Abby's Vampire (14 page)

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Authors: Anjela Renee

BOOK: Abby's Vampire
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Chapter 32

Abby looked at herself in the mirror, checking out her new fangs. It had been two weeks since her change, yet she still couldn’t get used to seeing fangs in her mouth. It was her big day—her Bonding ceremony. She was very nervous; she didn’t like being the center of attention, but for Javon, she would do anything. The gown she wore was a deep violet made of silk; it was Vampire tradition to wear your favorite color and a black veil. The door opened and Sally entered the room.

“Are you ready, dear?”

Abby looked up with tears in her eyes. “I’m scared, Sally,” Abby said with a frightened look on her face.

“I know it’s scary. It’s forever. Have you changed your mind about how you feel about Javon?”

“Absolutely, not,” Abby said as she shook her head. “My feelings for Javon will never change.”

“Then it’s just nerves. Remember why you’re here; you love each other and you want eternity together. When you get out there, just look at Javon and no one else.” Sally gave Abby a kiss on the cheek and a hug. “C'mon. Let me walk you out.” Abby and Sally walked down the hallway to the top of the stairs. “This is where I leave you; I’ll be at the bottom.” As everyone waited, the music started. Abby didn’t care what the ceremony was like so she let Sally plan the whole thing. There were violet tulips along the banister, Abby’s favorite, and simple harp music playing. Everything was beautiful, classic, and perfect. Abby slowly descended the stairs where Javon waited for her, wearing all black.

It was a small gathering with a few close friends; consisting of Jenny, Jeff (Jenny’s boyfriend), Sally, Lizzy, Prena, Mary, and Enri. Connor, the Werewolf, was conducting the ceremony as the Vampire Council representative. The music stopped and Abby stood next to Javon. She inhaled deeply, still trying to get used to her enhanced Vampire senses. They smiled at each other and joined hands. Connor began the ceremony.

“Welcome to the Bonding ceremony of Javon and Abby. The Vampire Bonding is for all eternity, which only the final death of one or the other can end. Vampire tradition dictates we start with the exchange of blood; this will connect you and allow the bond to form. Abby, are you prepared to accept the bond?”

“Yes; I have never been more ready,” Abby answered.

“Javon, are you prepared to accept the bond?”

“Yes; since the day we met,” Javon replied.

Connor pulled out a dagger with an intricate design of Egyptian hieroglyphics; it was a gift from Sally, made of steel with a gold handle. Javon took the dagger and cut his wrist, holding it to Abby’s lips to drink from. Then Abby took the dagger and cut her wrist for Javon to drink from. They both smiled as they sealed each other’s wounds.

“Now, for the Bonding symbol.”

Sally stepped forward and took Javon and Abby off to the side. They both sat on a chair. Sally brought out a bottle of deep blue ink, and dipped a needle into the ink. As she injected a small amount into the back of Abby then Javon's hand, a pattern started taking shape. Two intricate stars intertwined. He smiled as he saw the design; a symbol of a Vampire marriage.

When it was finished, Abby gave Sally a hug and they walked back over to Connor.

“Javon and Abby, you are now Bonded as Eternal Mates. May your love last an eternity. You may now kiss.”

Javon kissed Abby sweetly, not wanting to get too hot and heavy in front of everyone. After the kiss, they both smiled a big wide smile with lots of fang. Everyone cheered and Abby hugged Javon with excitement.

“I love you, my wife.”

“And I love you, husband.”

Sally was the first to run up and hug the happy couple. “I’m so happy for the both of you. Abby, you make our little family feel complete.”

Abby hugged Sally and wondered if she would be next to find a mate and bond. She then looked at Javon with longing, wanting to be alone with him.

Jenny ran up with her boyfriend, Jeff, who looked very nervous. He wasn’t thrilled about the whole Vampire thing; he thought everyone was nuts.

“Oh, Jenny, thanks so much for coming.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for anything; it’s not every day my Vampire best friend gets married, or bonded, or whatever you call it. And, of course, you caught the hottest Vampire ever.”

Abby gave Jenny a big hug and smiled from ear to ear.


Javon also hugged Jenny and then cleared his throat. “Well, I think it’s time for me to take my wife upstairs. If you will excuse us.”

He picked Abby up and blurred upstairs.

He kicked the door shut and kissed her as he placed her on the bed. He couldn’t believe how beautiful she was and that she was now his forever.

“Abby, I want you to know you have made me the happiest I have ever been and ever will be.”

“Oh, Baby, I love you, too. Now get naked; don't keep me waiting.”

Abby laughed and Javon began quickly taking off all his clothes.

Abby took off her dress, leaving on just her bra and panties, which were see-through lace. Javon got an immediate hard on.

“Oh my god, you’re beautiful.”

“And you are hot, my husband.”


Abby grabbed his shoulder, pulling him on top of her. His weight on top of her felt delightful, and it aroused her. Abby kissed him, stroking his fangs with her tongue. He loved when she did that, and a small moan escaped his lips. She could smell his blood and arousal—a mix that excited her and made her fangs ache to bite him.

Javon kissed Abby's neck, scraping her skin with his fangs, sending tingles through her body; her panties were getting wet as he kissed his way to her breast, teasing her nipple through her bra before finally ripping it off of her. Abby squealed and then ran her fingers through his hair as he teased her nipples with his teeth and fangs.

“Bite me, Javon.”

She moaned as he bit her breast, drinking down her sweetness and sending her into an immediate orgasm, soaking her panties further. She moaned as the pleasure overtook her.

“I need you, Javon,” Abby whimpered in a husky voice.

Javon took off her panties and explored her with his fingers, feeling how wet and ready she was.

“I need to put my cock in you.”

“Please now!” Abby responded.

In one hard thrust, he entered her to the hilt, filling her and stretching her. They both moaned as he found a steady in-and-out rhythm. Javon rolled over, pulling her on top of him.

“I want you to ride me.”

Abby started moving, finding the perfect rhythm to give her the most pleasure. She felt her body electrify as the pleasure built. She couldn't control herself any longer, and she struck his neck, drinking him down. His pleasure was immediate, filling her up with his cum, as she found her own completion while screaming his name.

They fell asleep in each other’s arms.




Maurice looked out the window of his new home. There were many more trees than he remembered, but the memories were still fresh like it only happened yesterday. After he left Detroit, he went back home to France. He now sat in the home his love Mary grew up in; the home where they shared so many stolen kisses. Everywhere he went, it reminded him of Mary. He sat in the large sitting room, once filled with dust and cobwebs. It had been abandoned for thiry years and took a lot of work to make it livable. It was now livable but far from finished. He would continue until it was exactly as it was when Mary lived there.

The small village they had lived in was now a large city with only a few original buildings, which were turned into historical sites for tourists. He had waited long enough. He decided to call Mary and see if she was okay. He had Audrey check on her for him, but he wanted to hear her voice for himself. He picked up the disposable cell phone he had purchased and dialed her number.

“Hello, Mary, my love,” Maurice said at the first hello.

“Maurice, is that you? How did you get this number?” Mary asked.

“I have my ways. I needed to check on you, see how you’re doing.”

“I’m fine. You know the council is looking for you; they want you dead.”

“I figured as much. That’s why I left; I just needed to hear your voice. I will check on you from time to time.”

“Maurice, I cared about you once so I’m telling you this because of that. You need to stay away and not contact me. It’s for your safety.”

“Mary, I still love you and I will call you again soon. Don’t worry; I know how to take care of myself.”

Maurice said goodbye and hung up the phone. He felt encouraged by what Mary said. She may be confused, but he knew deep down she still cared and this wouldn’t be the end. In fact, it was just the beginning.





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