Family Secrets (13 page)

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Authors: Moon Lightwood

Tags: #incest, #taboo, #bdsm, #sexual punishment, #taboo sex, #pseudo incest, #stepfather stepdaughter sex, #anal creampie, #stepbrother stepsister sex, #sexual beating

BOOK: Family Secrets
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The Holiday Spirit
(gay/male-on-male; short story)

(gay/male-on-male; Novel)

straight; short story



If you like the erotica stories by Moon
Lightwood, other recommended erotica

Monique L. Miller



Bed of Thorns


One annual list. Eleven girls. One annual
college calendar with the power to change a girl’s life


Hawthorn University’s traditional Bed of
Thorns calendar is what a lot of the senior female students look
forward to being a part of. They all want to see if Isabel “Bel”
Thorn, university president, will choose them to be one of the few
selected to be featured, out of over a thousand of their peers, to
pose for one of the months of the year. A lot of them, it seems,
except maybe senior Alicia Goode, who is dealing with her breakup
from her boyfriend of four years.


At nearly twenty-two years old, there is so
much Alicia hasn’t experienced, so much she doesn’t know—and she
knows it. She just wants the chance to explore before she settles
down with anybody. After she does a little in-depth research on
their school, she realizes that she and Bel Thorn could have a lot
more in common than she ever thought. Not only does she begin to
have a new outlook on the university and her school president, but
towards her future in general.


Then there are the Thorn men, Bel’s gorgeous
and successful sons who offer her some of the experiences she
craves, and if she’s willing, a chance to take her down a road she
hadn’t dreamed of, for a ride she won’t soon forget, that could
change her life forever.




In Love and Lust
(Poetry collection)

Five After Midnight
(short story)




Upcoming (Erotic) Titles by

Moon Lightwood

categorized by story content and book



The Roommate
(straight; Novel)


Dante thought he had his life all figured
out, until his marriage (among other things) fell apart, leaving
him stuck in an emotional rut. However, when an unexpected, fiery
female waltzes into his life she gives him a lot to consider on the
romantic front. But that female also comes with plenty of baggage.
Even when she reveals part of herself to Dante, peeling back layer
after layer of her past, he still has a hard time putting the
puzzle together, but he can't get enough of her. Though she has
secrets and the thought of them bother him at times, he's trying to
forget that the secrets she's harboring could be the key to their
undoing as he digs himself deeper into her life, and she wedges
herself deeper into his heart.



(straight; Novella)


Josh was planning the perfect anniversary
weekend for he and his wife, Kira, but she made it clear that this
year, she didn't want any expensive gifts. All she wants this year
is a quiet weekend at home, where they could relax and enjoy
themselves like they used to before they had a baby. Though things
get off to a rocky start, Josh and Kira find their stride—and their
spark—and learn that some things get even better with time.




Flowers in the Attic: The Hidden
Narrative Revealed


In the Dollanganger series by V.C. Andrews,
we discovered the four tormented young people being kept locked
away in an attic, with only three of them eventually escaping their
abusers and the madness they found in the north wing of Foxworth
Hall. The twisted, sensual, and devious five-book Flowers in the
Attic saga led readers down a road they couldn't have imagined with
a plot that crossed the line of what was decent and moral, into the
result of what greed can do to transform otherwise normal
In this version lies the "hidden narrative" readers will be
reintroduced to Christopher, Catherine, Carrie, and Cory in a whole
new way, as well as a side of the Dollanganger plot that Andrews
didn't dare explore.



Other Upcoming (Non-Erotic) Titles by

Moon Lightwood:


Love is…


Three very different people share their ideas
on what they believe love is, as well as what it means to them.
Grant, a man in his mid-thirties, explains what love means in his
life in terms of his parents, brother, and his teenage daughter.
Yasmine, a twenty-three year old college senior, analyzes love
through not only her experiences, but those of her parents and
their relationship as well. Annabelle, a woman in her late forties,
decides that the best way to explain what love is to her is through
her mother's illness, and her own misfortunes throughout the


Love means different things to different
people, and for these people, it means revealing details of their
own personal journeys through life.









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