A Unique Kind of Love (7 page)

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Authors: Jasmine Rose

BOOK: A Unique Kind of Love
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"Want a picture?” she drawled at me. “I know I'm gorgeous, but I don't like filthy scum looking at me." Her voice was even squeakier than I remembered. How could I've ever been friends with her?


I sat back, speechless.


"Oh, stop drooling at us.”


My eyes widened, and I looked at Liam. His expression mirrored mine, undoubtedly catching ‘


"Don't worry, babe,” Jonah told her. “She's just jealous. But I have you, and you're the whole package.”


It was time to break my silence.


"Why would I be jealous?” I snapped, practically burning holes through him. “I dumped 


Sadness, fury, and another emotion I couldn't place flashed in his eyes. He recomposed quickly by chuckling.


"Hon, I dumped 
I discovered girls who kill their own fathers are worthless and will always be unloved."


His words hit me like a slap in the face. I felt tears flood my eyes and I looked at Liam. His nostrils flared and he clenched his fists.


I stood up. “Shut up, Jonah.”


“Why, is it because I’m right?”


Congratulations, Jonah. You have officially succeeded at being a complete asshole.


I took a step towards him. “No, you’re far from right. In fact, you’re the most ignorant person I know.”


He laughed and stood up. “Would an ignorant person find out that your dad abused you?”


I gaped at him. “That’s complete bullshit!”


“It’s true,” he shrugged.


I started walking towards him until I was close enough to jab a finger in his chest with every word I said. “Listen to me, Jonah. Don’t you dare say one bad word about my dad. He is and always will be the most honorable man I know.”


“You think you’re so good, eh?” he chuckled. “But sleeping with the silent freak doesn’t make you a better person,” he blurted out.


I let out a small growl. “
I wasn’t done,
” I said, putting emphasis on every word.


Don't you ever dare say anything bad about me, or the ones I love! For your information, my father was the noblest man on earth. The cement he walked on is a thousand times cleaner than you are.” I didn't shout and my voice was calm, but the venom in it was enough to make him flinch again. “Grow up and get a life.”


I walked out of the room, not caring about the fact that I was walking out of detention.




Liam Christopher Black


It was funny how sometimes, you had less than seconds to think about what to do. I had a choice: to follow her or to stay.


I stood up and ran after her.


She wasn’t running, just walking fast. I caught up with her easily. I stopped her by grabbing her arm.


I felt the heat of her anger. Her muscles tensed. She turned to look at me, as if seeing me for the first time.


My heart ached when I saw the emotions in her eyes. They were infinite. One struck out:
I realized just how much she'd been hurting. I nodded at her and hoped she understood what I meant. I sent her a mental message:
He's not worth it.


Her bottom lip started to quiver and she gulped. She looked at me, and then shifted her gaze to my arms. I let her go, knowing her anger was now controlled.


As we walked through the halls, she kept her head down. Our legs just moved and moved. I didn't know where she was taking me. We were soon outside the school, standing on the freshly mown grass. I was on her side, confused.


What in the world was I supposed to do now
? I am no expert with girls.


Suddenly, she put her arms around me. Tight. I hesitantly returned her embrace. She buried her face in my shoulder. She held on to me as if her life depended on it. I stroked her long, silky hair soothingly.


I waited for my shirt to get wet with her tears, but that never happened. I wondered why. A million thoughts were running through my head. But I was particularly focused on one. How could she have been punching a guy just a moment ago, looking fierce and invincible, yet now appearing so frail and breakable?


Lena was so strong.


We stayed like that for what seemed like a lifetime. Her heavy breathing blew against my shirt, giving me goose bumps.


At one point, she let go. Lena sat on the grass and crossed her legs. She put her head in her hands.


I sat in front of her and ducked my head. I removed her hands from her face, startling her. She looked at me, her expression so drained it struck my heart. I hated seeing her like this.


I mouthed, "Talk to me."


"You know Liam, I hate myself so much." Her voice was raspy.


"I'm so vulnerable, so weak,” she went on. “Ever since my dad died, my heart hurts. I've never been able to be truly happy. In primary school, everyone pitied me. When high school started, I moved. Nobody knew about the accident, no one knew what happened. People would come talk to me, and say, ‘Oh Lena, you have a perfect life.’ I'd just smile. No one knows how many times I'd cry myself to sleep, and dream about my accident.” She stopped for a second.


“My dad died. I survived. Sometimes, no, I
wish I'd died with him. That would've been better. At least I wouldn't be feeling like this. I've been lying to myself. I've been lying to everyone, saying ‘I'm fine.’ Those words have been my best friends for as long as I can remember. I've already thought of ending it all, you know? But then I think of my mom and my dad. I know they wouldn't be proud of me. So I try to be happy, but no matter how hard I try, all I do is get more miserable.


“I'm so tired, Liam,” she said, releasing a breath she was holding. Her eyes were glued to the ground, as if she was ashamed of herself. “I'm so tired of everything."


Her eyes were spilling tears, they seemed unstoppable.


"You know, my dream is to be a bird. They fly in the sky and seem so free. They're almost never alone.” She finally looked up at me. “Would you like to be a bird with me, Liam?" she asked dryly.


I tried to restrain myself from reaching out and wiping her tears, but I failed. I wiped at the wet streaks on her cheeks. I grazed my fingers under her eyes, to keep more tears from falling. She sighed and closed her eyes.


I didn’t bother thinking about why, but I had the urge to kiss her forehead.


I stared at her. Even in her unhappiness she was so beautiful to me.


She opened her eyes again.


"Thank you, Liam. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me in a while."


It took me five seconds to process her words. She'd said them so —meaningfully.


I nodded and mouthed, "You really are beautiful, you know."


She blushed and smiled. Lena put her head down, and started playing with the grass. I smiled in return, happy I was the cause for a little bit of joy.


"So,” she said, “after this shitty day, how about going out for some ice cream?”


Mischievous Lena was back. Her eyes were glinting with excitement. I laughed. She looked like a little kid who was about to do something bad.


I wasn't about to skip school, though. I shook my head, making her smile turn upside down.


"Oh, please, please, please Li, it'll be the first time and the last time."


I mouthed, "No way in hell."


She begged. "Please, pretty please with a cherry on top."


I stayed still.


Lena put on her puppy dog face.


I huffed in surrender. She stood up and jumped around. I copied her but I didn't jump around.


"Yay, but what do we do?" she asked.


I knew exactly what we were going to do. I took her hand and we started running towards my car. It was a 2005 Mercedes; it'd been passed down to me from my dad.


Confusion was written all over her delicate features. She stopped running and stomped her feet childishly.


"Tell me where we're going first or I'm not moving."


I raised my eyebrow, amused by her behavior.


I put my arms up in surrender and approached her.


In a split second, she was over my shoulder and hitting my back with her fist. That had the same effect an ant would have made when walking on a bear.


"Fine, fine. Now put me down."


I ignored her and put her in the front seat. I buckled the belt for her and walked over to sit in my seat. I started the car.


She stayed silent during the whole ride. I could tell she was a bit annoyed by not knowing where we were going. When I stopped the engine and she saw where we were, her old, bubbly self returned and she started laughing.


"Lily's Ice Cream parlor? Really?"


I shrugged.


I opened the door, ushering her into the parlor with a bow. She giggled melodically.


"Oh, let's sit there, beside the window!"


I pulled her chair for her and she sat down.


"So, you're awesome, bro. Ice cream is a girl's best friend." She winked playfully.


I typed on my phone and showed her the note: "
Are you implying that I'm a girl?"


She smirked. “Well, you look like one.”


I let out a laugh.


“Nah, just kidding. You look like a boy.”


Within minutes, a waitress came. It was Jodi, my mom's best friend. She was smiling kindly at me.


"Oh hello, darling! How are you and how is your grandma? Tell her that I said hello! Do you want the usual? And who is this beautiful young lady?" She blubbered on.


Lena and I shared a look. She was just as amused as I was.


I took out a pen from my pocket and wrote on a napkin, "
I'll tell grandma you said hello. How are you? Yes, I would like a strawberry chocolate covered ice cream. This is Lena, she is a good friend of mine."


Jodi's eyes scrolled through the paper.


"I'm just fine, sweetie. Your order will be ready in a minute. Lena, darling, what would you like?"


My friend was scrolling through the menu and I could see her mouth watering.


"Um, I would like a caramel-covered cone of ice cream, please."


Jodi nodded her head, scribbling on a small notepad she held. "Five minutes, darlings."


She scampered off, leaving Lena and me alone.


“Caramel makes me sick.”
I showed her on my phone.


She let out a gasp. “You suck, then.”




I stopped the car in front of her house. The weather was amazing, for the ending of October.


"Thank you, Liam,” she said. “You're the best friend a girl could have." Her expression was displaying an emotion.



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