently, Brittney began to shake her head
from side to side in alarm and objection. "No, Daddy, no! I promise
I'll be a good girl. I promise I won't do it again! Please don't
punish me! Please!"

Her voice hadn't risen to screaming decibels,
but even with her protestations low, he could hear the panic in her

Instead of answering her, however, a sardonic
smile crossed his face which Brittney could only see from the
corner of her eye. She gulped. Luke's hands were already at his
waist, his fingers deftly loosening his belt. Brittney tried to
inch away with panic in her eyes, which was a panic that was also
written all over her face.

"Move again and I guarantee you it'll be much
worse than I intended," he said in a low menacing tone. Brittney
stopped her fidgeting immediately, but that didn't erase the terror
he could clearly see looking right back at him.

Quickly, he unraveled his thick leather belt,
its buckle heavy in his right hand as he pulled the strap through
the loops of his work pants, letting it whip through the air as if
it were a dark brown snake. He folded the leather just once,
assumed the position, raised the belt high, and gave her bare skin
a resounding thwack.

"Ahh!" Brittney screamed as her body
involuntarily jumped with the bite of the leather strap.

Luke felt his boxers and pants tighten. He'd
gone from angry and limp, to angry with a semi-erection with that
one fluent lick of the belt. His cock twitched in his pants and
when he lowered the belt again, connecting the strap with Britt's
soft young skin once again, he felt a full-on erection grow,
pushing at the materials surrounding it.

"Daddy, don't," Brittney cried, as tears ran
down her face.

For one instant he paused. A part of him
hated to see her cry, hated to see her hurt, but pain and tears
were a part of the little game they played on occasion and they
both knew it.
Britt knows the safe word
, he said to himself.
All she has to say is
and it's over; I'll know
I've gone too far and we'll stop. If I stop now and ask her if
she's okay, that'll ruin everything

Instead of relenting to her tears, he whacked
her once more for good measure—to ebb his frustration that she'd
slept with someone else, as well as to see if she'd use their safe
word—and when she yelped again and her ass had turned an alarming
shade of red, yet she hadn't said "peaches", he felt better. He was
also hard as a rock. His cock had become a prisoner inside of his
boxers; his hard-as-a-brick dick was throbbing, screaming its own
silent scream to be let out of its cage, and his balls were being
squeezed to an almost uncomfortable extent to boot.

In haste, he flung the belt on the bed,
narrowly missing Brittney's thigh in the process, and he went for
the button and zippers at his waist. He was frantic with the need
to cum and claim; he hadn't felt such a frantic need to cum in a
while—his regular visits to see Britt had kept him pretty
satisfied. But it was more than that and he knew it. His brain was
controlling his smaller head and it was desperate to show Brittney
who was boss, and that she should keep her word to him—always.

The moment his pants and boxers were down and
had pooled around his feet, he was astonished at the python jutting
from his midsection. He was hard alright, and his cock was a
seething stick of flesh. He wrapped his hand around the shaft and
was amazed at the heat it emanated as well as the strong, thick
pulse he felt in it as well. He hadn't felt anything of the sort
from his dick in a while, and it was good to feel; he also knew it
would feel even better once he had it somewhere else.

Brittney was looking at him, tears streaming
down her face as her head continued to rest against her pillow, her
thumb in her mouth, as her ass wiggled just a bit in the air.

Eagerly, Luke jumped on the bed and ran his
hands along the burning flesh of her butt cheeks as he admired his
handiwork. He'd done a good job with the first part of his
punishment, and admittedly most of his anger had dissipated, but he
still wasn't satisfied. She had a lesson to learn and he intended
to teach it to her.

He smacked her one time, hard on her right
ass cheek. "Quit squirming, keep still," he admonished, and
immediately Brittney stilled underneath his touch. He then pushed
two fingers into her pussy, and then a third. She made another
little yelp when he squeezed his fourth finger inside of her. He
moved his fingers in and out of her quickly a few more times as the
combo of liquids inside her vagina lapped in the stillness of the

"Are you learning your lesson yet, princess?"
Luke asked Brittney, and in between her squirming and frowns she
nodded yes to his answer. And to that, with the hand in which he
still had his fingers lodged inside of her, he pushed all four of
his fingers in deeper, and with the other hand he smacked her on
one of her still-red ass cheeks. "Answer me, dammit!" he bellowed,
satisfied with the commanding tone of his voice.

"Yes, Daddy," Brittney answered, her voice
barely above a whisper; she sounded remorseful as well as in agony.
Luke almost felt sorry for her, and under normal circumstances he
would have already wrapped her in his arms, but what they were
enthralled in weren't "normal" circumstances.

He also thought his cock and balls were going
to explode if he didn't get relief soon.

He looked down and noticed a thin stream of
pre-cum had shot out from the head of his dick and onto one of his
Brittney's ass cheeks. He'd seen it do that sometimes when they
were together and things had gotten especially hot and heavy
between them before. The last time he could remember his pre-cum
coming out of his hard-on that way had been when he was a teenager,
fresh into puberty, and the only thing he could think about was
sex. Over the years, though, such an occurrence had calmed down,
and like most men—as far as he knew—his pre-cum would dribble out
like a weak fountain pushing out water, regardless of the amount
that spilled. But being with Brittney had revived something in him
that he didn't think most men got the chance of getting back after
a certain time. Time marched on, youth fled the coup, and you
succumbed to middle age. And middle age generally meant that the
thrills were gone and there was no point in looking for any of them
again; whatever excitement you hadn't gotten in your younger years,
you weren't bound to see once you hit thirty-nine or forty.

Only, with Luke, that didn't seem to be the

He wrapped one of his hands around his cock
and squeezed it in the palm of his hand. He groaned and looked down
at it.

His cock was hot, pulsing in his hand,
engorged, begging for release. He looked at Brittney's ass and then
a little further below to her slit. It wasn't only glistening, it
was dripping, her ass cheeks red and sore-looking. He let go of his
erection and took a few seconds to study the veins that stood out
so prominently right beneath the skin. If he didn't do something
soon, he would cum if he touched himself just once more; the head
of his dick was practically turning another color.

Slowly—much slower than his brain was telling
him to do—he positioned himself closer to the entrance of
Brittney's slot, and let the head of his dick rest there for just a
couple of seconds. He watched as her pussy lips spread slowly
against his skin. He felt the warmth of her insides along with the
wetness that seemed to extend from the outside all the way deep
inside of her. She was soft. And wet. And still tight regardless of
the fact that she'd just been fucked not too long ago by someone
else, and then he'd pushed four of his fingers inside of her
simultaneously. With his eyes trained downward, he watched closely
as her pouty pussy lips parted for him, as the lips spread like the
petals of a flower blooming. And just as much as it looked so good
to him, the sensations it brought were even better.

Slowly, the heat of his throbbing hard cock
met the heat of her hungry pussy as she took him in, her body
resisting only a little to his initial entry, but then inviting him
wantonly as he moved in deeper and deeper. He groaned, feeling his
meat enveloped by her pliable inner muscles as she gripped him. She
loved doggy, and he knew it, but he had to remind himself that this
was more about punishment rather than pleasure.

After that first blissful stroke, Luke picked
up speed, and in no time, instead of pushing her backside against
his crotch, he found that Brittney was trying to scramble away from
him. He took the opportunity to smack her already blazing-red ass

Before long, he could tell that other, much
more drastic measures had to be taken, though he'd already thought
against giving her another beating with the belt. He could probably
use the belt for other things, but he wasn't going to give her
another lashing with it.

What he did was start dribbling thick wads of
spit into her asshole as he pounded her pussy, causing her to
whimper and groan as she begged him to go easier on her—something
she knew he wasn't inclined to do at that point. Nevertheless, her
begging was not pointless: it was making him harder the more she
begged, after all.

She was struggling so much for balance and
begging him so much to please slow down that he wasn't sure if she
realized exactly what he was about to do to her. Not that he cared.
If she hadn't noticed what he'd been doing, the surprise of it
would be half the fun on his part.

Would it be fun for her? Well, he figured,
he'd ask her after it was all over and done with.

After one more hard thrust going inside her
pussy, he pulled out of her completely and when he thrust forward
again, the head of his cock was aimed at her asshole, not her

With a cry of surprise that Luke suspected
wasn't exactly wholly tinged with delight of any kind, he filled
her ass to the brim with his hard-on, and what a large hard-on it
was. He was thick and long, nine inches of man meat, and he thrust
the full length of it inside of her third hole with a flourish that
only the undaunted could execute.

His knees were bent, his waist almost level
with hers as he balanced himself on the bed with his feet instead
of his knees at that point. Every single thrust sent him deep, his
balls knocking rhythmically against her slit, his dick pounding her
ass mercilessly with every stroke as he rocked his hips back and
forth. He didn't do her anally often, but when he did, it was a
treat more for his psyche than his physical being. He loved pussy
more than he loved ass, and the truth was as simple as that, but
when he did do her anally, he felt a certain submission from her
that he didn't always feel when they had "straight" sex.

Instead of her other protestations and the
squirming he'd gotten from her earlier, she'd begun to
scream—scream his name, scream "Daddy", and simply scream in
general as he pounded her in the ass. She no longer seemed to
bother with trying to crawl away from him as she'd done before, but
she'd instead resigned to holding still, taking her punishment as
she held and squeezed the fat of her breasts all the way down to
her nipple, all the while tears streamed down her face.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" She cried the word
over and over between gasps and wracking sobs that only served to
speed up his stride.

His eyes searched the bed, and immediately it
came upon the belt lying beside her knees. Quickly, he grabbed

He wasn't sure if she'd forgotten the safe
word and if she was truly in pain until lo and behold, and quite
unmistakably, she displayed the telltale signs that she was about
to cum with his cock in her ass, and that's when he made his move
with the belt. Usually, she'd had to have been playing with her
clit or thrusting her fingers in and out of the hole hidden between
her slit in order to do that, but she'd done it with no other
coaxing than his thrusts that time.

And just as quickly as he'd grabbed the
leather belt, with a hand holding tight to both ends of it,
creating a wide loop, he flung it forward, putting it around her
neck, letting it choke her slightly.

In his amazement, as he watched her body
convulse with muscle contractions as she gagged against the belt's
pressure, a burst of semen erupted from his cock and filled her
ass. Filling her ass was different than filling her pussy; when he
came inside of her ass, the orgasm felt a little more hollow to
him, as if he'd just been jerked off by an extremely skilled, tight
grip, but his cum was shooting out freely instead of totally inside
another person. Anal was great for some guys, Luke figured, but he
was more of the "traditional" type, as he liked to put it.

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